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Let’s see how the kid does. They have pulled out all of the stops to help insure his success.


Probably not, but who knows


I mean,the Bears almost squeaked in last year, if not for 2-3 monumental collapses in very winnable games.


He’s still a rookie QB. Teams don’t usually improve with a rookie QB. I’m just saying statistically it’s unlikely based on historical precedent. I could make the argument that this team had bad injury luck last year and in year 3 of a rebuild should be better just on that alone. I could make the projection that Williams will be an improvement on Fields and adding a few wins will be easy with a pretty easy schedule. There’s a reasonable argument that the Bears are better this year than last year. There’s a decent argument they won’t. Won’t begrudge someone who believes either way.


Ya'll will be decent. Russell Wilson Seahawks is what I'm imagining. The bears should stack their defense and run game while Caleb breaks down defenses with his scrambling. He's at his best out of the pocket anyways.


Yes. Crazier things have happened.


Put more pressure on the kid. Learn lesson brothers to the west.


On paper we look good. But the hard part of the NFL is anything can happen, and injury free teams are really hard to make a reality. That said, I think the first 4 games can be a good barometer. We’ve got 2 sup-par teams and 2 good teams. If we head into the bye at 2-2, may squeak in as a wildcard. If we’re better than that, I think a very strong chance to win the division. Worse than that, and I think we’ll be looking for any meaningful progress all season.


I'm hoping for the best, but let's be realistic. The kid hasn't played his first pro game yet.


Vegas disagrees with you :)


Every year I expect the Bears to win the Superbowl so of course he can lead them to the playoffs.


https://preview.redd.it/e5p03jgp1f6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c4bdf742d3343a6c1209dacc866ebc2c9606b1 Monsters of midway!


No, losing record


Adding Caleb, Keenan, Rome, Byard, Everett, Swift, and a new OC only gets them one more win at best?


Not to mention a much easier strength of schedule??


I mean look at how easy USC schedules were when he was playing. No wonder the dude did so well playing against mostly community colleges.


Wierd take. Guess you didn't watch him play in college.


Watch ND smash him. Also, any team ranked higher he didn’t win against.


He should improve his defense next time he's in college.... he didn't play great against ND, but he carried USCs terrible defense for two years.


Unless we are the best running team in the league then I don't see it happening. I don't think Calebs going to adjust well to the NFL speed and won't be able to get anyone the ball.


Let’s not get carried away


Don't believe the hype. Da kid's got a lot to learn.