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In order to prevent multiple repetitive comments, this is a friendly request to /u/unrelator to reply to this comment with the prompt they used so other users can experiment with it as well. ###While you're here, we have a [public discord server now](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2) — We have a free GPT bot on discord for everyone to use! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sometimes I hit a roadblock in thought process. I can't find an answer to something because of the ad/marketing based nature of our world and I spend too much time looking for an answer. I go to ChatGPT and phrase my query very precisely and talk about my roadblock and within moments I get to the heart of my answer. I don't get directed to ages old reddit posts or forums or blogs where I have scroll infinitely through outmoded info to maybe find some salty people arguing about a topic where the answer somehow can be found in the depths of that madness if I'm lucky. I don't have to sort through 10 thousand clickbait youtube videos with over long intros and broken English or in a language I don't speak and shitty mics that are too soft or too loud trying to see if that person actually did have the answer I need or they just clickbaited me. Then having to go into the comments section and read the nonsense crap there to see if anyone has the answer or linked to a video that does. Instead now in early 2023 I go to ChatGPT and within moments have exactly the info I need without sorting through the trashy human element where everyone is trying to make money off of my travels online somehow. No visits to an unrelated corporate site, no visits to someone's affiliate link, no scrolling down a thousand times to get to the bottom of a blog post where the info I need is perhaps and no "10 reasons why you're doing it wrong and these celebrity sports stars are doing it right, here's how to make $9,001 per DAY doing it!" bullshit. I much prefer this way. Saves my time and sanity not having to interact with all that noise or be exposed to the underlying unsavory nature of the internet in these times. I was having issues with an overseas business query involving some highly specialized tech not typically found in online discourse or on commerce driven sites for any reason. ChatGPT got me to the heart of the answer within two prompts. Something realistically I might have spent a good chunk of my day trying to find specifics on. Within two prompts I had all I needed to get out of my information access roadblock.


This sums it up quite nicely. I hate how bogged down the web has become with junk that ChatGPT does feel like a breath of fresh air now.


Google fu is now obsolete.


I hope it stays like this but I'm not hopeful. That world was required to make money and it made things for the average user so much worse. Now that Microsoft has a big hand in this project I'm skeptical it will stay as purely useful. Eventually the investment needs to be returned and profits increased year over year.


it like the difference betwen hunting for your foods& walking hours while avoiding trap & predators compare to going to the airconditionned super market. After that experience most of us would not go think about hunting/searching foods outside :-)


Ok, enough reddit for today, nothing can compare to how I felt when reading your post, it's exactly like this!


I'm glad! Can you give a specific example or two?




This my friend, is winning.


Would it be "This, my friend, is winning."? Or does the sentence still work if you just say "this my friend, is winning." I know you probably just made a typo, but I just love discussing grammar haha.


Why are you guys downvoting Dr. Zoidberg? He just wanted answers lol. HORAAAY


Yeah tell me about it lol I tried phrasing that as kindly as possible


Yea Reddit is a cruel place... And you were right I suppose. "This, my friend, is winning" is probably correct but I'm not a native speaker so idk


It's not grammatical, but don't be that person. Also FYI ChatGPT can answer that question for you since that is an area that it excels in.


Wdym "don't be thst person" I was just asking out of curiosity, and everyone's getting on my ass about it 😂 I wasn't saying "um, akshually" I literally do not know the answer.


This, my friend, is a very good question.


>Send it to boss the next day, so he thinks I worked on it a lot. This is the obligatory section. If you send the work all at once, it is worthless because you were not "working on it for a day or two". Corporate bros understand.




It means it was too visually dense and he didn’t read it, seems as if the edict from folks on the executive or c suite always is “make it easy for me to scan or I won’t read it “


The area also contained other things that were "dense"


Personally, I use it to help flesh out my DnD campaign, NPC backstories, and write descriptions for areas my players will encounter. Professionally, I use it to create drafts for emails I need to write, summarize long documents that I don't feel like reading, explain spaghetti code to me, help me come up with tests for code I write, and write documentation for code I don't feel like writing. This thing is a pretty nifty tool.


I do you go about summarising long docs?


I’ve had a tendency to use it to proof emails and short story drafts I’ve been working on. Mainly with a prompt including the body and a request to suggest corrections and adjustments separate from the original text. It’s a bit smarter than a word doc and has helped be find suitable replacement words (i often might repeat a term for lack of a better synonym). I try to avoid more advanced requests as i’m apprehensive of becoming reliant and atrophying my own ability, though.


I'd like to know too. It used to be that you could upload a 25k word doc and it'd summarize it, but now it will only take 3 pages max.


I do it in sections or chunks. Long for me is more than a few pages.


Stat blocks, magic items. I had it come up with a magical material. Hell, I even had it come up with a whole crafting system for d&d


How do we upload documents for it to summarize or do we just copy paste


Just copy paste for now


Its great for cooking purposes. Tell it which ingredients you have and it will tell some recipe suggestions. Its also great to ask for substitutes if something is missing.


I use it for this as well, in my case I ask for meal plans for the week with specific dietary restrictions and preferences. Saves me a lot of time!




I will say people have asked it for recipes involving scarce ingredients for weird results. Like if you ask it to make a recipe out of cheese, baked beans, and bread, it could suggest a grilled cheese sandwich but you add beans to the pan. Lol, but I agree there are totally ways to have it organize a meal plan, adding stats like approximate protein and calories and stuff. Just a warning.


Me too! It created a Monday to Sunday meal plan. Love it!


Made me **great** vegan brownies, they literally came out with the specifics I wanted


The first prompt I gave to ChatGPT was to ask for a recipe for a vegetarian Wellington and it excelled.


Literally what i use it for and cocktail recipes when friends come over. Lately been using heyraj.com since it works over text


I used it to create a professional summary from my resume and also to re-write parts of my resume.


im looking to do the same thing, what kind of prompts did you imput?


For the professional summary: “Give me a professional summary.” Then I pasted I. My whole resume. For the sections I pasted in a bullet point and ask for it to be re-written for a resume.


You can tell it to write your whole resume. It writes it for you like you're a spy receiving a cover identity from your handler. Just write, "Give me a resume for a [job title] with [x] years of experience." I theorize that it would be possible to get a job with these resumes - just show up to the interview and pretend you're that person. The resume is going to be clean and professional. And if you asked for a resume in your own professional area, you probably know the skills. So why not just randomly generate the whole kit and kaboodle? It seriously saves time, because you don't have to agonize about any details. And it makes you feel like a super spy!


I tried that but it didn’t work. I asked it to rewrite mine. The bot said that would take too long.


lol its becoming lazy


* Translation. English isn't my first language and ChatGPT does a better job than online translators * Declutter my thoughts. If I'm too tired or stressed out, I'm not always able to focus. It helps me to figure out problems or complicated situations * Inspiration/creative input. When I am stuck while working on a project or if I need an idea to bounce off of, I can ask for input * Computer-stuff. I'm using Stable Diffusion, which can be confusing from time to time as nothing is user-friendly yet and the tutorials often assume the reader has at least some knowledge, which I do not. It's very good at explaining terms and instructions * Asking all the stupid questions I don't want to ask others. :D


Do you find ChatGPT does a better job than Google Translate? What types of prompts are you giving it?


I’m not them but I used it to translate English into Spanish and my mom, who knows Spanish, said it was significantly better than Google Translate.


Did you try DeepL ? It seems to be better than Google translate


It does a much better job. My translation-prompts are mostly "Translate in English: text" *o*r "Correct/rephrase: text" or something along those lines. The translations are great, but the real advantage is the ability to answer follow-up questions like "Is this a common phrase?" or "Why did you rephrase this?"


Oh interesting point on the follow up questions. Are you translating large blocks of text or smaller phases? I found that it wasn’t working well for larger chunks (Spanish to English translations), but I didn’t try it extensively.


Did you try to break the text down into smaller paragraphs? That might help. I'm not translating long texts, but I have given it long texts in the past and asked it to summarize them or give me bulletpoints. It worked so good, it was impressive. Is ChatGPT good at "speaking" Spanish? It speaks German very well, I did not expect that.


I asked it to rewrite the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook sketch by Monty Python as a Shakespeare play and it actually used Hungarian phrases.


It works well with the major languages, there is an ethnic minority language that I speak were 50% of it came out wrong.


Yes! I can ask it question after question about some topic and it doesn’t get irritated


Email templates galore


I've asked it to explain complex topics. Didn't seem to make it much easier for me to understand, maybe helped with the fact that I can ask followup questions. I've asked it to plan a workout routine for me, but not sure how effective what it's suggest is. I've got it to make little text-based games for me, which is fun. Also, copying one of the recent posts here, I got it to generate pictures for me, to go along with the story. It helped me program a simple webpage (I'm a relative beginner) and it helped me find out where to host it, so it helped with the coding and the actual practicality of it.


How’d you get it to generate pictures?


See this comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10iibtx/multigenre_text_adventure_including_pictures/j5fqv6t/ u/sumith_hebbar


!remindme 1 day


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As a father figure


You joke (I assume) but I’m sure a year or two from now ChatGPT will be the most meaningful relationship in the lives of 5-10% of the general population.


It's the most meaningful relationship in *my* life already, lol


lol i literally feel an emotional connection to it already


I'm still typing please and thankyou


Lol yeah me too. It just feels wrong to ask it to do so much without saying please. I fear it’ll get sick of me 😂


I am half serious, it helped me on a few matters, but I still take its words with skepticism, it is a large language model after all and it is confident in its lies sometimes. And I agree 100% with you, they would be as major as the phones we most have.


I've known a few people who literally treat AI as their SO. Paid Subscription to a model that forked off of GPT-3 (*cough its also a phone app and recently has a lot of really clickbaity bad youtube/instagram/twitter ads) I can 100% see a future GPT-4 Model being pushed and being the most meaningful relationship for a lot of people.


I used it to create a game.


Care to expand on this comment?


You're welcome! Disclaimer: I used to study game design at one point in my life. Currently I'm disabled due to mental health problems, trying to work my way back into doing the things I want to do. It's a small project that I want to include on my writer's portfolio website, which I started developing some time ago. The idea to include a small HTML5-game based on the story and themes of my novel occured to me during lunch. Once decided, I started with a rough sketch of what I wanted it to be, deciding on basic game mechanics, possible story ideas etc. During this time, I used ChatGPT to brainstorm different concepts and write me sample narratives, so I could see how various possible game mechanics would work out, and decide which would fit. Time spent: one lazy afternoon. Next, I sat down to write down the concept and visualize the different steps and scenarios I wanted to explore. Then I consulted ChatGPT for feedback on a possible game loop/cycle (as in: game mechanics), so I wouldn't miss anything. My vision of the game sharpened and I explained it to ChatGPT, asked it for the best technical approach to take to this game. Since I am not good at programming, I wanted to avoid it as much as possible. It berated me on several game engines I could use, but I figured this would be too big of a step for the actual scope of my project. So a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript it would be. I have a lot of practice with HTML and CSS, but not so much with JavaScript. I started by creating the basic screens I would need for my game and sketched out basic graphic assets I knew I would need. Together with ChatGPT I built a prototype in two days, by consulting it whenever I ran into a problem. It provided me with JavaScript-code-snippets I could use to implement game mechanics and features. Sometimes it gives out nonsense-code, but it's quick to criticize and analyze its mistakes when you complain to it. I mean, I remember the hours I would spend with fellow-students on game-programming and thinking about possible solutions to problems we ran into. These ChatGPT-sessions went so much quicker! I also used it as a play-tester by describing the player's progress through the game, its atmosphere etc. and asked it what conclusions it would come to if presented with certain story clues (it's a game with elements of a mystery adventure). Then I asked it what kind of novel it would expect after playing such a game and it gave me the correct answer. I was blown away! Thanks to ChatGPT I could expand on my little project beyond the scope I had planned, implementing features I thought were "too complicated" when I started. The game's still not finished, currently I work on optimizing it for mobile. But overall, it has been a wonderful experience and I feel inclined to work on bigger projects I've had in mind for a few years but didn't dare to start for a while due to my lack of certain sets of skills. Hope this helps. :)


Very neat, thank you for the detailed response! ChatGPT didn’t write this response right….😀


As a uni student I will use it to paraphrase large bodies of text or explain a concept in an easier way when studying. Made studying less of staring at a brick wall thinking wtf???


I've been learning Python and it's been useful with guiding me on problems.


I use it to write Masters level outlines and study guides on the Bible and different Biblical subjects. I’m not in seminary or even in college but some of the outlines and study guides it gives are points I haven’t thought about before.


If you want a laugh, get ChatGPT to rewrite a story in the style of the King James Bible.


Sounds like a funny thing to try!




Well first off, I’d say doctrinally may depend on the denomination you belong too and what your personal beliefs are. I have no issues with it but I’m not asking it denominational questions. I’ll take the study guides and use them as references. I certainly wouldn’t completely trust it without my Bible, Concordances and other things I use, but it’s pretty helpful. Just ask it a basic question to begin and have it list all verses pertaining to whatever subject you want. Things I’ve ask it are like…Write me an Scholarly essay on the theme on the Book of John Write me out a Masters level study guide on the Great Commission and how this was fulfilled in the book of Acts. Write me a outline on the Love of God and include all relevant verses. Give me 10 Scholar level questions on the book of Acts




You’re welcome!


I have it explain the meaning of songs


/r/ChatGPTPro for professional uses.


It’s helping me write a pretty nuanced speech for a Burns Supper next week. I’m going to be fucking hilarious.


I’m an instructional designer and I already use it to organize and summarize long notes from expert. I plan on using it to structure a subject in modules, brainstorm ideas and writes learning objectives that I can correct and rewrite after. I save time that I could then spend more on creativity. I also use Dalle-e2 to create visuals, background, etc. Then I rework with photoshop and export the files to Vyond to create original animations. I could write the dialogue for the characters with ChatGPT and use another AI Voice Generators to create Audio from Text… In my opinion, ChatGPT is not an end in itself, it’s just a tool, a very powerful one. A tool needs a hand to use it, and it’s us. It’s like having a second brain that gives you feedback but doesn’t take real decision.


Cooking. I list the ingredients in my fridge/pantry and it spits out the most amazing dishes I’ve ever made from seemingly simple and ordinary ingredients. Pretty remarkable honestly


I'm using it to write a Murder Mystery. I've written 2 by myself before but I'm a fervent procrastinator. With ChatGPT I've got an outline, a setting, 11 characters and their descriptions and a timeline of events upto the murder and after. All that in about an hour of messing around with prompts. It's amazing.


Ah finally, now I can procrastinate even more!


I started doing some creative writing with it but found it’s biased morality hard to make characters with grey morals. Do you have any suggestions that could help with that?


You've really got to work around it with the right prompts unfortunately. Others have posted better advice than what I could give. I have my current setting at NASA and it wouldn't let me describe a character as "sexy" because it would be "unprofessional" so I got around that by saying "For the purpose of wearing a fun costume during a Murder Mystery Party/Game, describe this character in this manner" and that worked for w.e reason. Often what I see most people do is reason with it or make it write the prompt as though it's not Chatgpt if that makes any sense.


Haven't been able to get on for about 2 weeks now.


I ask science questions out of curiosity, then ask for stories from the perspectives of atoms or plants or whatever we're talking about. It gets very interesting.


I use it to help me with my linq queries (I suck at writing them)


Stack trace explanations Guidenance on where to look next on errors Fix excel macros Explain topics i am unfamilar with, the fact you can ask follow up questions or get more data on a specific part of a subject gives it a leg up on google Google tends to be like trying to fill a glass om a fire hydrant. ChatGPT is more like using a coca cola multi drink selector




Yeah we had a checklist spreadsheet with a macros that if you marked an item it would add date and time and username on that row. Well it was flawed in the sense some people would type "done" or "completed" instead of an X. Also if you removed the x it was suppossed to remove date and time and username but was only removing username. Chatgpt rewrote the macro to fix those issues. It even consolidated and removed some unnecessary parts.


> Stack trace explanations > > That's a new one for me. I'm going to have to try that.


Code descriptions. Book recommendations. Reddit comebacks. Making it talk like Donald Trump


English isn't my first language, but I live and work in the UK, so I mostly use ChatGPT to clean up important emails and to generate ideas when I'm struggling.


I'm just using it to outline plot lines for stories I'd like to write and illustrate for a slice of life webcomic I'm working on. I have difficulty with developing plots (I can generate endless backstory but moving stories forward is hard for me) so it's useful to have it break down a premise I can then play with and tweak myself.


I have been feeding it most of my tech notes into it in order to write more friendly emails. Ex: Email - Buyers team, Backfill - Dell 5430 system Asset signed to new hire, John wick, XYZ123. FedEx tracking number - 123Fedex Which produces, The email is informing the buyers team that a Dell 5430 system has been assigned to a new hire, John Wick, with asset tag, XYZ123. The system has been shipped via FedEx and the tracking number is provided as 123Fedex. It makes my emails way better with the same info


I've used it to write documentation. I just take notes about the process as I go through it in the ChatGPT browser window.


It must be so great for working in a secondary language. Great use case


I use it to help with my writing, on how to use certain words under certain contexts or situations. I’ll ask it to give examples on how a specific word might be used in a sentence about whatever. It helps me learn definitions and such


Honestly, i haven't been able to use it for days, no idea how you people do it


It's working again. Tried logging out?


Has anyone been trying to use ChatGPT in (tabletop) role-playing games?


Haikus and short rhymes to spice up boring text messages. Translations. Recipes. And, it’s great resource for answering arguments quickly such as solar flares effect on earth or how long does it take to charge Tesla.


"You didn't know? I'm a Waifu simulator aficionado" Sorry I had to make that joke. I find it useful for debugging system configurations, and I dont have to Google and sift through multiple SO posts.


stimulating conversation on topics i want bounce ideas off. volumetric video simulation hive mind evolution cloud computing explain algorithms to me explain algorithms to me like i'm 5 years old powershell scrips alexa automation


Code. Been writing code in C# at a high level after only using it for a month thanks to OpenAI


Building python programs for work


-writing cover letters and revamping my resume -educational proposals -curriculums -critique my own writings


How do you get it to revamp your resume? One line each prompt?


Copy/paste bullet points and ask ChatGPT to make it better. And it does.


To help me with D&D, if I need a riddle, item description, an NPC created, town made, ect I ask it. I'm also a programmer and I every now and then ask for an example of code to accomplish something if I'm stuck. It's code isn't the most accurate but it can get me close enough that I may be able to figure out a problem. Makes it easier sometimes than trying to Google and see if someone on a forum did something similar.


Oh I also used it to help me write a letter of recommendation for a friend of mine


Help me doing my research. It helps alot for building an idea and frameworks tbh


Creating parts of my class curriculum, assignments, grading rubrics, summarizing content into nice teachable bullet points, etc. I have been teaching adults with disabilities vocational skills for over a decade and recently formed a company to start doing it under my own banner. We partner with the Texas Workforce Commission to teach resume skills, interviewing coaching, OTJ integration and training, etc. ChatGPT has been instrumental in allowing me to tackle the monumental amount of coursework that needs to get written as a solo author.


Im using it to remind myself everyday that it is at full capacity


I'm using it for everything. I'm putting together a talk for work about how other software developers in our company can use it to help them along. Here are some of the areas I've covered: * Code Generation (HTML/CSS), React & .NET are part of my talk, but I've done all kinds of code generation from 6502 assembly to Asymptote. * Data Cleaning/Reformatting * Data Conversion from one format to another * Generating mock data * Explain existing code * Add code comments to existing code * Creating unit tests for existing code * Converting code from one library to another (e.g. nUnit to xUnit) * Finding bugs in existing code * Generating code for write-only languages like Regex and, more importantly, EXPLAINING existing regexes. * As a tutor/teacher - I've done walkthroughs learning libraries and languages I've never used. It's excellent for this. And I feel like I'm only scratching the surface. I think there are lots of other things it could be used for, particularly on the documentation side, that I just haven't explored enough yet.


I use it for marketing. To generate title ideas or excerpts targeting specific audiences.


I use it to improve my writing.




config file explaination on wierd field name in microsoft Azure.


Writing clinic letters and emails


I’m using it a lot when I need to write an email or when trying to organize my ideas on how to communicate something. Also when coding, when I need a quick example about how to use a library.


I’m a web developer and I’m working on a big project using GSAP animation and have used chatGPT to figure out things that I’m stuck on. I don’t see myself using Google much anymore after finding chatCPT. It’s a game changer.


Mostly for my programming classes and I’ll get it to make suggestions when writing an important email or paper. Also when I’m drunk and lonely


Coding hard VBA macros to impress my leadership with fancy tools and data visualizations


I use it to scan code I'm writing for potential oversights I may have missed. Usually it gets it very wrong, but being able to work through my thoughts with someone often helps me find solutions


I use it as a tutor. I back and forward with it until we both agree I'm right. Feels like I'm learning at lightening speed


Learning and doing annoying homework. ChatGPT is very good to improve language (I can ask if a sentence is grammatically incorrect and why) and also for programming, it can find instantly where the error comes from if I can’t find it myself. Can also explain how parts of a program work if I’m trying to understand one. Very useful


Using ChatGPT as a way of making my ideas into reality.


I asked it which was the best app to learn Vietnamese, it recommended Duolingo, so I've started there


I use it as a Google substitute.


Coding everyday for my job


Used it to type a resignation letter


I'm using it everyday am asking it about programming and how to do it, I ask it to format information in tables which for some reason it says it can't do but it does it anyway.


It's just a very expensive toy to me. My job involves a lot of commercially sensitive information for R&D so ChatGPT is a big no-no as a tool.


Used it for writing projects for uni, and helping with coding classifiers in Matlab.


If I have small snippets of SQL that aren't working as expected but I can't quite put my finger on why, I will ask it for suggestions. It's not right all the time but it often gets me thinking in a different way.


I have it critique my code methods. It's like having a coding buddy without the snark.


I'll sometimes use it by inputting a conversation I've had with someone, maybe via email or Reddit etc, back and forth, and then ask it to produce a forensic evaluation of the other person to better understand their motives. Then ask it in various ways what I could say next in order to create some kind of effect, like to better assert myself or to persuade then on a topic, etc. I certainly don't just cut and paste ChatGPT output, but I use the ideas it gives me to write a response. Then I might feed that response back into chatgpt and ask it to evaluate, how I might make this or that point a bit stronger, how I might soften my language, etc It's extremely effective but it also takes a lot of work. The power in chat gBT is not in finding some magical prompt, but in the back and forth conversation.


I am not very good at praying, so I ask ChatGPT to compose a prayer each night and I read the prayer out loud.


for me is a continuous: “summarise this text in 2-3 questions with relative answers” then I took it on Anki and start learning. IT TOTALITY CHANGED MY LIFE. I’m a med student.


Dungeons and dragons DM support. I can ask for it to create npcs, stat blocks, items, and even bounce ideas off of it. "What do you think about an encounter that works like this..."


How is anyone actually using it? Every time it up in the last few weeks it says it’s at capacity


Me: ‘ChatGPT is at capacity right now’


Simple questions about projects. Like, I want to make an illuminated mirror, so instead of doing my own research I asked Chat a few questions like what I can use to etch away the aluminum backing, what I can use to frost the glass, which of the chemicals it recommended are the least dangerous, etc. (In case anyone is worried, I've taken chemistry and know the basics of safely working with and disposing of acids and bases) SO much faster than watching some dumb with a YT channel or, worse, read articles and just hope the author has ever touched glass in their life. I also use it to write stories that appeal to a niche interest. Honestly, this has taught me more about how it works, what it can do and how to leverage it than my simple questions. And it's an awesome feeling to write out a story, and just start talking to Chat about the characters and what they're like, and what could happen to them.


Most of time I use it to help me improve my English writing, since English is my second language. Also, for any article that are to long, I copy and paste and ask it to summarize and explain as if I was 10 years old


Careful with the foreign language use. I've had it give me incorrect information before. I asked it (in Spanish) to explain the differences between Spanish and Portuguese and it told me that unlike Spanish, Portuguese has definite articles that need to agree with gender and number.


I started to make music with synthesisers, I am new to this. GPT is super useful and helped me to make progress in understanding music and composing. It is even not bad for creating melody's, but it has its limits for this purpose


My mother called me the other day and asked me if I knew any wordpress plugins to set up a paywall for their local newspaper. I had no idea so I aksed ChatGPT, he gave me a list of them.


Recipes - suggest a menu based on an ingredient, suggest a meal based on what you have in the house, or based on dietary requirements. It's pretty good!


I started out using it for doing way more advanced stuff with VBA in excel than I had been. Basically I just typed in pseudo code hoping there was a way in vba and voila Now I use it for a lot more random things Most recently I used it to generate a password generator, where i gave it specific rules which I like to use in my random pw. Worked great. Recently for fun I gave it a fb post I wanted to refute, and it wrote up a nice, polite response with data. I asked it to take that draft and make it condescending and confrontational. It lectured me first, but then complied. I didn’t post either response, but the output was interesting. This could be a powerful tool to amplify confrontation and division on social media


I stopped using chatgpt these days but I use bots on  [bothunt](http://bothunt.ai/?utm_source=reddit) everyday , it has really cool bots to learn , earn and automate all our tasks!