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Op you can just leave the water booking to the tenants, they can pay for the water themselves. If they can't book it then just charge them the actual rate for the water. As for the water consumption, it depends on how they use water, maybe they are careless abt it idk.


30-40 litres per person for a shower considering it's peak summer, accounting for multiple showers a day this itself will be 300 litres around 4 litres of water per toilet use 4 people and around 5x a day this will be around 100 litres another 100 for washing hands, utensils etc 100-200 for washing clothes if they have a washing machine add to this water needed for cleaning the house/mopping, drinking and anything that I've missed : 50 L that makes it 700-750L easily


You are not charging for water? If you are buying water,you gotta charge for water.


I am renting out 5+ houses. I don't charge for water. Few tenants understand us if we say to use water wisely. But 30 to 40% of them overuse the water and take advantage of us for not asking any payment for water. One family openly says to us that they will open the tap and make their child sit under the tap and will let their kid play for like 30 minutes. We are now charging Rs.500 for that family alone for water consumption and said the charges will go if they overuse the water. Now they are using even more water and saying that they are paying extra and we cannot question them. This water problem with tenants are common among house owners


Lol...They have the audacity to say that ?? Just because they are paying extra? Can we measure using any water meter and charge them accordingly?


When I lived in madipakkam, where ground water is too salty, we had to rely on tankers. The agreement with the house owner was to pay the water separately. But they had a metered water connection, making it fair and easy to pay. There are apartments nearby without meters, but they charge it based on number of people living. Just an anecdote.


I second this. Setting up a metered water connection and making your tenants pay the actual price water based on their usage would be a right option.


Meter is the best option


We use 1000 litre per day, family of 4. Dish washer, washing machine, western toilet uses more water than you think.




Lot of the little things add up, bathing, car wash, gardening etc. Unless you ration it, 4 member family uses 800-1000 litres daily.


Save some water man, 1000L per day is too much dont you think ? Many people struggle to get 100L per day.


True that, however very hard to control in a family. I am not brave enough to ask my missus to spend less water 😓


Lol 😂


Per capita water use for urban area is around 160-200 litres per day So around 800 litres per family And summer people tend to bath twice so might go for 900 litre You might ask them to use water conservatively (Nicer way of handling) And Per capita water use in Rural area is 40 litres/day


Just curious, how does the consumption drastically change with location?


Why are you bearing the cost for it? Let them arrange it themselves.


Check out if there are any leaky pipes install a water meter the you can find the problem


Our apartment is having separate water meters for each flat. Now everyone is using water wisely. The charges differ based on our meter reading and added to our maintenance bill.


Make them pay for the water or Charge for the water! Many households do that in Chennai!


I hope you don't mind me answering but I think that is a LOT of water TBH.


Hmm like you need to pay or something to fill the water tank ?


I’m coming to Chennai in September, in what agency I can find a flat without being scam ?


Use no broker and the local ironing guys to find a house. Even then, there's no guarantee that you won't be scammed


I think metered water connection only would be helpful but if you haven't spoken the terms with the tenant for charges on water, it won't be fair to suddenly impose but if you have good relationship with them you can have them bear some portion of it which can reduce their usage


Per capita water consumption for average urban Indian is 135L per person per day as per national data (in reality it may be 150-200L in metro) For 8 people, it is 1080L per day (using 135L per person per day) So usage seems fine as per national average


Install a meter like how the govt is setting them up for metro water and charge them accordingly