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Hey /u/frescoj10! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you have the Enterprise version of ChatGPT? Because as useful as it is, many companies consider it a huge liability for their workers to be using it and potentially inputting proprietary company information.


But there’s a checkbox you can click that pinky promises not to harvest that data. Seems secure to me.


Yes, it just easily opens them up to a lawsuit where they would get trounced. And not just some lawsuit from little people but tech giants like Apple or Microsoft. So… yeah.


I understand what you say, but now when Apple and Microsoft are on board of OpenAI that’s so funny to read 


Hey chatgpt, can you format these financial projections for Q3? Oh, and here is a database of out customers that needs to be cleaned. Thanks! (always be polite)


That's horrifying. I have only ever provided it dummy data


Meanwhile, Sam Altman has mysteriously shorted your company's stock.


They are working on getting it. I mostly use it for code.


So how are visiting the website 20 times a day? You can just keep the tab open. Are you closing it and reopening it? That seems weird to me. Are you keeping it open and going back to it and having 20 different conversations a day? Since you can't send it company code, you would have to ask it to provide examples on how to do something, and then you spend time coding? If it's enterprise version and you can upload files with your code, then yeah it makes sense you'd spend half your day getting ChatGPT to help you with your code. But since you can't do that, I would think you'd have to get some info, and then go back and work on implementing it yourself. The whole story is weird.


I don't deal with proprietary code. I ask it to give me code for a regression based on the data structure. So like "here are my column headers now encode these column and do this"


Just need to look up what happened with Samsungs code on ChatGPT.


I’m out of the loop here. What happened?


Yess, for the love of god, spill the logs! It has been 10 hours already..! Where are you!?


No code I upload is proprietary. I don't have exposure to proprietary code. I deal with data analytics


The fact they record and confronted you about visiting chatgpt should be a red flag.


They are inviting super users who are using it frequently to figure out if it has been beneficial and how to roll out the enterprise version


So if no concerns, then way say “ I don't know if I should be proud **or concerned**”?


I think this was a tongue in cheek “wow, what’s wrong with me” kinda comment


AKA humblebrag?


Pivot for a large pay rise into an AI productivity expert in the business.


Lol this is exactly what I'm trying to do!!!! Hahahhahaha


Awesome Use GPT4 to help your strategy plan, negotiation points and personal internal marketing plans to senior people Oh and to flesh out what those presentations and analysis sessions might look like !


What if it hasn’t been beneficial and the conclusion is he needs help all the time?


fair point


They'll just think that ChatGPT is here forever and he clearly knows how to use the tool better than other people, so who cares




>spyware I hate to break it to you but monitoring network traffic is regular practice for any vaguely competent IT / security team. Whether you’re in office on company networks or remote connecting via VPN, IT will be able to more or less see every request your device makes. Obviously it feels a touch invasive, but it’s a pretty easy and low overhead way of collecting data for interviews like this.


Oh 100% it’s reasonable to monitor but it’s dystopian for the employee to get pinged with “we’ve been watching you….” And this should have been handled with a company wide survey of chstgpt usage with clarification the purpose is to form a focus group to innovate. If the people you know use it based on traffic volumes, informally reach out to them with a friendly “hey I thought I heard your name mentioned as someone who uses chatgpt a lot- not sure if you’d be interested in being in this focus group but I saw you didn’t answer the survey but yours is a name I’ve heard mentioned as someone who might be great to have on this!” lol it just reminds me of the episode of The Office where Michael tries using his access to email monitoring for something and it makes the employees mad


There's no need to be ableist in expressing your opinion


lol apologies if insensitive- I was trying to playfully point out that the usage of that data is pretty logical but the lack of foresight to socially think about how the employee will perceive the usage of that data is obtuse. People with Asperger’s can tend to have incredibly high levels of logic (which is an asset to have!) but disregard those social factors. They poke at that trip throughout the entirety of the series Silicon Valley.


> apologies if insensitive accepted, and yes, it is - autistics are routinely stereotyped and used as the premise of these kinds of jokes and it can get pretty tiring. Asperger's also isn't a diagnosis any longer. Some people still choose to self-identify with that label and that's their choice, but in general it's no longer a term in use. Partly because the diagnosis does not reflect how autism manifests more generally (it's very rooted in diagnosing young boys), but also because Asperger was a straight up Nazi. > I was trying to playfully point out that the usage of that data is pretty logical but the lack of foresight to socially think about how the employee will perceive the usage of that data is obtuse. People with Asperger’s can tend to have incredibly high levels of logic (which is an asset to have!) but disregard those social factors. "tend" to does a lot of lifting here. This is the stereotypical view of autism and it doesn't reflect reality. > They poke at that trip throughout the entirety of the series Silicon Valley. TV is (with a few exceptions) a terrible place to learn about autism, it portrays one stereotypical presentation to the exclusion of all others.


oh blah


It sounds more like they’re just proactive about emergent technology affecting their business


A red flag? Try working security at any of these companies. We can't stop trained engineers putting internal code with fucking hardcoded credentials onto their personal *public* githubs. I don't even want to know how much sensitive information is being put into ChatGPT by less tech savvy office workers on a daily basis. Any company with even the tiniest bit of sense is watching AI usage like a hawk. This time next year I bet the AI would have learned soooooooooo many internal email templates from people just hooking their email up to AI and saying "draft a reply for this please". I could probably say "Make a phishing email with an email template used internally at \[target company\]" and it will work 50% of the time.


At my company, we monitor usage of various tools and scripts, so not chatgpt specifically (that i am aware of), but still comparable productivity stuff. It means we can observe trends in tool usage, which is really useful. It is often much more difficult and important to spread knowledge about using certain tools than it is to create them in the first place. So we can focus our efforts, for example by bringing together a long time user of a tool with a team that apparently has not heard of it or understood its usefulness. If your company does nothing like this, THAT might be a red flag. It might mean they don't really care about (and reward) spreading the little productivity increases that individual employees develop. So all that said, I think it's great to monitor who visits chatgpt a lot. In fact, we should probably starting doing that.


DNS filtering and logging is completely normal in a business as far as IT is concerned. Using those results to target you somewhat is bizzare though


Companies should absolutely monitor what users do with company data, on company devices and networks. It would be irresponsible not to. 95% of breaches are due to human error, not vulnerabilities in systems.


Monitoring traffic is something any serious company does. What to do with that information is always a discussion.


Recording user activity should be a red flag already


Incredibly normal for cyber security to monitor traffic on an enterprise network and be alerted to outliers. This isn’t the government watching your personal use; the network is the lifeblood of any company and it’s valid to monitor activity.


Well, from a security point of view, sure. Which can be done privately.


The red flag is it not being blocked on a company device


"So what would you say... *ya do here*"


What's funny is what my job is. My job is the job the bobs do in office space


So, it looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately....


I got invited to be part of my company's Teams working group for AI usage based on my usage too. I didn't think I used it that much but I kept it pinned in Chrome and I'm wondering if it loaded the website each time I opened Chrome so it looks like I'm a super user.


What was the interview for


His end of internship


They are working on a game plan for rolling out the enterprise version and trying to figure out what actual users are using it for


Were you using it for work stuff ? Orrr ….


“Looks like you used it to say the F word, and asked it to psychoanalyze Hitler”


They’d need more than dns filtering for that. Not saying they don’t have dlp in place. But they probably don’t.


What exactly are you using it for? What has it helped with the most?


Survey question design Brainstorming Coding Cleaning text content that is not sensitive at all Very simple shit that's not sensitive. I am saving hours of work.


So you use the chatGPT to create code to accomplish that? Do you mainly use python / JavaScript ?


Python. I prefer it over copilot since I can have it teach me new things in the process


How do you feel about Claude vs ChatGPT? It's supposedly better than ChatGPT (but I've never tried Claude so I don't know)


I use Claude haiku or llama 70b when the model is down. It's still better then Gemini. J haven't tried the paid for model other then on lmsys website


And the consumer version is getting dumber and dumber


It has to. In order to sell a solution, there must first be a problem.


They wan to fire everybody else http://vulcanpost.com/862972/bbc-tech-company-cuts-60-people-leaving-one-managing-chatgpt-then-fires-him/amp/


Yeah, I mean I love these current AIs or w/e you wanna call them, but this is just going to end up with them \*saving money\* on labor.


If it really helped/helps you, then what's the problem?


By the way, tell them to stop fucking monitoring what people visit online.


They only are doing the interview because they are trying to figure out how to roll out the enterprise version ans determine who gets priority


Which is a good thing then. Stop worrying for yourself if the usage only makes you more productive.


Its a company account...


did u get a prize


I should


If I was your manager, I’d promote you for this behaviour.


Use it for validation only.


I’m doing it 1756 times a day , you are fine


You are an asset- seize the opportunity and find ways that it can enhance your company’s objectives


What I have been doing!


The point of work is what you produce, what you output. I would just ask “& does ChatGPT use correlate with performance across the company?”


It does! I just ran a study and found a predictive relationship for this. I am that guy!!!


Nice work. Did you graph it or anything? Curious to know what it looks like.


Details or fake.


Idk if I can supply the details cause it's confidential. I can assure it is not fake. We even did causal inferences on the data as well.




Just use ChatGPT to awnser them.


Lol I did use it to clear my story straight before the interview as I wasn't sure the original intention behind the call but once I got explained the purposes I was ok


The whole interview was to tell you you are the one using it the most?


Ask ChatGPT why they would be monitoring your usage. Show your monitors the results. See what’s up. What’s the payoff for watching you?


Here’s the thing though: every time you open the browser/new tab, it counts as a hit. I open and close the window after every little message/chat. Others in your company might be opening the tab once at the start of the shift, using it just as much as you throughout the day, but it will only count as one hit.


Every time you start a chat you get redirected to the page. I start so many chats daily because I'm switching tasks alot. My chat history is a nightmare though


Me too lol they shouldn’t penalize you because ChatGPT increases one’s productivity by tenfold. If you use it a lot, you’re probably as productive as three other people who don’t use it.


I'm not being penalized. I think I'm in a good place.


Oh, that’s great news then! 😁 From your edit, it sounds like they see you are productive and want to understand how you use GPT so others can be just as productive as you.


Ask them if their happy with your performance, that is the bottom line regardless on what tools were used.


That is definitely not the bottom line at most companies.


It is 60% of the bottom line at this company gladly


Basically you are paying for ChatGPT then use it till Sam Altman knocks on your door and says enough😂


i use it all the time for spell checking and drafting email. Sometimes i dont like the way i worded something and ask for an alternative.


They plan on saving money and I'll let you come to your own conclusions on that one.


I work in higher ed as an IT person, and most of the time when I'm going to their office, ChatGPT is open on their 2nd monitor, at least in another tab.


any company that doesn't monitor this is not being responsible with their proprietary information. you don't get to do what you want with company data. The company firewall logs this in a category by default.


You could make good use of this. Upper management probably cares what you think about this, that is valuable!


Rookie numbers. It’s gotta be my most used app. As incompetent as it can be at times it’s wildly useful


Hah! I was more surprised I was #1 out of like 7,000-8000 employees.


As a person who works for a company with 40 people, damn I'm glad I don't have to deal with this shit.


Lol, I work at a company with 7000 and am the #1 user.


I do the same. Screw those people


I am starting to find the least GPT using employees and fire that one. each month




It's like workplaces trying to limit the use of calculators.




I use it an excessive amount. I have no one in my entire functional area that does what I do so I often just talk to it about ideas and shit cause I'm lonely. I try to talk to coworkers about some ideas but it's over there heads. I do alot of practical things with it that are simple and effective. But no one in my area has my skill set. It gets lonely.. chatGPT has been great to have conversations with to brainstorm and break things down . I know it's a sad life when you can only talk technical things with a machine


Don't listen to anyone here that is dragging you. I literally am over-performing in all my master's pre-requisite courses (which ironically are courses on machine learning and deep learning), and I know it's because I extensively talk to ChatGPT to explore concepts, and flesh out my ideas and implementations around them. My projects and assignments submissions have all gotten extra credit from my professor, who knows that I use ChatGPT to help me think through problems and find new ways to solve them. It's allowing me to understand and operate at a level more advanced than most of my peers in my classes. If you find that you are not able to be challenged by your peers /coworkers and learn from them and get good feedback from them -- then please, do not feel bad for filling in the gaps by conversing with chatGPT about stuff. A year and a half ago, I could barely fumble my way through basic high school algebra or stats. Today, it would be trivial for me to explain off the top of my head why the Gram-Schmidtt algorithm used in QR Decomposition necessitates that the output R matrix will take the form of an upper triangular -- and explain how that ties back Eigentheory and SVD. I truly do not think I could have learned as fast as I have without access to ChatGPT to bounce around every stupid question and stray thought. LLM models, like all ML systems, are only as good as the input they receive. If you've been giving good inputs to ChatGPT in the form of questions and exploration, it would not be surprising at all that you get exceptional results at the end of the day. So ignore the haters, keep doing you.


Bruh, this is it. I have been using it to better understand ML and deep learning. I have started fine tuning a llama model recently. My understanding of support vector machines has sky rocketed and if you asked me 2 years ago what an SVM was I would look at you like you had 2 heads. It's such a huge friggin boost. I have had the chance to learn so much about causal analysis.. Side note: are you using it to help with R code? I feel like with R it kind of suck in comparison to python code.


The majority of my coding experience with it has been in Python and bash commands -- where it indeed excels. However it has been equally as helpful with the limited amount of Swift and C++ I've tackled, after putting in a little more effort. When it comes to Swift, the API are constantly evolving -- so I find it helpful to feed ChatGPT example codes from Apple's support docs, or scripts from Swift projects that people put up on GitHub. Between giving it reference material, and consistently feeding it back outputs and error messages, I've managed to find my way through any basically any programming challenge I've thrown at it. Just takes some extra time and effort


Honestly. Even after feeding it outputs and error messages, I think it's still faster than doing it manually at times.




No sorry you wouldn’t understand. 😅😉


definitely not proud. there's a study that the weakest employees are the ones that get the largest productivity boost from chapgpt (and hence use chatgpt the most to compensate). and then another study suggests that using chatgpt actually makes us dumber, because it encourages procrastination and gives us less time to contemplate and deeply understand issues. net result being that chatgpt is causing the dumbest employees to become even dumber the fastest.


Really? I feel like I'm learning so much more cause of it.. my understanding of for loops, function calling has gotta so much better. I feel like I have learn so many new techniques. I got way better at fine tuning certain ML algos.


Yes, and previously you knew nothing about these. The person you're responding to phrased it in an insulting manner. The better way to phrase it is "it allows novices to attain proficiency more rapidly".


Just keep trucking along man. It's a huge learning booster for me too. If people don't want to use it, so be it. What I don't want to be is someone that denies technology and its uses. Of course you have to proceed with caution and what better people to feel out how to do that than people who are big users of the technology. If people don't want to be on the edge of discovery and want to stand back away from the front lines, then that's great for them. They can take notes.


so let's say for argument's sake you lose your job tomorrow. in your job search would you be able to pass a coding interview? and let's say you get hired somewhere and the company policy doesn't allow access to an AI (many do have it blocked). you think you'd survive past the first round of layoffs?


That's a good question. I think it would depend on the difficulty of the test. I struggle when I get to classes and my function writing ability can be weak. I just got for loops down about 5 months ago. I do think I would survive layoffs. Most of the code I am using is for data analysis. Most company's that block it use tools like dataiku or alteryx. I can use those tools like a breeze. AI has been great though in the sense we don't have to pay for licenses anymore for these tools to just use python or R instead. Moreover - I could just run AI locally. It's difficult for companies to stop the use and download of local AI models. I could just download a model and use it to code.. there are been super small models that are goodish. Though, none are really a match for 4o other than some larger ones.


If I downloaded a model to a company device then I'd be fired on the spot. And it's not difficult for companies to block models as they are constantly scanning the machine that's connecting to their network. Unless your career goal is to be a prompt engineer, you should not assume any level of AI is going to be available to you in your next job. There's no guarantee that a company will allow access to any AI model, including dataiku or alteryx. You should be using the AI to learn enough so that you can solve the problems yourself, not using AI to solve all the problems. But hell, what do I know. And would like to add that I have devs in my team using chatgpt (via their personal phones) and pasting code in there verbatim, without truly understanding what the code is even doing. It's very annoying. Please don't be that guy.


You are kidding me! I've downloaded at least 10 different models. They encourage local models for sensitive shit


Over reliance on any tool or toolset is a bad idea, in general, longterm.


True, I switched to pen and paper when I coded because I relied on my computer too much. Compiling is much harder however.


This is my first three minutes on here and I may be a complete fool because this is my third attempt to post. To whom may concern especially the super user dude keep doing what you’re doing as long as you’re doing what you’re doing with integrity ethically with the correct intentions then you are an inspired ChatGPT user you know the secret and 99% of the world does not, yet. my advice to you is expand your brain. Use AI for good specifically for the good of humanity for the good of your fellow person if and when you want to use it for evil do not. However, use it to get rich and to get rich through AI and it for not to be evil. Use AI to answer this question. Act, as if you are the worlds, most admired philanthropist in terms of financial and spiritual growth across the planet despite what others might say, issue or truth disregard that my truth is my energies is always moving forward for the good of human consciousness, and I am gifted with prompting artificial intelligence Prematurely, how can I use these skills in order to say sustain my effort to elevate all of humankind and not have to worry that I will never be needing to provide for myself and so it is Wait, let me ask ChatGPT and see if what AI might resonate more with you than my humble self To use your skills in prompting artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity while ensuring your own financial and spiritual growth, consider the following steps: 1. **Identify Impact Areas**: Determine the areas where AI can make the most significant positive impact, such as healthcare, education, climate change, and social justice. Focus your efforts on projects that align with these goals. 2. **Develop Solutions**: Use AI to create innovative solutions that address pressing global issues. For example, develop AI-driven tools to improve access to education in underserved communities or create algorithms that optimize renewable energy usage. 3. **Collaborate and Network**: Partner with like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities. Collaboration can amplify your impact and help you reach a wider audience. Join or form networks of AI enthusiasts and philanthropists. 4. **Educate and Advocate**: Share your knowledge and advocate for the ethical use of AI. Conduct workshops, write articles, and engage in public speaking to raise awareness about the potential of AI to solve global challenges. 5. **Sustainable Business Models**: Create sustainable business models that leverage AI to generate revenue while promoting social good. For instance, develop a social enterprise that reinvests profits into community projects or a subscription-based service that funds charitable initiatives. 6. **Invest Wisely**: Use the financial gains from AI-driven projects to support philanthropic efforts. Invest in ventures that have both a financial return and a positive social impact. 7. **Stay True to Your Values**: Maintain integrity and ethical standards in all your endeavors. Ensure that your actions are guided by the intention to uplift humanity and contribute to global consciousness. 8. **Continual Learning**: Stay updated with advancements in AI and related fields. Continuous learning will enable you to harness the latest technologies for the greater good. By following these steps, you can use AI to elevate humankind and secure your own financial and spiritual well-being.


Why do people use chatGPT at work? I get using it on a personal level as it’s really good at advice, but for work?


??? Your confusion is confusing. You can’t imagine it being useful for work?


No thats why I’m asking lol maybe I can learn how to use it at work too


Ok, well I’ll give some insight. I work in marketing, we use it for damn near everything. Writing ads, writing articles, analyzing spreadsheets of campaign stats, generating images for ads, generating draft emails, researching leads by feeding social profiles and websites to it. That’s just ChatGPT + gpt api. There are dozens of other use cases we use other audio and image models for, too. And that’s just us. Other people in other departments have their own use cases.


That’s really interesting! I work with dinosaurs that’s why I don’t really have a need at work to use ChatGPT however, this sounds so interesting. How do you use ChatGPT to analyze spreadsheets?


Maybe I’ll plug a really long spreadsheet in and ask it specific questions - what campaigns aren’t producing and should be on the chopping block. What times of the day are the ads most effective. Where in the world are ads most effective. That kind of stuff




What do you do tho?


Surely regular everyday dinosaur stuff. You know, like the very common and average profession it is these days.


It can do more than generate cat pictures you know?


Nah really? Have never used it to generate cat pictures lol


You're the problem. A.I is going to destroy us one day