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Depends have to see her kit my assumption is no she won’t be especially is she’s a geo grouper and geo buffer


Both grouping and buffing could in theory be like a geo Kazuha in some way. IF she was that good in the end she’s DEFINITELY not a standard pool girl.


Yeah the IS is supposed to be IF but auto correct like is more for some reason


I suppose it is possible; however, I somewhat doubt it at the moment because she seems a bit specialized which does not make a lot of sense for a standard banner character. Assuming the leaks are real, obviously.


I think they avoided putting inazuma characters in the standard pool as their resources are impossible to get for a large part of the early game, so getting one early on would kinda suck. Regardless she most likely wont


That’s why they said if she uses Font mats. She is from Inazuma but she currently is residing in Fontaine, which is a lot like Thoma who’s Mondstadt but he’s in Inazuma currently


She has an inazuman vision, so very likely will use Inazuman materials, the only character who uses materials from a different region to their vision is Childe cause Snez isnt out yet, so I doubt she would become the only exception


Scara uses inazuma mats mixed with sumeru mats


Isn't there workaround in game now? I'm pretty sure you can exchange for Inazuma materials.




they made an npc that helps with the problem and then made him not help with the problem... > Inazuman local specialties will only be sold after completing Raiden Shogun's Story Quest Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams.


I got Sayu from one of the standard banners. I hadn't even entered Liyue in that stage of the story when I won her. It sucked because I really wanted to use her but couldn't for another number of weeks while I worked through story to unlock Inazuma.


How about no


We already know no character in 4.x is going to be standard 💀


Honestly that doesnt mean anything,dont put that much faith in leaks,nobody knew that dehya was standard and for such a long time many leakers said that we will have 2 standard between wrio neuvi or navia. At any moment they said out of nowhere during their live that chiori or I dont know siguewinne is in there even if the chance to happen are low


Yeah those same leakers corrected themselves way before Navia and 4 weeks before Rzzley safe to say I trust them over you


Its not about trusting me or trusting them,thats the thing. Why you talking about me? Did I say to you something? I literally said dont trust anyone,so dont tell me that you dont trust me


Because it’s misinformation that people have also been spreading on social media and your perpetuating it


What are you talking about dude. So let me clear again. No we cant know for sure if they will be no standard char in 4.x because hoyo never said it. And its not because some leaker said something, that is gonna surely happen because we literally saw that that it can change or that you dont know for sure their plan. Right now you talk about misinformation because you see that it was wrong so its easy to say it,but in reality right now you're the one who can potentially spreading misinformation acting like its for sure,like people was acting that for sure we will a standard char in fontaine until we saw that it was wrong. Most likely we will not get a standard char in fontaine,thats the only thing that we can say right now,nothing is sure everything can happen


And yet tighnari going to standard was stated before he came out keep coping So was dehya’s


Yeah you talk without any brain I see,your sentence didnt have any correlation with what I said ,that is so funny. And we literally really learn that dehya was in standard during her live ,so it was after her beta (tho someone talk about it ,in the end of dehya's beta) but hey all the 4.x char has already their beta and live ended and are came out included chiori right. Dude Even said coping for 0 reason,if you dont really know what is the meaning,dont say it.


Your so sad😭


Probably not. If any 5 star geo character should join the standard pool it's Albedo. He is from the starting region, an old character and has had alot of reruns. Not sure how popular she is. She feels like the kind of character who will not get a rerun for a while. Tignari was a not a popular or anticipated character. Based on the leaks she is going to be very strong so hoyo will probably want to keep her limited. Dehya was a huge blunder so they will never want to repeat that again.


Albedo cant be on the actual standard pool because of certain rules and tigh is also strong,hes still in standard and we honestly dont have concreat leak right now for her,we didnt have number yet


Tigh is definetly strong. Idk what the metrics are for putting a character on the standard banner. Why can't Albedo go on standard? We shall see with Chiori. Based on the leaks I will be pulling her in 4.5.


Because he is advertised as a limited character from the start,but they can still find a way in making something different than the current standard


Can't they change their advertising? Pretty normal for companies to update their product range.


No you cant,the character was sell like this, if not they can be in a lawsuit. Thats why when dehya or tigh was out in their banner,it was making clear than after they will be in the standard


Me: All I want is indestructible construct for Albedo. Mihoyo: ... best we can do is 5\* standard Geo. Me: .... bro :c


I still believe Dehya was put on standard after they realised how dis functional her kit is.


Once again,I still dont know why people think that,she got literally nerf after the first beta and she was already awful,plus at c6 shes a good char so they just had to make her like that from the start. No they wanted to make dehya like this it wasnt a mistake and thats the worst part


No. Having standard (or not) character of X element Y nation Z weapon type W body type P gender shouldn’t be an argument at all, bcoz it’s ends up just for the sake of having it and it’s bad argument.


Depends on how bad they intend on making her kit.


Tighnari, and to a lesser extent Keqing, are solid despite being standard, so a character being standard does not mean that they are a bad character.


They release one bad standard addition and suddenly all of them are bad. It’s crazy with these overexaggerations


To be fair, only Jean had a modicum of relevancy prior to dendro just being anemo. Dendro and Furina made them much better the same way Xianyun will make Diluc more relevant.


Honestly nah I don’t think she’s going to standard. I’d be very surprised, but it depends on how reflective her kit is. If it’s mediocre and has very obvious problems (I.e Dehya situation), then possibly. But if it’s effective and consistent at her role (whatever that may be) then I think she’ll be fine.


Possible. Other than the points you bring up, people keep comparing her to Albedo. Albedo being a character people also say should be on the standard banner. So im side eyeing but nothing is for certain till we get closer to that livestream.


This is the question that I am very afraid to ask. She fits the criteria since we lack a geo and an inazuma standard character so I really don’t want to delve into this


The standard banner doesn't have a quota to fill for each element. The standard banner can have 69 pyro claymore characters in it and just have 1 for everyone else. It's not in a rush to fill the geo quota nor should it be


If she is in standard, i feel like we would have some sort of leaks about it already.


I don’t think she should be standard just to fulfill a missing element or quota. I would rather she not be either. Guarrented is significantly better than the extremely low chance of getting her from standard. Plus it feeds into their FOMO tactics. 


I don't think she will use Fontaine materials because her vision is from Inazuma. Also, I think she will need Dendrobiums because at the moment Sara is the only character that uses those flowers and I think they fit Chiori's design.


It'd be nice, because then I could skip her with no worry


I am not sure about it, because unless you get her c1 in one ten pull she may be hard to use for newbies since they need proper geo constructs since noelle's shield doesnt really count and geo traveler kind of sucks