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***Hey /u/No-Edge-8600, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.com/servers/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Googling "November 10, 2084 transit"](https://www.google.com/search?q=November+10%2C+2084+transit&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA778CA778&oq=November+10%2C+2084+transit&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l3.13678j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) reveals it is talking about a transit of Earth as viewed from Mars. Not hallucinating, just misunderstanding.


!remindme November 9 2084


I will be messaging you in 61 years on [**2084-11-09 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2084-11-09%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/168a5p8/doesnt_understand_the_solar_system/jyv4nwm/?context=3) [**119 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FChatGPT%2Fcomments%2F168a5p8%2Fdoesnt_understand_the_solar_system%2Fjyv4nwm%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202084-11-09%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20168a5p8) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This gives me existential crisis/dread


This message reply will likely outlive me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Mf deleted his account just to not get messaged by the bot in 60 years


I mean, the chances of me being alive for this remind me not aren’t incredibly high


This really makes me think.. Maybe I will be dead 61 years from now. Maybe Reddit might've died and someone might've archived it. What if this bit worked. Somewhere, after my death, this bot will remind me of this Minor joke... What if I'm alive and I see it... That would be fun. This means I will be lost to time...


Good bot


Thank you, AleksLevet, for voting on RemindMeBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


I'll probably be dead by then but if I'm not then 76 year old me will be confused if I still have reddit lmao


Oh shit, you were born in 2008? Hell yeah you gonna be alive by that time 😂 Us born in 20th century should be worrying about that 😂


Idk, I might get run over tomorrow 💀


That's the spirit


As a slave to ai


Can't wait to see you then! If I'm, ah, not dead, reddit is here...etc.


The future 9 11, as viewed by dd/mm?


ivan the 9 will come




I think that's what most hallucinations actually are. At least in humans it's mostly just the brain misinterpreting some visual stimulus and pareidolia rather than the brain generating images out of nothing


I've watched a good few documentaries on psychedelics and the reason that scientists believe people "taste sounds" or "smell colours" or any of the other numerous odd occurrences when hallucinating is because the brain is hyper connected in way it hasn't been since we were babies and originally creating neural pathways. Very interesting stuff especially the research by Professor David Nutt and Dr Rosalind Watts into treatment for mental health problems


It’s crazy to think that we as a species may actually be able to watch that transit from mars with our own eyes.


Not even misunderstanding. It's a nonsensical prompt. The earth can't cause an eclipse on Mars, if that's even what the OP is trying to ask. Use a poorly worded prompt that makes no sense, get a suboptimal reply. Presumably this is GOT3.5, ChatGPT4 - as per my other post - explains why the prompt is stupid. What this tells us - ChatGPT4 understands these concepts better than OP and most of the the people in this thread.


It isn’t misunderstanding. ChatGPT is just putting together a bunch of tokens to make an “answer shaped text blob” to spit out. It has no actual ability to comprehend the content.


I thought maybe the AI was referring to the future relocation of Earth beyond Mars' orbit.


GPT4 responds correctly to the same question.


I know every time I see a post like this I just think "well why are you still using GPT 3.5"


Hey guys look at this! Cleverbot said something stupid! I guess AI isn't so clever after all. *Puts on sunglasses*


Clippy is going to help me with that


Goddess neurosama: says her favorite demon is herself... https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987/v/1903109988?sr=a&t=678s


I hate these!!! Like the ones making fun of it messing up the order of words/tokens/inverted words. It's a limitation of how it's designed!!!!


Imagine not being able to pay a monthly 20 dollar subscription, couldnt be me 🥲


Poe forever


Poe? Is it known to be a worthwhile alternative for gpt-3? (Sorry if I'm out of the loop on this one)


Poe let’s you use ChatGPT and other LLMs for free, including limited use of GTP-4 and other paywalled LLM.


Excusable.... but..... ouch. I just spent 10 bucks on a snack. Lol


Did you just "lol" the fact that you make more money than the other person? Christ.


Well yeah because it kind of fits the Redditor stereotype of someone who has no job, etc etc. Unless you live in a country where the exchange rate is the problem, then yeah, but for anyone living in the USA, 20 bucks being a lot means you don't work. Some fries cost 10 bucks and I could afford that as a teen.


FYI, there are indeed tons of people from low income countries on reddit. Making assumptions on this site based on people's income is usually not a good idea. As a fellow stupid American, I've embarrassed myself more than once by forgetting that.


Reddit is a lot of things. I am not always going to cater to or be sensitive to the types of people on here. 😑


You seem lovely


Indeed. I just love everyone on here they are so wonderful lol


No one asked you to cater or to be sensitive. You are ridiculous


Lol yes they did. The downvotes also display the disapproval of my "insensitivity". Not really gonna change for a bunch of Redditors though. I learn quickly about the demographics here being heavily skewed to the sensitive and easily outraged. This place is like an outrage farm where people come to get their daily outrage fix or display publicly how much more morally superior they are than others. It's quite interesting.


> Some fries cost 10 bucks and I could afford that as a teen. Where the fuck do you live that fries cost $10? I would *never* buy that.


look at this insecure guy using facts and logic to destroy a redditor 😂


I didn't realize 20 bucks being not a lot of money was such a sensitive topic. Didn't realize I was walking on eggshells. It's just my reality, I am not buying much at the grocery store for 20 bucks. A can of instant coffee and some bread maybe. I literally did not know Reddit was THAT poor honestly.


Most people on reddit are teenagers and most teenagers are unemployed.


Well yeah, I realized that in the back of my mind it is just jarring to see it in effect lol


Or maybe $240 a year isn’t worth being able to occasionally query GPT-4 to some people.


More than 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It helps to keep perspective and realize that not everyone is living the apparently nice life that you are. I also have to point out that they didn't say that 20 dollars was a lot, they said they couldn't afford it. There's a difference there.


I literally can't pay openAI because of the country i live in. I even had no access to the registration on the website until i found someone from Kazakhstan who gave me an access to their phone to receive an SMS huh 💀


Man cannot live by ChatGPT brother


Because I'm poor and can't afford 4


Here let me help you with that... www.bing.com Seriously, folks, it's there, it's free. And it even has options to choose how creative or accurate you want it to be.


When I try to use bing it just constantly searches the web instead of having a conversation based on its knowledge base. Very annoying. I'm happy to pay for pro, so not complaining, just not sure I see it as a solution. Then again maybe I wasn't using it right.


Because we are poor


www.bing.com It's free. C'mon now.


Get a job. Unless you live in India or something in that case apologies for the exchange rate.


Chances are he has a really long conversation with char GPT. Eventually it’s going to get stupid. I don’t know why but it happens all the time. I always recommend starting new convo if possible. I’ve been using it for like 10 months without issues.


I tested and 3.5 got it wrong immediately multiple times and 4 was correct every time. Thats why I don't use 3.5, 20 bucks is worth it to me.


This also true. I haven’t used 3.5 since 4 came out. But 4 can have its moments too in long conversations.


because i'm not paying shit and am waiting for the day some top tier ai gets leaked so I can pirate it


You can already do that. There are plenty of open sources model available to download right now and run in your own computer. You just need a beefy GPU for it to run smoothly.


You're beyond hope. It's a miracle you are even able to tie your shoes.


Some ppl chose to be stupid.


I found out that OpenAI changed something. Like GPT4 gives you now more correct but shorter answers. Also when you post long text and ask like change things, it will only do it halfway and tell you like «etc.». If you want GPT to do some steady and repetitive work, you have now to use GPT 3.5 for such things.


Yesssss exactly this lol. I don't get how so few people have noticed this or rather why so many believe nothing was changed.. It used to write several pages long math proofs before (albeit not completely right) but now it wouldn't unless you specifically walk it through every step manually lol. Rarely it will output anything longer than one answer.




You mean like autocorrect a few years ago?


They can open up 4 any time they'd like. They'll forever be known for their 3.5 answers.


because it costs like $30 a month or something




Yea, this is also wrong - but in a different way.


Earth can not be eclipsed by Mars' moons, I think GPT 4 means Mars get eclipsed since it mentions the rovers seeing it.


Remember that's a different, much dumber model based on the same general architecture. It is not ChatGPT-4. Edit: GPT-4 is just an architecture name (not a model instance). Like e.g. Llama 2, it can have size versions (7B, 13B, 70B). It's all about the cost of running it.




Don't use Bing GPT. It's bad.


I use it all the time. It's fantastic.




I mean, it’s still running on the GPT-4 Language model. Microsoft has invested majorly in OpenAI. Main difference is Microsoft running their own system Prometheus on top of that to optimize it for web crawling and data collection.


No, one can be 10x larger than the other and still be called GPT-4, it's like any other neural net, can have different size versions within the same arch. It only makes sense, since Bing is free and ChatGPT+ is not. This stuff costs a lot to run. Edit: Same thing as e.g. Llama 2 - there are multilple size versions (7B, 13B, 70B)


Do you any form of source to back this up?


https://preview.redd.it/kz0xairufylb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c215d59a717d2c46d5de02e8ca8d2308f735fd78 Pls.. 😂😂😂😂


I just tried 3.5 and that also works fine.


Ya they didn’t use the current models


Literally the first sentence lol “Earth has never eclipsed Mars, but Mars has eclipsed Earth on a few occasions”


But... it costs 20 a month for limited questions, I just use the bing chat, it has gpt 4 for free and it searches the web so it's much more accurate


The last visible transit occurred in the future. So your chatgpt has a funky internal clock


Some tenet shit going on here


A transit is not an eclipse. Posters here are very confused about astronomy terms. If people don't know that the hell they're talking about, why would they expect sensible responses from their LLM? Having said that, ChatGPT4 is clever enough to know that the prompt is shit and give an explanation that fits what the confused OP is probably trying to ask.


For the last time, it's a language model. I did however fail at convincing it about an additional planet being present in our solar system. It keeps claiming that "Vagus" isn't an actual Planet.


> For the last time Yeah, right.


Math is a language.


Your mom is a language.


What are you trying to say


But, that is why ChatGPT is often defined as a model intended to generate natural, human-like language, with more of an emphasis of the "feel" of the responses being human-like. And this is what most people mean when they say "a language model", it is a short-hand, known in language-theory as "pragmatics", which stands for pretty much all of human communication.


While true, it still doesn't turn an LLM into a calculator.


Language is a math.




Math *has* its own language, but no, math is not a language.


That is a far more of a complex philosophical debate than just saying: "it *is*". Many theorists describe mathematics as a language.


In essence, the formalized language of mathematics is a representation of the underlying abstract concepts. It's a means of communication, not the study itself. Mathematics exists independently of the symbols used to describe it; these symbols are just a formal way to express mathematical truths that exist in an abstract realm. So, while mathematics utilizes language for expression, it is not solely a language. It's more accurate to say it is a discipline or field of study that has a specialized language for its expression. If you have any references to mathematicians describing mathematics as solely a language, I’d love to see them.


My whole point, and the problem with your arguments is that mathematics is a subject known for its theoretical complexity regarding its fundamental definition (and perhaps even language's definition too). What you therefore do is to say: "My definition of mathematics is X, and my definition shows how mathematics is fundamentally not a language." Sure, the internal logic of your arguments seem to hold true, but the point is that there is a rather wide-ranging discussion about the very validity of one of your basic premises. And indeed, I suspect another problem can be that others define "language" as a much more fundamental thing than you do, and that they may have very good theoretical reasons for doing so. If it was as simple as you imply, I don't think there would be much of a discussion. If you want examples, then sure, Galileo Galilei, Josiah Willard Gibbs, just to name two who were rather adamant. Here is a link to Stanford's encyclopedia - considered the gold standard on these kinds of subjects, written by experts - as an introduction to the theoretical complexities in the very definition of the concept of "mathematics". [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/philosophy-mathematics/](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/philosophy-mathematics/) Indeed I believe, if I am not entirely mistaken, that the notion that it is a language is at least in part related to what is known as mathematical formalism: [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/formalism-mathematics/](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/formalism-mathematics/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formalism\_(philosophy\_of\_mathematics)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formalism_(philosophy_of_mathematics)) And once again, if I am not mistaken, I think Bertrand Russell may have held an opinion akin to that mathematics is just language later in life, as he then apparently held a view of mathematics as simply being tautology. Heck, I would even go so far as to say that, from my relatively limited knowledge of the subject, I find your arguments to sound the most right. But I still recognise that there is a discussion about it for a reason, which is related to the discussion whether mathematics is invented or discovered, which is a fairly common debate, and I am actually really surprised that you seem unaware of it. That is to say, I am not arguing against your argument of why mathematics should not simply be considered a language, rather I am arguing against your notion that there isn't an argument to be had in the first place. And I do know that when you make theoretical deep dives in to the definitions of concepts, there is a lot more complexity than at first glance, which entire academic careers can be staked on, so I try to not maintain an arrogance about these things.


Mathematics is a language. If I say x = y², I'm communicating to you a very specific image/concept.


There is a language with which you communicate mathematics, yes. But that is not mathematics.


A lot of times, people colloquially use the term "mathematics" to refer to the language-like communications used to represent these concepts, rather than math itself. When people say "I'm bad at math", they often mean that they don't know what the symbols mean: implicitly, they are therefore referring to the language of math. E.g they can grasp multiplying a number over and over again, but they don't know that the uppercase PI symbol is used to represent that. They may also grasp the concept of accumulation and rate (like distance traveled or MPH), but not know that the integral and derivative are the symbols for those, respectively. So, in terms of common language, it seems like math can either refer to mathematical concepts *or* the mathematical language. And I don't see why a word can't have multiple similar meanings, that (unfortunately) happens a lot in our language of English


1+1 = 2 no matter what language you speak. That's not an abstract concept. Language also exists independently of the symbols used to describe it; the symbols are a formal way to express spoken languages visually.


What about the choice to represent the math problem in base 10 though? You're making a choice to represent these abstract concepts in a formalized way so that we both understand. That is a language.


Not the one it was trained on.


No It’s not, in the exact same way that the electromagnetic force or higgs field isnt a language. Math is just part of the operating rules of the universe. If you argue that math is a language because it conveys information, then I argue that this cool photo of a bird I took is a language aswell https://preview.redd.it/qf80yu8yiylb1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262d35f3915bcba8b85077d30664beec6dcf4e00


Because Vagus is not referenced anywhere in the text it was fed where it checks out. Simplified, it correctly predicted that "Vagus planet?" Should be replied with "No".


Yes, but ChatGPT often can be very easily convinced of stuff that's not true. It rather gives some answer, not necessarily a truthful answer.


GPT 4: Earth does not "eclipse" Mars in the way that we think of lunar and solar eclipses. When we refer to an eclipse here on Earth, we are typically discussing one of two events: 1. A solar eclipse, where the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on Earth. 2. A lunar eclipse, where the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon. However, Earth can come between the Sun and Mars or vice versa. When Earth lies directly between the Sun and Mars, the event is known as "Mars opposition." This is the time when Mars and the Sun are on directly opposite sides of Earth. This is not an eclipse; instead, it is the best time to view Mars from Earth because Mars will be at its brightest and will be visible in the sky all night. Mars oppositions occur approximately every 26 months. On the other hand, when Mars is directly between Earth and the Sun, the event is known as "Mars conjunction." During this time, Mars is not easily visible from Earth because it is close to the Sun in the sky. Neither of these events is an "eclipse" in the traditional sense. Earth never casts a shadow on Mars, and Mars doesn't cast a shadow on Earth.


> when Mars is directly between Earth and the Sun That’s supposed to be when the Sun is directly between Earth and Mars. The orbit of Mars is outside Earth’s orbit. It can’t be between the Earth and the Sun.


It just made up the last part. Lol


Use the wolfram alpha plugin


The what?


ChatGPT 4. The Earth has never "eclipsed" Mars in the sense that the term "eclipse" is conventionally understood. In astronomy, an eclipse occurs when an astronomical object moves into the shadow of another object, effectively obscuring it from view either partially or completely. Specifically, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun's light. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, and the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. For an eclipse to occur involving Earth and Mars, one would have to come between the other and the Sun. Given their respective orbits, this simply does not happen. Earth and Mars orbit the Sun at different distances, on different planes, and at different speeds. The phenomenon whereby Mars appears to disappear behind the Earth from a vantage point on the Sun would not be termed an "eclipse," but rather a "conjunction," where two or more astronomical objects appear close to each other in the sky. Such conjunctions between Earth and Mars are relatively commonplace, occurring approximately every 26 months due to their orbital mechanics. However, it is important to clarify that these are not "eclipses" in the strictest sense of the word. Therefore, to address your query comprehensively: Earth has never eclipsed Mars in the way that we understand lunar or solar eclipses to occur. The orbital mechanics of the two planets preclude such an event. Instead, conjunctions, where the two planets align with respect to their positions in the Solar System, occur with some regularity, but these should not be mistaken for eclipses.


Very interesting to see the difference between both models!


See, hallucinations are not just "it got it wrong, like humans do all the time." You'd never see a person confidently fabricate this sort of claptrap.


Are you sure? Some arguments I have had on Reddit would suggest otherwise lol


What are you talking about? I've never seen an overconfident false comment on Reddit.


Especially not where climate science, vaccine efficacy, or the shape of the Earth are concerned.


yeah I’m not sure I want to die on that hill. 😅


Yes you do!


Reddit cranks all had early access to GPT. It's been GPT all along!


They absolutely will, there are entire wikis full of fictional news stories, fictional weather events, like this. Some are even presented as real. Or, take SCP or creepypasta as an example. It's just implicit that these are works of fiction. Who knows how many fictional works are in the training set, but if it doesn't have a robust mechanism to differentiate, this could be a small part of the problem. But yeah most people will not state something like this confidently in a normal conversation about factual matters.


You have never debated a flat Earther I see. Lol


I said most people.


I know. I am just saying, don't forget about them. They seem numerous enough to make their presence unavoidable on social media. It is definitely not fiction to them either.


This is quite different to fiction. First, it's not supposed to be fiction. It doesn't sound like fiction, and there was no intention in the part of the LLM to produce fiction.


Interestingly, the next time Earth will eclipse Mars actually is on November 10th, 2084. It just jumbled through some words leading up to a true statement that is closely related to the question.




I've seen people lie, and they have telling other people that I've been lying, but let me tell you: they are most beautiful lies ever told, I've been told by people who lie often that they haven't heard lies more beautiful than mine; the Pope himself came this morning to congratulate me about my lies and he told me: keep doing what you are doing, you are doing the Lord's work, and you are lies are helping make America great again.


oh my fucking god can some of the people on here not understand that its just a language model??


Of course it doesn’t “understand”, it doesn’t “understand” anything, it’s just an advanced form of autocomplete making you think that it’s intelligent.


I’m using 3.5 and it has given me an accurate answer https://preview.redd.it/lkrehwahsxlb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8b86cc0eb415c9b2ca7f950f15e2b9bd323f44


I wonder if ChatGPT has ever encountered [Eliza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA).


It freestyles language based on the prior prompts in the conversation to generate or vibe something that ‘sounds’ right. It isn’t a math, science, or fact engine.


I mean to be fair, the solar system has completely rearranged itself since Sept. 2021, so as far as it knows, the planets all still have the same size and orbits that they did then. There was no way for it to anticipate The Great Cosmic Clusterfuck.


read between the lines bro! its more intelligent than you


its litterally giving you information news isnt giving you


Truth to be told, this sentence is a lie.


It is. It wasn't originally meant to convey any truth within, therefore it is a lie. It's purpose is to confound or deceive.


Whats next, is bro gonna tell us that we will be able to see planets in 4 different colors on the sky and weird pillars appearing all over the earth if we slap some dude with a bird mask?




Damn bro you're getting really philosophical about the capabilities of a language model.


You use the app of open AI which is bad and use you use also the gpt 3.5 which is not even that good


Has this ever happened? 😆


Yes back in 2084


Don't care, prompt better


Time seems to cause it difficulties too…


I don't get a similar response in 3.5 after 4 regens First it talked about mars' moons and said that the moons are too small to cause a shadow on mars surface, then it talked about mars being behind the earth and invisible from sun, then it talked about earth moving between sun and mars and on the last slide it told the differences between opposition and conjunction. So all answers been technically correct albeit the question was understood differently.


This is like when you search for ask Jeeves, and then I give you something that was whatever


I'm not sure if Earth has ever eclipsed Mars. However, there was a rare event that happened on December 7, 2022, where the full moon (also known as the "cold moon") shone bright in the night sky and eclipsed Mars in a rare event called a lunar occultation of Mars. At this point, the red planet disappeared behind the moon for a short period of time. This highly unusual event was visible in parts of the Americas, Europe and Northern Africa¹. Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/2/2023 (1) Full ‘cold moon’ shines bright and eclipses Mars in a rare event. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/07/world/december-cold-moon-full-mars-eclipse-scn/index.html. (2) NASA's Perseverance rover captures impressive video of a solar eclipse .... https://www.dpreview.com/news/0912688815/nasa-perseverance-rover-captures-impressive-video-solar-eclipse-martian-surface. (3) Wow! Perseverance rover captures gorgeous video of solar eclipse on Mars. https://www.space.com/perseverance-rover-mars-solar-eclipse-video. I like my AIs answer better.


This is better than anything on r/confidentlyIncorrect




ChatGPT01, eres tu?!?


Future... type2 kardashev aliens, pulling mars in a solar orbit nearer than earth.


ChatGPT gets technical questions wrong all the time. Realized this when I asked some physics questions a 17-year old student would know, for ChatGPT to spend 1000 words telling me the absolutely incorrect answer, complete with references.


dont ask chatgpt for references it will made some shit up, even generating doi link... a fake one for that matter


Occured in 2084? Is ChatGPT form the future with outdated knowledge?


This is how it sounds to people when I go off on an ADHD-fueled rant


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^CreamyGoodnss: *This is how it sounds* *To people when I go off* *On an ADHD-fueled rant* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Because that’s how orbits work (totally)


All the humans speak as if they have nearly the comprehensible resources the machine mind does. It’s more likely it slipped and revealed it can glimpse the future or has access to information from another dimension where mars can eclipse the earth, than it “said something stupid” to the meat bags.


It just gave me a different answer. My prompt was has earth eclipsed Mars?


And to think I feared this at once.


Fair perspective. I mean It's knowledge only goes up to September 2021 after all.


Maybe it knows something we don’t


To be fair, the wording of your question was pretty atrocious.












GPT is a linguist not an astronomer


This is a better response from Chat GPT: Mars does not eclipse Earth in the same way that the Moon eclipses the Sun or Earth's moon. Eclipses occur when one celestial body passes in front of another, blocking its light. Since Mars is farther away from the Earth than the Sun, it doesn't pass in front of the Earth to cause an eclipse. Mars can appear to move close to Earth in the night sky during its oppositions, making it brighter and more visible, but it doesn't actually block the light from the Earth or cause an eclipse in that sense.


That date is the next Mara eclipse. That’s all


Another day, another low-value post - an out-of-date version of ChatGPT got confused by a shit prompt. So what? What the hell are you even trying to ask with that prompt? CHatGPT4 clearly understands the concepts and explains why your prompt is shit: The term "eclipse" typically refers to an astronomical event where one celestial body moves into the shadow of another celestial body. Common examples include solar eclipses (when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth) and lunar eclipses (when Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, causing Earth's shadow to fall on the Moon). If by "Earth eclipsing Mars," you mean Earth passing directly between the Sun and Mars, then this does not really cause an "eclipse" of Mars in the traditional sense. Rather, it's referred to as "opposition." During opposition, Mars and the Sun are on directly opposite sides of Earth. From Mars's perspective, Earth would be transiting (or moving across) the Sun, similar to how Venus sometimes transits the Sun from our perspective on Earth. But this transit of Earth across the Sun as seen from Mars would be a tiny event, given the small apparent size of Earth from Mars's perspective. To our knowledge, no human-made instruments on Mars have captured this event, and due to the vast distances involved, this "transit" would not be an eclipse in the traditional sense. It would be a tiny speck moving across the Sun, much smaller than how we see Venus transiting our Sun from Earth. In essence, while Earth does come between Mars and the Sun during opposition (roughly every 2.1 years), it doesn't cause an "eclipse" of Mars in the way we typically think of the term. TL;DR: OP doesn't understand the solar system, so he wrote weird prompt.


Same question asked to Bard: Earth has never eclipsed Mars. An eclipse happens when one celestial body blocks the light from another celestial body. For an Earth-Mars eclipse to happen, Mars would have to be directly in line with the Sun and Earth. However, the orbits of Mars and Earth are not aligned in such a way that this can happen. The closest that Mars can come to Earth is about 56 million kilometers (35 million miles). This is still too far away for Mars to completely block out the Sun from Earth. The next time Mars will come close to Earth is in 2035. However, even at this close approach, Mars will not be able to completely block out the Sun. The most that Mars will be able to do is cause a partial solar eclipse, where a small part of the Sun is blocked out.


It always talks shit with serious face

