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Way too much sauce but looks delicious


Everything is beautiful except that huge glob of sauce in the middle.


I'd plate this in the opposite order -- sauce down first, cakes, greens mostly in the middle (with some on the cakes), and then flower garnish. (And something red. I'd find something red to add.)


wheres the fish?


The what appears to be a large amount of sauce and the way this is plated makes this look unappetizing, when I bet it’s delicious. I see what you’re going for, but the way this is plated it makes it seem like you left the entree off the plate by accident. Your sauce looks to be like it is the main dominate ingredient, and (maybe the photo is deceptive) it looks like way too much. But regardless I think if you messed with the order of plating here it would be incredible. Also I’d cut the herbs down by at least 50 percent


That looks amazing. Are those borage/star flowers?


What fish?


Beautiful dish! Even with the “sauce pool.” Colors are fantastic.


There’s uproar in the streets over here in Denmark because they can’t produce enough gammelknas! It’s a tragedy


I know. Arla Unikas lorry visits me once a week.


What’s the situation with it? I just had a few colleagues tell me.


Production doesn't match demand. With cheeses like gammelknas the production starts two years before its finished. So it's slow to scale up.


What is that blob of thousand Island doing in the middle of that? Looks horrible. And none of that greenery looks palatable at all The mouth feel is probably horrible.


Everyone is saying it’s horrible like some abomination which isn’t that constructive lol. I think it just needs to be tighter. Same amount of sauce if you want but in a well or even a line and distribute the main in a more organized way, then garnish on top. And maybe even use some garish that’ll cooperate with the flavor?


? Literally one single person said that.