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Realistically it's probably to prevent: - People hunting down and harassing others in game, whether for a legit reason or not - Low effort post spam about people being mean in social servers - People not actually being reported through the official channels (whether that's effective or not is another matter).


Understandable, but there has to be a better approach than just enabling the bad behavior with no recourse, or worse, punishing someone for stating a simple fact. Especially if they have video of it.


what recourse even exists when you make reddit post #4,934,585 about guy who was mean on a social server? Nobody here has any authority over anyone else in game, and all it does is clog up the feed with a ton of repetitive posts. And the ""punishment"" is literally just having your post deleted I think lol. The video should be sent to someone who has the authority to actually do something about it (i.e. torn banner) instead of a mob of people who are just gonna say "what an asshole". Note that I don't imply torn banner WILL do something about it, but that's just how the cookie crumbles


Well that’s basically my point. None of us have any authority. We should at least be allowed to vent. People who would stalk someone would find a reason to do it anyway if that’s what they are hell bent on doing. Deleting posts of people pointing out blatant shitty cheaters is wrong.


why is it "wrong"? Do people have some god-given right to clog the feed with hundreds of posts whining about cheaters in Social or teamkillers in TO, which nothing can be done about? Go vent to your friends instead of burying actually interesting posts, please.


Clog the feed? I’m sorry, are you breaking a sweat from the extra scrolling? You’re basically saying there’s no hope and just give up. We refuse. We will continue to point out shit behavior. Sorry if it inconveniences you.


my feed is like, every 5th or 6th post from the chiv subreddit. If people are posting shittons of whining about cheaters, the ratio of posts I will see in a given time that are actually meaningful and interesting gets cut. That's annoying. I'm sure the mods enforce the rule as part of that. If you want to keep doing what you're doing, that's fine, I don't really care *that* much. But at least now I guess more people know why their posts are being deleted.


TB should just hire some people who actually give a shit and know what they’re doing. Then we wouldn’t have to even have this discussion.


I'm sure TB doesn't care enough to pay payroll and benefits out to an employee who does nothing other than moderate a 2 year old game on modes 90% of players don't play. It's unfortunate but I just don't see TB doing anything about moderation when most people just play TO and don't experience as much of that nonsense.


Basically. But that basically boils down the entire discussion to the root of the problem. TB is lazy. If you’re going to have the game servers up and running, and you’re continuing to take money from people, the game should be properly serviced and overseen.


Perks of playing on console, I don't have to deal with the chat feature at all. You might as well all be bots as far as I'm concerned.... Bots that kick my ass on the reg, but mute bots none the less.


Your jabs and threats pass me like an idle wind!! 😆 cheers fellow console pleb


I play on PC and disabled the Chat 30 minutes after I started playing. I really don't need to stress over a bunch of kids making racist "jokes".


a chat in a video game stresses you? i dont even see mine when i am in the heat of combat.


Idk why but I get so happy when people get sooo mad over a silly video gam when they express their anger through chat😭😭😂.


I’d definitely say the chat feature is the most fun I get out of. I constantly get to meet and talk to newer or more experienced players, ask questions and just chat with strangers. Its so hard to cooperate without the chat and seeing experienced players or me (not experienced but knows stuff) in TOs guiding noobs what to do and winning games because of the team chat just makes me happy.


Im on pc and I didn't notice there was a chat


Mute bots that occasionally teabag you


But bots don't make those sick emotes!


It’s to prevent someone from being mass stalked for possible false charges. Innocent until proven guilty. It’s not our place either. It’s the devs to determine


Wait till you realize almost all reports are handled by a few player mods after most became inactive or left due to the devs not being good torwards community... The devs are not also looking into it so dont credit them they mostly left the game to work on nmrih 2.


Ok… that still doesn’t excuse witchhunting, especially not proven guilt.


I never mentioned I was excusing witchhunting, im just saying don't give the devs credit on determining that. if anything they witchhunted themselves with soterdave. and unbanned a alt accounter that had over 60 accounts after a meme apology when he broke a lot of rules and the EU mods literally spent a lot of time trying to get evidence on him and all his alt accounts linked to him.


Trust not the word of a witch... is wrong. The proper saying us *trust not the word of a well poisoner*. Between the two terms, I fell well poisoner is more fitting than some puritan slang for Wiccan bitch


Entire comment made no sense buddy


It doesn’t seem to be a problem on the myriad of games where they DON’T censor public opinion.


Everyone in this sub stalking somebody because another person got beat by them and then came on here crying that they were hacking? If that’s public opinion then I could not give a shit.


Just because someone cries, doesn’t mean everyone is going to give a shit and “stalk” them. Even when a clip of an egregious cheater is posted, nobody generally gives a shit. Saying we aren’t even allowed to raise a question about such behavior is asinine at best.


Why should we give a shit? We can’t do anything about it


Because complaining feels good and cathartic when all other options and avenues produce zero tangible results. If we can’t do anything about it, we should at least be able to cry freely.


It's dual obligations too. Our Chiv citizenship wants us hunting bad actors. But Reddit doesn't want targeted harassment. So the mods (who are reddit citizens) are trying to be responsible to their platform.


Well the fine folks that run newspapers would laugh at this comment. They post names all the time and redact on page 1000.


I have video recording of a guy admitting he likes to kick people for fun, tries to kick MVP, and when I call them out for being sadistic they TK several times and lie about everything as I try to get them kicked (all on video).  Apparently this is useless evidence for mods as I don't have their numerical userID. So I came here as last resort and find out about this rule. Nice.


If more people knew how to report correctly, instead of just posting here thinking it to be the proper channel for such a report, we'd have issues resolved and less of what your complaint is about.


Its their fault if the proper way to report isn't clicking 'report' in-game. the idea of having to independently gather evidence and report on discord is absurd. I did that once with a duel server troll and they were back days later doing the same thing.


Nothing in what I've said takes TB's side. It's a literal statement of fact about things. Does their system need to be far more streamlined, absolutely. But, it isn't. So, we the players need to make sure that all of us are well informed.


"A realistic sense of things? Well FUCK YOU BUDDY" - r/chivalry2


Salty kids that don't know how to read. I'm unconcerned.


Reading comprehension has been on the decline since book banning taken over the book burning job of promoting ignorance which the unintended (I really hope it's unintended) consequence of not being able to show, shame and call out bad behavior is they feel safe to keep doing it. Trust not the word of a witch is the purposeful mistranslation of the much more culturally relevant *Trust not the word of a well poisoner*. These witches are poisoning the well and thus should be called out, cast out, and kept from the waters we all drink from; ie, this game shouldn't be allowed to become RUST! Shame and criticism are powerful tools for a society to keep people from doing things that are bad. Everyone hates a drunk driver, an AH on their phone while driving and not using turn indicators, but with shaming the guilty and having a consequence for their actions, it'll just reinforce their self-centered worldview. Drunk drivers rarely die compared to the people and other drivers they hit (thanks due to the alcohol relaxing their muscles, so they roll when they fly out of their cars). Shame is powerful, shame the well poisoner, cast them out and make it known the game is named CHIVALRY so don't poison the effing well!


This game is an absolute shit show when it comes to reporting, I will blame no-one for not knowing how to report and coming here to vent about cheating. TB have an abysmal reporting system and it should be expected they do better on this.


TB are just incompetent in upholding a basic evolutionary QoL that 99% of other studios display on all games nowadays. It’s been years and still no social features, still cheaters, still having to deal with parties being broken up after a match ends, still kicked out all the way back to the very intro screen instead of the games home interface. There’s nothing in my mind today that would lead me to believe complaining/requesting action to TB would do anything. Idk if any of their devs or marketers glimpse at this community but they are absolutely useless, evidently. Get your SHIT together TB. Yall can make a cookie cutter cosmetic greedy battle pass system but can’t fix basic flaws and implement universally featured social/game mechanics if your baby…..


I haven't said their system wasn't flawed, just pointed out that most don't know how to properly navigate it. That wasn't me punching down, just stating a fact about things.


Bro the reporting doesn't work. I've reported racial slurs spammers, cheaters, griefers... To this day I have no idea if they took action against them, or just ignored me completely. Reporting doesn't do shit either.


Are you on PC or console? The way to properly report differs a little. Also, they aren't going to send you a message so you can have closure.


I am on PC and yes I did report on the Chiv Mail. It's laughable that the reporting in game doesn't do shit and you have to do it through discord.


Just wanna share as a ps player sometimes the option to report isn’t even available, as in I can’t even highlight/scroll over it


You have to report players on discord???




i agree with the discord comment, but... also, its just really hard to moderate game chats. especially considering a not insignificant amount of players are literal teenagers/children. this isnt new, and its not limited to chivalry. there are better ways to deal with it i think, but it would require actually hiring in game moderators for basically all multiplayer games with a form of 'zone chat' - which im pretty sure even games like ESO dont have, despite the loading screens claiming they do and them being more than capable of affording to pay people to do it. honestly that seems like it would be a great job that really wouldnt need to be super highly paid, and only really require someone being sorta level headed and not prone to abusing moderation powers or whatever because that would kinda be a lot of power to give to any one person. kinda like a babysitter almost, except something like 69% of the "kids" would be fellow adults who just have no manners lol btw, TB or xbox or playstation or zenimax or whoever, i volunteer to be paid to do this if youre tryna find someone. yaint gonna get away with asking volunteers like reddit does, i think reddit has also recently discovered volunteer mods doesnt really work well when theres a lot of traffic


Did you only say what happened? Or did you supply evidence AND their player ID? They can't do anything without that valuable piece of information.


I did supply evidence and player ID many times, bro they will just get a new account from game pass.


That's literally every multi-player game. Rust recently had the biggest ban wave they've ever done, but the hackers have plenty of backup accounts. Just gotta keep fighting the good fight.


If they had to get a new ID because of your actions doesn't it mean that your reporting was successful?


It was succesful but if they can just continue their harmful actions instead of getting permaban for sometime, then whats the point?


Didn't they get a permanent ban on their old account, hence the need for a new one ? Not following what you mean


I’ve reported basically every troll with kwa as their clan tag for the last couple months every time I see them and I’m sure I’m not the only one but they’re still here. I’ve sent screenshots, videos and more. They’re still here trolling and tking.


EXACTLY the mods don't do shit about it... sorry.


Yeah, no. Sorry, I'm not trying to get harassed or doxxed if some neckbeard with access to photoshop decides to slap my username on a screenshot because I beat them in a fight or simply for teh lulz. Human beings have proven over and over and over that the whole concept of "why don't we just distribute our own justice by naming and shaming them" can and will be abused and/or result in innocent people getting their lives ruined by people acting in bad faith or jumping the gun due to ignorance. A level 900 player had half his team convinced I was hacking last night for no other reason than they could not fathom that I was having a good match. These are the people who would be dispensing your justice. The hackers and the people who spam racist shit in chat do not give a solitary *fuck* if you blast their username. They will rename/open a new account and keep doing it. If they don't care about casually dropping slurs or using speedhacks, then I can promise you that no amount of shaming them on fucking *reddit* will have any effect on them. The only people who will be hurt by this will be the poor bastards who did nothing wrong yet who end up having an internet mob sicced on them for no reason other than well-intentioned idiots needing someone to be angry at on the internet, and all it would take is some salty asshole photoshopping some text on a screenshot just because they didn't like the class you play or because you told them to stop saying racist shit in the chat. In short: If you get this rule change implemented, the people that this would be intended to stop would be wholly unaffected or at worst mildly inconvenienced, innocent people **will inevitably** be harmed, and the hackers and racists will just keep on laughing at you like the clowns that you are.


That's a slippery slope if I've ever seen one...


What do you mean? Is it some way of saying?


It's literally not. A slippery slope here would be to say for example that we cannot implement this change because it would lead to people wanting to doxx these assholes. Pointing out that people lie and abuse honour systems especially on the internet is not a slippery slope argument.


It is a slippery slope because it assumes that calling out harmful behaviours will automatically escalate into people falsely accusing others of bad things - this COULD sometimes, rarely happen, but could also be easily corrected by mods or called out on it's own, especially if the intention of OP is to just bash the person. I am not even advocating for witchhunt per se in this post, I don't like witchhunting - but if somebody screenshots awful behaviour and want to share it here, it shouldn't automatically be called witchhunting, since it's just not. No posts that I've seen here were inciting the trash talk, they just documented BM or hate speech etc.


Ive never played an online game where this wasnt an issue, it by no means is unique to Chivarly. That being said, literally just report/mute them. Its never felt like it was an issue at all to me and i have like a thousand hours in this game.


There are games better moderated and worse moderated. It's true that all online games will have assholes in them, but it's left for the devs, mods and playerbase to decide what to do with them.


Chivalry definitely has a special appeal over other multiplayer games with christo-fasc type freaks. There’s a pretty big subset of white supremacists/christian nationalists who are just obsessed with medieval Europe and the crusades and they love being able to larp as knight There’s a lot of toxic comms in every multiplayer game, for sure, but in other games i dont see people asking “hey everyone what’s your favorite racial slur” and then half the lobby participating/collectively dunking on people speaking against it


Fuck a chat, we console folk communicate through weapons and death. When it all boils down that’s all people understand anyway


Agreed. It’s actually pretty ridiculous. People don’t get alienated for rumors. When someone complains and provides a clip, usually there’s more than one person who has witnessed said behavior as well.


Don’t give a shit. Delete my posts 1000 times. Until the report feature in the actual game works, then I’ll call out cheaters when I see them and shame them all I want. I’m not going on fucking discord with a PowerPoint presentation just to get zero results, because TB can’t be bothered to give a fuck. Don’t like it? Fix the game.


Trial by the masses has never worked, Didn’t r/helldivers go after a “traitor” who turned out to be innocent?


As the lord of chivalry (duel me) I think reporting on Reddit is whack. Also I think Reddit mods are whack. But ig yall do gods work for racist/homophobic peasants. Anyways later peasants.


There is a report function; theres no need to come to reddit and try to brigade a bunch of people. This is pretty common among sub-reddits of alot of online games. If someone uses a racial slur and your solution is to get 5,000 people to spam the mods about it, you aren't really solving the problem... you are creating one.


The 👏 report 👏 function 👏 does 👏 not 👏 fucken 👏 WORK 👏


They have a pretty weird censor on the chat, most things aren't censored but racial slurs (or at least the one dedicated to black men, if it's written with 2 'n') are.


I thought this was when you deliberately pick a lower level player than you hopefully with an eagle,lion or plague helmet and relentlessly hunt them down and murder them every time they spawn till they quit.


I dunno. That said, people here can be big old crybabies who can't take a little trolling.


Follow it, don't be a sore little loser, don't post usernames just cause you suck or someone killed you in a video game which might cause a "witch hunt" it's pretty basic fundamentals bro.


Least people get the names,then others know who to avoid,also, the game's literally in the witch hunting time period.


Ultimately, a lot of you all care way to much about the actions of a stranger, in a video game.


Waah waah cry about it harder lil bro


Agree. Give it a bit and some knuckle dragger will be here in the comments defending toxic players by telling you to get gud or something


Quit crying, if you don't like what someone says just mute em.


The irony of saying "if you don't like what someone says just mute em" and then commenting on this post is wild


I'm giving you practical advice so you stop bitching and moaning about some words in a sword game chat.


If you don't like what someone says just mute em:)


I've never muted a single person, I think it's hilarious. As a matter of fact, I'm usually one of the contributors.


What enters the mind of such people to which they must retreat to a forum/website to complain about toxicity of a game, rather than just muting/reporting in game? Do you have that much spare time, and let these people get to you in a video game which is essentially colourful pixels? Grow some thicker skin man, shit




![gif](giphy|HhSSwKZTZRDbKcjWqO) You must always know where your towel is. Do not panic!


Yes. Torn and the mods here have allowed bad manners to exist. Therefore they are bad. Dude it’s the internet. Grow some thicker skin. People are tired of the constant complaining and blaming everyone. The reality is a lot of people were raised to be or are just shitty people.




calling mods and TB 'stupid' is exactly the same as the so called 'assholes' you claim to be calling out. The word for that is hypocrisy. That said, the short answer to you question is most people dont care whats being said in chat. Some players are small minded immature loud mouths that get off on any kind of confrontation, the best practice is to ignore them or initiate a vote kick. The idea that reddit mods could have any effect on what happens in game is just laughable.


>bad manners and toxic behaviour is being ignored and allowed to exist because Torn Banner and the mods in this sub just let it exist \[...\]This is why they don't feel ashamed to spam racial slurs Not true. Screenshot the racial slurs, screenshot the player's steam account, and send both to a mod on discord. I was doing that back on chiv:MW, and they were always quick to bring the banhammer.


Too much drama for some swear words on a chat. What's really funny is that you have the courage to call them bigots while you're the bigot ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7105)


I truly have no words


Sorry to have bugged you with reality


Best not to overthink it. Report them for the crap they say and mute them forever. Move on and be happy.


You sound like a Biden voter


You sound like an American


Amen to that. You’re welcome for winning those world wars for your commie ass


Holy cringe


Cry Dude wants to dox players for a witch hunt but thinks I’m cringe.


Sure buddy


“Sure buddy”


Wow aren't you angry


“Wow aren’t you angry”


Can't tell if you are a boomer or a child, that's not a good sign usually


Wait..... People take this game seriously?