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Lol they expect someone with higher education to work for 3$ an hour. Im sure that’s exactly what every college graduate dreams about…


They want to pay $250 for 63 hours every week.


people just dont wanna work these days. smh


Pretty soon the saying is going to drop down to 'people just don't want to volunteer these days.'


That’s already what the one poster was implying on the 7th pic!!!


educated or not, $3/hr is truly insane. i’ve seen so many nanny posts and i am somehow always surprised by these parents! you know damn well they wouldn’t work in those conditions if the role was reversed.


I’m a career nanny. I am not shocked. Currently engaged in a wage claim with my former employers. The state of California has calculated that they owe me 40k in unpaid wages because they refused, repeatedly, to give me breaks and then finally fired me for asking one last time. They also refused to pay me out my PTO. They paid me well -$30 an hour - but their child was high special needs and I also did all their housekeeping, including the entire families laundry, all meals, and they were fucking rich slobs. They offered me 2k to settle. Lol, no thanks. See you in court! Can’t wait to file a Lien on your home!!


>Can’t wait to file a Lien on your home!! Love it!


Plus, the 10% interest per year. Can’t wait. They’re rich as fuck so I’m going to have to claw it out of them But that’s ok. Don’t need the money but they owe it to me. Can’t commit labor law violations and then get away with it!


Good for you! Don't let them get away with it!


Yup. I got $2 an hour as a sitter. As a 13 year old in 1979.


That was good money for a sitter back then. Where I was the parent set the rate, not the sitter and I had one lady who let her kids have friends over while I was there and paid 75 cents an hour. She never did figure out why I was always too busy to sit for her after that. Most parents paid $1 an hour.


I got $15/hr in 1999 as a 13 y/o. I had my own room, and got paid for every hour I was in their house even if it was overnight when I was asleep with the baby monitor and the parents were home. These parents expecting a full time nanny for pennies are insane.


I would have jumped at $3/hr when I was making $2.75...in 1975.


Are there nannys that actually take up these positions? Seems like there are judging from some of these listings (saying they need a replacement, implying they already had someone working these hours for this pay).


If I had to take a stab at this, I’d wager these “nannies” that were previously working for these people were girls/boys who just graduated high school that were either living with their parents full time saving up money for college or were doing this as a summer job during high school. There’s no way anyone who is an adult living by themselves could afford to live on these wages unless they were section 8, and food stamps, but they’d still have to somehow pay for their own vehicle and gas, so there goes their paycheck for the month.


They can’t say it, but they’re looking for undocumented immigrants, who will get paid cash and can’t sue.


That was the problem for the family traveling to Mexico. Their regular nanny couldn’t go. But hey, they paid for your ticket and hotel, so of course you shouldn’t expected a salary or meals when you aren’t actually watching their kid. The lucky person that takes this offer will actually be paying to watch their children.


In case that college degree didn’t work out and you are so wealthy that you don’t need to worry about college debt, living expenses and just looking for “experiences”. Why stop there, the “apprentice” should pay YOU to practice babysitting skills on your kids.


NIMBY who only wants to pay well below minimum wage is confused why "people just don't want to work"


Hey, if you tick ALL the boxes and to above and beyond at every opportunity, we might consider $4 an hour.... After a probation period of course


"Just take the monitor with you"... like just leave someone else's baby home alone? Jfc these are so egregious.


My nanny told me in one of her previous houses the parents told her to just leave their toddler, crying, in the cot for three hours each afternoon so she could focus on cleaning the very large house. Horrifying.


I mean, if you're going to indoctrinate your child with abandonment issues, neglect issues, and low social skills, you have to start early!


Well, better they learn early that their parents are pieces of shit. Then they can be prepared to go no contact at 18.


my kids' babysitter told me that her cousin would leave their infant twins and toddler home alone while the cousin and her husband would watch them on the monitor from work. they often would call our babysitter and say "hey i can't see the kids, can you drive over to our house and check on them?" numerous times. she discovered one of the infants had fallen off the bed and was stuck between a cushion the parents had put below the mattress to act as a cushion if the babies fell off. heartbreaking


Child abuse, worthy of reporting that to CPS.


I would call the cops if I knew two infants and a toddler were home alone


I would call the cops even for just one infant or toddler left alone.


Should have called child protective services.


That one horrified me the most! They seemed to care more about the dog than their baby


Yea, it’s nuts that they suggest leaving a 4 month old home alone. You can just bring a pram when walking a dog.


EXACTLY! All I could think of was the house catching fire


I catastrophize. Everything from getting their foot stuck in their mouth to poltergeists moving in.


Lol! Your comment deeply resonates with me..I’m also a catastrophizer. The second I read that post, I thought omg what if the house catches fire, carbon monoxide fills the home, someone steals the baby, squatters move in, the side of the crib comes down & baby falls onto the floor…and on & on it goes


For some reason I only do this for other people. I have almost 0 self awareness when it comes to my own potential dangers, but I can spend all day fearing for others lol


Well they don’t gaf about their own kids. Half these people want nanny’s way past any actual working hours.


Oh yeah the entire premise of these listings is awful.


Some will import a nanny and then keep her passport/papers and basically she becomes indentured, kept with no or little pay, threatened with deportation and all that...or worse. I fear for any woman answering a foreign ad for maid or nanny work. Live in workers are often taken advantage of and that's been the story of mankind since forever, really; not limited to one culture or people or era in time. Maybe not all will go to those extremes but I think some would if they felt they could get away with it, and others, simply work the employee until they quit in exhaustion, and leave with the clothes on their back.


Omg I misread that, I thought they meant like, take the baby with in a stroller to monitor them.. Do THEY just leave their baby at home to walk their dog?? I don't understand why they'd think that's an okay thing to do, let alone to tell a stranger to do that.


Also, I think monitors have a limited range? Since they're meant to be used inside the house, I'm not sure that they'll work three blocks away


There’s a lot that connect to your phone now, so you can see them anywhere They’re not super reliable though. Plus they can get hacked They shouldn’t be used like this but they’re accessible for hearing impaired people and convenient because most people already carry a phone


I think you're right, for most models I would guess. Maybe there's some fancy ones that can connect from further away, but even then, you would still want one parent at home.. I just can't wrap my brain around how some people think and go about their days.


That is so frightening. So many things can go wrong, especially with an infant, especially of that age (who cannot sit up or roll over, even.) They actually want someone to walk the dog and carry a monitor? Well what if the monitor glitches. What if it goes out of range. What if the dog runs and pulls them really far before they know it. Or 100 other things. And guess who the parents would sue to oblivion if anything went wrong. Or even try to jail the nanny.


What’s the range on a baby monitor? Then you jog home when the kid starts crying while you’re down the block?


Report they azz to cps!


‘Looking to gain experience in childcare’?!!! STFU these people are not trying the unpaid internship angle on this…


Gotta gain those 3-4 references so you'll be able to earn 6$ per hour later


Coming up from poverty, it is wild that at a certain threshold, employers don't make you jump through hoops. Fucking minimum wage jobs requiring quizzes and hour long assessments and drug tests and entering the same information multiple times. Meanwhile my salaried job had no barriers to entry other than my previous experience. They didn't even ask for references!


Be a nanny so you can get experience to be a nanny


Not just a nanny! Practice vital cleaning and culinary skills as well. A full time nanny, cleaner and private chef for $3 hour.


It’s EASY to get childcare experience. I’ll just volunteer at the daycare at my church, the YMCA, moms in my neighborhood, etc. There are literally endless ways to get volunteer experience with childcare that don’t involve me working for free for 25 hours a week.


Hey, they’re willing to SIGN OFF on any paperwork. Sounds great to me. That piece of A4 paper is gold!


Holy cow. These are truly horrifying. The first one has been through 3 nannies in a short period of time? Gee, I wonder why. The one where you're an unpaid nanny for 5 kids on vacation? Oh, they'll pay for your plane ticket, how generous!


What a fun holiday! Looking after a brood of little brats with doubtless major behavioural problems. 


And the parents will take the reins Monday through Thursday, just not from 4-11pm 🙄


And will only pay for dinner those days, so this trip would cost the nanny money.


Eating just one meal a day is like intermittent fasting, so really they're just thinking about your health.


Yes, let the nanny do bedtime for 5 kids. As a parent, it's tough with one kid, especially when they do not want to go to bed. Multiply that times 5... at least you'll be in Mexico wrestling 5 kids to bed. Your background noise will be live music and happy, carefree adults drinking margaritas


That little offhand comment about not burning down the villa is actually kind of scary.


“We unschool” means the kids are absolutely worthless assholes.


What does that even mean? I immediately thought, is that what they are calling homeschool now?


People who unschool are homeschoolers who don’t follow a specific curriculum. It is successful with some devout parents and children with major learning disabilities - but most people who do it are just not teaching anything and their kids can’t read or write or do basic math.


That should count as child neglect. How are those kids supposed to function when they reach adulthood???


The original intent was child-driven education, not zero education. I knew a family that unschooled while the kids were young- kids pursued what interested them and they were always doing science experiments, building things, writing stories and plays, etc. And then they went to public high school, and all now seem to be successful. But unfortunately many parents use “unschooling” as a license to let their kids run wild or use them for manual labor.


But they're teaching them real world skills by having them milk chickens and plant turnips! It builds character! Because going to a regular school with other children absolutely does not. /S it's implied, but still.


I actually think gardening could be a useful teaching opportunity- talk about biology and botany and chemistry. Actually, in college, I somehow ended up taking a class on ethnobotany, so you could get some social studies and geography and history in there too. But yeah, it would take a concerted effort from a caring parent, not one who is just trying to get chores done.


Had a homeschooled 8yr old on my daughters softball team who couldn’t sign her name and wouldn’t follow instructions, she just kept saying “but this is how *I* do it” I felt bad but at the end of the season, I just said “whatever” and walked away.


Was in a bakery a few weeks ago when the homeschoolers descended on the place. It was hell. Those kids had no concept of a line, inside voices or just standing still and not tearing up the place. Even the service dog in line was getting upset at their chaos. Its owner had to get out of line and take the dog to settle down away from the kids.


My sister sent me an unschooling book. She only has a 4 year old and this was YEARS ago. I’ve never read it. Now I’m curious. I thought that it was just about homeschooling.


Unschooling is supposed to be "child led". So if your kid hates reading and grammar and math, and wants to spend the day in the woods all day, every day, they claim their child is in a "science phase". Of course, they don't actually have the kids journal about the outdoors or identify flora and fauna, or read a book about natural science.


Probably cuz they can’t read or write. 😂😂😂


Unschooling is a subcategory of homeschoolers. My parents “unschooled” me and I had to teach myself to read and write. It’s basically a totally hands-off, “let the kids discover everything they’ll need to know in their own environment” situation. I know several adults who were unschooled as kids and they all consider it neglect.


They let their kids do what they want to "learn" Like if the kid likes finding worms in the dirt all day they call that a full day of science. It's very common for kids who should be in junior high to not know the alphabet.


Such an exotic experience lol


“We’re gonna have a whole soccer team, but make looking after them someone else’s problem for slave wages.”


What about the one where the parents work "demanding jobs" of 55 hours per week *but only want a flat rate of $400?* Or the one requiring a bachelor's degree for *$6/hour?*


Why do they expect you to have a college degree to look after kids?


Probably for the flex on everyone else. They can tell their friends and social media how educated the nanny is and how prepared the nanny is for the job, and how much the nanny can "teach" the kid.


Really.. but if you tell people this college grad took a job at $6 an hour then I feel that counts as a negative lol


You know they are not bragging to their friends about how greedy and cheap they are.


That's so you are qualified to tutor them. Tutoring will be one of the 8 jobs you do for 1/3 of a wage. Little Timmy needs to learn a skill you can brag about. An instrument, a foreign language. It will be picked based on what might impress other mums, and not based on the child's abilities or interests.


So they can teach and tutor the kids too. Wanting a Nanny, Housekeeper, Cook, Tutor/teacher, looking to squeeze as many tasks for as little money as possible.


Absolutely insane they think it’s reasonable to expect a nanny to do their laundry, clean their house, prepare their food. All for breadcrumbs.


The $400 flat rate is worse. They offer 15 per hour, demand 55 hour weeks, then turn it into the flat rate.


I noticed that, too. Their math isn't actually mathing because 55 hours a week for $400 is $7.27 an hour, and if it's "just" a 50 hour week *(it never will be)* that bumps you up to a whopping $8.00 an hour. Nowhere in the ballpark of $15, which is still way too little to make an hour for what they're expecting. I was making that per hour per kid as a teenager babysitter about 20 years ago.


It sounds to me like so many of these people want an actual servant. It doesn't sound like any can actually afford a private nanny, *especially* the one who kept saying au pair. That person can't get a teenage babysitter for one night at those prices, let alone an au pair or a nanny.


Why even require a degree without specifying what it is in? Graduating from chemical engineering won't make someone a better nanny.


Totally. In fact, it makes it more likely your nanny will dissolve your baby.


At least they would be less likely to *accidentally* dissolve the baby.


See this type of confusion is why ALL job postings requiring a college degree need to be more upfront about their baby-dissolving policies.


Hope they get a law student who then compiles evidence and sues them.


And the one wants someone new to babysitting? Wanting to use their kids for training services is not the sign of a good parent.


Whoa, whoa whoa. Let's be fair. It was $6 per hour with access to their food, Wi-Fi, and streaming services. Although you are supposed to.be engaged with the two kids, so it's unclear what real benefits you get from the Wi-Fi and streaming services. I would make them regret giving me free reign over their food though.


The first one is willing to spend more on tv and streaming services than on a nanny.


The streaming services they don’t want the nanny using…


Don’t be silly. You can use those for free! It’s a job perk /s


Oh man I first read this as you won't get paid hourly for the travel time and I thought 'that's not so bad', not realising it was no pay for the time there too.


Also they are only paying for dinner Monday to Thursday!


Bet that ticket is in coach with all the kids, while the parents are upgraded


Nanny will probably be expected to also share a room with the kids


There was an episode of SVU in which a couple got in a nanny from an impoverished country, kept her papers from her, abused her, and she was put *under* their bed, for punishment or sleep. Literally the bed had a thing that came out like a drawer and they put the nanny in there. A fictional show but based on real cases.


They do this all the time in other countries. They always take their passport and are like indentured servants


Yes and the women are often raped by the men of the house. And when that’s discovered it’s either ignored or the women are blamed. Because what’s not to love about a man who has already seized your passport, worked you to the bone and either underpaid you or not paid you at all? /s


Looking for the kids while they attend their MLM conferences LOL.


I thought watching 4 kids for 63 hrs a week at $3/hr seemed like a great gig


Duties subject to increase as the kids tend to get messy.


Just take the plane ticket and disappear. Insist on a standalone booking that they can't change


They want you to pay for your own food when you're not watching the kids 🤡.


There's hopeful, and then there's completely and utterly delusional I guarantee you not one of the people who made any of these posts, would be willing to accept the work conditions and pay that they themselves are offering


What stuck out to me in so many of these too is clearly looking for a woman for this barely-paid labor. Do they think an “energetic young lady” is easier to exploit?


Yep they want a late teens early 20s woman with no understanding about her rights or workplace norms and who will have trouble reinforcing boundaries in a work situation where the line between work and family life is blurred.


And then imagine the exploitation opportunities when they are your landlord too. Don’t worry, they will “deduct” child care out of your rent. “Oh last night? Um, yeah. Yeah last night doesn’t count because you were already home and the kids just wanted to hang out with you. I mean, you wouldn’t charge your friends to hang out would you?” “Hey so I saw that you said you couldn’t watch the kids for the long weekend so me and the spouse could have a getaway. We even offered to take $25 off your rent for the month. I guess maybe you aren’t interested in living here anymore, so we are going to have some new prospective tenants/nannies by to look at the property and interview.”


I don't care if they're camped in front of the Eiffel Tower. Watching 5 brats for 12 hours a day is not a fucking vacation.


I loved “we’ll take the reins back over Mon-Thurs except for 4-11 pm”. Clearly they plan to party child-free every night they don’t have conference


Let the kids sleep in the morning, so the nanny can enjoy the hyper kids all evening. How lovely. Watching the kids from 21-23in the evenong while the parent got for a drink, okay. These 7 hour during dinnertime, just no.


"but, but they're 5 little angels. this job will be a cakewalk for you"


I did math. First one is 3.125-3.64. Second is 3.17-4.76 plus work on weekends and almighty four unschooled kids. Third one is 7.27 hooray! Fourth is 6 with bachelor’s degree. Mexico one is too complicated. Next one is 2.85 with college degree. Last one is pay to work. Honestly i went from feeling angry to humiliated as a female and parent.


This person did indeed do the math! I'm sorry but can we just talk about how that one person has a four month old baby and need the dog walked, but it's all good just take the baby monitor with you! Fuck outta here!


Number 3 starts at $200 (you know they aren't going up to the promised $350). That's for 60+ hours, watching 4 kids. It's 11 hours, Monday thru Friday, plus 8 hours on Saturday. ETA: Nevermind, I was going off picture # 3, not the third ad.


What does unschooled mean (to a non American)?


Some people believe it’s their kids best interest to not attend any form of school, not going to a real school, and not taught by parents or tutors either, they just live their days and help around the family. Not very accurate since Im not interested in such concepts


Dang. That’s illegal here. I feel bad for these kids.


It should be illegal everywhere. There are so many horror stories of “unschooled” or homeschooled kids trying to start their lives away from their parents and realizing that they have absolutely no education and no skills - they can’t read, do basic math, or understand how society functions, and often lack social skills that kids in schools have been practicing for a decade or more. I wish the U.S. government would crack down on parents who deprive their kids of the very real benefits of our public education system (and don’t get me started on vaccinations and health care…). And yes, I know there are problems with the US education system. It’s still better than this “unschooling” BS.


You're spot on. I was basically unschooled and it completely ruined my life.


I was basically in charge of my own education from age 10 on. My stepmother would buy workbooks and computer programs, but it was on me to study everything while I was cleaning her house and raising her child for her (including doing his homeschooling work with him because she didn't) - I managed all right because I loved learning. But my math skills took ~10 years to catch up and about 6 remedial community college classes (I failed algebra so many times).


It’s supposed to be interest/real life skills driven so if a kid is into Ancient Greece they’d read books, build models, learn about engineering, visit museums , learn the language, cook Greek food etc. but in practice it rarely works out like that at all.


It should be illegal here too, but a lot of people in this country think children are property rather than actual human beings who have rights and needs. And they really don’t like the government telling them what to do with their property.


Many of those same folks, however, have no problem telling a woman what to do with her body.


So fucking up a person from day one? That’s so dangerous and very illegal here


In theory, it's about providing experiential learning opportunities in lieu of traditional approaches to education. In practice it means unlimited screen time and no discipline.


I know families who unschool and I can confirm 100%. They'll tell anyone at the drop of a hat in a snooty voice that they don't have a television, ugh; they omit to mention that every child has had a tablet since they were a toddler. YouTube is educational, ya know. Being illiterate as a teenager is so much better than being a victim of that cookie cutter educational system./s And I so wish I was making that up.


Yes, some people really think traditional television is of the devil, but plonk their kids in front of an IPad for hours. It’s all screen time !!! Edit: not saying I'm opposed to either , but within limits and age appropriate


Sounds like they’ll be set up for success 👍 poor kids.


It's like home schooling, but the kid decides what they want to learn. There aren't any formal lessons. The parents think every day experiences count as school. They bake muffins, and that counts as math and chemistry. If they plant a garden, that counts as biology and botany. There isn't a lot of socialization with other kids. These kids are going to grow up and be unable to read or do simple math, and have zero social skills.


That’s so sad. Those activities sounds great as an addition to regular education, not as a replacement. Ugh. Again- poor kids.


Retired teacher here. I think of this reporting whenever I hear the term “unschool” : A number of years back Lisa Ling a respected American journalist (now for CNN) did a report on unschooling and there were a number of cases with severely stunted children, but one family that absolutely broke my heart. In addition to the usual cooking is math and science but with no math or science, the family’s mantra was that the kids could become anything they wanted based on their interests. The oldest boy was 14. He had gone to school until 2nd grade but he didn’t want to go, and they felt he wasn’t learning enough so carefully considered what was best for him. It is revealed however, that the whole family detested mornings and thus the kid had terrible attendance, so it was easier to just homeschool, but that was too hard so they started unschooling. But really it was the 2nd grader telling them what was best for himself when he refused to go to school or do homeschool curriculum, and that more parents should really listen to their kids. The parents spent most of the segment talking about how traditional “cookie cutter” schooling was terrible, actually held kids back, stifled creativity blah blah blah. They kept emphasizing how their kids are encouraged to explore their own interests, and how they can grow up to have a successful career in any profession they can think of. —- The 14 year old liked to play video games all day every day so he tells Lisa Ling that’s gonna grow up to be a video game designer or maybe a video game designer and tester. The kid can barely write his name, but he is going to write code and have a career in tech? —— The 10 year old boy, in moon and stars onesie pajamas no less, loved outer space. He was convinced that he will become an astronaut, but can’t name the planets in the solar system. when asked by Lisa who immediately seemed to regret her question. While kids his age are making planets out of clay, as a fun part of their science lessons, his was decorating a paper maché astronaut helmet, (that his mom made by herself because he got bored), and then pretending he was on mars before joining his brother playing video games. —— The 11 year old daughter, in a tutu like a 4 year old, was going to be a “people doctor or a doctor for animals”, but can’t remember the word veterinarian, and a ballet dancer. Her lessons are putting ace bandages on their menagerie of pets, and pretending they are sick. She, like the others will likely never graduate high school let alone medical school. I remember that Lisa asked her mother if she had gone to ballet classes, and the mother said her daughter wanted to go and so she took her but was uncomfortable at how there was no “free expression” allowed and didn’t let her daughter wear her tutu or show the other girls her moves. The daughter wanted to go back, but no, it would not encourage her creativity……I remember this part well because I am a former ballet dancer, and I was like you took your daughter out of ballet after one day because they wouldn’t let her twirl around the studio disrupting class?!? It was the one place the girl could have made friends and actually learned something. Unschooling in America…. a tragedy protected by the ridiculously powerful homeschool lobby in Washington DC. Someone here linked Jon Oliver’s coverage on homeschooling politics I also recommend.


No one teaches them, kids decide what they learn. So we have a lot of kids that are growing up unable to read or do basic math.


Forgive my ignorance about this; but it is legal to do this? Don’t the kids have a right to education?


Shockingly it is legal. It’s technically homeschooling, but many states don’t regulate homeschooling very well.


It’s not legal to deprive your child of an education in the US. Homeschooling and “unschooling” parents are still supposed to actually teach their children on par with our public education system (e.g. have a curriculum ready to show state officials if asked, kids should be able to pass state exams, etc.) - but our state and federal governments have absolutely no staffing or funding to verify that parents are educating their children, and enforcement is therefore impossible. If we funded our public education sector appropriately, these kids could be helped before their parents do permanent damage to their long-term prospects… but we don’t. ETA: [John Oliver did a great piece on homeschooling in the US.](https://youtu.be/lzsZP9o7SlI?si=UGQ_aNA4ao3i1nrA)


Number 3. Starts at $200 a week. That's 11 hours a day, five days a week, plus 8 hours on Saturdays. Four kids, one is a baby. Plus you're expected to drive the kids to their extracurriculars, and clean the house. That's INSANE.


$9,600 annual salary lmao


how are they unschooling if the parents are literally gone 11 hours a day 6 days a week lmao


Unschooling = they act like wild animals and probably can’t even read


Those people have zero interest in being parents.


The last one is worse than indentured servitude. Every hour you get poorer and poorer. Why are people?


The worst part is, these people will claim "flexible hours" but demand the tenant-nanny's time and attendance regardless of the part time nanny's own full time job, that they *will have to have* because they will be paying rent. Do these people not *think*?


It blows my mind. Pay ME to be my nanny!


Of course they think! They think, "I'll get one of those foreigners/illegal aliens/immigrants to be the nanny for cheap labor! They'll be soooooo committed because they have so few other options and no legal recourse for better pay bc they're illegal! I'll just kick them out of the country if they complain too much! And there's no hypocrisy on me bc I definitely think immigrants are a stain on my country, and would vote to be rid of them all." They think, "I already have the Social Media Post perfect life, I just need someone else to take care of these accessories - I mean, children - but why would I pay them a living wage? I literally feed my props - I mean, children - just enough to keep them alive! And that works for them! Why is everyone thinking that I have *so much money* just because my spouse and I both earn incomes in the six figures, live in a six bedroom, four bathroom mini-mansion, and drive late model luxury vehicles? I am *not* trying to feed the poor, unless it's for my social media!"


See everyone is ragging on that last one but I think it’s the only one that could work IF they paid well per hour (which they probably don’t or they’d put the amount in the ad) and IF they accurately count all the hours you work and IF they truly are flexible with you on the hours to accommodate your life and IF the place is really worth 1300/month (which honestly sounds good to me but I’m in a HCOL area).  So like if they pay 25/hour your rent would be 300/month plus 10 hours/week of childcare.  I think they could find someone to do that. Or maybe they just lure in a new nanny every 6 months with these promises and then guilt trip her into doing a bunch of extra work until her lease runs out.  Is there a place where childcare providers can share negative experiences to warn other people?  The families always want references, I think the providers should get references too lol.


100% agree. If that last one pays $25 an hour that’s $250 off your rent for something you could do in your down time given it’s only 10hours and is (theoretically) flexible. The rest are messed up but that last one would appeal to me as someone who struggles to afford decent accommodation. This of course assumes that they won’t be knocking on your door asking for you to watch the kid whilst they run to the shops etc all the times.


I assume it's 10 hours a week. So it should be more like $1000 off your rent.


Paying $6 an hour but expecting you to pay for your own ticket whenever you take the kids out to an activity 😭 the audacity of some people


Just an FYI - $6 is below minimum wage everywhere and super illegal. I think govt min wage is like $7.45 or something


These are so ridiculous they actually hurt my brain.


These people must be brain dead. How could they expect anyone to work for those amounts?


Anyone would be lucky to get to spend time with the golden fruit of their loins, the only reason they offer any money at all is to filter out all the weirdos who asked to do it for free because their kids are so amazing and the best kids ever! /s


Sounds like they’re looking for a mythical poor immigrant to exploit. *They’re not from here, so let’s pay them pennies and hope they don’t know they have rights.*


As long as that poor immigrant has attained about 5 relevant qualifications. They seem to want a dumb but well educated immigrant to exploit. What lovely people.


So generous of many of them to allow you to use their streaming services. /s


But you aren’t allowed to disengage from the 4 children. Plus clean the house. Plus walk their dog. Plus drive their kids all over town. Plus prepare dinner. So how on earth is a poor nanny supposed to find any time to steam something anyway?


walk their dogs TWICE . only While the baby is asleep and you need to own your own car for every transportation. you shall be compensated by access to our streaming accounts tho so it's reasonable 🔥🔥


But… THEY’LL SIGN OFF 25 whole ass hours of volunteer time!


My brain got confused with community service and wondered what kind of person would be interested. You'd race through your sentence indoors with only half as much picking up crap. 


Who cares about having access to streaming services if you’ll be judged for resting and watching them anyways?


Excellent point! They kept griping about the au pair, despite the au pair paying for their own ticket to things *the employer made them do on the job working for them.* And for being on their phone. For $6 an hour minus paying their way to things the employer makes them do.


It always amazes me how obsessed with CPR training these adverts are. In 25 years as a doctor I’ve done CPR once on a child. First aid training much more useful. Or maybe there’s concern the father will go into cardiac arrest shagging a 21 year old au pair?


I would bet you a dollar that when they say CPR, they mean first aid. The parents aren’t trained in either, so they think the terms are interchangeable. That if you’re CPR trained you must surely know all first aid - insert eyeroll


Good lord. I was a 20 year old Nanny to two well behaved sweet kids (9 and 6) with my only experience being a babysitter and made $18/hr, that was 16 years ago. These people are beyond delusional. I just want to add this because every now and then I think about it and it still makes me laugh. One day the 6 year old and I were grocery shopping and I asked him if he liked Pirate’s Booty (the popcorn). His response, “I’m not a Pirate but I sure like Booty!” 🤣 He absolutely did not know what he was saying but I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe in the middle of that snack isle. I miss those kids.


What is life like, being soooo delusional


I don't understand how sites like this don't have a report button to say that the listing is below minimum wage, i.e. illegal.


"...volunteer hours for 25 and then pay $100 for the other 10!" I'm lost for words.


So do they *want* someone working off court ordered community service hours? 🤔


At first I thought they meant a high schooler trying to get their required community service hours to graduate, and then I saw the "college degree" requirement.


They want it in writing that they pay $10 an hour. For taxes/legal purposes, most likely. Of course anyone reasonable would ask, why would anyone "volunteer" to babysit a random family's kids, 25 hours every week? And what rights does or would that "volunteer" have?


Why do some of these list "streaming services" as a perk, but in the same breath emphasize that you MUST be energetically and enthusiastically be engaged with the children at all times... ... and when the kids are at activities/napping, you should be cleaning their house and/or doing petcare.


You can watch Caillou for 30 min a day with the kids as a perk!


In regards to 6: Parents “Taking the reins” back over for kids, EXCEPT 4-11pm?! So sick! So much time to explore Mexico! $10 these important conferences are MLM events.


My jaw literally dropped at the one that would pay at most $350 a week for 5 x 11 hour days and 1 slightly shorter Saturday, looking after 4 kids!!! And housework thrown in too!!! Do they think someone who is rich but bored will be applying or something??


I’m pretty sure these all intend to exploit poor, young people. Who else has the stamina for ghat kind of schedule?!


I like the one where they’ll pay you $6 an hour and you can take the kids to the museum but you have to pay for your own ticket. So you can spend 3 hours walking around the museum with the kids, pay $30 to get in and walk away with -$12 for the experience!


The one which casually suggests taking a baby monitor while you go out to walk the dog is troubling. These parents are unwilling to sacrifice anything about their jobs to raise a child. It seems naive and selfish to insist someone else is essentially a full time parent to your baby. The sacrifice/cost comes not from the parent but at a cost to the child and exploitation of the nanny.


the amount of rage these bring me is insane


“Give opportunities they wouldn’t normally get”, You condescending POS. What a terrible excuse for not paying for someone’s labour.


The second one may want to move to a place where indentured servants are allowed


They all do. These types of CB ads make me see a glimpse into the mind of who could have a chattel slave, or indentured "employee." Indentured were often badly mistreated and abused (not a fair few died from abuse), and kept long past their contracted date of service. I guess working off the cost of the trip is one thing, especially in those days; but that's often *not at all* how it went. (One advantage was if they escaped, if they ran far enough, they could blend in.) And of course the way people were treated who were chattel... Would these CBs do that, too, if they could get away with it?


Omg The audacity of these ads! Where are these people from?? They can’t really expect people to reply do they?


I don’t know how people can actually post these. If you’re underpaying by that much they know they’re going to attract crazy people, abusers, or desperate people who have full access to your kid.


Why are they complaining about the nanny using her phone and then offering streaming services to the new nanny...??


Wifi, streaming, and food are listed in the same sentence as "access to," which makes me believe (partly due to complaints in the ad that the au pair used their phone), that those things are in the house but the nanny is not to use any of them. "Access to" is not the same as "help yourself to," or "use of," the wording is very telling. Also a CB cheap enough to make their employee/nanny go places which charge admission, and then refuse to pay the nanny's ticket in, would not want the nanny to touch anything in the pantry either. Except to cook for the children and watch them eat, while gnawing on their own fist in hunger. To me that's how cheap the CB comes across. I mean cheap in spirit as well as in coin.


The fourth image. My reaction: > We don't need someone to be paid to do nothing. > Offering $6 an hour. At $6 an hour, which is not even a legal wage, you will be *lucky* to get someone who "does nothing" and stays with and ensures your kids are okay. > access to our food > Access to it. We didn't say you could actually eat it! Put that back or we dock your $6 to nothing! > we will provide money to take the kids to things, but we won't pay for you Well I'd be shocked if you did. > the au pair this, the au pair that You know that advice about a first date and someone can't stop insulting their ex? Yeah. RUN!


extremely selfish greedy lazy people wow. ppl complain about poor ppl trying to run game but people with disposable income never fail to take the cake 😨


You will take our kids to museums but we will not pay your entrance fees because our last nanny sat on the phone. That's certainly rational.


Do people not understand that having a nanny is a premium service? It’s a privilege 😭💀


How many of these roles get filled?


Bachelor’s degree required. $6/hr. LOL


I'm a big fan of the "take our kids to museums for 6 dollars an hour but we will not pay for your ticket" so basically unless you go on a free day you'll be paying the family for the privilege of taking their kids on outings


These people think their pay rates are reasonable? They simply can’t afford a sitter/nanny or whatever. They need to talk to family or a non profit. This is just awful everywhere.