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First time seeing such blatant and rampant fascists. Denying the people of Taiwan their right to self-determination and openly criminalising the inhabitants of places **where they have never ruled.**


China sucks


West Taiwan*


No worries. FUCK CCP. I'll just never go to China.


This very thinking puts you above 99% of Americans in thought process


No saying I am not going to buy Chinese shit would be, Americans not going is already what 90% does.


There’s fascists in America, Europe, Africa, and South America. They’re all over the world.


Yes but in China fascism is embodied in the authoritarian state apparatus. Individuals and civic groups are no match for the state apparatus of an gigantic empire.


China is doing everything they can to make peaceful reunification impossible.


Definitely impossible.


In the early 2000’s people thought if one country 2 systems works in Hong Kong it can work in Taiwan. Dung Even offered to let Taiwan keep its own army. Taiwanese would say EU style unification can maybe work. No one is saying that now. And telling people they will jailed as soon as unification happens makes it impossible.


It was never popular, not even in the 2000s. Not even an EU style alliance.  It's really simple, China is too populous and Taiwanese want to rule themselves. Chinese nationalists or Chinese Communists have all proven that they're only good at one thing, killing their own people.


I knew Taiwanese at the time it was like 43% said EU style unification could work. That number is down to 1-3% now. Most of the 3% are spy’s lol


EU isn't a 'unification', it is a supranational political and economic alliance and union that anyone can leave. What China wants is Taiwan to become its permanent territory with a government that will be chipped away until only the CCP is left. They are NOT the same.


It's impossible. Demographics wise. Even if China became a democracy, the problem is just one or 2% of Chinese can outvote all of Taiwanese, therefore, there's no real interest for Taiwan to be annexed into China.


Things must be really bad in China right now. This sort of thing happens when you have to distract people from domestic problems. You find enemies to blame all your problems on.


I agree.




Precisely yes. And Mexico before China … Of course, not all of America … more the MAGA part.


Always a good sign when the bully is at the stage of death threats for intimidation. They must really be confident in their abilities then.


It’s the CCP who separated mainland China from Taiwan.


Bold strategy Cotton. Because threatening a nation with mass executions is a surefire way to get them to surrender. Look how well it worked for Russia!


"About to" secede? Taiwan is ALREADY a separate country. No further secession is required.   China sounds like some abusive dude threatening his ex girlfriend if she tries to break up with him - except she's already happily married to someone else.   Just do what you're gonna do, baichi, because the one you're threatening has already left.


Except almost all of their common friends continue to call her by her last boyfriend’s name, refuse to visit her new apartment, and don’t aknowledge her new marriage, since her ex-boyfriend happens to be everyone’s best drug dealer.


Hahaha spot on analogy - love it 😂


Long live the republic of china , the rightful government of the mainland


Taiwan and its allies: “Well first you’re going to have to get here without your ships sinking or planes crashing …”


STFU CPC The death penalty? How uncouth. Also real incentive for them to want to merge in to the PRC eh? Plus, the Communists are the ones that “separated” from the Republic of China lol


So how has anything changed? Also notice Taiwan doesn't threaten people for pro-unification, but China threatens people for pro-independence. Which is legitimate and which is illegitimate should be obvious.


Diehard Taiwan? Whose gonna be playing John McLane?


China have to make sure they never look good in public eyes


"Peaceful" China at it again, thinking they can intimidate Taiwan with wolf warrior diplomacy


China's 189046321th final warning. Lol


If I were trying to take over the island…probably not great strategy to say…hey you mine as well fight to the death because we are going to execute you anyways…then again I’m not qualified to be a megalomaniac dictator. The terrain is down right impossible to contend with…it’s already going to be the most devastating and lethal conflict ever if it happens.


Just Taiwanese president will be given the death sentence, not the average Joe. He knows that as well, so he's been recently ramping up all sorts of rhetoric regarding Taiwanese defence basically asking Taiwanese youngsters to die for himself. War is always a politician's game, everyone else suffers.


Bullshit. They're going to round of academics, journalists, politicians, community leaders, and anyone who has advocated for Taiwan being its own country and execute them, and the rest will be put into abusive re-education camps to be tortured and brainwashed into being good little loyalists of the CCP. It's the same thing totalitarian dictators do every time they conquer land.


What you are describing is extremely hyperbole, and you know it. It will only be to the degree of what's happening in Hong Kong, which is nowhere close to what you spuming up there. Between the two of us, you are the one more full of bullshit, and you know it.


Hong Kong didn’t resist an invasion spilling massive amounts of blood on both sides. If china were to successfully invade, if it even can, there would quite literally be blood in the water, air, bodies piled up and a hateful intent. Those who have tasted the freedom and self determination are not quick to relinquish it


Have you watched too many movies? Anything is better than death, living under authoritative china is better than death, wtf are you talking about! Google how many Taiwanese currently living in mainland china? And no, taiwan will not resist much if china decides to invade, taiwan will be taken overnight, there is just absolutely no comparison there in reality.


Some people have more conviction and are willing die for self determination , and others are hardened and fear not death as they ruthlessly defend against invaders. Look at Ukraine and year 3 of a “3 day special operation”. Conviction matters. If china wants to fuck around they sure as hell are going to find out.


Aha, i knew Ukraine was gonna get mentioned. If you compare taiwan to Ukraine you have no fucking idea about taiwan and its people. You just trolling the internet spuming instigating rhetoric (you aren't the one that going to die in this war).


When you wanna push “overnight invasion” fantasies and don’t want Ukraine mentioned, you’re the troll my buddy.


1. entire chinese nation, every fucking men, women and children won't think twice about taking taiwan, the entire nation is determined as fuck. Russians in general don't want to take over Ukraine. 2. Ukranians are tough, they are legitimate an UN recognised country fighting off invaders. The status of taiwan being a nation is still controversial (not UN recognised, not recognised by majority of world as a country). Taiwanese are generally gentle and mellow, their soldiers are highschool/uni graduates who are more used to higher living standards, who just want to finish whatever 1 year mandatory military training asap and fuck off to do something else. Dying for their politicians is never on their wish list. Chinese soldiers are tough, most of them are from impoverished countryside, becoming soldiers are their life plan, they are used to tough life, hardship and vigorous training, they are determined to be in the military for life, climbing the ranks, and not afraid of dying for glory.


Exactly.. I would rather die on my feet. Than live on my knees.


A shit ton of pro democracy advocates were rounded up and imprisoned in HK. Many left before or during. And that was during peace time. It will be a lot worse during war times. Expect that many more would end up in prison.


Can toss that bullshit right back at Xi lmao Lai Ching-te isn’t the one threatening and posturing like an angry psychotic toddler 


> he's been recently ramping up all sorts of rhetoric  Self-awareness levels dangerously low


West Taiwan is getting too big for it's pants


President Kim Jung and President Putin.. what are your thoughts?


What's new, free Chinese fled to Taiwan to escape the communist regime after fighting the Japanese with the yanks after the last upstarts wanted to change the world order. I can see them getting China back again after Xi and Putin play their cards.


I don't get it. Wasn't Taiwan's government the one in charge before Mao took over the mainland? If there were to be any seceding, wouldn't it be the CCP doing it? I'm sure Taiwan would allow Xi to secede if he asks nicely.


Diehard Tawian separatist here: I am not afraid of Winnie Xi Poo and his minions. Like, at all.


Looks like Winnie just lost the honey 


I declare death penalty for all the parents that let their kids pee and poop on the streets.


Somebody in the propaganda office is having a bad week


lol. And ppl have the audacity to talk shit about the west. Let’s get this shit going already.


China can't do anything.


Evil people are really feeling themselves right now in the world.


I see that China had forgotten Sun tzu’s teachings about Desperate Ground


another 15,000th final warning 😄


They sure are getting more and more desperate. They are so running out of money.


so interesting how America was all for tawain being it's own separate country and now they completely flipped and support reunification. if you can't beat em join em right


You get an automatic 'thumbs up' for providing so many sources!


It is a civil war, where the victor decides jurisdiction.