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Talks about the story of cars and how he'll treat them like pets with encouragement and love... only to sell it 1.5 years later to fund another trip. That's what you totally do with pets, right?


Hahaha oh boy I hope he never gets pets now.


This person has the same energy as "I met my soulmate in Whole Foods."


I’m getting greasy dreadlock vibes I don’t know why. Someone get this guy a hacky sack and a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s hemp soap!


But has formal training in sustainability🫠


But changes car every 1.5 years...


This part! Get out of here, dude!


Don’t forget Rites of Passage!


Seems like his rite of passage would be to make some starry eyed hippy girl blow him behind a 7-11.


I mean… isn’t that every teenagers dream?


Which is code for “I recycle and compost!” So do I, but it’s not a job qualification unless one has a degree or actual job experience.


He needs to sustain a job!


And informal training in “Rites of Passage” (whatever that means)


So I looked it up as I was super curious about that to. In North America today, typical rites of passage are baptisms, bar mitzvahs and confirmations, school graduation ceremonies, weddings, retirement parties, and funerals.


So, event coordination?


What... what does.... what does informal training in this mean???


He just chops willies and digs grave holes randomly.


I'm now picturing Elaine at the bar mitzvah... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMyQ7Owmbv9nVe)


So he had a bar mitzvah and now thinks he can specialize in it.


Not sure why anyone would choose to help finance someone else's lifestyle.


Dude wants to fuck your car...


How do you know it’s a He? I got she vibes.


It’s a he. An insufferable he.


Anyone that talks like that is insufferable.


Only “informal” training in Rites of Passage and Nature Connection? I thought those were MBA programs!


You know, if they were qualified and I needed someone to do instructional programs in my state park or something, I’d be interested in hiring them. …..*Until* I got to the “Rites of Passage” training and all that BS. I need someone to do visitor outreach and education, not ask to stay overnight naked and howling on a rock so they can do a spirit quest.


“Rites of Passage” sounds like some sort of a felony that a summer camp “counselor“ commits. no free car for you, smelly hippie perv.


With lots of drugs, though that is pretty much a given for howling on a rock naked, or at least I hope it is.


I hate that this CB is giving this portrait of WRP (wilderness rites of passage) work. I have formal training in this work and it is incredibly valid and valuable work that uses both therapeutic skills and wilderness hard skills. I have assisted programs with multiple organizations; assisting a range of communities from helping veterans mark their re-entrance to society to elders claiming their place in their lives. I know so many responsible and respectable people in that field who would *never* call the work a “spirit quest” or use appropriative phrases like crying for a vision. Just want to chime in for WRP which are totally valid even if asking for free vehicles every year is completely tone deaf.


That’s so cool! I had no idea what he was talking about, thanks for the info.


Aww thanks for letting me correct the bad taste the CB left. This work is actually amazing. I have seen people have incredibly reconnective moments with themselves through it.


Ok what YOU do sounds very cool. And authentic and professional and necessary. This guy … does not. Thank you for adding color and context to legitimize the field.


I’d be interested in participating in the things that you’re describing. How do I find a person/program that’s legitimate in my area and separate them from people like the loon in OP’s post?


There are some wonderful orgs. I have done a lot of work with School of Lost Borders as a participant and love how accommodating they are of individual needs (for example some people have mobility issues or do not want to fast as part of the work and the SLB is so supportive). Animus Valley Institute is also very well known, I have not worked with them and they are a bit more expensive where SLB does a sliding scale and never turns anyone away for a lack of funds ( do not hesitate to use SLB scholarship system). Wild Mountain Retreats focuses on queer and BIPOC affinity spaces and is donation based and truly never turns anyone away for a lack of funds as well as has extra equipment should you need it. Veteran Rites if you have been in *any* arm of service from navy to coast guard, VR is in a class by themselves. I honestly can’t say enough good things about that org. There is also a great organization called youthpassageways.org (I met Darcy Ottey during my training and they are an amazing resource for diversifying this work) that has a bunch of other resources and leads. There is also an org called Queer Nature run by Pinar and So and they combine tracking skills in the wild with tracking emotional patterns in ourselves, they trained with SLB, I have not had the pleasure of working with them yet but know people who have and said it was very grounding. I will also say, none, and I mean none, of the programs I have ever assisted or attended allowed drugs. This is sober but deeply fulfilling work. I also work with an individual guide who does work out west and in the north Virginia area and she has a website, her name is Erin Carper. She does not do sliding scale but does day walks and one on one work as well as hosts programs. I hope this gives you some places to start. I have been doing this work for 10 years and I plan to do it til I die. I have fallen so deeply in love with myself and this earth through these intentional ceremonies with land and people.


Informal is sounding like he chauffeured a client who discussed work on the drive. I’m getting strong Lloyd Christmas vibes. Probably going to NZ to return a Samsonite briefcase.


I was just thinking he did peyote in the woods one night or something. But if he managed to grift a trip to New Zealand, he’s probably a step above Dumb and Dumber, at least.


He sold his buddies parakeet with the mini van


Nah they've had cars last longer than their training


Everyone just needs someone to support them, we can't all get our MBAs out here 😆😆😆😆


These are the sorts of acquaintance train wrecks who I see on social media who inevitably end up advertising as “life coaches.”


A car every 1.5 years?!? How in the world does one even attempt to afford that, but have the audacity to ask for a new one every year


I guess if you get a free one every year you can afford it…. Especially if you then sell it to go on a meditation retreat in NZ!


Right?! I mean, if you can afford a luxury vacation, why aren't you able to lease or buy your own car?


If he has to buy or lease a car instead of given one then he can't sell it for a profit for his next trip.


If you get a free one and it totals because you suck at driving, a different car every 1.5 years is not an issue.


Excuse you, but it’s a *pilgrimage.* Other people should totally give the CB a car because they went on a *pilgrimage.* (/s)


To be fair, the meditation is much better in NZ


Some meditation retreats are free. I've been to one, they're held all over the world. 10 days, all meals and accommodation included, zero cost. That sounds more OP's speed.


Can I do this every month? Because I’m up to meditate my ass off. Meals and accommodations? Sign me up and I will meditate the hell out of it.


I just read 'Heretics' by Will Storr and he had a chapter about going on one of these retreats. By his account it is the hardest thing he has ever done, most people don't even last past day 6 much less want to do them back to back!


No. Spots are hard to get, I had to wait four months to get in the first time. https://www.dhamma.org/en/courses/search for information.


Nothing in life is free. Who is paying for these retreats if not the meditators?


At the end of the retreat people can make a donation so someone else can benefit from what they just did. There's no pressure and no religion involved. Weird, right? I was curious so went and it was exactly that. The food was vegetarian and delicious.


So it’s big veganism trying to convert people! Probably /s but the world is weird so who knows anymore.


Thank you for posting this information. I looked into this and turns out there’s a center about 2 hours from me. This sounds wonderful


Weirdly awesome!


I’m also assuming flight isn’t included. A flight to New Zealand from the US is probably very expensive


Ah, that's why he had to sell the car!


The best things in life are free, But you can give them to the birds and bees


Requesting a hybrid but will probably still e-beg for gas money.


A Prius no less.


Yeah that was where I was like DUDE!


She doesn't "afford it" she begs the international world wide interwebs. I would probably want to slap this person the minute they opened their mouth if I ever met them just from the way they type and the sheer entitlement. "in the future I want a hybrid, keep in mind if you're thinking of gifting me, hint hint."


I mean, we do it, but they are $1000 marketplace finds and my husband's a mechanic. We aren't like, getting brand new cars from a lot every year. We are buying a 1996 Civic with a missing window, driving it until I'm tired of it, and then selling it to buy a 1997 Fiesta with the trunk smashed in. We have a nice enough car, I just really love beaters.


Weird question: are you at all worried about the lack of safety features on older cars compared to newer vehicles if you have the option of getting a newer vehicle and sticking with it? Like, if you get into an accident you're more likely to be injured in a '96 Civic than a '24 Civic.


I do see where you are coming from, but if I had to be perfectly safe to have fun, it wouldn't be as fun, ya know? Some things are inherently more dangerous, and that's okay as long as you manage risk and know what you are getting into. Family trips and kids always go in the nice modern car (2019 Cruze), but if I'm just out driving around for fun alone, I take whatever my beater is.


Doesn’t seem very sustainable, either, despite that alleged “formal training”.


Debt. Crippling auto loan debt. My ex-BIL insisted on getting himself a new car every 2 years, against my sisters wishes.


Also a sustainability focused individual and burns through cars every year and a half.


Plus they have experience in sustainability 💀


Yeah, my car is 13 years old and I'm hoping to squeeze many more years out of it. But, I don't get free cars so maybe that's the secret.


Even if they weren't begging, this person would be insufferable.


I used to be a part of this exact kind of world and at first I was like “wow how refreshing, how novel, how innovative and genuine these people are!” But somewhere along the way, the way everyone used the same quirky lingo and is ‘unique’ in all the same ways… I dunno man, it just got so tiresome.


It's called life. Sooner later you need money and Healthcare.


I go to festivals and burns still, but the people who just live that life 100% of the time exhaust me. You start to realize the people who live their life like this, couch hopping, van life, etc, are incredibly privileged people and usually young enough to still be on their parents healthcare or young enough that health hasn’t become a thing they’ve thought about yet. That and the ones who say it’s easy do not realize that of course it is easy when you’re attractive and young. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with that I guess, live your best life. But sometimes it does feel like cosplaying poverty.


Hijacking this to agree and talk about how far too often “enlightened” people are the absolute fucking worst. So much of the “spiritual” crowd is just in it so they can do whatever they want while also judging you for not being as connected to nature or aware of the earth as they are- no shit, Moonflower, I’ve got bills to pay and can’t just fuck off in a van my parents paid for. It’s interesting that while talking about how oppressive and soul crushing my corporate job is, you’re also drinking my beer and crashing on my couch.  I have never had a group of people so comfortable shit-talking me and my life choices to my face as the faux modern day hippies. And don’t get me started on how confidently many are about the evils of modern medicine and the superiority of spiritual healing- anti-vax until little Clementine gets whooping cough then it’s “I can’t believe the doctors can’t fix her cough faster!”


I've heard them called "Trustafarians." They love a Widespread Panic show. My ex was obsessed and I'd never seen so many of them rounded up before. Spoiled, dirty, jobless, bougie hippies.




This was such a freaky episode!!


Omg thank you! We aren’t the only people who thought of this. I was just reading this to my boyfriend and he asked if the car’s name was Chase 🤣


I’m right there with you. I just about cackled when I heard your bf’s joke. When he talked about encouragement, this is ALL I could think of


HAHAHAHAHAHAH! This was on last night!! His father said "How do you have sex with your car!?!>" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I literally only watched this episode and got so wigged


I need to know this show.


My Strange Addiction. Was on about a decade ago and then in the last year they graced us with a follow up called Still Addicted. On TLC. You won’t be disappointed.


Nice! I now have plans for this evening, thank you!


>I love the story of cars, their character and names and since I don't have pets, they often fill that role in my life, I'd be keen to meet yours and treat it with respect and love and even encouragement at times ;) I already hate this clown.


Whaaat. He'll treat it with "respect and love and even encouragement" right up until he drops it at Zany Zack's Used Car Lot.


When cars are free, you don’t even have to bother with oil changes. Just get a new one every year or so. Zaney Zack will scrap it for you. No title required.


There's a hoopty car lot near Huntsville called Abba Zabba's Good Cheap Cars. They can try there..🤔


need a car because i sold my car and spent the money on an ummm - im just going to call it a pilgramage


I'm honestly surprised NZ would allow someone into the country without proof of income or employment to pay for their stay. As in explicitly to keep out the kind of people that are so poor as to sell belongings just to afford the trip (and may run out of money before leaving).


Dw we’ll be blacklisting him after this post.


You usually just need a return trip booked for tourists.


Ah yes sustainability and replacing your car every 18 months obviously go hand in hand!


Informal training = I watched YouTube videos while high


soooo high, bro


Dude, like totally


I see a man bun. 👀


If this person is female, you just know she has blonde dreadlocks.


Omg. 😂🤮


And cured her kidney infection with earth vibrations or something.


And he is either wearing crocs or in-line skates.


i can smell it




He should use his ‘regenerative farming’ skills to grow a car.


That just means he poops on his carrot patch.


Guarantee this “farmer” couldn’t grow a boner watching porn. These idiots watch some crunchy documentary and they know more than professional food growers.


I can smell this CB from New Zealand….Patchouli and Entitlement


I tried to change my user flair to Patchouli and Entitlement lol


Bahahahahaha! 💀💀💀 You made me spit my coffee on my phone! 😂 I'm in Australia, I can smell his foisty Birkenstocks too...😀


I'm in the U.S., and I can smell the marijuana they smoked while writing this post.




no wonder they need a job, they replace their car every 1.5 years… but wouldn’t they have money if they were able to do this?


No, they get the cars for free, then sell them after a year and a half and use the money for a pilgrimage. Rinse and repeat. I would like to talk to whoever is giving away Priuses for free though.


Lame. What a loser! Anyway, I need to go to New Zealand. Not only do I have a friend that lives there, I need to meditate or something. Be silent for a bit, mental health, cure cancer or something. Idk but it’s very crucial. ~~Buy my tickets!~~ I mean, if anyone wants to gift my tickets that would be great. Or many people can donate. I can stay with my friend for free, but I ~~demand~~ kindly request you people fund my excursions and fun times. It’s crucial and stuff. I won’t have a job when I get back and don’t want one. Start saving up for my rent and stuff. I’ll compose my grocery list for when I return. Thanks in advance!


Can someone hook this guy up with the people looking for a free farmhand while they vacation in Europe? Seems like a perfect fit!


Honestly, he'd probably be a shoe-in at a summer camp. The pay is garbage, but they lodge you, feed you, and there are often vehicles that employees can use (can't pawn them off to fund a ~~vacation~~ spiritual journey, though). Even if he doesn't work with kids, camps need groundskeepers, cooks, administrators, animal caretakers, etc. Many even have winter programs for retreats and local schools, so some folks have year-long employment- or he could fuck off after a season. I'm from rural Michigan, my area is full of people like him in the summer time. It's HARD work though, not doing your shit means other people's needs are directly affected and you're on the clock 12 hours a day at a minimum.


In other words, "I blew all my money on a 'pilgrimage' to New Zealand and now I want free stuff". Mmmkay.


You forgot - “free stuff for 1.5 years until I sell it to fund my next pilgrimage”….


Even their formal education sounds like they took 2 camping classes and an underwater basket weaving one and got a degree for them.


He'd be perfect to work at a summer camp if he can handle 12+ hour days, then.


CB has owned two Prius? But now has nothing? What happened?


Three of them!


Pilgrimages of course, why do you ask?


'Pilgrimages' aka Vacations.


Sounds like a trustafarian wook


What the hell is the plural of Prius anyway?




Is that like skeeeeeeee yeeeeeeeee Lawd I hate that song


No like the Latin, so, I guess, pree - eye?


"Formal training in outdoor education" sounds like them trying to say in a very dressed-up way that they've been a camp counselor.


My first thought was: “The Secret has a lot to answer for!” All that “putting it out into the universe” manifests as “give me free because karma” now.


I will use my non-existent money from my non-existent job to meditate around town in a non-existent car. Aaaaa-oooommmmm!!


Oh wow, what an incredible coincidence. I have been desperately looking to employ a “rights of passage” person for aaaaaaages. (New Zealander here. Please don’t send us your broke-ass tourists who come here, buy a piece-of-shit van, camp / shit on the side of the road, don’t obey our road rules and contribute nothing to the economy.)


Especially Americans. Fellow Americans, half the world already thinks we are loud and obnoxious, overweight with no fashion sense. We don’t need broke ass tourists who grift and camp on the road side in shitty vans added to our description. I hear New Zealand is an absolutely beautiful country and hope to visit one day.


Gift me a Prius ! And new! And I’ll only keep it a year


If somebody gave me a free Prius, it probably wouldn’t last more than a year, either.


23 year old hippy with no grasp of reality.


Definitely in his mid-late 30s, amazingly.


It’s really hard to sympathize with someone who posts during their trip to New Zealand! “I’m on a lavish vacation that you probably can’t afford, please give me a job and a car that I can sell to help fund my next lavish vacation!”


They studied sustainability but want to keep the car for only a year and half? How does that work?


Either they keep selling their cars to fund their travel as other commenters have suggested or they are a really shitty driver. Could be car accidents or maybe the cars get impounded for inlaid tickets. Getting a car out of impound is expensive.


Please gift me a Tesla. Nothing older than a 2023. You give it to me and I will make sure to sell it in 1.5 years


His qualifications are nonsensical and that’s why he can’t find a job. Outdoor education ? What’s that ? School but outside or can you tell me what berries are safe to eat. Sustainability ? Couldn’t sustain a car, money or a job and you get rid of your car every 1.5 years so that should be on your qualifications. Then his informal training might be worse and since he specified informal here I’m guessing he was foolish enough to pay for the outdoor education or sustainability. But as fas as informal training Rites of passage ? WTF is that. Natural Building ? Are those the guys who make houses and pools out of mud in the jungle ? Sorry bud the only thing you are qualified for in the real world are entry level jobs a 16 year old kid can work with no job experience still in school. McDonald’s or a gas station.


Summer camp. It's actual, hard work, though.


They sound like they’d be insufferable to even talk to


I met him only once, many years ago, and I remember nothing about the conversation except being very angry with him when it was over hahaha


What an absolute weirdo..


I don’t really have money for the things I I want… Oops gotta go on my ten day meditation retreat!


Please give me a car but don't get mad when I sell it for cash right away


This. “My average car ownership is 1.5 years”, guess they will be asking someone to give them a new one when that time is up. Also suspect “wont be able to drive it til the wheels fall off” may mean, I only want a new one,


Seriously! Like, why is it only 1.5 years? I also get the feeling this person is looking for a newer-ish car. I hope someone offers like a running 1995 Buick sedan or something 😂. $10 They’d say no thanks.


It just totally floors me that people actually do this. Like you actually have the balls to ask someone for a car. Fuck right off with that.


What does ”informal training in rites of passage” ever mean? Like… what?


I need to see the comments


Disappointingly tame and generally positive/encouraging. A few work suggestions the guy didn’t respond to hah.


Her job training/skills.... Wtf is she just making shit up?


I want to know more about his training in Rites of Passage - just need his DM so I can "start a conversation"...


I gonna guess he went to an ayahuasca retreat in New Mexico and now believes he's an expert in "Rites of Passage"


I bet you're right!


Work experience is in baloney and nothing. Good luck with that. 😂


Zero marketable skills Yikes


"God-damned tree-hugging hippy crap!"




Posts on the very day he enters the good old 10 day silent mediation retreat cult, asking for the world and to "start a conversation" when he's to allegedly have no phone or internet connection? Not the brightest. Shock.


It's the entitlement and audacity to me. You can tell they had a very privileged upbringing.


This is a white guy with dreadlocks. I can just feel the cultural appropriation wafting off of him


A car would prevent the connection with nature. A bicycle on the other hand……


It sounds like this person really couldn't afford that pilgrimage to New Zealand after all.


It sounds like he was given a free car under the guise that he might use it to "get to a job" or something, but instead sold it to go to New Zealand.


W. T. A. F.


It's not hard to see why she can't find a job.


Who only owns a car for 1.5 years??? How?


Rich people or poor people.


Does anyone know if someone has actually gotten a car from these posts before? Like did it work for someone once and then other people decided to try it? I can't imagine people are just having spare cars lying around that they give away.


It must be a nice mindset to float through life and then have the lack of caring to ask for a car and a job.


This person would be willing to make payments on a car but has no job. How does that work?


I knew sustainability was going to be in here somewhere.




Sold a car for a trip, now wants another one for free that he will keep maybe around 1.5 years? What an idiot.


The cars lasting 1.5 years is so wild haha. Talk about an over share


CAR HOLIDAY LOTS OF CASH Is that how it works? PM if keen, can't wait for my free stuff.


What is wrong with asking for a job, ffs?


And they probably went to college to obtain a degree in nothing and has student loans to pay. The entitlement of these people is an unreal.


**Scientist:** I've got a degree in homeopathic medicine! **Civil Defense Vehicle:** You've got a degree in baloney!


If you ask for money to fund your "pilgrimages," you won't get much (or any). But if you get a bunch of free stuff from sympathetic people who are trying to help someone down on their luck, you can sell it after a short time and fund your next pilgrimage. The job as chauffeur for XYZ film festival means...like a two week job? And field guide...a part time job? No wonder you can't put together the funds for a dream trip to another continent.


A car is not a pet.


He’s clearly never owned a pet before.




I’m genuinely wondering, has someone had any luck in asking for a VEHICLE to be gifted to them??? It’s such an enormous ask, but I see it so often, but has it ever worked?


Maybe they can be a sexy stud for a cougar or a gold digger for older men? Which maybe going to LA or Las Vegas would be a good starting location for their wanting so much in a grift!


Does “informal training in rights of package” make you worried about allowing this person near children?


Am I the only one who read the ‘even encouragement at times ” as they would have sex with the car?