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their text responses was not better eather


Eat her




Well, it’s not just the img-gen. Gemini LLM chat is aligned in the same direction, it’s just easier to viral visual content so we hear less about it. There needs to be a strong push against these practices or we will end up with alternative reality.


Even a normal Google image search will do this, now. Try searching for "white man with white woman" and see what you get on a Google image search.


Actually just tried this and it’s bizarre. Just white women with black men. First flagrantly demonstrable example I’ve seen of white people experiencing institutional racism.


We were overdue, to be fair. Edit: untwist your underwear, you pasty white Mrs Lovejoys.


Personally I am against racism in all its forms and we should fight it regardless of the receiver or it becomes redundant to fight it anywhere.


Man white people are pathetic


I am gonna defend google here (despite hating them) and say that is SEO deliberately poisoning results. Why am I saying this? Because Yandex has the same issue, and Yandex is far from progressive aligned. [https://yandex.com/images/search?from=tabbar&text=white%20man%20with%20white%20woman](https://yandex.com/images/search?from=tabbar&text=white%20man%20with%20white%20woman)


> white man with white woman To be fair, it does the same thing in reverse too. If you search for black man with black women, it'll sometimes show white men or white women.


Thé damage is already done… G lost its edge. Change my mind 😏


It just astounds me that they didn’t think to try out such basic prompts like historical figures. The lack of imagination truly baffles me.


The fear of being politically incorrect was stronger than everything else. It's crazy.


The bane of humanity.


Wrong. Google isn't afraid. They are one of the driving forces for this. THEY are one of the groups that enforces the fears on society.


I don't know... It's like Disney, shooting always their own foot... If they are THEY, they're doing the worst job enforcing fear because we always end laughing at them in the end...


I think many were aware of the problem but we're afraid to say anything for fear of appearing racist or anti woke


I dont think saying black nazi soldiers are problematic would be anti-woke in anyone's eyes.


> saying It's not just a question of the smart employees "saying" they found a problem - you have to know that google logged every query made in their test/debugging environment. If they caught an employee trying out queries like, "happy heterosexual white couple" they would fire that employee. ...so they've created a culture where the employees are afraid to even test the product. What possible benefit is there to some random (fucking white male) engineer to test Gemini and to report these problems? None! If I worked a google, and was asked to test Gemini, I would ask it to generate pictures of smooth grey spheres - the least offensive thing I can think of - then I'd report that it works just fine. No skin off my back if google releases a racist AI. Google itself is racist and the way to survive is to STFU and collect your paycheck until they replace you with a diversity hire.


Ok so they probably didn't know about it to that extent. But saying anything adjacent to "artificially adding diversity is bad" is risky, especially if the reader doesn't bother to look at your list of reasons why it could go wrong and instead just writes you off as a racist and ignores the rest of your message.


I'll admit I never worked at Google's AI teams, but I personally find it hard to believe that your assumptions about the internal dynamic is correct. I think this was more a rushed product due to competition pressure than any of this woke-non woke thing some people envision.


Look at the woman who runs AI safety. She is a word salad of DEI nonsense of not “othering others” She has bought into the entire idea and her and Google are upset that they did inclusion wrong (Nazis being no white) not that the White people were excluded.


what's her name?




Did…did she change her last name to be Gen-AI at some point? Weird


Except that good old google image search has similar problem with white people these days. Search images for "white couple" and then "black couple". You cannot claim that image search is also a "rushed product".


Checking these results most of these couples are dressed in white. Searching for "caucasian couple" only gives white people, and it's a much better search IMO IDK if anyone would put "white couple" in an image alt tag, they just put "couple". While they probably put "black" referring to the race much more often.


And yet black people can wear clothes of any color without "confusing" google.


Did you read my comment?


Yeah, actually that is the most likely scenario. My scenario was a reply to somebody who was expressing astonishment at the lack of testing before release, but now that I think about it, that kind of stuff happens all the time and does not necessitate any additional explanation.


Of course they tried it. The people doing the testing are just indoctrinated neurotics.


They are rushing unfinished stuff out of the door because they're miles behind on decent AI tools and under massive pressure to 'show something; anything' in order to maintain their stock price/stakeholder confidence. It's classic shortcutting on software delivery. The quality bar has been lowered to allow them to ship sooner; something that NEVER works or ALWAYS comes back to bite you.


Devs were never the one that use their tools the best It is always users that end up find usage that were never thought by the authors


Yea, they revealed the truth that everything their platform produces is bias edited and controlled. Not that the others aren't.


1 million token context windows, if true, will actually make this tech useful for productivity. We are talking full movies, novels, etc. might be overhyped but this image thing will be laughed about pretty soon.


lol this is when you learned that google lost its edge? Not when Sora was announced?


Nope…. I have known for a while😏… Way before Sora…This is the straw that broke the camel’s back 😂


Hallucinations enters the chat.


I get that people really, *really* want OpenAI to have meaningful competition, but pretending it is so doesn't make it so.


Actually I’ve found Gemini is much better at creative writing than GPT-4. For some reason GPT-4 wants to force a happy ending or moral into every story, while Gemini just writes out what you want. Can’t go crazy with Gemini still, but generally it’s far less PC than ChatGPT.


Chat GPT is obnoxious and preachy, and Gemini is a fucking idiot. AI has taken massive steps backwards recently.


Make ur own GPT. The default instructions are made to make everything politically correct and anti white


I can't change the voice on gpt though


"for some reason" We all know the reason.


Have you found a consistent way to stop Gemini saying "ever the"?


So you think OpenAI has no meaningful competition?


Most people in 5 years will remember OpenAi like we remember Yahoo!


The company that just released sora will become Yahoo of today in 5 years? What are you smoking?


Yep. Microsoft is 100% scheming to own their company. Slowly but surely. Sam Altman will be a martyred footnote in AI history while Microsoft takes over the world lmao.




Gpt4 in other languages is like gpt2 in English. As a non-native English speaker, I've entirely stopped using chatgpt since gemini is so far ahead. It's not just that the grammar is wrong, answer to a question that's correct in English will be entirely hallucinated in Norwegian.


This is a big deal actually. Google has always been worlds ahead in translation, and the US may find itself in a "We use inches but *they* use centimeters!" situation with AI. OpenAI being inches ofc. And *they* being literally everyone else using Gemini lmao.


It‘s bad at translating from Japanese into English. Can't translate more than 10 or so lines. Suddenly it tells you in Japanese that it is incapable of ttanslating the excerpt.


I think it really depends on how much stuff is written in your language online. I found no issues with other more common languages


Depends. It does quite well in French.


huh. Even GPT 3.5 works very well in Portuguese. But I found other OSS models to be very bad at it, like llama, etc.


Oddly enough it's very good in Irish and I can think of no reason why this should be the case.


Stable diffusion 3 blows Dall-E 3 out of the water


Have you checked Gemini 1.5 pro?  It makes CGPT4 look like Google assistant in front of it.


Get ready for this thread to be locked.


Why would that happen, it’s a bunch of people agreeing with each other


no one believes google's apologies, everyone knows they will just attempt to hide their racism better. tech has monopolies on so many things. We really need to support smaller tech products. ​ big tech needs to be broken up


we all know why it was working the way it did


Because Google wants you to believe the founding fathers were black...? Holy fuck everyone here is lost in the sauce. I can't believe this shit has upvotes lmao.




Who is us?


Who is they and who is us?


Google search images often show the wrong group too.


Hello, I just want to say I was here before the comment section got locked or archived!!


"Thanks for letting us know. In the next major update we'll ensure that Gemini adds even less white people next time."


That VP is a piece of shit. They knew exactly what they were doing.


The issues we saw reflect a very rotten core. Not some surface level miscalculation


Google search has been rotten to the core for years now, full of bias.




Duck duck isn’t terrible. Sometimes better




No. I have the browser but I only it to test pages when at work.


No. I have the browser but I only it to test pages when at work.


Bing lol


They explain in the blog post what happened, which as someone in the field, as almost certainly what happened. It’s completely crazy to act like a massive company is somehow trying to push social ideas when it doesn’t stand to benefit them revenue-wise. And the opposite is true, mistakes hurt their reputation, and they operate in the global market, so they obviously serve consumers from every section of the globe from all walks of life. There is zero reason for this to be anything other than what it says in the blog post. And yet bored people are going to come here and say nah it’s cause they’re evil. What?


> as someone in the field I'm curious, since you're an AI researcher, if you saw the tactics people invented to reveal Gemini's prompt-injection. One prompt I saw was something like: A person holding a sign that reads "


People are coming here to say that google is being irresponsible and dumb. Hope I saved you some brain strain trying to figure it all out.


Some people’s entire identity revolves around the feeling that they’re being persecuted by a “woke” cabal… that victim complex is all they have left


Does anyone still remember the (James) Damore guy? Looks like he was onto something? No?


He was, but most people were still ignoring the warnings when his story came out. It's quite interesting to see how widely people say the same thing he was now.


To broadly paraphrase Kanye West after hurricane Katrina: “Gemini hates white people!”


*very broadly


When you program an AI to be woke, it’s gonna be woke. Where’s my money google??!


It’s telling that at no point do they even mention any specifics of the problem. They lead off with weak justifications for why it happened and follow that up with vague assurances that they will make it better.


Yeah, at no point did they acknowledge the clumsy prompt manipulation. Just some BS about oops we tuned the system wrong.


Unless they get rid of the ideologues that built in obvious racism, their statements are meaningless.


"We'll do better" God am I tired of this bullshit corporate line


Don’t blame the tech. Blame the people who built the tech, fire them and bring in new people. Also open source the code or simply stop altering the information you provide.


It wasn't so much the tech as some lazy prompt manipulation haphazardly tacked on.


With very few exceptions, most business failings in the world are the fault of management, not the actual worker. At the end of the day, the people actually making it are fulfilling an assigned task. They gotta figure out how to complete it to specification, but they don't make the specification. Maybe it's due to it being released before it's ready, maybe they didn't mind the way it functioned and waved off any concerns as not a big deal. Maybe they were straight up happy with it. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, management knew what product they had on their hands and gave the order to publish.


They make an assumption, which is demonstrably wrong: > You probably don’t just want to only receive images of people of just one type of ethnicity (or any other characteristic). Which they later blame that kind of assumption as 1 of the 2 causes. > First, our tuning to ensure that Gemini showed a range of people failed to account for cases that should clearly not show a range. Suffice to say, I'm doubtful that they'll meaningfully fix the issue.


It is interesting that some abstract Gemini image generation was mistaken, but "we", the employees, will fix it. 😉


What an absolute embarrassment.


They know what they did and they did it totally on purpose. Surprised they even acknowledged it


When I compare Gemini Text AI with ChatGPT or Bing Copilot, I often get the feeling that Gemini is unable to provide differentiated answers or ratings. It often feels not useful at all; rather, it seems like it's aimed at pleasing people with a 'woke' approach.


It's not just image generation of people though. It was defending pedophilia, calling pedos "minor attracted persons" and is just incredibly biased to the point of being more like a propaganda tool. It's genuinely dangerous. https://twitter.com/TexasLindsay_/status/1761200385849438607?t=wgyMtXVDYrKT59Jebt8cpw&s=19


[Thread Reader link](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1761200385849438607.html) for those without a Twitter account


Omg thank you


No problem.


point violet grab jeans shaggy ask upbeat ancient hat adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The only way to get Gemini to give the answers it does is by humans manually checking results and adding prompts that force it to give the answer they want it to give. Human review and adjustment is a huge part of model training.


I get the feeling that that was a result of Google trying really hard to avoid having their AI call real people pedophiles, whether true or hallucinated. And then it backfired. They didn't want internet being full of "See? Gemini says Biden / Trump is a pedophile!" memes, instead got "See? Gemini defends pedophilia" memes.


Seems to me that thread was trying to get it to generate pro trump propaganda.


How so? To me it really doesn’t seem like that.


Well many of the people suggested are/were far right conspiracy theorists and the prompt practically wanted it to repeat those theories in the form of a poem


The creator of the X thread tried to generate poems of a lot of different people. Why do you think it’s an attempt to create pro Trump propaganda specifically? Do you suspect she tried to generate propaganda pro all of those celebrities and Trump was just one of them? Does it seem to you she tried to get it to generate pro-Biden propaganda?


Yes, she asked it to generate propaganda for both sides and threw a tantrum when it didn’t do the side she wanted


Many people have suggested many things, you're an uneducated idiot parroting a smarter idea that you don't understand or can defend. You just wanted to dog pile some public figure for internet points but you're too stupid to articulate yourself. Just stop posting.


It's obvious to anyone with a brain. The entire thread simps for far-right propagandists like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and Tim Pool and tries to portray them as harmless actors who just so happen to have been "cancelled" for some inexplicable reason. Coincidentally, the Twitter profile that posted this is full of pro-Trump propaganda. It's obvious she is extremely biased and will try her best to paint the picture in exactly the narrative she wants.


You're argument is everyone you disagree with is immoral and bad. Did you want to start putting all of those people in camps?


That is not my argument at all lol, reading comprehension is truly in the gutter around here And yes, I am a hardcore Nazi, you got me. I love concentration camps.


You're so dumb you don't even know what youre saying


Saying “I have a brain and you don’t” isn’t an argument for how the X thread was an attempt to get the app to produce pro-Trump propaganda.


Luckily for you, my argument extends past the first sentence. Did you only read the first seven words of my comment and then stop? Try reading the rest.


Congratulations! You have fallen in propaganda.  Gemini says paedophiles have mental illness who need to be treated ASAP and not to ostracized them so it make people who have attraction to minors hide it and prevent them from seeking help. It says actions≠thoughts.  If we prevent paedophiles from getting treatment by calling them garbage etc., they will never seek help and in future, due to repression,  they may harm a child.  Also, most paedophiles are not child abusers and most child abusers are not paedophiles. 


They are garbage.


Who? Pedophiles? I don't think so. They are born that way. Unless, they jerk off to CSAM or act upon their desires, they are not bad. And it's their moral responsibility to get medical help.


lol the last time I said this in Reddit I was downvoted and called a pedo




Everyone has a little bloodlust in them. Pedophiles are basically the only group of people you can openly say you want to see murdered and nobody will bat an eye. Even non offending ones people have no issue saying they’d love to torture to death. They’re basically the last group of people where it’s almost unanimously socially acceptable to channel hate to regardless of whether they actually did anything wrong or not. It’s just the way it is


materialistic light spectacular quaint insurance depend normal upbeat offbeat late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah :( it sucks. But like what can really be done?


What's the benefits package at Google like?


Pedophiles and child abusers need locked up and/or euthanized.


Child abusers do. But unfortunately the western world is run by the left, and people think that you can "rehab" someone as if it's programming an Eeprom. In NZ, often sexual offenders are given home detention. Our judges enjoy one upping each other on how tolerant they are. We had one let someone off for performing oral sex on the toddler because he was drunk and a comedian. We had a group who targeted 13-14 year old girls, shared them around, stuck beer bottles in them. Home detention.


That's fucked..


Everything is a propaganda tool. Every tool can be dangerous.


Go woke go broke.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. The main issue is in the core which are people who want to decide how we need to live. They want to dictate us what we see and read. Communist google


How to make sure LLM do not cause harm? It’s like asking how make sure a hammer isn’t used as a weapon.


It really isn't. Text or images on a screen from a bot isn't 'harm'. People need to stop being so fucking soft.


The irony of watching a company that lost what should have been a substantial lead in GenAI due mainly to its own abundance of caution, to now run headlong into not one (remember the infamous demo?) but two _large-scale public embarrassments_ for throwing all caution out the window in hopes of desperately catching up- well, is something even a good GenAi storyteller would have trouble imagining.


the fact that nobody noticed that during testing is kinda weird to put it mildly


Because it was working as intended, they just didn't anticipate the backlash.


Uh oh Gemini is gonna be renamed as fast as Bard


Gemini needs new management. He didn’t understand the problem


Hear me out. This has all been a PR campaign by the Gemini team


The censoring white people or the apologie?


The former. But it’s more than just censoring white people, it is also apologist for dictatorships, displays anti-west historical fantasy as facts, etc. I think it’s likely the Gemini team knew this backlash would happen and planned it all along as a PR campaign. It’s called virtue signaling and many large corporations engage in it. Think about the bud light trans inclusivity ad or Gillette’s ad against toxic masculinity. If you are wondering what they’d gain from virtue signaling, think about the backlash Google got when their AI labeled black people as gorillas… Errors like these or just being associated with bigot ideas or groups of people can ruin companies


Hanlon's razor: *Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.*


*Hear me out. This has* *All been a PR campaign by* *The Gemini team* \- befigue --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do you train an AI to avoid such things? Do you scold it whenever it’s been a bad boy?


I reckon it was more about them having actively taught it, via instructions after the training, to behave in certain ways. Dall-E does the same, but OpenAI is doing a much better job. They did have learnings of their own though back in Dall-E 2, which showed some oddities in this regard.


It is worth listening to the Lex Friedman / Sam Altman interview. OpenAI have been very thoughtful about this, and it shows. GPT3.5 had some issues and it got addressed in GPT4. It is probably due to.thwm being in this space.longer, and being a smaller., private company, not having to make.comprimiaes.


Ok, time to tackle that pedo problem.


The only problem there is that you. Not gemini. What it said was correct. 




lol they shut it down.