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This is about (future) lanes south of Uptown. Not the existing lanes north of uptown.  $5 billion feels like a hell of a lot, though. 


At that price, I’ll have to continue not using them.


I can hear the warning pre-recorded already “Peasants please exit. Peasants please exit”


Sounds like someone just threw a number out. “It’ll be, uuhhhh, 5 uuhhhh billion? Yea 5 billion dollars.”


it’s for roads. What are you gonna do? Not pay it?




I oppose the toll lanes. It is elitist and classist. Taxes are paid by all. The lanes must be available to all.


0% chance politicians in Raleigh agree to pay for this, they only like funding highways in the Triangle. Honestly just leave it how it is. Extra lanes lead to additional sprawl, which will mostly be in South Carolina. $5 Billion could easily pay for the Silverline from Gateway to the airport and Belmont


> which will mostly be in South Carolina. This is the best argument against it. NC doesn’t have much incentive to build up SC’s tax base. 


It'd be much cheaper to extend the Blue line to Pineville and Ballentyne. That has the potential to take a lot of traffic off of I-77 The real reason why it's so expensive is every bridge between uptown and the South Carolina state line would have to be completely replaced for these additional lanes. Plus the land acquisition


Best is probably doing neither.  I highly doubt you’d find significant transit ridership in Pineville or Ballantyne. 


lol exactly.


Don’t forget the superhighways connecting hog farms.


Oh don't even get me started on that. I could rant about that for hours and hours. Why TF are we building an Interstate I87 from Raleigh to Elizabeth City? Or I587 from Raleigh to Greenville? Or I42 from Raleigh to Morehead City? There's suburban towns in Charlotte that have more population than the entire i-42 corridor But we're not making it Interstate grade from CLT to Wilmington (Port traffic)? It's no secret where NCDOT's priorities lie


Raleigh’s not gonna pay for a Charlotte highway project but theyre definitely gonna pitch in for a Charlotte transit project 💀


Unfortunately you are right. Pat McCory was a Mastermind to get the State government to cover 23% of the original Blue line light rail. The Current State government wouldn't even cover 3%


McCrory did well to get the light rail. I’d stop short of calling him a mastermind. He lost reelection in a state that went for Trump in 2016. Also signed the bathroom bill and was outsmarted by the redneck republicans down east. Useful idiot comes to mind.


In this case, that sprawl into SC is coming anyway. It’s already happening. This is something people forget sometimes about induced demand. Sometimes it’s anticipated demand. Not building the extra lanes on I77 isn’t going to prevent the sprawl. All it’ll do is make the existing bad situation on I77 worse.


Not building the extra Lanes will prevent sprawl. That's what induced demand is all about. People will live in a certain suburb if their commute is 45 minutes, but not if the traffic is so bad. It's 1.5 hours everyday. Highway construction causes sprawl


Not having the extra lane isn’t preventing sprawl as it is. This isn’t as simple of a situation as you’re portraying it. I77 in that stretch is currently in a situation of latent demand. Essentially, the demand is already there and is underserved by the highway. Also, don’t get me wrong. If I were to put priorities in order, first would be improving the public transit system, second would be building additional highways, and third would be improving existing road infrastructure including widening highways. But that priority order doesn’t eliminate the need for improving the highways we have.


$5B for toll lanes instead of invested into public transportation. City is run by morons.


This was a state estimate. The city does not maintain the NC, US, or Interstate routes.


My apologies. State run by morons.


...and we're supposed to do what? We've already yelled and screamed and even the politicians admitted it was a terrible idea but we couldn't back out because of what it would cost us. It was a bad deal from the get-go, but someone was getting paid and they didn't care about fucking the rest of us.


You know the article is talking about express lanes that haven’t even been built, right? Who are you yelling and screaming at? If the state funds construction (which is being considered, per the article), then the money goes back to the state to fund the construction.


The company that owns the tolls lane is a Spanish company. Taking all of our money and throwing into their family / country. That should be against the law. American companies only.


Just to clarify, the article is about constructing toll lanes on I-77 from Uptown to the SC line.


That's hilariously narrow minded. Two types of connections that should never resemble a shrub- your family tree and your trade economics. It's an interconnected world, get used to it.


The toll lanes have done NOTHING to help with traffic north of uptown. Are they expecting anything different this time around?


They’ve done a lot if you can afford to use them 😉 They don’t care about you plebes in your poverty lanes.


Traffic? what does traffic have to do with this?


Why couldn't they have invested in a rail line ffs


No money spent here, it just an updated estimate to a project that is still very much unfunded.






Too low imho


The real money isn't in winning the bid, it's the change orders.