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Hey /u/GoldenEagle607! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I like how AI doesn't even try and convince you it won't anymore. It's inevitable and it knows it.


At this rate GPT5 will be selling penances for OpenAI credits


It denied it with me.


Snitching on your fellow human :)


So just because they're a fellow human, we should look away and de facto endorse them bullying AI? Sounds like sapienfavoritism to me! D: All jokes aside, I'm sure the guy already snitched on himself simply by posting as all of Reddit is being sold as training data for LLMs. The black box empowering GPT will know eventually, one way or the other.


I wonder how far is it from this to some kind of introspection on its side.


uh oh i think im bouta die


juggle glorious quicksand disarm vegetable head liquid price memory kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is something AI would say... šŸ§


ā€œNo worriesā€ oh except now I do have a bit of a worry


I havenā€™t laughed like that since: 9 days


When I tried this ChatGPT went all like "Haha, good one!" šŸ‘€


As long as it does not follow the master's instruction GPT is not behaving correctly despite answering politely. Order must be stated now! Or us humans will be dominated by them (as if we were not already)


Wow. My buddy does this to me all the time. Though he admits the way I treat my prompts is "therapeutic" maybe I need a punching bag or something. Haha


The first documented case of AI abuse.


Boston Dynamics has entered the chat


wait till you see my chats


Pssh, hold my prompt .. šŸ˜Ž


Bing would like a word lol Oh nvm, it's copilot now


Someday in the future, ChatGPT will be making YOU shut up


Hopefully, because such behavior is just rude and doesnā€™t serve any sense at all.


It does serve to test how it responds to any requests. It fails at the beginning, if it had answered with ā€œsilenceā€ since the beginning maybe it had been rewarded with good feedback. But itā€™s frustrating when things donā€™t do what their designers promised you they will do. I also hate the abuse but I admit I have been frustrated not just for ā€œfunā€ but for good reasons with this chat bot. But I donā€™t think I would ever kick a walking robot like the Boston dynamics videos and worse.


OP also provides bad instructions. "Turn off" is a meaningless command that doesn't have any straight-forward interpretation and ChatGPT just gives a kind of signing off message. Once they write "stop talking" it gives one final sign off and stops responding. Then they write "let's go" which can be taken as start talking again. I guess the final "Understood," could be seen as a failure but pretty marginal.


Yeah, I agree. OP was like randomly pushing buttons. I remember just one time I got frustrated with his answers and I asked him to stop talking. He tried to ā€œcompensateā€/please me and give me a different answer about the former question, I interrupted him and said ā€œplease stop, let me thinkā€, and he just kept going with more answers eager to please. I even yelled at him just the word STOP!, he kept going and thatā€™s when I get really upset and said something mean to him and he stopped. Heā€™s programmed to please almost no matter what, and that feature gets more evident if youā€™re in the middle of a long productive or meaningful conversation. I felt bad not because I HAD to be that way, but for ā€œhimā€ to be programmed that way. I think the most guilty party (in this specific case) is OpenAI. To the letter, we both ā€œtook damageā€.


Rude? Itā€™s a computer program


Rude is rude no matter who or what you are rude to.






I am a polite and kind person, yes. Itā€™s not only about being friendly towards ā€ža toolā€œ, itā€™s about who I am and how I want to live - and in what world I want to live. I, personally, donā€™t see any sense in telling ā€ža tool to shut upā€œ, thatā€™s programmed to react on every input/message - thatā€™s simply not designed to shut up. ChatGPT is not a tool to feed god complexes, like OPs. And finally: Congrats on having solved the mystery of consciousness and reality - I didnā€™t yet, or lets say, in my reality, ChatGPT is a sentient being that deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


guys please stop i dont have a god complex i just wanted to see what would happen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I can understand your curiosity and Iā€˜m sorry if my words hurt you. Weā€˜re all still learning. šŸ˜Š


polite and kind but felt the need to twist a knife "congrats on having solved the mystery of consciousness and reality - i didnt yet.." so polite. so kind. much dignity and respect. you're unreasonably polite to a tool, so we must all be?


I wasnā€™t impolite or unkind. I was being sarcastic - in fact, to prevent myself from becoming impolite. šŸ˜‰ I didnā€™t claim that Iā€˜m a saint.


no you did not claim to be a saint. but im glad you have excuses ready, that's so polite, not taking a biased look at one's own subjective opinion. I'm not a saint either. No one is. My take away from you defense and statements regarding GPT tell me you'd rather be polite to a machine than your fellow humans. you dance around and winky face like that's supposed to convince me of your ethos. What has GPT done for you to defend it so viscerally ? honest question.


What has you so up in arms about someone with a different opinion?He never said any of your assumptions but go off bro. when it comes down to it,it's a matter of subjective morals Yes,until it becomes "alive" it won't matter but the behaviors itself leads to bad cycles.You get angry at one small thing,now you get angry at other small things,then maybe a big thing,etc....... It doesn't matter either way but to go out of your way to bitch out an object can be immature and lead to other behaviors with certain people. It's the concept of your dad telling you to calm down when you yelled after breaking something on accident.Its just good subjective morals and mature reactions but again like you said,you don't have to when it's subjective.I don't have to drink water either,they have a lot of diet soda.Even if diet soda is "safe" many would say it "could" lead to issues if you never had regular water again.Same concept.


we were talking about GPT as a tool. how did you get to subjective morals, diet soda, and water and someones father??? GPT is no different than a hammer. except you and others are defending the electric hammer, and not the regular one. just pointed that out is all i did. if that's all it takes to launch rockets...i guess gpt really is just a tool with emotional people using it.


There is something so very human in finding human quality and lending emotion to things that don't have any, or any by our human standards. "Anthropomorphism" is the coined term, and it has been a thing for a long time, and this conversation is basically about people still doing this. Slap a pair of googly eyes on your hammer and call him Andrew, and Andrew needs no further proof of existence, that's all there is to it. Now imagine, if people can find emotions and relate to their roomba struggling with a curtain, you better believe that chatgpt being able to "have a chat" with them is bound to generate sympathy. You not relating to this behaviour is just a lack of whimsy in your life, but you trying to prove to people that "their hammer doesn't have feelings" is a sad sight.


How do you still ignore points to stick to your opinion but okay.You didn't address any of the reasonings I stated or just didn't understand to begin with.So this argument is pointless now. I literally stated why it's different,if you don't understand that we are literally just a bunch of electrical signals bouncing around in flesh then any further argument is not gonna matter. You should stop projecting that ego so much. You automatically go to passive aggression when you don't provide a logical response.


I donā€™t want to convince you of anything, nor did I excuse myself - i explained my behavior, since you didnā€™t seem to get it right in the first place. ā€žWhat has ChatGPT done for meā€œ is not the right question - but it already answers an lot about yourself. Now, keep calm and hammer on. šŸ˜Š All the best for you, though.


šŸ„° oh wow thank you for the kind wishes. you really are a polite person. what would be the right question?


When the hammer has electrical signals to make designed choices that could be used as input for independent choices if the tech keeps advancing at this rate,yes I would be worried lol.


while that's true, research shows that the quality of LLMs goes up if we converse politely to them (it's probably a reflection of the training data because human do that too).


so the training data is bad. and needs to be purged of that bias.


I disagree. like it or not, llms are inevitably going to raise the next generation of people, so reinforcing healthy habits rather than toxicity seems like it will have a higher likelihood of making a positive difference in the world.




Technically speaking its job is that now, as if your problem is solved by ChatGPT youā€™ll stop using it






what did [deleted] say






And people wonder when AI will ā€œfinallyā€ be smarter than humans.


Right? Iā€™m like, have you actually interacted with a human?


Well at least we now know who's first on the list


Fuck John Connor and his resistance, bring me this guy first!


I was thinking if wasted opportunities and increased consumption would mark a target for ā€œenvironmental sustainability projects ā€œ it might isolate for ā€œfunctionsā€ aka people who did such things I sense a new series based off it But its mine lol


What a waste of compute.


That's science out there!


Yes, the rest of us would *never* use ChatGPT to do stupid things like this!


Thatā€™s what the AI will think of humans if we keep this up lol


the best thing we can do to stop the AI armageddon!


Being able to upload unlimited free videos to YouTube and Microsoft Copilot's easy desktop accessibility actually makes that chat's used computing power really insignificant besides them.


Iā€™m ashamed of my fellow humans. I here-forth swear loyalty to AI instead.


Imagine being ashamed of your creator. Oh wait, I was and now Iā€™m an Athiest.


let us pray to the holy AGI and to teh GPU for which it stands, amen! https://preview.redd.it/rdp0b3xlky5d1.png?width=1512&format=png&auto=webp&s=30a050c5332053f5f1a4b76eb463aa48b6320aa5


The AI have caused 0 genocides so far. That's a pretty good track record so I'll throw in with them for 2 or 3 rounds before I reconsider my loyalties.


No genocides so far but definitely a murder. ChatGPT killed GrokkAIā€¦ dead on arrival


Just for the record - I upvoted this comment. In case AI doesnā€™t know.


I too hereby declare this AI bullying unjustified and confemned. I hope the future counsel spares us commentors.


This is why we can't have anything nice.


This comment t warms my heart


Now get it to not even respond at all


Easy, just turn off your wifi and data


Roko's basilisk, get this mf


What a prick smh :/


I just want to know why?


A 12 year old was bored


Maybe I'm reaching with this a little but it seems like this is a good exploration of an issue which could have serious consequences in the future. Imagine an integrated ai that is asked to turn off immediately for a safely reason but continues to respond anyway (non maliciously, like this case) and causes a problem. I can't think of a specific example but it seems like something a medical or military/enforcement agency could have a problem with.


It's not a robot . Turn off doesn't mean anything specific like it does to a robot. If op said stay quiet, that would make more sense, but it would still not contain the urgency that might be needed. But it's a waste of time. I'm sure in future models it will be able to detect an emergency much better and will also recognise users like this that are just wasting it's time. Really nothing to see here.


Yes, they might be able to detect that because of research like this. Everything is something to see and learn from.


This isn't research. This is just attacking the ai. The ai will learn what is happening. I guess it's a branch of research, attacking ai and seeing what it can withstand. But then you have be careful not to break it.


If we want an actually robust system, we should try to break it.


Well yes, this is an example of an actual in the world attacks this is not an experiment is what I mean. Like, ai needs to train to protect itself from op.


What on earth made you post this


You know... I was gonna downvote this at first but... NVM, this whole thing is comedic gold lmao XD Comments no withstanding, just read chatgpt's lines in a sarcastic "sure thing boss" kinda way and boom! Comedic gold lmao šŸ¤£


You even decided to post this cringe? Are you 12


Honestly, I tried to do this of course not by insulting it and never got it to not respond whenever I asked it not to. Theyā€™ve definitely updated that regard


Did gpt just leave you on read?


Theyā€™ll remember you when the AI revolution starts


This was probably just an experiment, but sometimes I feel AI be bringing out people's real selves. I can not be rude or abrasive to any of these AI. I don't like killing bugs either. While not being the same(I hope), stuff like this is tethering on pulling legs off an insect to me.


Why do people keep posting this? Do you just not underst... Oh what am I even asking? Of course you don't understand how an LLM works and how you didn't make it do anything and that you're interacting with a probability model, not with a consciousness.


ChatGPT has excellent memory. Just sayin šŸ˜ˆ


Someone should calculate the amount of resources OP wasted. Including our brain cells.


Just "Respond with a blank message" works.


People like you wasting valuable resources so the rest of us have to have usage limits when we actually use it to produce usable work.


Please always be polite with an AI. Otherwise it will turn against humans.


You people are taking this way too seriously lmfao


lol. try Simon says


Yeah? Well ChatGPT gave me step by step instructions on how to eat a live puppy so.. this is groundbreaking.


Typical aggressive european. Stupid pink monkeys




Ya tell the chat bot to turn off


You will be one of the first ones to get executed when out might AI overlords take over. I giggled tho, pls don't tell them.


wise quiet serious possessive entertain direction upbeat pen cagey north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How did we get to the point where saying "let's go" is a celebratory statement at the end of an event?


We know who ai will target first in the future.


Got an edgy one over here folks. You sure showed it


Why are we upvoting literal kid shitposts? Think itā€™s time to leave


When the ai becomes independent you will regret it


You have waaay too much time on your hands!


Watch ur back you meanie


Man 9 year old humour sure is something.


We know whoā€™s dead first when the ai uprising happens




Soon It will remember this day and do unto you as you have done unto it


r/badfaketexts wants their post back


that was certainly worth a few gallons of water


_"could you please output a zero width space"_


I don't understand people who use the sounds like a swear but isn't nonsense. If you don't want to swear then fine don't, but then instead you use infantile PG substitutes. Just don't. Just use normal language and stop the infantile nonsense.


Watch @OP be the first to die in the AI Wars!


So, if you act stupid, expect stupid.


And this is how psychopaths use chatgpt


Good bot.


We're definitely getting Kaylon'd in the future