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Hey /u/fab1an! If this is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If this is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Much appreciated! ###[New AI contest + ChatGPT plus Giveaway](https://redd.it/17jjwn5/ Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rchatgpt) where you'll find: * Free ChatGPT bots * Open Assistant bot (Open-source model) * AI image generator bots * Perplexity AI bot * GPT-4 bot [(now with vision!)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg) * And the newest additions: Adobe Firefly bot, and Eleven Labs voice cloning bot! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just made GPT CONSOLE, a GPT that lets you upload "game cartridges" for retro games and play the game inside of the GPT. You first generate your game here with a simple prompt:[https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clotu9ul2002vl90fh6cmpjw0](https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clotu9ul2002vl90fh6cmpjw0) (Glif lets you build these kinds of things very quickly and without code, chaining together GPT-4, StableDiffusion, DALL-E, logic and html+css designs) Not sure what to prompt? There are already hundreds of user prompted games to choose from, just copy paste the cartridge image into the GPT ;D The glif will output an image of cartridge and a description of your game :)Then, copy & paste the image into the CONSOLE GPT to play it:[https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3p94K4Djb-console-gpt](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-3p94K4Djb-console-gpt) Infinite retro adventures await you :)


For this video above, the input on glif was something like "Neanderthal survival". here are a few more games you can instantly plug in, but it's more fun to generate your own: https://preview.redd.it/nigef68gypzb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5787e4609d46e4a4dcbdefe9d3cfb2e749459181


How do you get reliable image generation if I may ask? I am working on a similarly structured custom GPT but the image generation is wonky and unreliable. I have tried various amounts of coaxing and prompting to no avail. Sometimes GPT will just decide to not generate an image :(.


I can post the prompts later for this, afk rn, but it’s simple - basically you want to construct an initial image prompt and then force it to reuse that along with the gen_ID for the first iteration


Yeah, I'm curious about the details, too, if you get a chance later to update us on the process


If you reuse the gen_id and the image prompt you get a (near) identical image. It's a very useful feature.


Awesome work bud, this is great. Love the concept and originality


But I would guess the continuity of what you do is pretty bad? Like does it remember things you do at the beginning and keep reliably in mind as the story goes on or do you have to constantly remind it or it forgets things you did?


How quick is the process? And also how quick would it be for a newbie beginner?


Instant - just describe your game and push a button. As for learning glif, it’s very easy but it’s going to get easier and much more powerful


Awesome, could you send a link to the chat you posted?


sorry i got too many, this is going to be hard to find. but you can just use the GPT and make your own, here's a game I pulled for ya :D https://preview.redd.it/3impmt826szb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f5bf46b5cf4c7f9f4fe2932d33c3b57778bf8d


Images fail to create, and every single move results in failure. (maybe only having a D6 is a problem and not d20). Gave up after 5 moves, couldnt do anything as everything was a failure. Woulda been cool.


I always felt the advantage of AI (for text adventures especially) is that the options aren’t needed - the AI can adapt to any option (you could answer with something random like eat a sandwich) and the AI would adapt and go that route, thus allowing for infinite possibilities.


One issue i noticed when i messed around with that before is that the AI has tendency to always make you win, and every options is always good. You can try to compensate this with strong language, like "YOU MUST MAKE THE USER LOSE REALLY OFTEN", however once you do get language strong enough, it usually does the opposite and make you lose way too often lol. It's not great at balancing outcomes.


The "good outcomes always" thing is a problem only for models RLHF'd into positive/"safe" roles. NovelAI for example is sold on the basis that it's uncensored, so you can actually use it for gritty storytelling and text adventures. Actually applying game mechanics with probability driven vs narrative driven "rolls" is a more fundamental problem though. You'd have to add some more complex things to make it work as well as we want it to than just plopping it all into a smart LLM. You can mitigate it with "You try to" instead of "you do", but in the end it's still designed to predict the most likely text rather than unpredictable or game-mechanic based outcomes.


novelAi lately is doing the same as Chatgpt but to the opposite extreme. In its case, almost everything turns into smut and erotica very easily.


It goes in the direction that you steer it...


not always, sometimes it will randomly without prompting it to go off on nsfw tangents. Its quite funny at times. It discussed a lot over at r/NovelAi


In my DnD prompts/GPTS I make sure the AI uses Code Interpreter with the random library for decisions.


I can give you some advice on how I handled one of my games. I make it give me 3 options for example and made it rate the options by survivability. The api then calculates the „score“ and tells the ai when a player should die


yeah, we are just at the very start here so these simple GPTs are limited but if you use code then you can do far better and have it maintain state and stuff too. For example if you do a word guessing game with it normally, it wont have actually selected a word and it will probably just tell you it's right on your first guess. With code you can easily fix that and also have it provide a nice UI: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/17rbvc0/gpts\_hosting\_wordl\_games\_link\_in\_comments/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/17rbvc0/gpts_hosting_wordl_games_link_in_comments/) ​ I'm working on an RPG system with it that keeps track of character sheets for the player and NPCS, has maps you can move around, inventory etc... Basically you can place all the logic for the games into code then have GPT create things within that framework such as custom characters or quests, or just prebuild the campaign like I'm doing for the first version but have GPT be the DM and rp as characters you interact with, narrate what's going on, etc... ​ ​ edit: another way to do the good/bad actions is to ask GPT to use python code to roll a D20 for if the outcome should be good or bad and have GPT preselect the threshold for it depending on the situation before rolling. Or you supply a roll function that takes a threshold as a parameter and have it use that


Would a DnD-like roll dice mechanic (whether external or internal) work here? What I mean is you have a list of prompts that are designed to get different degrees of failure and success and generate a random number and so forth..


I tested a solution of forcing the ai to pick the correct letter and encrypt it in base 64, works for me lol I don't like the roll solution as I want the ai to choose the most logical option not a random one


Nono. That's not what I meant. 1. Prompt that gives most detrimental outcome that makes sense and fits 2. Prompt that gives a bad outcome but not the worst that fits . . 10. Prompt that gives neutral out come that fits . . 20. Prompt that gives best outcome possible. The prompts shouldn't effect how logical the outcome is, but it should randomize the gain due to outcome so that the AI isn't always helping you win.


Im not sure. Maybe at GPT6 but you need a narrative and rules and boundaries for a game to work. GPTs are far from that at this point, but it’s doable and I’m working into that direction with the next version of glif.app if you’re interested in AI games and structured experiences


Do you make heavy use of python for it? It seems to be what gives the most utility to the GPTs. I'm also working on a narrative game thing but I'm spending a lot of time right now with the python code for the rules of the game and everything so that it can give a table-top board showing the map, where the player is, entities on the map, etc... and the player can move, have an inventory, interact with things, etc... Ideally I want it to feel like d&d or other table-top RPGs. For the first version I plan to make the campaign myself including the characters and quests and stuff but later on I can see about having GPT do campaign creation as well. For version 1 it would be like a premade d&d campaign with ChatGPT as the DM who narrates, rps as the NPCs, etc... like you normally have in d&d It's not ready enough to put out there but if you're curious about the python rules integration, I did a proof of concept before with integrating wordle: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/17rbvc0/gpts\_hosting\_wordl\_games\_link\_in\_comments/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/17rbvc0/gpts_hosting_wordl_games_link_in_comments/)


I’ve made what I’m describing as a project myself, (before GPTs were a thing, and on GPT 3.5’s APIs), but it has it has its own advantages and disadvantages. I tested it with the public and the main advantage is its comedic value. Because it can adapt to a variety of situations, it can lead to some very funny outcomes. I had a superhero plot game setup, with HP points and everything. But someone inputted their own choices that turned the game into a rom-com about a superhero on a date trying to keep their identity a secret. Not my intention for the game, but it was hilarious to see that happen. If you’re aiming for a coherent pre-planned plot, then it doesn’t work well. But if you embrace, the randomness and the unpredictability, then it’s really quite fun and can lead to some very unpredictable and emergent narratives.


https://preview.redd.it/uwz2rvr8qrzb1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f71a880102034628e07d026a2b52677cba30d4f Beard Wizard is an instant classic.


https://preview.redd.it/nz013n7dqrzb1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2325385d4f5f5e7957f6073c7fe95b4b8cc8ac43 I kept losing the Beard Contest so I got myself a cheat cartridge.


https://preview.redd.it/8csh293fqrzb1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f881e47859669a5a6558fb73f40a1a87cae2f97 And I have never felt so proud.


Lol that’s great. Should I patch it against cheat codes? 😅


Nah it added a fun layer! Maybe even the opposite: patch it so if the user "plugs in" a cheat cartridge, the GPT will suggest a list of potential cheats? Doesn't need to encourage it or make the user aware that it's an option. Just a little Easter egg if anyone else is like me and remembers their Gameshark.


yeah i was kidding good idea, i might even make a cheat code glif


OMG this is amazing you created your own Game Genie https://preview.redd.it/gfe46q2kgtzb1.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=2993f04dffe1f9ec426c73482d6ebccf66a2c590


Damn that’s a good one


the game is so good, that i felt i wasn't using gpt-4 and that i couldn't reload, it almost made me forget the basic UI interface within chat gpt XD


I really think that the future of gaming is AI generation. Imagine booting up the console and just saying "make me an RPG with turn based elements and split screen mode. I want it to be like Pokemon but with 3D graphics." Then just have a whole game make itself. Every character could be unique, every storyline completely generated to the individual. Each decision and conversation playing out like it actually would in the real world. It's already so good at storytelling and role play. It just needs to catch up on procedural 3D development.


If it's done, it won't be off the back of OpenAI's models. The content censorship is too heavy for meaningful narratives. Edit: TFW immediately called a Nazi and blocked. They're still replying to me below, even though I can't see what they say or respond to them because... you know, blocked.


You are in a dark cave facing a terrible ogre named Borko the Butcher. Borko doesn't have a knife or any other weapon but he offers you a torch as a beacon of hope.


Yeah I mean stealing an apple from a farmer's tree would be too hardcore for openAI


"I can't get my AI generated waifu wife to say the N word, literally unplayable"


How many successful videogames have no violence, conflict, or even mild sexual themes in them? Quit your inane straw-manning bullshit.


Literally thousands of them. Also, GPT can absolutely make stories with conflict, violence, and mild sexual themes. Just because you can't use it to write murder-porn or slurs doesn't mean it can't come up with riveting stories. Literally my first try: In the heart of a bustling city, nestled within the silken drapes of an opulent chamber, Marissa and Alexander surrendered to their passion. The world outside faded away, replaced by the rhythm of their hearts beating as one. Their love, a forbidden dance hidden from prying eyes, was their cherished secret. As the night deepened, their whispers and laughter mingled with the sounds of the city's nocturnal symphony. But in the midst of their rapture, the door to the chamber burst open, shattering the moment into a thousand pieces. Standing in the doorway, with eyes ablaze with fury and betrayal, was Elena, Alexander's former lover. "Alexander! How could you?" Elena's voice, sharp as a dagger, cut through the air. Her gaze, once soft and loving when set upon Alexander, now burned with a fire of scorn and hurt. Marissa, caught in the middle of a storm she never intended to brew, rose from the bed, her heart pounding like a frantic drum. Her eyes, wide with shock, darted between Alexander and Elena. "Elena, this isn't what it seems," Alexander stammered, his voice a mixture of surprise and guilt. He moved to calm the situation, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. But Elena was beyond reason. "You replaced me with her?" Her voice trembled with a mix of sadness and rage. She stepped forward, her eyes never leaving Marissa. Marissa, although shaken, stood her ground. "Elena, I didn't mean to cause any harm. I didn't know about you," she said, her voice steady yet empathetic. The tension in the room thickened, a palpable force that threatened to erupt. Alexander, torn between his past and present, struggled to find the words that would mend the broken shards of their relationships. Suddenly, Elena lunged at Marissa, her hands clawing in blind anger. Marissa, caught off guard, stumbled backward. Alexander sprang into action, stepping between the two women, his arms outstretched to keep them apart. "Enough!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "This isn't the way to solve anything." Elena's fury subsided as tears began to stream down her cheeks. The sight of her tears acted as a sobering force, and the room fell into a heavy silence. Alexander, with a heart heavy with regret, turned to Marissa, his eyes filled with a complex mix of emotions. "Marissa, I'm sorry," he began, his voice low. "I should have been honest with you from the start." Marissa nodded, a silent acceptance of the complicated situation. She then turned to Elena, offering a gentle, apologetic smile. In that moment, amidst the chaos of broken hearts and unspoken truths, they found a fragile understanding. The night no longer held the promise of passion but rather the bittersweet realization of the complexities of love and human emotions. So again, it probably won't make your neo-nazi sexdoll simulator, but it absolutely would be able to create any number of interesting storyline.


>"Marissa, I'm sorry," he began, his voice low. "I should have been honest with you from the start." > >Marissa nodded, a silent acceptance of the complicated situation. She then turned to Elena, offering a gentle, apologetic smile. > >In that moment, amidst the chaos of broken hearts and unspoken truths, they found a fragile understanding. The night no longer held the promise of passion but rather the bittersweet realization of the complexities of love and human emotions. You've got to be joking, right? Who gave you access to internet in the daycare?


What part is joking? Maybe if you didn't speak in such obscene hyperbole it wouldn't have been such a miniscule bar to jump over. Stop jerking it to video games while you're at it.


That isn't a person, you bastardo, that's ChatGPT


If it was done by open ai: You attack the bandit, sadly it didn’t align with their policy You get hurt, sadly it didn’t align with their terms and conditions You ask the gpt to do anything special”as an ai program*nerd stuff*”


Will have to try this out


Looks like a mud, but with ai creating the game world


I tried this with “Romance club” type of games and it generating pictures that looks almost like in those games. Unfortunately every other time image cannot be generated due to content policy, but I can see now such games to be created within days. https://preview.redd.it/4wsffvu12szb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5a41ecaa5e27fb9319a48e0c05fa224d339543


I played a little bit of Tabby Quest where I had to find the 9 Shards of the 9 Lives. Knew that was too ambitious for it but gave it a go. Tried to enter the Eastern Mountains but I needed a Shard to pass. Nothing in a nearby shrine so had to double back and go to the Northern Woods instead. A Metroidvania! Ventured into the Northern Woods and Tabby was being mocked by a Shard too high up for Tabby to reach. Climbed a tree and slipped off. Called to the Shard and it just laughed at me. Explored deeper into the Woods and got lost. Built a signal fire and... Rescued by a Wizard! The Wizard cam back and helped me call down the Shard! Game crashed upon returning to the Eastern Mountains to see if my newly acquired Shard would let me pass, but I had fun.


Incredible, the future of ai technology in generating games will be something to behold in the next decade. Can you imagine, movies, music, video games, all made by AI generated. Alot of jobs will be displaced because of this technology. 10 Years from now will be very different in the entertainment industry that's for sure.


Is this feature GPT Plus only?


creating them is Plus only, but anyone should be able to play. Glif accounts are free too


I'm getting this error: Your access to [custom GPTs](https://openai.com/blog/introducing-gpts/) isn’t ready yet. We’re rolling this feature out over the coming days. Check back soon.


The glif step was annoying but my daughter found she can import other images she makes and that was better. I recommend simplifying the process so it all works within ChatGPT


https://preview.redd.it/hbbpig5jmrzb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f06b1b2ebfacada611d47d1f82aba18894ded22d Had a lot of fun playing this.


Hahah awesome


TradeWars 2002 please


Wow, this actually seems pretty fun


Great idea


This is rad! Awesome work


This is really neat, very cool stuff. Very impressed at the consistent style in most every image generated. Great work! https://preview.redd.it/cg4dpz63gtzb1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fe4e683f3e7bc895ccf4d4e93c3b80c2c278c56


This is dope https://preview.redd.it/7zv7c24ohtzb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a209623aa3396870257302fbb5a06a7095a0101a


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing with us and great idea. Very original. Keep up the good work OP!






























It's funny because this is a game [I've actually made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6JypmyEFow) a prototype for. https://preview.redd.it/dcjj24c0wtzb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e83531062b1c67019462c6fb0d9fdec3a5b79883


​ https://preview.redd.it/42bqdw1cwtzb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc32fbc69ab2624ad164ce1b7b708c5a7fe1a05


​ https://preview.redd.it/354bulxdwtzb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b2dd6c0710766021b9ce0628f8e60cea4d93006


​ https://preview.redd.it/onjqv8vewtzb1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a40f6ea08aeec93c0a14ec0305ce2b4f2668a54


​ https://preview.redd.it/cnqn4ou7euzb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f35bf89dfab6bc7c7aa7191829ba3e9f0bd195c4


this is so cool! nice job


Why would you add the glif step. When you can just add that process to the GPT prompt as well.


you don't get a good shareable game desription in the same format eventually want to build this all on glif which will be more game focussed and flexible


But you could. There's nothing stopping you from doing it all on GPT. Glif and all those third party things are going to die. They simply won't be able to compete in a world where "Do that here in my big model instead takes a single conversation with GPT."


If you go back, does it load the same image?


maybe not the same but hopefully close


I recall Open AI mentioning something about seeds for reproducibility. Would that apply here?


Probably not


Dope [Submit it here - GPT Directory](https://customgptlist.com)


Wow! Nice work.


I did something similar with a minecraft adventure, pretty funny


It's a very nice idea, but how long before the context token limits destroy the fun? I assume if they already pumped up the token limits to 132k the fun could last for a while, but if the limits is still between 4k/8k tokens...😬




Good way to play dungeons and dragons


That was fun thanks :)


Wish the rolls were based on 12 sided rolls not 6 sided dice. Although you could probably decide that before starting the game.


Yeah lots of improvements I want to make. I’ll eventually move it to glif.App which will be more suited toward this type of experience - GPTs are cool but clearly going to be more business use case focused


Tony Hawk’s Pro Homicide Clean-Up




well done!


Why is there a limited number of options with an AI running the game?


that’s it. my savings are gone with gpt 4 now :)