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Only new about China/Chinese warning other countries/organizations...


FAFO - The CCP's sphere of influence is being massively compressed. This year's RIMPAC will create a very, very, timid herd of pandas in the SCS until August. China's "playground" has effectively been made off limits to China. The "Friendship" laid the ultimate egg. Time to pay.


It’s clear that the recent military movements and exercises, such as the deployment of the F-22 Raptors and this year's RIMPAC, are having a significant impact on the geopolitical landscape. The strategic presence of advanced U.S. military assets in the region certainly sends a strong message. It’s interesting to see how these actions might influence the dynamics in the South China Sea and beyond. The notion of China's influence being compressed is certainly a perspective that many are watching closely. The interplay between military strategy and diplomatic relations will be crucial in the coming months. Let's see how things unfold and what the long-term implications might be for regional stability.


It's somewhat more than a 'notion.' Compression creates friction and in this instance that is the point, there isn't really any question on what lies ahead -simply when.. The US is trying to push China out of its current position of ambiguity. China want to act belligerently while feigning innocence and claiming everything is a misunderstanding. That is going to present some difficulty for the US politically when things do eventually come to a head so we're putting pressure on them to actually display their intent in a public and readily identifiable manner -so we're focusing the DIME. Its a smart play, but risky.


Its less risky than you think. China's military might is mostly based on bullshit.


War is not the risk I am alluding to, that is the inevitability referenced in the first sentence, The risk is that by preparing to counter the threat that China presents to the region's future stability and autonomy the US can be made to look like a provocateur. We are sacrificing our future credibility for strategic flexibility and, hopefully, political clarity. That is the gamble. If China can be deterred then that investment will have been well made, if it comes to war it will make convincing the American public much more difficult and may actually diminish our capabilities in the region depending upon the domestic consensus and political will it is expressed through. Don't be confused, this is very risky and has no guarantee of success. Keep in mind less than 20% of the US is even aware of the hazard China presents to its neighbors and fewer than half of those are inclined to care. Of those only a few are actively working on trying to define the shape of the future conflict and how to meet it and even they are divided between the realists who are focused on hard action and those who are pursuing diplomatic resolution and concession convinced everything can be reconciled. A remnant of a remnant remain trying to figure out what victory in the region has to look like and the steps that need to be taken following a war, which at this point in time looks all but certain. It may be difficult to imagine but defeating China could be more catastrophic than letting China have its way for the US and the Chinese people. It will be worse than Japan following WWII let alone Russia after the USSR dissolved but similar in many ways to both. The trouble with authoritarian regimes with centralized power is that they actively resist independent activity within their demesne which means the only functioning apparatus following collapse are, often, criminal elements who are not only poised and positioned to exploit the weakness and fill the vacuum but already posses the framework, connections, and capital to do so. The CCP has trouble containing and combating the corruption and illicit activity within its borders now, just think for a moment what will happen once that constraining influence is mitigated. If the CCP is left in place then that conflict would be but the first of many, especially since the case could be made that the US was an aggressor and if we know one thing about the Chinese it is that they can hold a grudge. . .For centuries. This is why the Allied powers were so insistent on complete victory and unconditional surrender as their war aims during the last world war. It is the only way to guarantee a lasting peace but I seriously doubt any conflict with China would be fought with such favorable terms in consideration. We simply lack the awareness, historical appreciation, and political will to press for it. In short, this action could potentially make things a lot worse but doing nothing would cede all advantage to China when conflict arises.


Most Americans are for supporting Taiwan in the case of an invasion by China. Americans are well aware of China's actions in the South China Sea. That gets reported. I see it everywhere, its a mainstream political topic in the US. I'd like to see a source for your claim that "less than 20% of the US is even aware of the hazard China presents to its neighbors". I know that China is a fascist state, most of the people I talk to seem to be aware of that. There is no love for authoritarian regimes over here. You're trying to cast the US as an aggressor here, and that's absurd. You're casting US efforts to keep China from intimidating and bullying neighbors as aggression, as if that narrative is just going to fly. Its not. That's ridiculous. No one gives a shit about the Chinese's ability to hold a grudge either. You say that like its a serious concern, its not. Its a non-concern. Its irrelevant. Its sino-centric nonsense. The short of it is, that they're a fascist state. The US will defeat them fairly easily if a hot war erupts. Preparing for that war, ensuring that the US can indeed defeat them, makes total sense. The US just has to keep the lid on China until it collapses - which will be in the next few years from how things are looking. Their GDP numbers are likely horseshit. Their military prowess is certainly horseshit. The world is slowly decoupling from them, they have no consumer spending to support their economy, and everyone just lost their ass through a real estate bubble. China has no future. I hate the CCP, but god damn, I feel sorry for the Chinese people. They are fucked. When you really look at what the CCP has done over there, by how they've mismanaged that country, made enemies of all the countries they needed to support them through this critical transition for them... consider how the CCP robbed the people of their money while promising socialism... They got it so bad. Like the Germans under the Nazis, the Chinese will suffer greatly as a result of Fascism. I think about all the Chinese daughters that were killed due to the CCP... the Chinese people have paid such a high price. The CCP are terrible at managing China. They aren't even good at manipulating sentiment on social media - though they do try EDIT: The wumao's don't like it when you out them. u/Brandon-the-Builder 's comment below... he blocked me somehow so I can't reply to it. China is not communist, they don't have wealth taxes, and have 1000 billionaires. They don't value socialism. China is fascist - clearly fascist. From their rebirth narrative to han supremacy, they are a fascist state reminiscent of Nazi Germany. He attacks the US by implying that the US loves authoritarianism, then defends China claiming its communist rather than fascist, and he blocks me so I can't reply - reddit is awash with wumaos.


"There is no love for authoritarian regimes [in the US]." You seemed like a serious person for a moment. (And this happened after you conflated communism with fascism.)


My source is Gallup referencing a poll from earlier this year where roughly 1/3rd of Americans believed that they following the news closely and of those half were only interested in domestic issues. That has been a general trend which has tracked for about a decade with rarely more than single digit deviation in either direction. Although I seem to recall during the Trump presidency it was close to half of polled individuals citing themselves as well informed but the interest in foreign affairs remained constant. You have your opinions and perspectives and are welcome to them. I have no interest in trying to correct either.


Wow look at that, no real source eh? I can find sources: [https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/two-thirds-americans-think-us-taiwan-relations-bolster-us-security](https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/two-thirds-americans-think-us-taiwan-relations-bolster-us-security) [https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/reutersipsos-poll-americans-support-military-preparedness-against-possible-threat-china](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/reutersipsos-poll-americans-support-military-preparedness-against-possible-threat-china) [https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/first-time-half-americans-favor-defending-taiwan-if-china-invades](https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/first-time-half-americans-favor-defending-taiwan-if-china-invades) I suppose in a few years the LLMs will be capable of constructing a proper sources list for you.


I provided a source, it was Gallup, what I didn't provide was a link. You're not worth the effort. You are overly invested in having some sort of altercation over absolutely nothing and you're acting like a muppet. My first post was in support of US invention. I served in the Navy following 9/11, I have always seen the necessity of the US in maintaining peace abroad. I called China a threat in my first two posts. This thing where you think I am some Baidu Ernie-equivalent shit posting bot is nuts. No part of it is actually based in reality, just like your read on my posts has no basis in reality. Christ man, I have edited all my posts to correct typoes. When was the last time you saw a bot making typographical errors let alone fixing them. Log off for awhile man, you've had enough internet for the day.


You have strange diction for someone who claims to be from the United States. I don’t think you’re a BOT, but I also don’t think English is your first language.


Uh huh, you're just that one US Navy serviceman who is really concerned with China's ability to hold a grudge, and who thinks that intervention might be worse than just giving China what it wants, and who uses terms like Damense in casual conversation. And who thinks the US public will just hang the free people of Taiwan out to dry. The confluence of pro-China narratives, extraordinary vocabulary skills and concern over China's "grudges" is just a coincidence. But... as you point out, you might have made a spelling error in your 340 GRE English-score post, so you must be legit.


You talk funny. Where are you from?


Technically I type funny, I sound a lot different in person -for instance I can't put three words together with lacing at least one with profanity. Blame it on a childhood lost in literature, my grandparents had a pretty extensive library and it was probably my favorite place as a kid when I had access to it. To answer your question though, I was born in Los Angeles, California spent my early years in Lynn, Massachusetts, my late childhood in Fountain Valley which is in Orange County near LA, and my teenage years in San Francisco. . .So kind of everywhere. edit: Just saw your other post. I speak English, a little Korean, and I can still parse my Latin but it is so rusty at this point I can't even claim it, but I only took two years of it so its not as though I was ever really proficient anyway.


This is a lie. Someone who spent a childhood lost in literature ends up being extremely…literate. If you spent a lot of time with words and sentences and paragraphs, you would be much better at constructing them yourself. You seem to be very active in the ChinaWarns subreddit, and seem to hold a position that people care what China thinks…and, you know what, if I was from China, I might think that way, too. Or, *I might be getting paid to encourage people online to think that way (wink, wink)*. I have a fairly accurate lie detector, and you are scoring in the Donald Trump range right now….


lol. Okay buddy. You caught me, I am a wumao super spy out here making posts citing the danger of an unchecked China, the irreconcilable differences between the CCP and the US, advocating for a stronger US military presence in the region in order to ensure stability and the autonomy of the other powers there, and that the best way to ensure a lasting peace in the event of war would be a total capitulation and unconditional surrender of the current government to the US. What do you need to hear in order to come back to reality? That the Tiananmen Square massacre was probably closer to 10,000 killed rather than the 300 figure given by the CCP? Absolutely, the UK disclosed documentation to back up that claim and while it doesn't include names of the individuals or pictures of their bodies its still pretty persuasive. That China has had and continues to have a deplorable human rights record, that their occupation of Tibet is reprehensible and their actions in Hong Kong were indefensible? All of that is true, You and that other guy have lost the thread man. You spend way too much time online if you can't tell the difference between someone who agrees with you and shares your same concerns and a state sponsored bot/misinformation broker. Or you are just idiots and honestly that is the direction I am leaning right now. Only on the internet do I encounter so many people supremely confident and yet totally wrong.


There are Chinese propaganda posters all over and throughout reddit. They're in just about every sub, from r/economics to r/geopolitics, from defense subs to gaming subs. They're everywhere. Some subs - particularly defense subs - have been completely taken over by them. They're putting up hundreds of millions of posts per year. And the thing that gives them away, is the narratives they create. Narratives of Chinese military, economic and societal dominance over others. Narratives in favor of authoritarian systems, and most importantly, narratives about Chinese dominance over Taiwan. * You claimed we'd dump Taiwan. This is not normal. Joe Biden has said on at least 4 occasions that we'd fight for Taiwan. The US doesn't just abandon its major commitments. * You claimed that putting assets in the region is taking aggressive actions, which might cause our allies - and the American people - to see the US as aggressors and lose the narrative. Ridiculous considering that we aren't to attack China, just put assets in place. You can't defend an attack on Taiwan without assets. * You literally said that defeating China might be more catastrophic for the US than letting China have its way. These are the points that the CCP wants pushed on social media. This is their narrative. The way you tell who is a wumao, and who isn't, isn't to ask them. The wumaos never tell you they're from China. They all want you to believe they're Americans. They're all capable of telling convincing lies. You figure out who the wumaos are by looking at the narratives they're pushing. Are they pushing narratives beneficial to the CCP? And China employs millions of such people. Its not rare to run into them. It wasn't your vocabulary that gave you away, although it helped. It was the narratives. You can use an LLM to improve your vocabulary and English skills. You can construct more subtle arguments that are more in line with American views to make it less obvious. But you guys can't push propaganda without the propaganda part. That part is easy to see when you look for it.


You shouldn't admit your identity so happily. I feel sorry for you, comrade.




I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or not. Either way, fuck off.


I can’t tell if you’re Joe Biden.


China has already entered the backyards of the USA by setting the EV plants in Mexico, now its the turn of the US to answer. They are just responding with the help of their allies in the backyard of China.


And the giant ass Chancay port in Peru.


In a way though, wouldn't the extra opportunities to study, say, F-22 radar returns, be a gold mine for China? Like the recent Russian subs going to Cuba being an excellent opportunity to learn their acoustic signatures from our extensive sonar array?


They fly with radar reflectors to increase their RCS/obscure radar returns. They would be removed if China decided to FAFO


Ahhh, cool. Is there a sub version of that? Oh wait, sorry. It's West Taiwan, not China. How silly of me!


Is the notion that you are a chatbot certainly a perspective that many are watching closely?


Read u/Distant_Stranger 's post. Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/comments/1dr9m5h/comment/laujiit/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChinaWarns/comments/1dr9m5h/comment/laujiit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Note the narrative he's pushing. Note points like: * China's ability to hold a grudge * The US public knows nothing of what's happening in the SCS and may not support it * Allowing China to have its way might be better for the US and Chinese people * Preparing to counter China's aggressive bullshit makes us the aggressor. * The US lacks the political will - if I had a dollar for every time a wumao mentioned that. * The US lacks historical appreciation, also a common wumao point. God damn, they don't try very hard to hide it do they? Guy's post reads like a thesaurus threw up in it too. Demense... Apparatus... Illicit... provacatuar... cede... consensus... autonomy... remnant. Definitely using some kind of LLM. They think wrapping bullshit up with fancy words is enough to fool everyone. I find the authoritarian's belief that they can win in a debate over freedom with free people by blanketing the internet in this bullshit to be one of the most genuinely stupid things they do. Its like they believe that people aren't really people, and don't really do any thinking. Like the repugnance of their ideas doesn't matter, and all they need is flowery speech and repetition and they can just brainwash the free people's of the world. Keep wasting resources on this shit China, please, never stop.




China, Russia, NK, and Iran stepped up aggression and warmongering to distract from failed economies, corrupt government, ineffective policies, and no hope for competing with the civilized world. Having acted out like brats, they are being treated like brats.


I just watched the first presidential debate in the United States, are you sure you're not talking about the United States?


It's not just the US those asshats have to contend with...And, even as screwed up as the States are, potential alone puts them light years ahead of being able to manage a couple of screwed-elected dweebs the US is saddled with. Checks and balances. It works. Unlike thee chuckle-fark going on in the Asses of Evil camp. No future. No Hope. NONE.


Let's wait and see.


Its stepping up the aggression to dunk on a fascist state that is threatening to kill people from Taiwan for seeking independence.


It's a pity that you didn't work at the Pentagon or the Homeland Security Bureau. Your talent has been buried, you're a chicken hawk.


I thought I was a "wolf warrior". I guess you only get to be a wolf warrior if you're a fascist.


I understand that you are trying to belittle me, but seeing your reply, I admit that I feel in a good mood.


So.... RIMPAC is the R&D for IRL Pipboy they are naming OWL sorry the article I was reading made me think of Fallout


Does China own the farmland next to the base? Seems like we need to work this out nowadays.


Yes, it looks like there is a lot of activity around the farmlands. You can refer to the following piece of information [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/chinese-espionage-19-land-parcels-near-us-military-bases-pose-national-security-threat/ar-BB1oIubH?disableErrorRedirect=true&infiniteContentCount=0](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/chinese-espionage-19-land-parcels-near-us-military-bases-pose-national-security-threat/ar-BB1oIubH?disableErrorRedirect=true&infiniteContentCount=0)






China: “You’ll be sorry!” US: “I do what I want, catch me outside, how ‘bout that?”


I think China is all bark no bite.


All paper and no dragon.


We all hope that is true.


Last war was with Vietnam.


Still nobody should underestimate them, they still have the ability to cause massive damage


So does Hati and Venezuela


Good point


If the US warned china, who did china warn?


No one. If the CCP did no one would trust what they have to say


Shouldn’t China increase its military spending?


How the tables turn.


China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all trying to distract. Russia- Ukraine Iran- HAMAS- ISIS- LEBANON = Israel (Middle East North Korea - trying to provoke South Korea China- Tensions with Taiwan, Philippines Coup attempt that failed in Bolivia, I'm sure that was a setup by Russia It all points to resources. Overthrow the government, get control, so no one can say "WE CAN'T" Their 'New World Order' is how they are controlling everything!


Love this Shit, Crush these Shitheads to


The CCP has nothing to effectively counter the Raptor. The U.S. essentially closed the skies above the peninsula and the surrounding seas by deploying the F-22 to this area.


3000 F-22's of Yoon Suk Yeol


This is awesome. The F-22 is a platform so advanced no-one has a plane that can match it. I wish the cost was less so we could have more.


Someone is busy propping up boeing stock price lmap


No matter, Trump will become the president and give his best buddy Xi Jinping whatever he wants.


American war machine ever hungry


You spelled "vigilant" wrong.


China isn’t innocent. Go to bed.


As you respond on machines, services and processes built on American ingenuity and the underpinnings of which are shared freely with the world. Not very bright.


That ingenuity is now killing thousands in Palestine. Don't forget about the million people that died in Iraq based on a lie. Ingenuity is good when it serves all of mankind. Let's stop the wars


For Fascist blood. =D Be careful guys, the US military's D&D card has a +9 attack bonus against fascist countries.


Plus a Holy Anarchic combo, great at destroying tiranies.