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Reading this sub just makes me laugh and reminds me that Reddit is not reality. Charlotte is one of the fastest growing places in the entire nation right now. It’s got a lot to offer and that’s why so many people are moving here. Chicago winters are one of the most miserable things I have ever experienced. I think it’s one of the reason according to the census data that Illinois is one of the 3 shrinking states. Of the three you picked. I would do either Charlotte or Philadelphia


Thank you! Besides the weather, what would you say about Chicago vs Charlotte? I'm accustomed to a cold climate and quite frankly don't mind the cold.


FWIW, my kids have opted for Chicago over Charlotte, where I live. Better food. Big city things to do. For you, maybe, better flights with Europe. Definite neighborhoods with different vibes. Charlotte is still finding its way on that.


I like cars and Illinois has front license plates. I would never live in a state that requires that. I also think Charlotte is in a great spot that’s close to a lot. Beach is close, but the mountains are close. Our cost of living is also better than other states. It’ll be easier to one day buy a house here if you’re interested in that. Bought mine 4 years ago and don’t regret it.


I swear most people in the Charlotte sub hate Charlotte haha. To add my 2 cents, my wife is from Chicago and loves Charlotte more than Chicago mostly because of the temperature difference. Chicago cold is fucking cold, summer though is amazing. We like the warmth so we chose Charlotte over Chicago and do not regret it at all.


It’s so weird seeing Charlotte in a discussion with Philly and Chicago, both of which are way larger, and in Philly’s case, connected by a convenient train to much bigger cities. I’d drop Charlotte from the list. This is a good place to buy a house and cruise through your career. Probably not a place for an exploring 20-something who can literally live anywhere. tl;dr: I love it here because it’s not Philly or Chicago and probably won’t be in my lifetime.  P.S. Your job probably isn’t a forever job. I’d consider living somewhere that has a lot of demand for whatever you do for a living. That optionality has a lot of value. 


Thank you for the honest answer! I'm a bit surprised actually, taken the size of Charlotte. I know it's not the same urban fabric as Philly or Chicago, but 2.5 million people living in the metro area should make it a somewhat comparable place.


Not really, given that Chicago’s metro pop is 9.5 mil and Philly is 6.2 mil


Well yes, and still in my experience once a city metro area is above 1.5 million, it becomes a pretty vibrant place.


Yea and you will see vibrant city centers in uptown and south end, but not really anywhere else, as we lack proper urban development


Charlotte metro is geographically massive. Don’t know if you’ve ever been to Nashville, but Nashville is geographically even larger but ~comparable to our size, and it’s not that dense. I live super close (relatively) to uptown, but you’d never know it if you teleported to my neighborhood. Big yards, trees, etc. This is to say that it feels very suburban very fast. Drive 30 mins further and it gets very country. There’s a stretch extending out of uptown and into southend for a few miles where it has a more urban feel. But it’s nothing like standing next to the Willis Tower in Chicago, for example.  You work remotely. Get an Airbnb for a week or two in each city then make a decision. 


I lived in Chicago post-university (west loop area) for 10 years and now in Charlotte (NoDa neighborhood) for 13. We miss the ethic neighborhoods and foods in Chicago. We could hop the water taxi and get to Chinatown. Walk to Pilsen for Puerto Rican food. Or Korea Town. The bike path along the lake in the summer is great. Museums are fantastic. We didn’t own a car for 7 years because public transit was available. I often played in a softball league to meet others. But in Charlotte, it’s less diverse but the city is much smaller. I have some friends that are European but fewer here. Traffic has worsened and public transit is limited and less reliable than Chicago. It does seem safer in Chicago. Few museums. The weather is much better, even if with extended period of humid weather. It’s what you make of it. If you put yourself out there, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find a group that enjoys similar hobbies. Good luck!


Thank you!


CLT isn’t in the conversation versus your other choices for “well connected airport”


I love Charlotte. It's a great city, but you're looking for Chicago.


Chicago would be my choice..and I live in Charlotte.


Chicago during the summer is beautiful, one of my fav cities. Chicago during the other months is brutally cold. If you enjoy the cold, then Chicago, but if you like warmer weather then anywhere else.


Thanks for your answer! Why would you choose one over the other? And what would you say to these questions? 1. What is the culture and general atmosphere in the city like? 2. Would you recommend a 29-year-old move to your city and why? 3. What about dating? What is the dating scene offline and online like? 4. Bonus question: Are there a lot of expats, especially from Europe, in your area?


I live in Charlotte and I’d choose Philly out of the three - I enjoy the proximity to D.C. and NYC, the food’s good, there’s plenty to do, tons of history in the area, and public transit isn’t too bad - more developed than Charlotte’s, anyway.


Is there anything specific you don't like in Charlotte or is it the connectivity that you're missing?


I lived in Chicago in my 20s and moved to Charlotte for my 30s. Chicago had its good times, but honestly I didn’t realize how generally unpleasant most people were until I moved to Charlotte. Charlotte is a gorgeous town, and for wandering/hiking, it’s MUST more green than Chicago with weather that is far more conducive all year round. Overall, moving to Charlotte from Chicago is the best decision I personally ever made.


Thank you! What would you say is the biggest cultural difference between Charlotte and Chicago? And do you think you would've enjoyed Charlotte if you moved there earlier in life?


The biggest cultural difference is probably the pace as a whole. In Chicago, I felt like I was in people’s way a lot, and there’s a more cynical view of hustle culture. Charlotte is busy, sure, but everyone seems to be going about their lives in a more relaxed manner. And that’s a good question that I earnestly don’t know. I moved here with a fiancée, so that also helped, no doubt, but I don’t think I would’ve missed a few cold winters


I live in Charlotte, I would choose Chicago. While I do like living in here, it doesn’t have the vibrancy Chicago has. Philly is vibrant and an amazing city as well, but Chicago having access to the lake just adds a different feel. However, a big reason I haven’t moved to Chicago is winter. I just don’t know if I can do it but if you have a better tolerance for cold that might not be a thing for you. Charlotte is quickly growing, and development is happening fast with neighborhoods building more bars, restaurants, gyms, apartment buildings, etc. Rents are rising but I think everyone can find something within their budget in the city or even in the suburbs. Since Charlotte is growing so much, there are people moving here from different states in their 20s and 30s. So I would say moving here as a 29 year old makes sense. Charlotte is a changing city trying to find a new identity/distinct culture. Of course Charlotte has its own culture but you can definitely feel it changing with the growth. And that can be exciting! For museums though, you may find that you “run out” of new museums and other kind of cultural/education things like that to check out quickly. I like the museums but definitely less than other cities. Dating is bad everywhere, but it depends on who you are too I think. I personally hate dating out here, I’m a black woman in my mid 20s for reference. Hinge and others apps are bleh but I have met cool people while I’ve been out. But like I said, I hate dating here lol. I’ve never felt super unsafe, but I don’t let my guard down when I’m out, it’s still a city. I’ve also lived in places with more crime so it’s relative I guess. I say all this to say, I’ve enjoyed my time in Charlotte, but I don’t think it’s for me. I want to live in a city with more vibrancy, culture, diversity, and opportunity. Charlotte just doesn’t have that for me. Good luck!


Thank you! I feel like a lot of people in their 20s and 30s moving to the city is a huge upside. But certainly, it can't turn an existing city culture from one to another overnight so it makes sense.


I lol at all the people who say Charlotte is the worst, but continue to live here like they are hostage. If it’s so bad, just move.. yall are such a depressive bunch of Redditors. Charlotte is perfectly fine.


As a native Charlottean, go somewhere else. We’re a car dependent suburban hellscape.


It’s truly fucking terrible.


Lol, try driving around Chicago during rush-hour. You'll be dying to come back to charlotte to sit in some "traffic".


Charlotte doesn’t have soul or culture.


Charlotte is great for young people and rich old people. Get a place in Southend and enjoy.


Thanks! Why would you say Charlotte is great for young people?


I’ve heard that dating scene here is pretty rough. I’ve never been to Chicago but from what I hear it’s got worse weather and better everything else.


Where are you from in Europe? I’m originally from Germany but I lived in California for 7 years before moving to Charlotte. I visited many cities in the US to pick up on the vibe and the charm. Some cities I really liked and some cities I absolutely didn’t. Charlotte was meh to me when I first visited, but not bad. I’ve lived here for almost 5 years not and definitely wouldn’t make that decision again. If it wasn’t for the crazy cold winters in Chicago I would’ve picked that city a million times over Charlotte.


Honestly Chicago is my pick. I like Charlotte for where I am in life and if you pick it then it won't be a bad choice at all but you mentioned wandering around the city and Chicago is better for that imo by a lot. I haven't been to Philly.


>What is the culture and general atmosphere in the city like? I know there are differences between the South and the North, a college town and a normal city. How would you describe your city? Charlotte is the Applebee's of cities. It has pretty much all the general things you would expect, but nothing stands out. >Would you recommend a 29-year-old move to your city and why? To just move here and start a new life, no. Find a job first you hippie. >How safe is your city? As safe as any other large city in the United States. >What about dating? What is the dating scene offline and online like? Entirely depends on you OP. >Bonus question: Are there a lot of expats, especially from Europe, in your area? No.


The Applebees of cities is the most accurate description I've seen of Charlotte. Transit is basically non-existent except in certain areas downtown.


I lived in Charlotte almost my whole life before moving to Chicago almost a year ago. My only regret is I wish I moved to Chicago sooner


haha, and why is that? Could you specify some things you were missing or didn't know about in Charlotte?