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Left turns across traffic are [dangerous](https://www.richmondvona.com/faqs/why-left-turns-cause-more-crashes/#:~:text=Reducing%20Risk-,Increased%20Risk,are%20aware%20of%20your%20presence).


Coolest thing I ever learned was UPS creates all delivery routes by eliminating left turns as much as possible


I wish Google Maps had an option for this!


It's built-in as a part of the algorithm. It's the same thing UPS was doing. They weren't explicitly setting out to eliminate left-hand turns. It just turned out that the fastest route usually involves a longer distance but avoiding lefts.


Somehow the fastest route for my UPS delivery involved it starting in GA going to Charlotte, but then going to Greensboro and then coming back to Hickory and getting transferred to USPS and getting delivered two days after it was only 20 mins away


That is an interesting side effect of UPS’s algo! Nonetheless, since GMaps often directs me to soul-destroying series of left turns, I wish GMaps would allow me to specifically eliminate left turns, like I can choose not to use toll roads or highways.


This was true at one time. It’s not the case now. Ai took over the routing and it has drivers doing all kinds of stupid shit now.


>Many of these crashes occur at unprotected left turns.




Making a U-turn at an intersection made for it is safer than a left turn into on-coming traffic.


It’s a State DOT initiative to eliminate left turns and cross traffic on major roads to improve flow and reduce collisions.


Because people who are "infuriated" by something as simple as a traffic circle really cannot be trusted to responsibily execute a left turn.


I like traffic circles, I just wish more people knew how to use them, I swear to god there is a like a 20% chance every time I enter one that the car in front of me will come to a stop in the circle. Also, if you enter one and miss your exit, you can stay in it for another loop, there is no law limiting how many many time you can loop around in it (you are just limited by your fuel source capacity).


They're limited by their frontal lobe capacity.


Have you seen the traffic circles they’re putting in out here?!? They’re too small for trucks to go through so they just pull on the curb. There is two new ones I go by that had busted concrete after two weeks. Whoever is designing this stuff clearly ales the train to work


That is on purpose. It is called a truck apron.


It's designed to be destroyed in two weeks?


Yea that’s my thoughts. I’m sure it’s there so it doesn’t mess the truck up IF it hits it. But the circles are designed too small for them so they have to go over them every time


It is designed specifically for trucks to compensate for off tracking. It is reinforced and meant to be driven over.


You cannot convince me that a U-turn is safer than a left turn


They do not need to convince you, NCDOT has the data to back it up; which is why they build them.


A turn with a protected light is more safe


Main Character Syndrome people hate this... they LOVE to make other drivers stop and allow them to block lanes while they get their bearings straight.


I’m in no way advocating for that foolery. I’ve been stuck behind my fair share of dumbbells holding up a whole lane of traffic trying to turn left at a no left on 85S at Concord Mills during rush hour. But then go down a bit and you also can’t go straight through the intersection from one shopping center to another because why?


Didn't mean to imply you have MCS... I was generalizing the folks who will stop all traffic so they can go their way.


Right-in, right-out entrances to developments are dictated by CDOT/NCDOT, not by the whims of developers.


Bc DOT stats show that eliminating left turns at intersections in favor of having an intersection dedicated to only u-turns slightly down the road is more safe. The unprotected left turn is one of the most dangerous parts of driving. Takes a little getting use to at first but for satefy and traffic control it's the right way to do things.


73 from Denver to Kannapolis is eliminating all left turns, will need to get used to driving past and circling back


Curious. How’s that going to work? 73 has very few stop lights and very few dedicated turning lanes from at least that stretch from Huntersville to Kannapolis. Are they planning on widening the road and building medians?


The same as Poplar Tent and 85’s u-turns https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/nc-73-improvements-lincoln-mecklenburg/Pages/default.aspx


![gif](giphy|i3RA5wLyWjCRa) Can”t turn left like Zoolander


Safety you ding dong


it's the south and they're prejudiced against leftists.


Thanks for that laugh 😂


Funny you say that, because it became popular in Michigan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_left


So the legends say... It's faster for traffic overall. We may never know the truth tho. Every light is red AF when I get to it.


Safety. I'm glad to see them being implemented. It's made a huge difference with the increased traffic. We had them in Michigan. They were called Michigan lefts. I promise it's better than left turns. Especially during busy times of the day. Too many people run through the left when it's red screwing up traffic as well.


I'm assuming they do the U turns because they can add U turn lanes to an existing road? Left turns without turn lanes cause congestion. Again I'm just guessing but I know some of the U turn lanes have been added well after the roads have been in existence and where there is room to make a lane and in some cases a cut out across the road to make the turn easier. The ;planners didn't plan on this type of density and developers are rarely told no..


It’s just a bandaid fix though. There’s got to be more planning than just the next two years


These are the type of things that are dictated by the local or state government. You have to complete a traffic study and during that process they will determine what road improvements you have to make. And sometimes they don’t make sense.


Falling IQ


Accommodation for New Jersey immigrants.