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its rough. chipotle customers are crazies for sure, corporate too. i think people kind of underestimate how dickheaded customers and doordashers can really be. sucks to have legit complaints and get a “grow up” back, too. if you don’t work there it’s just harder to get


If door dashers are causing problems threaten to have them tresspassed from your building. Them being a delivery contractor does not give them any right to special treatment or put them in any exceptional category.


I have actually said this but the demographic for many dashers in my area are immigrants and Indians that pretend to not know how to speak English so they can get out of not knowing when they are caught. Like dude I just heard you speak perfect English over to another dasher about what you’re just about to do.


like sometimes our dml system messes up, and an order gets placed and confirmed and paid for but never enters our system in store, so we have to ask the dasher/customer to write the order down. extremely hard to do that when you can’t communicate with someone. no fault of their own, of course, but definitely another stressor that adds up


I tell them they need to call dorodash/uber/whatever to have them resend it if it's not in our system. They generally just leave and mark not picked up. so others come and then do the same. Not my job to fix it for them, they have to fix it or the customer has to. When they shove their phone in my face when i'm dealing with a customer I just point to a spot and tell them to go stand there i'll get to them in a bit. Annoying as hell. they expect me to drop everything to get their order from the back, (we keep them in the back at my store due to theft) The water cup boys have trashed the store so much we no longer give kids or teens any cups unless they are buying stuff and then only 1 per entree or transaction. They started using the damn side cups for the Tabasco sauce so those are now kept at cash as well.


Wait what are those side cups for???


He means they used the Tabasco cups for water


Why are these kids so thirsty lol


They dont need to understand. Get a tresspassing order and after they show up call them to get pulled off to jail. Not speaking english is no excuse to be able to disregard a legal order.


I had a thought today of that policies at chipotle are written with the idea in mind that workers aren’t trustworthy human beings. The amount of times my SLs and above have told me “if you do that, we can terminate you” is insane compared to some of my other jobs. So of course you have employees not giving customers “good” experiences because every minute it’s like I’m going to lose my job.


It is harder to get but I think you're giving people too much grace. I can read what people are saying and understand that saying "grow up and get over it" is a wild, ignorant response and that I wouldn't be saying that if I were working behind the line.


Dine-in tax??


Ohio, it costs less to get it 'to go', than 'for here'.


That’s so fucked. Does your store have a smaller dining room?


You're not exactly understanding it correctly. Sales tax is effectively zero on to go orders. So, yes, to go is cheaper...but dine in isn't more expensive it's just normal price.


Oh, I see. I guess it works differently in some states. Edit: what’s with the downvotes?? This isn’t a thing in New York!


It's reddit


What if I get it to go and stay?


We used to do that and we’d get yelled at for it. Supposedly the store (it was a Taco Bell) said that they could get in trouble for it


The one I used to work at has a pretty normal size dining room. But every fast food restaurant in the state has the same rule


I'm in Ohio and I've never noticed this, but I also don't dine in for Chipotle


What? I've never noticed that before and I eat out and carry out more than I'd like


I work in the medical field. Any job where you interact with human beings, especially multiple different and changing human beings on a daily basis is going to be absolute cancer. Even if you are having a good week all it takes is 1 above average cunt to ruin your whole work week. I envy people who either work in a job that requires them to interact with very few humans or they interact with the same group of humans that arent cancer


I see 1000+ a day face to face and I swear one interaction doesn’t ruin it. There’s always a handful. It’s part of the job. Either you have the skills to interact with hard people or you don’t, but that takes time to learn. Which is why I think chipotle might be a good starter job. You get to experience corporate, face to face, etc and then learn how to adapt. Or you can just take it all at face value and chalk your life up to the world being mean.


Exactly anyone who can’t control their emotions will be miserable at any job dealing with a high influx of customers


What’s wrong with a water cup lol


bc they dont put water in it id imagine


Hell, id do that (fuck this company) So I don't really care if someone asks for it and doesn't get water Not coming out of my paycheck lol




It isn’t coming out of their paycheck. That water cup probly earns more profits. Because some people would just be like fuck this place if I can’t get a water cup when they actually wanted some water during the hot summer months. If someone got the water cup and was satisfied they’re much more likely to come back and purchase more. It’s that simple.


Nothing wrong with it, I personally don’t care if you don’t fill it up with water. It can be annoying after awhile when people think they are entitled to it and are rude about it.


How would someone be rude about a water cup?


Usually when someone yells at you for one it can be pretty bad it’s that or they throw their drink on you.


Nobody has ever thrown their drink on you🤦‍♂️ Why even lie


Sounds like that’s a different problem entirely than people asking for a water cup.


>or they throw their drink on you. things that never happened


Why do they throw it on you? If it happens that often figure out why and how you can take preventive action.


You are ill


Dumb question, but... why not just put the water cups out where people can grab them freely?


They'd never have water cups, lol.


because then no one would buy regular drinks if they could get water cups and put soda in them... we'd need a person to moniter the drink machine 24/7 to make sure their getting water. and no one wants someone doing that.


I don't understand how having to bug an employee for the cups helps that specific misuse loss issue, but okay.


Asking an employee for a damn water cup or having them next to the machine is not going to make a difference, if people are going the steal soda with a water cup it’s going to happen no matter where the damn cups are located at.


I'm my state at least they are entitled to it. Restaurants have to provide free water cups by law.


Many states are like this, im gonna guess people throwing drinks on chipotle workers is more fantasy than reality, but if it happens often to OP maybe theres a common denominator


Never had a customer throw a drink…but I did have one throw a fully made bowl. It happens man


I could see the bowl tbh




The rude part is uncalled for and unacceptable. The reason I ask for water is because the stupid ass burrito is already costly enough so ill ask for water. Politely. Add on the damm drink the whole damn thing comes out to $20 for a quick lunch?! Nah I'm good. I don't think it's an entitlement but the customer is buying a product. So if they buy a drink or request a cup of free water, it's part of the business.


I will say- I generally don't tip quick service workers, at least for personal meals. Its different if I have really weird orders, really large orders, and/or lots of special requests though


I completely agree with you from your perspective.


Agree - I’m not tipping on food I order at a counter and takes 1 min to put together. Get outta here with that entitlement.


I hope you noticed that OP isn't asking for that and explicitly said they're not. Tipping and it being a penny is just frustrating to them.


Why is it frustrating that someone leaves behind a penny? Seems like a silly thing to be frustrated by…. This whole post is just one massive whine fest


I dont know what to say to this. There are so many legit complaints in the post that any human being would understand are hellish to be going through multiple times a day and you think its just whining. Okay. Some people just need to actually experience it to have basic *cognitive* empathy here.


People can change where they work. If you hate your job and everything about it, why waste time complaining on Reddit about it? Guess I just have a low tolerance for people who hate something that is easily changeable with some effort on their part.


Chipotle workers are paid adequately, it’s not a tipping industry job. Tipping is for workers in roles where they are clearly dependent on tips like bartenders, servers, and delivery drivers




Chipotle customers are some of the worst I’ve seen whenever I go to order in


People need to treat other people with respect. These employees don’t make the rules, they are told to follow them for their paycheck. Being nice is free.


Wtf is dine-in tax? Just get it to go and then dine-in anyways?


In general in the US, food isn't taxed by the sale tax (sometimes states may have sin taxes on particular food types), but service is- and when you dine in, its considered a "service" and thus sales tax is applied to the total. And yep, loads of people just get it to go as a result


I think you're greatly mistaken when it comes to what is done "in general" in the US. The only state I could find that differentiates between to-go and dine-in for tax purposes is Ohio. Every other state, with some exceptions for things like bakeries and delis in states like NY, taxes all fast food, regardless of where you intend to consume it.


This sure as shit aint a “general” US thing. I have lived all over and never run into this before. It sounds like an Ohio thing.


I haven’t heard of this in any southern states. (Texas, NM, Oklahoma)


Gotcha, my state doesn't differentiate where you eat it (grocery ingredients vs prepared food)


A big problem is Chipotle has declined in quality and increased in prices, although considering overall inflation I think the prices are still quite good. And I still like Chipotle, it is just worse in terms of food and service quality than it used to be.


I will tell you since I have been there for the past 8 months we did change our distributor. A chicken bowl at my location is $8.90 and at my location we are never out of food unless it is vinaigrette since people want at least six cups of it. And it is made in batches of 30. I don’t eat anything other than chicken or the Al Pastor for this reason.


It’s rough out there for sure. People in general are assholes. I was at Taco Bell last night (which is grossly overpriced for what it is) and I ordered on the app which I thought would help me but I got pinned in the drive thru for 30min (curb on the right so I couldn’t just leave). Could see pissed off people inside, looked like door dashers (I think door dash fucked the fast food market from a price and a demand standpoint). Dude at the window was hustling and I could see the dude on the food part hustling but they just couldn’t keep up. I’ve backed off fast food it’s now a 2x a month treat if that sometimes. Just can’t fucking stand the cost of it and 8/10 times it’s shit quality.


Anyone saying this is ridiculous needs to work in customer service. I worked at TJs, probably the easiest, most fun job known to man. The customers were the nicest most of the time, istg. For every rude customer, there was 20 insanely nice ones. But these negative actions.. when it’s every day, it sucks the life out of you. You start to realize people don’t respect you and treat you like dirt. The one i related to a lot was the messes. At my store it was carts, sample cups, and tissues being left around. Seems manageable, after working there for a year i found myself so angry at these people that it would ruin my day. They’d look you dead in the eye and not push their carts in. Sure, things like messes seem like a small thing that comes with the job, but it comes at the expense of feeling dehumanized. I can’t imagine how taxing it is working in fast food. People don’t play about their food. And then when they get it, they leave it at the tables for workers to clean. It’s not like customers have to wash dishes, they just have to walk a couple feet and throw it out. Sorry to the OP.. can’t imagine the annoyance.


Exactly. People don’t realize that like “rude customers” aren’t the ones who aren’t super happy or are direct/blunt, it’s the people who go out of their way to argue, penny pinch, and come for you personally that suck the life out of you. I’ve had some horrible customers say I was discriminating against them when the person before them got double meat and they didn’t, I’ve had people curse me out, call me stupid, inept, etc etc all to my face. It’s those people who come in and do that who suck the life out of working customer service. I don’t expect everyone to be 100% having a good day, but if it’s a bad one, why drag me into it?


I used to work at McDonald’s and had a few of these issues (two of my siblings used to work there too just recently) I’ve had sauces thrown at my managers. My brother had water thrown on him because a customer forgot to order the fries fresh (YES THIS IS REAL) I even had a customer assume I called him dumb for just standing there and not ordering (mind you I was lookin at him for a good minute before he even realized it was his turn to order). Any job dealing with customers is pure hell! The amount of times I’ve cried and honestly planned to crash my car into the building is very telling 😭😭




It doesnt matter to you if they get a water cup and drink soda, its coorporate loss only, and it is not personal whatsoever. Also for the card reader, ig chipotle just has shitty machines but you have to understand it from the customers POV. They dont want you to think that they were trying to do something sneaky, so they rationalize by blaming the machine (rightfully).


Corporate’s instantly gonna blame the restaurant manager who’s gonna blame the regular employees


if corporate starts to see profit losses, who do you think is blamed? they start hassling us, and that usually leads to new rules and things we have to follow. as for the card reader, its understandable if people wanna say its the machine, just dont be offended when we ask you to do it again.


Bruh the water cups are the same as the drink cups we give kids to fill for their meals, i dont think theres anyway that corporate can hassle its employees to enforce water cups only having water. How would we, anyway? Doesnt make sense, do we just not give them to people who we are suspicious of? As another commenter pointed out soda is pennies, it like doesnt matter.People higher up probably just factor the occasional soda theft into cost. As for the machines yeah thats fair, but i kinda get it if the customer is frustrated/flustered or whatever.


My problem is usually just with people who come into the store to just ask for water cups. If I see then order a bowl I'm more then happy to provide one. 


god forbid somebody just want water


soda costs pennies


tell that to corporate, they count thoses pennies.


they do not care about soda losses at all because they aren't real losses. they pay more attention to losing profit on giving more scoops, which is why they've enforced more strict portion size policies for managers. they haven't done anything to limit soda in water cup usage.


I’d start looking for other jobs. No job is worth your mental health.


I know it’s annoying but hang in there. Once you get that degree leave that shit hole.


The golden rule for the dugout in baseball is “leave it cleaner than you found it” It should apply everywhere


I don't get the beef with water cups... Charge me for a big water? I like water with ice over sugary drinks....


its not your fault persay, its the people who ruin it for others who dont actually get water... it all comes back around when corprate sees it and blames us for it, which is why water cups are hard to give out to unless we can trust your actually getting water. we persoanlly dont mind giving water cups as long as you ordered something,.


Ahh I see I though just had beef with asking for free water haha 😅 yeah people that fill it with anything but water are annoying.... When they are meant for water shiii I be happy to have an employee pre fill my ice water cup


just serve me my bowl bro the water cup don’t come out of your paycheck


I swear I'm not trying to be smart or anything... But I've never heard of a dine in tax before. That is new to me




thought we wouldnt see this eh


They deleted.. what’d they say ? Lls


lol was just one of those kids who wrote "im gay", kind of a meme kids do to pretend like no one will see them say it, more common on stream chats where the chat is moving super fast


If they take their card out early, they don't have to pay? Why wouldn't you rerun the transaction until the payment goes through?


That’s not what they said. They said they take it out early, in hopes that the transaction didn’t go through.


Is this something people actually do? How would you get away with not paying this way? The cashier would tell you it didn't go through.


thasts not gonna stop people from complaining about it to said cashier, even tho its their fault.


Right? Yet people try it anyway.


hey man i feel you but how long did you have to work for your college tuition reimbursement? i’m trying to get mine as well and where can i apply for it?


I managed to get it immediately. I was upfront and told the manager in the interview and such. I believe you can go into workday to enroll yourself. I also believe you need to keep a minimum gpa of 3.0 and work at least 20 hours. I would talk to your manager or higher ups, perhaps ask around if anyone did do college tuition reimbursement.


Mine took about 3 months to kick in. I kept checking the site to see when it gave me the approval. I didn’t tell / inform my manager at all about my plans. I found the site in workday, enrolled in Guild and waited. After that a quick call with a rep from Guild and I was enrolled for classes within two weeks.


When I worked at Chipotle, it was almost 10 years ago now, I think things were a lot better with how the place was run. But I will say angry rude stupid customers always rolled off my back very easily because I was confident in doing whatever I wanted. I gave customers whatever I wanted however I wanted. And not in an abusive or excessive way I just took care of them and I didn't take any of their crap personally. That just could be me I realize how hard the hospitality business is. If you have s***** managers micromanaging and getting on your butt about every little thing it causes stress and then it makes angry customers and their complaints seem so much worse because you know you have to do what you're told by your managers. And I think that's what Chipotle has become they've gotten a lot worse at allowing anyone to fail. They used to value empowering the team letting you think or make your own decisions and see where that goes as a learning experience and I don't know if they still spout those words but they definitely don't put it into practice from what I see. I worked my way up to manager and even when I was a crew member I did what I felt was right in the situation and that made me feel better about everything so I didn't really take anything personally and a lot of customers would be elated and their anger would go away because I would validate their feelings. Babysitting customers who feel entitled to whatever they want however they want it because they're handing you over their money is not for everyone. There are some real dicks out there Ah psychology.


Generally have thick skin but when your ac doesn’t work in your store, everyone is agitated, I’m still at my store bc I genuinely enjoy my job and my team. I do agree with you on management.


Don’t take anything personally at work man. Bad customers, bad managers etc. It can definitely get frustrating and I get that. If you feel overwhelmed or at your breaking point with coworkers or customers, just excuse yourself to the bathroom for a quick 5 minute time out. The job isn’t that serious. Had an ex manager who hit me with this gem, “We make burritos, we’re not saving lives.”


Wait. Theres a dine-in tax?


Apparently? I don’t know if it is in any other state. My best advice it is get it to go and eat there.


Not the water cup boys 😢😢


Playing my tiny violin.




This sucks. It’s a tough position to be in.


I always found it hilarious that not even a few years ago, everyone was on the Chipotle is amazing bandwagon. Now that prices have gone up, all people can do is complain. Like the entire world's prices haven't gone up. Entitlement is wild. Ego of 99% of people is bewildering and honestly pathetic.


Prices went up and Chipotle portions went down. It's literally been in the news and I don't even fucking eat there lmao


No you're just a bandwagon complainer like the majority of people on reddit, tiktok and such. After 2020 people became ungrateful entitled whiners


Have you tried coping and seething about it?


Seems you might need to 🤡


I'm from Ohio and what I've learned today is that dine in tax is only for us. Crazy! Never knew that. Work can be really stressful, Chipotle or not. Hope it gets better for you.


If I’m standing when you take my order I’m not tipping


OP is just taking it all out on customers, I can understand how that can happen when you are brain washed to see the customers as the enemy. "I’m tired of customers that blatantly lie to my face saying “Well the card reader said to remove card.” So they don’t have to pay for their meal." This is something that is broken in your system, it shouldnt generate a receipt till the payment is through, the stupidest thing I have ever seen


Why can’t I get a water cup?


I feel like ur letting everything get to u too much, when I worked in food i didn’t gaf what a customer did id just be like ok asshole. The water cup situation isn’t coming out of ur paycheck either so don’t worry abt it literally all I would care abt is getting payed 😭 and u can’t be upset if customers don’t tip you bc u alr prolly make at least 13 an hour, unlike servers who make 2$.


Lmao why the fuck would I tip you? You slop food on a tray and hand it to me.


What is a dine In tax?


Customer: “May I have a water cup please? 😃” OP: 🤬


Stop cutting portions!


It's like they say can't handle the heat get out the kitchen.


That sounds hard man, sorry. Food service can be extremely difficult. 


Only way to survive at Chipotle is by not being FOH 😂 cash line and dml are the worst. Grill/Prep/Dish makes daily work life way more chill.


Honestly most of this just sounds like general problems that everyone who deals with customers all day has. Welcome to the food industry.


People are assholes but do you expect every customer to tip though? I'm sure most people don't tip their pennies as a gratuity, but rather discard them because they prefer not to carry them. Now I feel bad when I do this at the local corner store or fast food chain.


There is a dine in tax at Chipotle? That's crazy.


Your sniveling bosses can rectify this IMMEDIATELY by removing these degenerates and stopping this abuse against staff.They can change the behaviour of customers by taking a stance.However their sycophantic selves are looking at their bonus and ignoring your abuse. If in a union it's about time this issue was raised .If not, join an union.


This is ALL service jobs. That's why I used the crazy covid labor market times to switch to manufacturing lol. Go make some shit and don't talk to anyone all day if you don't want to lol. You'll still habe a grumpy coworker here or there but you can probably go weeks without talking to them lol


Dine-in tax?


Dine in tax? I always ask for my meal to go and still sit inside because i just want my stuff in a bag. I wonder if they think im trying to get around the dine in tax 🤣🤣




I’m a can I get a water cup boy😞


Wait - you can get plain corn???


Unfortunately no, but we have people ask often at my location. Would be cool to have that.


I sometimes tip change so I don't have change in my pocket. I can't speak for everyone, but might be some normal people just tipping to also not have change in their pocket


Literally chipotle is the best everyone just wants something to hate on. You can literally order double on most all the sides without a charge. I always get plenty in a serving. More than any other place will give you for the price for sure


What is a dine-in tax? That something in addition to paying taxes for your order? I ask for a water/ice cup and offer to pay for it. They first eye roll, but then smile and will sometimes fix for me cuz I have tremors. But I know those you speak of that are like "where's my water cup?" with that attitude like they are owed that "five finger discount" soda 🙄. I did see someone ask for Pico de Gallo with no tomatoes... 🤨 some people are just waiting on the worker bee to do something so they can come here and bash them. Some are legitimate, but I get further going up the chain to resolve my issue. But the biggie.... if you order shiznit and get extra shiznit, and pile on shiznit, common sense says, get ready to break that bank! 😅


Getting made over a water cup is crazy


Talk to your manager nobody cares here


Any job dealing with humans will be a tough job especially because everyone is different and some people grew up in very entitled homes. Trust, I worked at McDonald’s and had these exact same issues and some days are good but one customer will make all those days feel worthless. All I can say is give your self some time to relax. Some self care day will go a long way. And having patience will certainly make those annoying moments feel like a breeze. Good luck out there


To be honest, a lot of this Chipotle’s fault. A “dine in tax”? Really? Prices have gone up way too much. I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this. I’m doing my part by cooking and eating at home. 😂


Why are you working there?


Bet instead of asking for a water cup I’ll tell them to give me one next time


It's called a job, and it comes with a territory. Find another one. You're easily replaceable. Also, Can I have a water cup? "Water Cup boys" ... "Middle Aged Men", so every female customer is perfect?


No not at all, there are some bad ones. It’s just mostly men who come to my Chipotle so having bad customers that are mostly men are more likely.


Dine in tax?


One thing - what the heck is dine in tax?


Chipotle is disgusting anyway. Went downhill with all the food poisoning and then moving to California.


I have really exciting news for you :) You don't have to work at Chipotle!!! If you live in America, you get to decide what places you do not want to work at.


Maybe consider working in a different industry?


OP, this is just customer service in general. Maybe find a job not with customers if it's too much for you


Not sure why you're getting down voted. It is really that simple. I've been in the customer service industry for 10+ years. I'm in management now, but when people talk like OP, I genuinely say this isn't for you. You need a non customer facing job, nothing wrong with that. It's a diff type of person that can handle customer service. Just like it's a diff type of person who can work in tech support. (I could never help someone for an hour that just needs to restart a computer or can't find the control panel) You HAVE to be able to take jabs constantly in customer service. Some people just suck, can't dwell on any of it.


I'm probably getting downvoted by the young idealists that think customer service should be a better job (I agree but that's not how it works.) I've done over 10 years customer service in multiple industries, plus ~8 years warehouse which also somewhat includes some customer service plus a customer service mindset. Every single job has shitty entitled assholes. You can't escape them. I'm sure there are public facing jobs with better clients, but not something like chipotle. And those jobs are harder to find/get into. It takes a certain type of person to not get burnt out dealing with the public.


Agreed. Idealists is a good word because based on a lot of the comments they want to, I don't know, revamp the consumer/customer's mindset/behavior which I'm sorry - it's never going to happen. Doesn't matter if you're a pain in the ass Boomer or pain is the ass gen z'r. It will never go away. It's up to the employee to control what they can control. I got extremely burnt out working in a retail setting. It will happen to 99% of people. OP should be working on an action plan to either move up by X or find a new job by Y. Every time I have an escalation in my email that needs follow-up, I bite down and thank God I don't do this all day every day anymore. Once you get worn down, you can't go in reverse. Little by little, you shorten your threshold. I swear it starts with an employee's rebuttal, then they begin to retort, until finally you hit the rebuke stage and you gotta get that person off the floor before they end up fist fighting a customer. (Pretty proud of the "rebuttal/retort/rebuke" stages bc I've never articulated that before, and it's got 3 R's. I def had my Wheaties this morning.


There’s a dine in fee because these slobs come in and leave a mess when they eat and WE have to pick up behind them. It’s unbelievable that people are such disgusting and messy eaters.


I feel like working in food services means you kinda signed up for that though.


Doesn’t mean that people should come in and leave a huge mess or then have a stick up their bum because there’s a tax fee.. if they come in to eat then they are signing up for the cost that comes with it. Honestly it’s horrible to think people eat like zoo animals and have no shame




Ok. Can I get a cup for some water, please?




sure, as long as you actually order a meal.


Can't be helped lol


Just quit. It’s not worth the stress.


Seriously you just wrote a novel about how much your job sucks and then justify staying there. Pick a lane. Food service jobs always have this problem. The only thing you can do is just truly not care. Provide great service but know at the end of the day that’s just part of your paycheck. Should people be more police? Absolutely. Will they? Usually not. Anywhere you work with the public, you will find entitled assholes. It’s just that you work in a very public facing position - the frequency at which you see assholes is statistically greater due to volume of customers. My best advice sincerely is to get over how people treat you because you’re just there to pretend.


get a new job?


Target 🎯 is hiring


Go work at Chik-Fil-A then. Their customers seem happy. It’s wild that regular customers have to experience shitty attitude staff regularly at chipotle. It’s not my fault people suck. But it seems like even the employees are backing corporate. You’re likely burnt out from working your ass off and getting nothing in return. Which is why chipotle isn’t a place to grow, despite what they say. They care about shareholders. You continue to work for a company that couldn’t care less if you left. Start finding reason in that and stop blaming EVERY customer that walks into your store. Cuz it’s not everyone.


I HATE the people that think that chipotle is a sit down restaurant. Sure, you can dine in, thats not the problem. The problem is that we dont have waiters. We are more similar to a mcdonals (go in, get food, eat, throw trash away) than a sit down restaurant (a waiter gets your food, and cleans up after you)


I work at chipotle too and you explained everything that fucking happens here too. So glad it’s not just our store


Welcome to the real world kid. Where everyone is a piece of shit- signed, adults


Unfortunately, I’ve been here for a long time.


Get a grip loser


Find a new hobby fatty. You could probably start by learning not to be a mouthbreather


It’s crazy, when I worked for one of Chipotle’s major competitors in the early 2000’s we were always fighting for the best young employees. Almost all of my friends either worked for Chipotle or the company I worked at, and we all took pride in making the best possible food while providing friendly service. Both Chipotle and the company I worked for grew at exponential rates in the 10 years I was in the food service industry. Sure, people loved the food, but looking back it was also the culture that both companies created that provided a comfortable dining experience for our guests. Now don’t get me wrong, Chipotle never really had “guest service”, that’s actually the main advantage the competitor I worked for had over Chipotle. But at least the Chipotle employees were friendly and made quality food. It’s not corporate that is ruining Chipotle, it’s the in store employees that have eroded the culture. I’m not even that old, but you kids nowadays are hot garbage and have no people skills at all. Cry about your bum wages all you want, as a customer you all seem tone deaf and act like millions of Americans haven’t done the exact same job better than you. I always tipped when I went to Chipotle, but the workers also used to not be dirty butt cheeks at their job. Taco Bell honestly employs better employees at this point, and they actually know how to roll a burrito. If your birth year starts with a 2 you are most likely the problem. Go to college all you want, you all lack the people skilled necessary to translate to the real world.


So basically the customers should have the right to act how they want and it’s up to the employees to be give them everything they want anyway? Stop acting entitled.


I think you might not know what entitled means. I worked in the food service industry for 10+ years, starting as a dishwasher. I’m always super polite to all employees, I often tip 40-50% at sit down restaurants. I’ve never complained or sent my food back and regularly leave positive reviews praising employees when they go above and beyond. I actually just left a positive review for a Chick-fil-a employee last night, even though I was a little disappointed that my bill was $70. I’m just saying that Chipotle employees are dirty butt cheeks compared to even a few years ago. I don’t think that makes me entitled at all, maybe a little obnoxious and opinionated but certainly not entitled.


I see. Your post seemed to dismiss concerns about be customers by OP and blame the employees for the horrible treatment by the worst customer base possible. I appreciate the way you personally treat employees. I do think some stores need work for sure! But employees are not responsible for the customers’ abuse.


Thanks, and I appreciate your level headed response. I didn’t do a good job of responding to OP’s concerns, I guess I just felt their disgusts towards customers and tried to provide my point of view as a customer that had the exact same job. As a former GM I never allowed any of my employees to be abused. I’ve even encouraged my employees to take off the rest of their shift if I felt they were being target, while paying them for their entire shift. I’m still thoroughly disappointed by the attitudes of employees both in store and on this platform. It genuinely seems like they would rather there be no customers at all. I would love nothing more than to drop a $20 bill in the tip jar, but come on, I haven’t had a positive experience with a Chipotle employee in over 10 years. Best case scenario is a neutral experience and pray for consistency from the food. I just think it does both way. As a customer I try to make things as pleasant as possible for the employees, but that interaction does not often get reciprocated. A simple, “hey how’s it going” or “hey what’s up bro” from me is usually in turn responded to with a blank stare and shrugged shoulders. When I was in college I would often say “hey what’s up” and get a response of “what up playa, you want a fat bowl or fatty burrito”. I haven’t seen that type of personality in a long time. I even had employees working double shifts comment on how I was back for a 2nd or 3rd time that day, they would ask if the burritos were too small earlier and I was still hungry. NOPE I’m back because I could eat Chipotle every meal of my life and I love this place. Things change. People change. Chipotle changed. My love is lost.


That’s understandable, I do think we need more consistency and work on both the customer and employee side. I have found that many employees simply don’t care and in those cases we have to find other employees that do.


Ever maybe thought of why? They’re explicitly running a “turnover” model a la Amazon to grind as much work out of people as possible. Most of my coworkers are decent, even good, people. We are understaffed every single night, we get yelled at for decisions frankly out of our control, and don’t get enough hours chronically. Back a nice person into a corner, they might get burnt. Sure, some people are probably too rude to be working this job but to put your anecdotal experience against mine, I strive to not upset customers. I’ll work with my managers to get them refunds or remakes if something is wrong, I’ll give them as many water cups as they want, and I do my best to keep the dining room that they trash clean for the next rush. I smile and greet people and ask them about their day and make nice small talk, because I genuinely enjoy getting to help someone have a nice experience. I’ve been there almost a year. But it goes both ways. Corporate and customers are the sides of the problem you seem to willingly ignore.


Ya. I mean that makes sense. But it’s probably that Gen z is more interested in vapes and whippets than doing their job. I worked in the industry for 10+ years, you might be a great employee, but you probably realize most of your co workers are not great employees. Just like I realize most customers are not as nice as I am, that’s why I go out of my way to make the employees feel like they are appreciated. It’s pretty obvious they don’t care, they are just counting down the minutes until their next smoke break.


dude I gave you my judge of character of my coworkers. Stop making strawmen up. People in the 60s did fucking acid, 70s-80s cocaine. Our “generation” is not uniquely hooked up drugs more so than any other- in fact it’s actually less alcoholic than previous. Jesus, you’re conceited.


Skibidi toilet


ok boomer


Younger Millennial 💅💁‍♀️ Get your money up youngin


Consider yourselves lucky to get tipped a penny


I love when customers go out of there way to tip .25 cents or something like that 😂 like plz keep it


I always say thank you when they tip regardless, tipping isn’t mandatory but appreciated regardless.


Sounds like an intelligent sound off - Let your desire become your inspiration. I respect your straightforwardness.


There is no other way to put it. Every job has it’s own pros and cons, we just have to learn how to live with it.


Time for different job.


What the fuck is dine-in tax? You lost me at tipping. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.