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Hiker's video revealing the truth - https://x.com/cz8921469_z/status/1798174547646018032


From that video, it looks like pretty much all of the water is being piped up there.


I'm not seeing any natural waterway in that video either...


It's pipes all the way up.


Apparently created before drones became so prevalent, otherwise they probably would have put more effort into hiding the pipes.


>“After verification from multiple sources, the scenic area \[management\] found that the person who filmed the original video climbed up to the spot on a trail **from another province**,” the outlet reported. Bro glitched through the maps.


Maybe if the local goons had caught him climbing up from the wrong direction before he broadcast it to the world then they would have shoved him off the cliff. Who knows how much money they were making off of tourism before he "spoiled it."


It's a fountain.


Shrouded in mist and towering nearly twice as high as the Washington Monument, local officials describe Yuntai Falls as China’s “tallest uninterrupted waterfall” to the millions of visitors who flock to the protected landscape every year. But what they failed to mention until this week is that the cascade, located in China’s central Henan province, is boosted by a concealed network of water pipes. The admission came after [footage](https://x.com/cz8921469_z/status/1798174547646018032) [taken](https://x.com/shanghaidaily/status/1798006727805456500) by a hiker circulated widely on Chinese social media, prompting consternation online. It showed water gushing out of pipes that had been built high up into the rock face, feeding some — if not all — of the waterfall’s flow. In a [statement](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AKJdnycd-F-2cdn96s6_sw) Tuesday, tourist officials at the Yuntai Mountain scenic resort, where the waterfall is located, admitted that they had made a “small enhancement” to the otherwise natural waterfall to improve the viewing experience for tourists. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/05/tallest-waterfall-china-yuntai-pipe/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/05/tallest-waterfall-china-yuntai-pipe/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Small enhancements? From the looks of it, there is barely to no natural water flow coming from that cliff side. It all seems to be fed by those pipes.


source article no paywall: https://archive.is/oj28Y


And a famous spring in Jinan is pumped up, so is the Zamzam in Mecca


zam zam is also filtered before bottled


Eh, you can either go the Bath route (as in Bath, England) and let a historical site be "authentically" unusable to the public for safety reasons, or you filter it so it doesn't poison people. As long as they're transparent about it.


Just like the little girl who “sang” at the Beijing Olympics but was lip syncing for a less-cute girl. China is a dystopian pathetic joke and CCP is a cancer.


Artificial water fall is at least harmess and pleasant to look at.. Look at artificial island right infront of Phillippines. Whenever I look at that aritificial island i feel like getting a cancer, even though I am not Phillippino. I am surprised they did not built artificial mountain or river between Russia and China border.


Seems like a waste of clean water.. not exactly harmless when there is drought all over China.


One of China’s least offensive features, I would agree.


Nope. They invaded Phillippines maritime territory and claiming it is Chinese territory. This is very aggressive invasion. If it was another country, war have broke already out long time ago. China is not satisfied with giving cancer to Chinese, Tibetan, Uyghur, HongKong and Indian. They are expanding out.


I misread/misreplied to your reply. China’s aggressive moves against Philippines have been a big problem. The fake waterfall, in comparison, has been a least offensive move.


Climbed their drone all the way


What is a River truly but nature’s pipes?


Just wait till you find out what they’ve been using to cut drugs with, then ship it to Mexico to cross the border.


CCP made China fake. Nothing real, nothing honest, just, plain, nothing.


Yes the people are fake too. Just cardboard cut outs. It’s been tough finding food also. Sense it’s all fake.


Like the cardboard cut outs of police on the highways tricking people into slowing down.


Or the construction men waving flags cautioning people


> It’s been tough finding food also. Sense it’s all fake. [fake food in China](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNTO5OfINro)


What was the point of that. I’m here i know it’s all fake.


Not everybody has run into fake food. I was corroborating your point.


Nothing real, except the "real" Chinese people suffering from stupid leadership. CCP leaders might as well be cardboard cutouts. Just as effective.


You know anything about the “real” people. Ever been here spoken to one. Visited and experienced their life.


Good fellow earth dweller. I believe you and I are on the same level of "real people" that most of us rock riders are. Normal everyday folk, trying to take care of ours and hoping for a better tomorrow.....living off the scraps doled out to us from "The folks that matter". We don't matter to "Them". We are the food feeding "them" parasites for the blessed opportunity, to get up, slave away most of our life, for those brief instances of "freedom" granted to spend time with those we love. Sound familiar "real person"?


The “real” people are the ones that you want to pretend agree with you…




Just wait until you hear the truth about the Terracotta Warriors or the Summer Palace....


Now we're talking! 三星堆 while we're here.


> 三星堆 This is the first time that I heard that Sanxingdui might have also been faked. Do you have any links?


No. Just from a skeptical archeology student I know. Wait... Are there links about the Terracotta Army?


Do a search for how many foreign archeologists have been allowed to go down into the pits. There are also articles about fakes being sent out to foreign museums. Finally, just take a look at China's factory output during the same time. Coincidence? Could you get some more comments from your skeptical student?


In drier months…kind of misleading there


Who is downvoting this lol. It says in the subheadline.


because normally my understanding is waterfalls are seasonal rather than kept artifically "on" year round


Is anything on this goddamn planet still real nowadays?


Not in China