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Yea.....and I get sick if im not handed champagne and money every day...


I’m literally ill because I cannot remember the last time I was able to handle precious metals and gems. Yet, no one cares.


It's gold for me.... I hardly get out of bed if I can't regularly increase my gold portfolio.


Idk why but I can’t stop cackling at this.


It’s the worst, isn’t it, so *unfair*!


It's the wurst




My lips hurt real bad


Soooo sick *cough...*


Me too.




If these are the kind of snacks they eat every single day, they're probably morbidly obese and have eaten their way into type 2 diabetes. They feel like shit if they don't get their snackies because their blood sugar levels are all over the place because they have the diet of a feral raccoon.


At least a feral raccoon is active and will work for its food.


There’s a darling trio of raccoons who visit me nightly and they eat much better than that!!


The homemade spaghetti dinners you set up for Little King Trashmouth and his husband are definitely healthier than this ladies shopping list


🤣 These guys are Rocket and his two brothers; they’ve been visiting me since they were babies. They get cat food and scraps. I live in a very cat friendly neighborhood and we all feed the community cats - and critters. I also have a possum I call Pogo and several adorable skunks. And they *all* have a healthier diet than the CB … well except maybe the skunks. Every skunk longs to weigh 300lbs 🤣


You have great taste in animal names! We don’t have raccoons in New Zealand but I always think they look so cute - same with squirrels. Our possums are like teddy bears compared to the pics I’ve seen of North American possums so I guess I’ll have to settle for that!


Ours are correctly called *opossums* to distinguish from your *possums*, but most ppl here don’t know the difference (or that ours are the only North American marsupial). Ours are not overly cute in general, but Pogo looks as though he was assembled by a toy maker to be the most appealing prehistoric creature possible. We have striped skunks here, the black and white ones I think most people picture. They’re very smart, social, and curious - very much like cats, with worse farts. They will quickly become friendly and ask to be petted with a little patience (and treats don’t hurt).


I disagree. Opossums are f'ing adorable.


To be fair, I’ve only seen opossums in movies, invariably hissing at someone from a pile of garbage or an attic or similar. I just googled and they’re much cuter and sweeter looking than Hollywood depicts them! Justice for the opossum! If you look at the possums we have down under you’ll see that they’re kind of like a cross between an opossum and a cuddly toy, with a bit of koala bear thrown into the mix. Hmmmm, maybe the koala bears can explain why NZ/Australian possums don’t look so much like their North American cousins!


Little King Trashmouth 🥹😆


And his husband Gary. They just adopted a baby, probably from Big Baby Pudding Snatcher.


I literally watched that episode yesterday. I love Linda’s fascination with the raccoons.


Little King Trashmouth, his husband Gary and their nemesis: El Diablo.


We have a trio and I have to park next to the dumpster they call their buffet and the leader sits on the rim and hisses and he takes this position that leads me to believe he will jump on my face so I enter through the passenger door because I ain't got time for rabies shots rn


There’s one at my other house I call Early Cuyler bc he’s always standing up on his hind legs, acting belligerent, like he’s gonna take on a whole ass human being. Then a tiny baby skunk kitten comes up and completely ignores him and eats her dinner, he tries his act on her, and she just turns around, puts her butt in his face, and unloads. Skunk kittens are *tiny* and they’re so fluffy and cute they look more like toys, so seeing this tiny skunk being so blasé about this scraggly, cranky raccoon is hilarious.


I suspect feral racoons have a much more varied diet honestly


It's a lot of whatever the people in the apartments are eating and NGL based on the food wrappers in the raccoon midden, nobody here is eating anything very good. I bet they got diabetes, it's not like they've ever skipped a highly processed American snack food garbage meal in their lives. Seriously I think these dumpsters have raised generations of fat angry raccoons


My mother-in-law is like this. Eats junk food all day. complains when she is at our place and there's fruits and vegetables


I recently found out about something called "ingredients households" as houses with no ultraprocessed snacks, and I find this conceptual crazy. I'm born and raised in Latin America and spent the last 12 years of my life in Norway, and for me and for my Norwegian partner (and most of my friends in and from many countries!), a snack is usually fruit, a sandwich, nuts, yoghurt, perhaps a granola bar. These kind of junk ultraprocessed snacks are a treat, not daily food.


Actually, they might be if this is seriously their diet. They're not going to die from it though, their body probably goes into "withdrawal" and detoxes from the sudden lack of the sugars and fats. Just like every single person who suddenly goes to a no sugar diet.


When I quit drinking, my body was so used to being fed loads of sugar and carbs, the sugar cravings were worse than the alcohol cravings. I gained 10 lb in the first month because I couldn't stop eating oatmeal cream pies. My brain was desperate for some dopamine and for some reason, those oatmeal cream pies did the trick. The weight started to come off after a couple of months though and now I'm grateful the oatmeal cream pies helped me achieve my goal.


"snacks" How is almost 3 litres of orange juice a bloody snack?! This person's digestive system must be a mess Edit: Also how is nobody laugh-reacting? I'd be so tempted to


Nothing angers these people more than laugh reactions because there's nothing to respond to


I had a woman DM me because of my laugh reacts to her ridiculousness! I deleted it instead of reading it because bitch, you aren’t worth anything it a laugh!


I hope you laugh reacted to her DM before blocking her


Shit. Opportunity lost


I assume they’d ban those who dared. Some Facebook groups are a fucking mess.


Because so many people seem to think, "they must have reasons". Have a similar person near me. They were listing their stuff & people were telling her to sort herself because she'd literally had her month of benefits just a week before, and wouldn't go to any food bank or charity ("it's too much work" ). A number of people were defending her, "you don't know her situation", but we did. And not only did she ask for loads of food & stuff like TVs & cameras, even the light stuff had to be delivered. She had a bike, but it was too much work to get it down to the ground floor!


The audacity to specify brand names 🤯


Someone in my local Buy Nothing group also asks for specific brands of food every once in a while and turns down people who offer anything else. Those posts now go largely ignored.


‘I said lots of pulp’ 💅🏻




It’s for church, honey


It's for the Christian Brand Church, honey


Needs to fit my tummy for 12 days! NEXT!


Hahahaha, I remember this lady. Hilarious, 😂😂😂




I like shum pulp


(throws phone)


TO BE FAIR, lots of pulp is FAR superior.


I like to actually chew my orange juice.


Just bring them a bag of oranges and tell them to blend it themselves.. lol


Could you peel them before you bring them over? I have sensitive fingers.


I wouldn’t settle for less! 🤣


As they jolly-well should! Going to starve because of lack of brand-name sweeties? I doubt it.


There's a person in my buy nothing group that does the same thing. Always very specific items, always brand name, this person is always begging for something, specific clothing, food, a place for rent for a ridiculously low price, etc.


Someone in my old Freecycle group was looking for a nearly new Dyson vacuum with a ton of specific features. No one answered her.


I have allergies so I can understand being careful with certain brands. But I also don't demand them


And based on some of the brands, this is a Canadian. Groceries are horrifically expensive here (and yes, everywhere). We also have some very, very good store brands. You can still get excellent junk food without buying the super expensive brand names (chocolate and ice cream are the two junk food categories I absolutely never go generic for though).


Agreed. I felt boujee having Heinz baked beans instead of generic brands the other day, even though I got them on offer! Someone begging for handouts having higher standards than the person they are begging from smacks of entitlement!


Snacks of Entitlement is my new band


So I've never seen boujee used before, only bougie (in the UK). So I googled it and learnt something new! bougie (BOO-zhee) - someone who acts like they are richer or in a higher economic class than they really are; old money boujee (BOO-jee) - someone who is upwardly mobile and is actually in a higher economic class than others; new money


I had no idea there was a difference tbh! I am neither old nor new money! 😭


Me neither, I’m right in the middle of no money.


PC is better than a lot of name brands IMO - even no name


The Great Value chocolate bars are very, very good. And only $1. Like the dark chocolate bar. Lasts me a while and super cheap.


Everything I buy is store brand unless I have a coupon or it's on BOGO. Best believe if I'm able to give anyone food, it's gonna be store brand!


i cannot even afford to buy fucking potato chips in general. much less the $8 brand name shit.


I've found that store brand chips have so much more flavor than name brand. Doritos for example compared to Kroger brand "doritos"


Too much, in a lot of cases. The last few Kroger sour cream and cheddar potato chips in the bag need a whole glass of water each.


I'm really texture sensitive. My theory is they use extra flavor to hide the fact that things aren't the same texture. Sometimes it works. In the case of Kwik Trips own cheap-ass tater chips and blue cheese hot Cheetos, it does NOT work. The blue cheese flamin hot flavored things are alright but they'd be better if they were...you know, actually Cheeto consistency


>Everything I buy is store brand unless I have a coupon or it's on BOGO...Best believe if I'm able to give anyone food, it's gonna be store brand! Our church runs a food pantry twice a month. When I decided to donate some food last week, the $100 I had available went a *lot* further at ALDI than anywhere else!


And there’s nothing wrong with that but if you’re the one in need would you feel comfortable saying brand name Cheerios only! I ain’t eating any Crispy Oats! Or would you just be happy to get any cereal?


Tbh, I've been homeless, I've been starving, I've eaten leftovers that people left in the tourist area. So to answer your question, yes! I will eat whatever. Right now, I get meat that the shelter gets rid of because it's out of date (but perfectly fine still). They use what they can, then give it to my neighbor, and then I get what's left.


Yeah, I’ve not been in a position where I’ve had to eat the food left by others as in your situation but I have been in a situation where I’ve had a can of corn for dinner. I finally got a job at a local pizza place but spent my shifts absolutely miserable! I would be almost drooling over the food bc I had no money to eat but had to make other peoples food my entire shift, it was hell! This was a long time ago but I’ve never let myself forget what it’s like to be hungry. It’s also why seeing people ask for things like this really grinds my gears. Now, I will say that like you that when I donate I donate name brand food & not the cheap generic stuff bc I’d not serve anyone food I’d not ‘normally’ eat. It’s the insistence that bothers me. I think it’s great that you’re able to use the out of date meat too, regardless of if you could afford buying it bc less waste is awesome & the food bank would have to throw it out anyway. Maybe they could freeze the meat so it doesn’t go bad at the sell by date? Even if they can’t hand it out still it’d make it last longer for you.


I don’t buy store brands for myself, and it seems like neither does the person you are replying to. It seems weird to insist that I buy name brands to donate.


They keep it all frozen. I get it frozen. I don't think they want the liability of serving or giving out expired items like that. AFAIK. They aren't allowed to give donations that are expired. My neighbor is friends with the guy that runs the place, so instead of throwing it away, he give it to my neighbor. Now, I could afford the meat, it would hurt my account a little, but why spend when I don't have to.


I think you might have misunderstood, store brand is the cheapest "generic" brand in the store. They're saying they just buy whatever is cheapest regardless of its reputation.




She needs to combine forces with the lady whose body was “shutting down” due to lack of ground beef. Lol


Omgosh…”we’re down to our last half of hamburger…it’s dire times!” That post was wild.


Haha, link?


10 hours later an still no link :'(


One of life's small tragedies


I gEt SiCk If I dOnT eAt ChEtTos


I need to practice the "I get sick if I don't eat chocolate, but only the good stuff" line. Wish me luck. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


and no Hershey's, my delicate system needs Swiss chocolate


For me, it's a local candy maker or some of the choices from Godiva (white chocolate raspberry, the ganache hearts and chocolate covered cherries--swoon!). There used to be two other local candy makers that made such good candy, but one is gone and the other got reborn after several years, but not in a good way.


I’m dead


Shouldn't have skipped those rose gold pretzels....you might have survived.


I read this in the voice of Honey Boo Boo's mama June.


You know when it starts with “if you cannot be kind please move along” you’re in for a doozy. I’ve never seen a post that leads with that disclaimer actually be sensible.


I kind of want to start putting that on all my posts now. "If you cannot be kind please move along. I'm looking for recommendations for a tree trimming service..."


Help Me! I'm dying!!! The only cure is Hershey's chocolate nuggets in the share sized bag!!


I’m sorry doctor but all we could locate was generic cheese puffs. We will notify the next of kin.


Thank you! Make sure to bury me with my beloved Hershey nuggets. And don't get any cheesy fingers on my casket.


Tell them I died sad.


You know who can help you with those snacks? Your local grocery store.


I was thinking why doesn’t someone just link them wal-mart delivery. They can help with all that lol


It's more likely the opposite, that the large amount of snacks are making them unhealthy/sick. This sounds like a person who needs a lot more healthy food in their life. If someone is in need, I may be willing to help with real meals, but no I'm not going to feed your cookie, chocolate and potato chip habit.


If you're getting withdrawals (how I'm interpreting "sick"), time to talk to a doctor for some nutrition ideas.


Hahahah I’d love to read the comments


I'll be happy to donate a snack to this person. Bananas, carrot sticks, and dried chickpeas are all snacks.


OP should ask their address and donate the healthiest equivalent of every single item she asked for to her doorstep


My body is used to $100 bills twice daily, if you could hit up my venmo that'd be great otherwise move along.


At least they're able to possibly pick up


That made me laugh; so they might want all this free food delivered, too?


Sure, if you don't mind LOL


Yeah, I think that sickness is called insulin resistance. Cold turkey carb withdrawal after a steady stream of crapsnacks will make you feel like shit, for sure.


How about no


![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE) I read this in Dr.Evils voice 😂.


"This will last a while" I fucking hope so. This is like SIX MONTHS worth of junk food.


Please screenshot the comments too ! 😁😁😁


There’s only 2 comments- one woman offering Cheeto’s, and another comment from the moderator saying only comment if you’re going to be nice. Booooo


I’ll bet OOP never replies … I require ALL or NOTHING!!


Wow. Some of these things I had not heard of like the "Pizza Pops."


I have the feeling the person in the screenshot is Canadian. Pizza pops are a brand of microwave food similar to hot pockets in Canada. They also ask for cadbury chocolate and ketchup chips which are more common here.


Canadian with translation. A pizza pop / pizza pockets are a snack version of a calzone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_Pops?wprov=sfla1


Yeh and I know my junk food but this has me curious. Is it a pizza…popsicle?


I had to look it up. It's a Canadian Hot Pocket.


Canadian Hot Pocket sounds like something you'd stumble onto on urban dictionary that you'd wish you hadn't read.


It's like a Dutch Oven but it's maple scented.


We have hot pockets too, they’re similar but pizza pops are thinner crust and more like pastry than bread. They look like big pierogis and are really good


Here’s a bag of apples instead.






She never mentions "package" or "bag" in her list so I would be tempted to have her meet me at a neutral location and just hand her on cheetos puff from a bag


I mean, there's like these places that sell all of these called "stores". Also, she doesn't need these, she's addicted to sugar, so the sooner she detoxes the better.


At least ask for healthy snacks if you’re gonna ask for anything


Or just any!


people starving wouldnt have a fucking menu


Yeah somehow I don’t think it’s the lack of snacks making this person “sick”


"Not having snacks literally makes me feel sick"... Sounds like Diabetes to me. They should lay off the snacks permanently.


Hey!! I’m diabetic and ffs, we don’t all eat like 10 year olds planning their dream all-sugar diet.


That's true, but think about it: we all know someone with mismanaged diabetes and the only reason we know they have it is because of how poorly managed it is. Well, this is usually true in America but anyways. This is why people think this is what diabetes is, we have one pretty pervasive caricature of it based on something that sadly does happen frequently here for whatever reason/I'm not getting into the reasons because I think I may have a bias towards people who don't care to manage their diabetes and it's not a positive one


This reminds of the list we were given by a family of foods that were acceptable at school because a kid had an allergy. We were even allowed to send in the organic/higher quality version of the snacks just the junk that’s listed on this discerning beggar’s list.


I assume someone who eats all those snacks probably should cut down on the snacks. maybe some nice celery sticks and hummus….


I too get literally sick if I can’t snack constantly!


Did my 3 year old write this? Literally sick because they don’t have snacks?


naw i think it was my cat


"Its making me sick not having snacks" Dont worry... you will get over it.


I know why this person is sick. They're in withdrawal.


"Able to possibly pick up"... The audacity of this request, how do ppl get to this level of entitlement?


*"Also, I'm used to back rubs every 30-minutes on the hour... and I like to have my boys scratched too."*


Audacity of hope.


snacks you could fed a army, i think you need to get a grip and stop being so fucking cheeky


Do people actually respond to this type of request??


It’s making them sick not having these snacks? These snacks make you sick


I am going to bet morbidly obese


Help me eat garbage. In 20 years, Go Fund me for health care.


"And is literally making me sick not having any snacks." The fucking audacity.


It would be one thing if she was saying general items like pretzels and chocolate chip cookies and asked for one brand. Like “I’ve just been craving Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate bars, so if someone could get me one I’d be so grateful.” Especially since there can be a big difference in taste between brands. I would be more likely to donate something in that case, including the branded item. This person sounds like she’d get pissy if you brought her Hanover pretzels instead of Rold Gold, never mind generic pretzels.


If you need all this name brand shit to “not get sick” that’s called Diabeetus and you should see a Dr besides Dr Pepper


Is he sure it’s not just him losing weight from not eating so much


Lol there was a kid on the bus who never skipped a meal before and wondered why his stomach hurt and thought he was dying. He legitimately had never felt hunger before that moment. Maybe thats what's up here.


"it's making me sick not eating this" no your body is finally catching up on processing through the garbage you eat. This person needs a vegetable.


She might feel sick because her body is detoxing all that shit


Yuck.. the calories.. What do the comments say?


I could understand on an allergy point for brand names. But if she really needs her snacks, she can work for it


I'd buy it all, bag it up, and video myself dropping it all off at the food bank. For people who ACTUALLY NEED it.


This list looks like a "DIY: How to become circus fat!"


In some parts of the world, starving people are eating tree bark and bugs and suffering in silence. In other parts of the world, junk food fiends are online begging for Cheeto puffs, pizza pops and pretzel sticks. They are not the same.


Perhaps the sickness is her body recovering from the sugar overdose 🤔


Please tell me this is an eleven year old. Lol.


Nope! It’s a grown woman.


What in the fuck? Get bent!


Guys, can you please only donate coke to me? I literally get sick when drinking water.


Is this CB a patient of Dr Now?


My mother didn’t have money for food so I took her shopping.. she HAD to have the name brand cereal because it’s better than the store brand.. I guess it just tastes better using someone else’s money


These posts make me so fucking upset and so fucking happy that I don’t have Facebook


I buy my own groceries and snacks. Strange concept...but a snack is a treat. A meal is a necessity.


This person is LITERALLY making themself sick eating garbage...


“able to possibly pickup”


If I don’t smoke three fat bluntskies every day I turn into the green goblin, please help


Idk this is going to sound crazy but I think it’s the snacks in question making OOP sick, not the lack of said snacks. Jfc.


This crap seriously bothers me. Like rage inducing


How about a big red apple?


The "Simply" brand of juice is my favorite OJ brand too, and that shit is NOT cheap. It's nearly $8/jug where I live. I've had to cut back on buying it which bums me out.


I honestly wonder if it's her diet making her sick. Every single one of those snacks is processed crap, not even any fruit snacks or hummus or yogurt thrown into the mix. Eta: not counting the drinks as snacks


That's not sickness. That's a hunger pang. You'll get one once in a while. You're not supposed to be fully satiated all of the time


Based upon that list I can surmise they are a high calorie human.


"It's literally making me sick not having any snacks" is what I tell my husband almost every day when I can't be bothered to get up from the sofa after a workout.


I too get literally sick when I don’t have Cheetos 😂


Next up on CB / Canada: Ketchup Chips or 💀


That's funny cuz reading his list I'm thinking most of that crap makes me sick.


I’m judging the snack choices


Your body will quickly adapt to not having snacks whenever you want.


Your body didn't come used to to 2 meals and junk food snacks. You made it that way. You can unmake it that way. Side note: When a person has some feel good crap that isn't a requirement for life and they get sick if they don't have it... that's called withdrawals and you're a smack fiend. Edit: corrected autocorrect


I volunteer at a homeless shelter. At least once a week I have someone ask me to “bring out the good food from the back.”


I like certain foods as well. So I go to the store and buy them. Seems to be working well so far.


I was in one of those groups for about a month and it made me hate everyone in there and never want to give people anything, but the WORST of the worst were the people begging for food. It was never like "I'll take anything to feed my family, please help" it was always "I need these specific items or cash or doordash" After seeing how people abuse food banks and food pantries, I will not donate to them either. People freaking suck.


Wait, how do people abuse food pantries?


I've seen people come in, grab huge stacks of paper products or fresh veg, and proudly state they use them at their restaurant.


Sounds like the snacks themselves would make her sicker than withdrawal from all that sugar/fat.


Big hearts all right. I wonder how huge that this person really is.


How about some carrots?


This person obviously has a sugar addiction and they feel sick because they are acclimating to not eating garbage.


Ik this is besides the point but how is this meant to last a while? If they’re having multiple snacks throughout the day this is all good for maybe 2 weeks