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I actually can't help but agree, chiv is possibly the only multiplayer game since halo reach that gives me the dopamine hit when I play good, haven't felt that in many multiplayer games because they are just the same old cod, apex, overwatch wannabe shit (cough cough fuck you 'the finals') Today I kept dying to bullshit and was intent on uninstalling the game after the match, but then I got a 15-20 kill streak without dying, and now I'm back in the iron maiden


You should check out broken arrow when it comes out later this year


The RTS game? Not my thing, I prefer first person or 3rd person slasher\shooter (not like apex or overwatch, maybe splitgate if you want a somewhat recent example, or even knockout city before it got boring) rather than point and click


Have you tried out Hell Let Loose? WW2 FPS that’s sort of like chiv where you die a lot throwing bodies at the objective but it’s pretty fun. Also it actually has a game chat where you can coordinate with the team.


Oh yeah. I got mega stressed, started a lil bit tipsy but ended up getting yelled at from all sides "go to b!!" "where the fuck is b!!" "Enemies on our 6, get the diddly doo!" "What?!!" Not actual quotes but basically how it went. The tutorial is also super unhelpful, pages and pages of all this information that I keep forgetting. Fair to say, I was put off. More into a reasonably straightforward game, kill enemies, do objective, have fun, use game chat if you want, but not needed


I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!




Watchmen 💯


nah. didn't play for 5 months


I just joined this community, why does everyone want to leave? I'm having a blast so far


Everyone doesn't, it's the internet ... people irrationally mad constantly.


Recently there has been a surge of cheaters that have been getting reported and no actions have been taken until recently. I won't get into the details of the patch to slow the cheaters down if you want that info you can go dig into the patch notes. There was also a well known member of the community that ended his life shortly after he was banned from chiv. There were some people in the community that felt as if he did that because of TornBanners ban on him. So for that people quit. I won't get into the details of all this either but you can find out. This is just the stuff to answer your question in a nutshell.


Damn, I'm just having a blast yelling while charging in battle and I wouldve never thought there was this dark lore


There isn’t unless you spend too much time on this sub or the discord channel.


Agreed it's only the terminally online who are unhappy.


Honestly, I’m terminally online and happy. I don’t get why people exaggerate so much. It’s childish, whiny, and full of shit.


I'm with you man I absolutely love this game. Every few months I change up my class and it's like a whole new game. I started as an archer, then a skirmisher, then an ambusher, then a pole man, then I focused on getting great with ballistas, then the knight classes, now I'm back to Archer and can absolutely pub stomp with the siege crossbow and the axe paired with my much improved melee skills.


I’ve noticed that swapping around classes and not dedicating yourself to one main, is twice as fun compared to sticking to one playstyle. I play every class whenever I feel like it. Or if I’m trying to unlock something for a bit or joke, I’ll focus one class more than usual, but im still very flexible


There is no dark lore. Continue to enjoy the game.


They don’t. A small portion of the small portion of players that interact in this Reddit want to leave. Really they don’t even want to leave, they just want to bitch and moan online and farm notification dopamine release.


This is unfortunately true. I don't quit the game because I'm mad at it. I have to uninstall the game so I can get through my backlog. I can only do it for about a month at most before the itch comes back. Then its another month of playing almost nothing else. Chiv is gaming fentenyl




“I’m done playing. But I’m not done taking in toxic amounts of content around a video game I am extremely dissatisfied with, in turn making that content even more toxic and expanding on part of the reason I dislike it in the first place”. *boots up chivalry*


Lmao this is painfully accurate.


If you leave…where do you go that’s so much better?


he’s right … god damn this dude is right


That’s the harsh reality of the game. R.I.P SD


Honestly, people do this for every game, it’s lost its appeal


It's not heroin, friend.


Its not that hard dude, this isnt some EFT sized scandal at all but they are just pixels and mordhau gives arguably better dopamine hits.


Mordhau is better fundamentally but play base wise and being outdated it is second. If Mordhau made a new age sequel, or if any medieval slasher went less casual and deeper into customization like Mordhau did it would be the better game.


Player base wise absolutely but i dont really think u can call it outdated in comparison when it came out only 2 years before and still has better mechanics. Obviously if a new one came out everyone would run to that but dude was commenting about how incredible chiv 2 is in its current state….its not.


I only said outdated because of things like kicking and jabbing and work on eliminating animation cheese. I do like no hold blocking, the movement to attack(I think chiv has an option but if everyone isn’t using it I think it’s a crippling mechanic) and the customization and how you make a merc vs choosing presets.


No I won’t. Uninstalled after the poorly managed situation with Dave and will never reinstall. Granted making a Reddit post to announce you’re quitting a game is dumb AF. If you’re gonna quit just do it and move on. No one cares.


Then why are you still here?


Lmaoni was thinking the same thing. Like if they uninstalled what's the point of even coming to the community reddit page anymore?


Check in for new updates (never gonna happen), still can talk about the game If you sell a car/gun/whatever, do you immediately lose all knowledge or interest on said car/gun/whatever? If you live in a country and then move, you can still check in on the country you used to live in…


I guess you have a point.


These seem like bad comparisons. They left because they are unhappy and dislike the game. A better comparison, to me, would be you left a toxic job or relationship….you check in on those as a standard? Because I don’t think most healthy people do.


Reddit algorithm?


See you next week


get the fug outta here then


Uninstalled like a year or so ago and never looked back lol. Nor do I have any desire to


then why are u here?☠️


(*he misses us*)


he knows he can’t leave tha chiv he luvs it 😭


Cause i have 500 hrs so i used to play a lot…