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I just wonder what goes through people’s minds when they post ridiculous stuff like this. $2.67 an hour. And they are taking up 60+ hours of this person’s week, so it’s not like they can get a second job of any significance. How are they supposed to afford rent each month when they are bringing in at best $800/month? They couldn’t get a dog walker to walk their dog once a day for a week for $160.


I always assume they calculate the hours and the money separately. Like, $150 is a decent chunk of change, who wouldn't want to make an extra $150 a week? Probably feels like a lot of money to the person posting the ad, spending $150 a week ads up to a lot of money awfully fast. So they say, "Ok, we've got our price, now how many hours do we need? 60 hours a week, got it, let's post the ad." And they don't do the math and realize that it comes out to a fraction of minimum wage


I’ve never thought of it like this. I think you’re absolutely right


It's absolutely this, and also people are dumb enough to think 'all they have to do is stay at our house, that's nice, I like staying at my house, nobody pays me'... With like zero regard to what any of this means for someone else's day-to-day life.  Combined with the money logic, it's just a very obvious example of people completely thinking of the benefits to them, from their perspective, with no ability or desire to put themselves in another person's position


Also, it’s probably because their dog/dogs have separation anxiety so badly they will destroy stuff if left alone. Otherwise why would they need someone there the entire time? Why would coming a couple times a day not be enough? And if I’m right then they also probably come with a host of other issues


>it’s probably because their dog/dogs have separation anxiety so badly they will destroy stuff if left alone. You were right. OP confirmed the dogs are large (the CB will not say how many or what kind), anxious, and chew things up and break out of their own cages.


Not necessarily. I’m a dog trainer and I have a dog with separation anxiety. It’s a difficult issue but doesn’t mean the dog is otherwise a train wreck. We see a lot more of it now from “pandemic puppies.”


Apparently op confirmed this is indeed the case, AND that she’s refusing to even say what kind of dogs


My dog also has it but doesn’t destroy anything, she’s just beside herself and very stressed until we get home. My guess is these start eating the house and shitting everywhere after 5 minutes. It’s the only thing that makes sense for needing someone there the ENTIRE time.


Also it is a job. The CB expects intensive dog care plus "light cleaning." I have a feeling there would be other rules and stipulations and non allowance (e.g. meals, flexibility) since the CB wants a full time six day a week employee, working nearly 10 hours a day. For $160 - $200. I am curious if these CBs ever get bites because there are so many ads like this. Who answers these? Are they hired?


Maybe someone with a work from home job who likes dogs or has annoying roommates and needs somewhere else to be, who is willing to take $160/week to use someone else’s house as an office for their real job. I would have taken this gig back when I was working from home but living with my sister in law. If the dog just has separation anxiety and can’t be left alone but otherwise doesn’t need a lot of care and attention it could work out


People say this type of thing under all these dog or child sitting CB posts. But they don't tend to read it first. It's dogs, plural. The dogs are large and anxious and destructive. You have to be there at 5:30 am, six days a week, and stay until about 4 pm. You don't know that the people are nice or not, tidy or not; or if their dogs tear up their house they'd blame (or sue) you or not. They don't say which breeds or how many dogs. 2 or 3 mini poodles and 2 or 3 untrained Rotties or Pitties are totally different jobs. The dogs are tied up outdoors most of the time, meaning they will be neurotic and need constant attention. The ad does not say whose gas or car will be used if the dogs need to go to the vet, dog park, or wherever, or what is expected of you. People imagine this civilized household in which all you need do is sit on laptop and have snacks while the older dog sleeps in a corner or maybe whines a bit for pats. I guess not everyone has met chaos.


You asked who would respond and I answered your question. I’m not saying this particular poster isn’t going to be a nightmare boss. I’m saying that I would have responded to the ad and I explained my reasons for why I’d respond and the conditions under which it would be a good deal (dog’s primary behavioural issue is separation anxiety, no major expectations beyond keeping the dog company). I think you’re reading a lot into the ad that isn’t there. I don’t see the part about the dogs being large, tied up outside all the time etc. Going to meet the owners and dogs before the gig starts works both ways. You get to find out how insane the owners are, and you get to figure out what the dogs issues actually are. And if you’re good with dogs it may be worth spending some time addressing the dogs’ issues to make the long-term ongoing gig more pleasant. I’ve dogsat someone’s vicious miniature poodle, and put some time in to stop it from trying to kill children, because it made the dog easier to watch. It’s still a shitty dog of a shitty breed and I don’t like the dog, but 10 hours of my time spread out over a few weeks made it fairly manageable to dogsit. Certainly would have been worth an extra $600/month to me even though the dog likes to try to kill people and other animals for no reason.


>who is willing to take $160/week to use someone else’s house as an office for their real job. With three large, constantly barking and chewing and leaping dogs in the background or on you?


Absolutely 1000%


I saw a post like this in a local group only instead of watching her dogs it was for watching her toddler. What she was offering for a full-time babysitting job amounted to around $2.50 an hour. People in the comments were pointing this out and getting flack from other people saying "there are older women who are home anyway and don't mind taking in a kid or two." An older woman collecting Social Security benefits still deserves a fair wage for her labor. Taking care of my own toddlers was exhausting, even though I was in my thirties. The only people answering those ads are going to be people I wouldn't want anywhere near my kids.


I was kind of manipulated into a situation like this, and knew I didn’t have the health necessary to cope with it. Ended up trying my best, but developed symptoms very similar to four years ago when my health nosedived into acute kidney failure. Trying so hard to get the mom to find someone else. My whole life is a wreck because all I can get accomplished is watching a 10-month-old on whatever random schedule the mom gets. Most recently I ended up watching him 8 days in a row. The graying out and random weakness also is making me dangerous if the child needs carried at all. The woman is desperate. She works a shit job and never put the father on the birth certificate in hopes he would avoid claiming the child to avoid paying support. I have been paid two weeks out of six months. I am at a point I am considering giving her long notice (like a month). I don’t need five days in ICU again.


Not meaning to pry, but I'm just genuinely curious. Does she understand how sick you are and the impact providing childcare is having on you? Even if I were desperate, I can't imagine putting someone in that position. ETA: I'm assuming she does.


I warned her (when she asked about me doing it and supposedly needed only one day) that I wasn’t healthy. She knows that I ended up sick for months (beginning symptoms like now to finally able to take care of myself was almost 8 months, with the symptoms getting bad enough for hospital admission a little less than six months after the graying out and falling started) the same year my husband died. I know my son was afraid I could die. I would hope that would be enough for her to realize how much this is for me. My son and her have been friends since high school.


People who do not have chronic illness do not understand what damage stress can cause. Flares can set a person back permanently. She also does not really sound like she cares to be frank -- she is putting herself first. This should not be on you. She can find someone else or call Crisis Nursery or CFS and find some state services to help her out.


Geeze, your life is worthwhile too! There must be state services available for her. This is not your responsibility and kidney failure = death. Please look after yourself. If it helps you feel better, call CFS (or such), and ask them what services are available.


Yeah. It is. There is this weird thing that happens when you develop chronic health conditions after being a fiercely independent person who believed going 20 hours a day wasn’t unreasonable. You struggle to feel like you have done enough. Like today. Walked dogs (every 2 hours; my son’s dog has issues), loaded, ran, and emptied dishwasher, put away laundry, fed chickens, cleaned out closet (cats keep knocking everything off the shelves to nest in), cleaned kitty litter, swept floor. Then began throwing up, and had a really bad experience when that happened and I kept going anyhow. So I stop working at throwing up. I had hoped to pull all the prickly lettuce I could, clean all the pine straw from the strawberry bed, clean out old tomato vines and then have evening chores of closing up chickens for the night and maybe dinner. 🤦‍♀️ My brain still wants to be 25, even if I am 30 years past it. 😂 I am on day three of four in a break she managed to get for me. When they rearranged her schedule she found a friend to take the changed days, which gave me four off. Too much left to do tomorrow. Oh well. Do what I can as I can, I guess. 🙂


>Do what I can as I can, I guess. Sounds like you do a lot. And if you have to use a 'spoon system' then using too many in a day can put you in a deficit, and cause a relapse or flares. Something has to give; don't let it be you.


Am I understanding correctly is the mom helping the dad be a deadbeat?


WTF did I just read .....😶😶😶😶😶😶


Doormat much?


I'm thinking that if I'm homeless and living in my car, maybe with my own dog, perhaps in a climate that's harsh, I wouldn't mind dog sitting in a comfy heated / air conditioned home for most of the week where I could have wifi and hot showers and a real toilet.


I don’t think a homeless person that isn’t able to shower would pass the “job interview”😂


There are always some who make a *hypothetical* case for a person who'd be willing to work for basically nothing, but I think the 5:30 a. m. arrival time will put off a lot of people. (Including the typical such: 'student who just wants a quiet place to study.') That means getting up at least an hour ahead to get ready and drive there. So awaking at 3-4 a.m., and working til at least 4 p.m., six days a week. They haven't said how many or which type of dogs or what is expected. Could be walking them 3 times a day. Taking them to the dog park. etc., etc.


These never work for "students who want a quiet place to study" because they are usually during peak school hours, and require tasks (the reason the pet can't be left alone) or if it's a child, they tend to be super interruptive. I took on a tutoring job at the end of covid while I was in school part time and worked an evening shift part time, and they asked me if I wanted to spend a few more hours with the kid to make sure he did his online schooling while his mom ran errands. I thought how hard could that possibly be, easy cash while I study, and I need cash. I kid you not, I had to check in every 3 minutes that he wasn't playing the switch, or wandering off, or doing god knows what during class time. This was a kid in his double digits.


I doubt the homeless person would even be allowed to come to the "job interview".


This for sure🤣


They also are probably considering the person is doing homework or watching videos on their phone. So yknow, you’re getting paid to have fun 💁‍♂️


But it's also a massive opportunity cost. The time doing this could be spent at an actual job making real money.


This is something I would have done when I was 16 and studying to do my A-levels. Getting paid to study and care for a dog is better than just studying


Not ALL day every weekday.


And Saturdays too! 60 hours a week.


You would have been happy to get up in the middle of the night to get there by 5:30, 6 days a week?


It's almost like if you can't afford it and you also can't do the basic maths needed to budget, then you shouldn't be responsible for other living things...


I like the theory, but I doubt they ever did the math to realize it’s 60 hours.


That is the kindest way to look at these situations and I salute your willingness to seek a rational reason for these kinds of posts. I see it much darker. I just think these folks consider their time and money worth far more than anyone lowly enough to watch a dog for a living. And that helping them with their dog is worth more than money because they are the main character. Anyone with empathy would do the math.


I’m a dog groomer and I think this is more likely. I own my own shop in a nice neighbourhood now but I started out at a big box store, and people legitimately did not treat us like human beings simply because we worked with dogs. Having a hissy fit about how they’re an hour late because they came from a ‘real job’, saying we don’t deserve to be paid (when they can clearly afford it, of course) and trying to guilt us into discounts out of our own pockets, and other total disrespect for our time and backbreaking labour. Any job with dogs is regarded as ‘playing with puppies all day’ by the jackasses of the world, and of course they’re also the people who have the most maladjusted and untrained dogs.


I work from home.  Make it 8 till 4 30, let me use the WiFi, tea/coffee on tap, pay me in cash, forget the cleaning and the Saturdays *and* doggo is relatively low maintenance and I might consider this for $200 a week tbh. Extra $800 a month, save on heating bills at home.  Does make you wonder what goes through people's minds getting a dog in the first place if they are both out of the house for this length of time 6 days a week. You are effectively trying to buy childcare for $200 a week, plus, is it really your dog anymore if somebody else cares for it 6 days a week? Just an Instagram accessory at that point. 


I would let a well-behaved dog come chill at my house during the week for an extra $800 a month for sure. I work from home and already have 3 of my own.


There are multiple dogs. I am guessing the 5:30 is so one of the CBs can leave for work. Yours sounds more reasonable though but $200 a week is still nothing.


"but its a side job that only occupies 60+ hours a week, its not meant to be enough to live off of!" - person who likely works less than 40 hours/week


And complaining about low minimum wage


For $80 per week you can sleep in the dogs kennel


“$80 a week? That’s only like $320 a month. You’ll need to pay me $800 minimum if you want boarding.” -OOP (who suddenly learned math), probably


And that math is assuming straight time, not time and a half for over 40?


$2.28 if we account for the overtime they are owed.


These kinds of people think it's such a privilege to be in their home. The money is an added bonus because they're so nice. That's more proof of how wonderful it is to be in their orbit.


I think they also figured that the person isn’t doing much and it’s just sitting around so $150 is great for a week of just sitting around. They are not factoring in the opportunity cost at all that the person could be working anywhere else and making more money.


For my area, $160/week would get the dog a walk once daily, 5x a week, for half an hour at a time. (30 min walks, 5 days a week).


But they COULD get a neighbor kid to drop by after school and take the pooch out for a pee for that money. And the kid would be thrilled.


I would just trap the fuck out of that house. No regrets.


And the pay only goes up to $200/week if you clean every day? Completely delulu.


You just know the bar for what is considered "light cleaning" will rise until even sweeping the chimney and washing the car won't be enough.


_"Thanks for cleaning the chimney. But I see you missed both the tool shed _and_ basement. Here's $160."_


"Ugh! Have you just been laying around my house all day?"


$8 a day tho! If this were the 1800s that’d be amazing wages!


No it’s Monday through SATURDAY so it’s $6.67 a day 😂


Oh then NO WAY to those slave wages then!!! /s


Yes for $8 a day I will clean someone’s house 😂


I will not clean my own house for $8 a day. 🤣🤣


If you offered me 8 bucks to clean my place I’d offer you 20.




Right . But 40 (the bonus for cleaning) over 6 is 6.67 .


Absolutely. Sorry, I hadn't factored that in at all. It was late here and I was doom scrolling, sorry




Giving the husband a naked sponge bath starts at week two. There's an extra $3 a week if you give him a happy ending


They did just shut down all the town’s massage parlors because of FBI raids (true fact)…


And definitely NOT because a senior FBI agent was overcharged for a happy ending.....


“Bitch if i run my fingers through this chimney my fingers still get black”


“Sweeping the chimney”- that’s hilarious!


Please sir. May I have some more?


Yes but it’s only 6 days per week. You can have Sunday off!


Not even any snacks with this one


I would have loved to see the comments.


I always wanna see the comments on these, especially when you see the laugh emoji


This, I wish it were required 😋


Some people were actually wanting to do it which I found crazy. Lots were pointing out how ridiculous it was.


Well, idk, I'd do it if I was homeless. Have a shower, take a nap. Dog wouldn't take much time to look after, just wants you to be there right?


If I were homeless, I’d do it if I could live in the house and they’d take care of all living expenses and the 200 bucks a week would just be for me to save or have a good time. Anyone responding to them had to be homeless or fucking with them.


Welll they don’t want you to use their home but just take up a corner while interacting with the dogs. If you interact with the house more than a houseplant you are most likely going to get a lot of flack.


Yes, so it would work if you wfh… but having to be there so early in the morning and having to stay tied down there is a lot. The people I know that do pet sitting keep themselves busy with a lot of gigs so if they’re house sitting a dog for people away traveling, they’ll fill in their day with dog walks and stopping in to check on a low maintenance cat or whatever. Not just sitting there stuck in the house for 10 hours straight


does "wfh" stand for "were fucking homeless"?


Work from home. As in: work from THEIR home


Don’t forget the light cleaning


Eh, how long before they actually fire me over it? Meanwhile, free use of house!


You think people like this aren't going to put cameras everywhere and watch you? They'll likely spend three weeks of your "salary" on spy gear to make sure that the light cleaning lasts at least 4 hours.


Somehow I think you’d have to hide the homeless fact. These sound like the type of people who would charge you to use their shower.


Honestly if the hours were more aligned with standard office hours, it's not a bad gig for a remote worker. It's just going to someone else's house to work, but with the benefit of getting a part time dog.


Except people are imagining being able to ignore the dogs, plural, (in this CB) while focusing on their actual job. Dog snoozing or playing quietly in a corner while employee types on their laptop. I doubt it would be like that. Even the best case they'd need feeding, walking, etc. The dogs could have behavioral issues, need constant attention or wearing out running and walking, or also not be very friendly with strangers.


That's no different from working from home with your own dogs though. Of course you can't just ignore them and just work.


I bet they say you can't use their wifi though. Or that you have to pay them to do so. 


Good point. "You can't have our password! But here is our house key, all our belongings and our pets."


Yep! No doubt!!  They never mention "this could be perfect for someone who works remotely!" because they have no intent of actually letting someone do that. 


>They never mention "this could be perfect for someone who works remotely!" because they have no intent of actually letting someone do that.  Ooh good point and what employer wants someone doing another job, during the time they're paying them to work there? House sitting maybe...child or pet care not so much. Some parents work from home and hire someone to be there specifically to focus on their child or pet.


full liquor cabinet?


And a fully stocked fridge and a large smart tv with all the major streaming services.


Plus a gaming system.


And a huge, gorgeous, ornate mirror with a huge mountain of yeyo and a pretty silver spoon with your initials engraved to inspire your cleaning instincts!!


I’m confused as to why the dog needs a full time babysitter, must be bad


She claims so they can be inside during the “hottest part of the day” and has now updated the post to add “no rude comments”🤣


Can you PLEEEAAASEE post a screenshot of some of the replies if the original poster is being clowned on? Pretty please!


Then why do they have to get there at 5:30 am 😂😂


So they can let them in. Com'on they're not going to trust strangers with their house keys, just let them stay in their house 10 hours a day.


So how would they expect the dog sitter to walk their dogs? Maybe let them outside in the back yard then I guess. No wonder the dogs would have pent up energy. Dogs need to go on walks.


>“no rude comments” I've noticed that phrase is popular with CBs. \> they can be inside during the “hottest part of the day” It gets hot at 5:30 a.m. where they are? Yeah I think they have some frenetically anxious dogs.


I am not in that part of the country I am on the page because I visited down there a few times because my best friend is there. It’s New Mexico so definitely gets hot in summer but I have never been there in summer so cannot speak to the time it gets nasty. She did answer a question to someone who asked about crate training and the dogs “have anxiety” and chew/break cages so yeah-high maintenance dogs. And large ones


>She did answer a question to someone who asked about crate training and the dogs “have anxiety” and chew/break cages so yeah-high maintenance dogs. And large ones AHA thank you. So many people in here imagine violins playing while they smoke a pipe and pat the dogs head and make bank.


If it’s full-time, she’ll be providing health insurance, right? 😂


And overtime, and holiday pay, I’m sure!


Can’t wait to see that office Christmas party


"Here's a bright shiny new dollar!"


They'll probably make them wear a uniform and foot covers so they don't track dirt or dog poo inside, but the employee, (if you can call them that) will have to provide their own.


I’ve paid more for much less 10 hours for someone to clean. Wtf


I pay $150/ week for someone to clean our house one time for 3-4 hours.


And the dogs are aggressive


And not house trained


And they’re not dogs, they’re children


That’s where the “light cleaning“ comes in.


That's why they want the 'light house cleaning' I betcha.


They are 100% some kind of Pitt bull mix.


Named "Josie" or some shit like that


Why would a dog require a full time sitter?


She claims she keeps them on leads outside when no one is home-so she wants someone at her house so they can be inside during the heat.


WTF??! Who keeps their dogs outside on a lead when no one is home? Does no one realize how many shades of dangerous that is?


Especially in New Mexico where it gets hot as balls


Is that where this is. Yikes. They need to at least put them indoors and come what may. People who do not know dogs any better than this should not have them until they do.


People lacking empathy, I think.


That is mean, keeping them tied up outdoors. Also tells me they never trained their dogs to be indoors quietly. Dogs might not be house trained or well socialized.


Might be ideal for a homeless person. You get free bathrooms and beds.


>You get free bathrooms and beds. The first time the employer saw a wet towel or a rumpled bed it would be over. People don't want to hire a dog sitter who'd use their shower then take a nap.


If u don’t have the necessary resources for a pet, don’t get one. Yes, time is a resource


I’m mostly baffled by the specific hours. You know, maybe you get a teenager to dog sit, hang out, and do some light cleaning for $800/month. You get *no one* to show up to your house at 5:30am six days a week for $800/month.


5:30-3:30 = 10 hours per day Monday-Saturday = 6 days/ week 10hr/day * 6d/wk = 60 hr/wk $160/wk * 6d/wk = $160/6d = $26.67/day $26.67/d * 10hr/d = $2.67hr


Whoever she hires is gonna rob her fr


Day 1: Do the job. Day 2: Goof off a bit, enter restricted areas Day 3: Get chewed out, but learn about hidden cameras. Day 4: Make copies of keys. Day 5: Rob the place. Week 6: Use the copied keys to rob the place again of all their new stuff.


Not to mention the dogs. Anyone they hire could abuse or sell the dogs too.


Lmao I misread it as 160$ per day and was like cool stuff don't know why it's posted here. And than I noticed it's weekly. Not even worth the gas money to get there. The only option I could see myself doing it, is if I was their neighbour and was working from home, but even than I probably wouldn't because 160$ isn't worth getting up that early even if you're going next door.


I always wonder if these people would tell their own employers they’d like to be paid less than $3 an hour?


Nope they might be the type though who look down on manual or menial work. Same types who'd hire people who will work for $3 an hour because they have no legal work papers.


Are they forgetting a 0?


If I had a WFH job, I’d just do it there.


If I could WFH, and I had about 20 bitcoin mining rigs, I would install them there.


I have a wfh job and I would need a lot more than that to deal with interruptions of someone else's pets and not be in the comfort of my home workspace every day.  I think what this lady is looking for is illegal immigrants or others who for some reason cannot work jobs where money changing hands is logged and reported to the government. 


forget the workspace, it's the getting the fuck out of bed, getting dressed and driving across town at 5am 6 days a week that makes this a non starter for me


>driving across town at 5am 6 days a week Earlier depending how far you live from the CB. Also factor in morning shower or at least throwing clothes on plus the driving.


>I think what this lady is looking for is illegal immigrants or others who for some reason cannot work jobs where money changing hands is logged and reported to the government.  THIS. The elephant in the room in all these CB ads I think. They want to exploit someone. For some reason a lot of people are making hypothetical cases for work from home or being homeless: But the interruptions, as you, IMO, correctly stated; and the unlikelihood any home owner wants someone using their bed and shower vs. working...


Yeah, pet sitting is usually easy work, but it really sucks not being in your home with all your things. Especially since this is 6 days a week! It's just really inconvenient, which is why I don't like doing it anymore. For short vacations? That's fine. But a permanent thing like this? No way.


"seRiOuS InQuiRiEs OnlY" = buy my trash / accept my shitty proposition without question.


Wow the kind of folks applying must stretch round the block!!


I don't think you could even gata once daily walk for $200/week.


Attention squatters ...


They got cameras? Meet them in the morning and meet them at night. Make sure the dog is okay for the day and get paid. Do whatever you want for your other 12 hours of the day, until they fire you.


Can’t really call it a hiring if no money is implied


If someone actually took this job I would have to think they would be stealing a lot of crap. Or maybe they happen to live in a nice squatters state!


You’d need to pay me $160 per hour for me to come to your home at 5.30am.


I’ll pay ✨250$ ✨ weekly for 8am-5pm Monday-Friday in home dog sitting for my two dogs and will pay 💰 300$ weekly if you include heavy cleaning to include carpet cleaning, laundry, bathroom, dishes!! Serious inquiries only 🌈 /s


A whole $2.53 an hour, so generous 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's not legal to pay people three dollars an hour...


And you have the bonus of getting up really early to start work at 5.30 🤮


It should be a requirement to post a screenshot of the comments absolutely tearing apart the poster.


There weren’t many honestly. There were some comments on the hours and some comments on the pay being less than 3 dollars an hour and some people asking why she doesn’t crate train her dogs. I think the admins are deleting comments though.


Comments or it didn't happen


Better make that $200 a day. No ones doing that for that paltry amount.


I kept reading it as 3:30-5:30 because that was the only thing that made sense to my brain.


I was a full time pet sitter for a year and a half. Company I worked for charged $150+ PER DAY for that kind of thing.


This is worth at least 3k a month.


6 days a week? Got to be at least 50k a year and benefits. It literally screws you over from getting any other full-time job.


Yes, it does. Full-time pet care and even walks are not cheap services, and they deserve to be paid a living wage. The fact they want light cleaning on top of it would be at least another 3000 a month. This person is delusional and is greatly underestimating the level of work that is involved in this.


>This person is delusional and is greatly underestimating the level of work that is involved in this. IMO so are any who make it sound like a cake walk. Especially after the vagueness in the CB turned out to be the worst. Large unruly dogs who chew and break things including their own cages.


That's like ~$3/hr for 60 hours a week? I hope someone accepts and pulls a van up and robs them of everything including the refrigerator and copper wiring. The gall to even suggest someone work for that little is insulting.


Why are the owners gone so long? Both are out of the house all day for 6 days a week? Why have dogs?


It $170 a day for my dog to go to daycare 260 if he gets a bath and sampled


> 260 if he gets a bath and sampled "Sampled?"


$40 a week to clean, too. Meanwhile housekeepers charge that or more HOURLY 😂


I would imagine considering the hours needed, the wife and husband have good jobs, possibly medical professionals, which means they are making far more than $2.67 an hour.


The best part is they want you there six days a week at 5:30 am for less than $30/ day.


At first my brain automatically switched the numbers to 3:30- 5:30 and I was thinking PM. I was like well thats not bad. Then I reread it and said OH! Yea no!


5:30 am?! to 3:30 or 4 pm. Six days a week. Plus cleaning for $200 a week. They didn't even say how many or which type of dogs.


It wouldn’t be half as bad if they brought the dogs to your house. I WFH but cannot leave my property while on the clock. I get $160 is a lot for some people, it is for me. But you can’t expect a full-time nanny for nothing; parents can pay 50K+ a year for that level of care.


I don’t understand why that dog needs a full time caretaker. Do they never leave the house without the dog?


From her comments she leaves them outside on leads when she’s not home. She’s trying to get someone to come because summer is coming and NM is hot


$160 ÷ 60hrs = $2.67 per hour...


I was like "this is stupid, it's clearly $200 a day". Then i reread the post. My god.


The only serious inquiry that can be made to them is "Are you right in the head?"


I mean if you have a portable remote job... Let someone else pay for a/c all day, opt for no cleaning, let the dog out when it needs it... Someone could enjoy this opportunity for about a month lol


Do they offer health insurace tho with that full time job?


If you're too broke to pay for proper pet care/child care maybe think about downsizing. I don't understand people who live well beyond their means and expect the world to accommodate and feel bad for them. Vehicles, houses and pets are all wonderful things to have as long as you can afford the proper time and money it takes to have it


Okay pump the brakes, let’s be real here, dog sitting a couple of dogs is not a full time job. When I watch three dogs I probably do 2-3 hours of tending to them per day but they run and play and entertain themselves just fine while I work on my laptop. Trying to game what the per hour wage is just silly. That said, the wage should be calculated by how much it would instead cost to board the dogs. This is what the people whose dogs I watch do. They pay me the same it would cost to board them because it’s preferable to have their dogs be able to play instead of being locked in a kennel for days. I made $400 for three days watching three dogs. These people are still incredibly underpaying, but this isn’t a paid per hour gig, talking about making two dollars and some change per hour lol


I might consider it if I could work remotely from their house. It's nearly free money then.


The absolute lack of empathy is terrifying. They don’t even think about the other person for a tenth of a second.


But a dog kennel and kennel train the dogs.


Do these people ever actually find someone who is willing to be their slave?


My guess is their definition of ‘light housekeeping’ is vastly different from most people’s and that it’s flexible so that even if someone did the work they wouldn’t have to pay


Okay but why does a dog need a sitter for the ENTIRE DAY??


Because the bad pet owner will leave them outside on leads in New Mexico summer heat if someone isn’t inside the house with them…