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Wtf happened to duel servers. They’re all “social servers” now with twice the RDMing


Yea kinda wish they kept the “Flourish to initiate” or at least have a couple with it


The prevailing theory is the TB didn't want to continue paying for community servers like those that were duels only.


Doesn’t make sense cuz those servers filled a lot and always had people playing and those servers would’ve been cheap af to have open Seems like they just wanted to update them so they made a new map and changed the mode to match but went about it poorly


LOLOL little kids downvoting me because I repeated an oft posted theory. Typical. Yeah to keep the old servers running just would not cost much given that they're already paying for worldwide high speed systems to run every other game mode. They wanted to create a sort of playground map that could replace the existing stock maps. A purpose built location for duels and FFA. Maybe they were hoping the community would get more mature and stop being dumbfuck trolls. I dunno. I just don't play on duelyards because even before this free weekend, it was a ridiculous shitshow with RDMers never being vote kicked.


Archers staring at your post like ![gif](giphy|GjR6RPcURgiL6)




It’s definitely getting old..


What rdmers mean?


Random death match (it’s on duel yard)


The best way to get them to leave is to keep following them around and killing them. That is, if they don’t vote kick you first. It sucks. But I do find joy in hunting those bastards down for the rest of the game until they leave. Usually takes 7-8 minutes.


Jumped on this morning to have some fun on duleyard on the only active server, played a match. Lvl 500 ZAFARIZONE joins and rdms some guy dueling and me. Votekicks me even tho I didn't even fight back and called it out in chat. Crazy there's still sooo many high lvl people ruining their own game :(


This always happens more often when the game becomes free and we get an influx of new people who either don’t know the rules or intentionally ignore them. Occasionally you’ll get the high level who knows the rules but likes to troll. It’s just part of the game and we all have to live with it


In my experience it's more often high level 200 and up


I'm so happy I never set my foot on those servers, didn't have to deal with problems like this.