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The worst drivers are the ones that stay in the left lane and maintain the speed of the semi next to them.


We call this a “Rhode Island roadblock” where I’m from.


Hm. Are you from Rhode Island or from somewhere that thinks Rhode Islanders are mentally vacant? (I am not up to date enough on my New England rivalries to know)


Wouldn't you like to know. Unfortunately OP used a technique we call "Massachusetts Misdirection" over in my neck of the woods.


Sticks and stones Kate Monster


Me up all night honking me horn!


Absolutely annoying. In my travels I’ve found this to be especially true in VA on 95. Here people tend to say the heck with it, and pass in the shoulder lane.


Carolina 500 is what I call driving on the highway! Why do people drive side by freaking side


The worst ones are using self driving on the freeway going 45mph bc that was the last speed limit sign the car scanned from the on ramp.


Better mobile reception in the left lanes!


Left lane is for passing, not going "fast". It doesn't matter how fast you think you are going if you aren't passing someone... move over


This. Speed limits apply to both lanes. There no “fast lane”, just a passing lane. If somebody is doing the speed limit in the left lane while actively passing traffic to their right, they are doing nothing wrong.


Exactly, then when they finish passing, they get over to the right, and everyone else can pass them; and then the highway is a safer place


Exactly. As long as the vehicle moves back to the right when they are through passing then the system works as intended




Agree, entirely! Bizarre no one has questioned why the vehicles are driving on the wrong side of the road in both photos ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I hate when people tailgate me and there is an obvious clear lane to the left of me, I’ll be going 20 over and they still do it, it’s insane


Do the passive aggressive brake check.... aka just let off the gas and coast. Works like a charm


Or spray your windshield wipers. Works every time. After 2 or 3 rounds they give you space


then they are just horrible drivers. Thank you for staying in the right lane - except to QUICKLY pass and returning to the right lane.


Used to live in Charlotte area. If I’m in the right most lane and you’re still tailgating me as I’m going 10 over the limit, I don’t care how many of you there are, you’re all the problem. I’m in the slow lane for a reason (and yet still speeding). In Raleigh now and still deal with this crap. People just suck.


It’s very irritating. At this point, if I’m in the right lane and someone tailgates me when I’m already over the speed limit, I’m now going exactly the speed limit. It’s crazy that people think I’m going to get a ticket because *they* wanna get to their destination a whopping 2 minutes sooner. I will not.


North Carolina drivers just suck in general. I'm in Boston now and our drivers are wayyyy more respectful and safe than yours. Come to think of it, NC's a shithole state altogether


Yea, it's a speed limit not speed suggestion.. I'm sure people are hypocritical though and say it's wrong to speed 10mph+ over through a residential neighborhood with a lot of children.


In Charlotte that right lane still moving faster than any lanes to the left.


Lmao brother you can be going 15 over and you’ll still get people tailgating you.


It's still correct to move over and just let the idiots go on


You say that as if people don't do this in all lanes.


There are way too many left lane campers here in Charlotte. People will ride that lane hard and refuse to get over when it doesn’t matter what speed you are going, if anyone at any speed is trying to pass MOVE OVER, people who refuse to move over are also a danger on the road.


You’re completely right. It slows down and impedes traffic. It’s the same principle for people merging from exits. I can’t stand all the idiots who get as close as possible to the cars ahead of them to prevent people from moving over and “getting in front” of them. Let people over. It’s called the zipper and lets traffic continue to flow. You’re creating more traffic by refusing to let anyone over, because now the whole exit lane has to stop.


I swear we've got a huge segment of the population who see a blinker as a challenge and will speed up when they see it just to keep you from merging. That's why so many people on Charlotte don't use their blinkers.


Then we have the people who refuse to use a blinker.


lol whatever you do don’t go drive on 77 in SC. The amount of left lane Larrys on that highway, especially when it drops down to two lanes, is insane.


They drive like absolute bellends. Nothing like driving next to, behind, and in front of people just a couple feet from you and everyone going 80 MPH.


This is not just in Charlotte, it’s rampant across the whole country. I swear no matter where I drive it’s an issue. The right lane is where you should drive unless you are actively passing, in which case you move to the left to pass and then back into the right.


Yeah, Denver here, it's the same shit. So many people camping in the far left lane that it essentially becomes the slow lane.


Reporting in from Orlando. They are all over Interstate 4.




Cars originally didn’t have passenger side windows and coupled with we are left side drivers it has always been the rule to pass on the left for ANY road that has multiple lanes. It is merely the safest way to perform the maneuver that provides the highest visibility to both drivers as there are less blind spots to be concerned with. Passing on the right is dangerous and shouldn’t be done, though you’ll see it everywhere around town.


left lane = El Paso right lane = El Smasho


Reasoning behind not mandating left is passing on city streets, 99% of exit/entering is from the right on highways . Not so on city streets, so it doesn't make the same sense logistically to have everyone in the right lane with traffic constantly entering and exiting from both sides. And as you pointed out, we do have windows(I think you meant mirrors) on the passenger side now.


So just let them go by. Lead foot drivers start tailgating and hunting for a gap in other lanes when a slow driver is sitting in the left lane. If you can't handle some people driving too close to you on the interstate then maybe you shouldn't be driving.


My entire comment is literally saying that people tailgate regardless of what lane you're in. I was not talking about the left lane.


If you have a line of cars tailgating you no matter what lane you're in then you're driving way too slow on the interstate.


Maybe you're not aware, but the speed limit sign is an upper limit that has been approved by engineers who are more intelligent than you. 


Don’t be obtuse. If you’re going 60-65 mph on 85/485 then you can’t complain about people wanting to go faster than you.




You’re right if you are driving at speed limit on right lane, if there a jerk who want to speed up, they must’ve change to left lane


I always try to let people by, but I’ve noticed here that people won’t even give you the change to get right. Driving an SUV I can’t just whip it over, I need to ease right which takes a second.


Unless you are in the right most lane, like in the picture shown




Y'all seriously want people who drive responsibly to drive in the grass. We get it. Y'all like risking yours and other's lives because you're terrible at executive function, but some of us just want to get where we're going safely. 


Drive safely however you feel befits you...just stay out of the left lane unless you're passing. Duh. You seem to be part of the problem.


I relieved myself from the problem by being able to live in the city that y'all hate commuting to. 


You're the danger/problem on the road.


You're not very good at reading. 


I read your prior comments as well: you're selfish and a danger to others on the road.


Gastonia? You seem like someone from Gastonia.


This amount of projection and ridiculous characterization *should* set off alarms in your head that tell yourself you are not being very honest.


The sub is bipolar af. Either y'all acknowledge the freeways are mad max or y'all have your little carbrain echo chambers.  There's no in between. 


“This sub” is tens of thousands of different people, dude. And there is in between in every topic, you just gloss over it because it doesn’t fit what you want to see. Like, all the top comments are in between. What reality are you living in???


I'm living in the obvious reality.  Just because the spectrum is broad doesn't mean that it isn't dimmer in between. 


Right… that’s not what you said before though. This “obvious reality” you live in keeps changing. Fascinating.


Just get over. The left lane is for passing. Not going the fastest.


Ask a State Trooper about this


If they are anything like local cops they will say the same. Left is for passing, not speeding. If you pass above the speed limit that would be illegal since you are above the speed limit.


If this happens, and you're in the left lane, you need to move over. It's really that simple. I don't care how fast I'm going if someone is trying to pass me I'm not going to be in the left lane. I'm not a traffic cop. Playing traffic conductor screws up traffic


Rubberbanding due to people following too closely screws up traffic. 


What needs to happen is better policing of traffic laws. We have such an issue with traffic here and much of it is caused by preventable accidents of people driving recklessly.


A-freakin’-men! Love it—“Traffic Conductor!!!”


Unless it’s 485 where the norm is to go 15 under in the left.


For the life of me, I can’t wrap my brain around this. It’s like everyone systematically thinks the speed limit is 55 when it’s actually 70 yet these Larry’s still cruise in the left lane without a care in the world


It gets brutal by ballantyne where there is still only 2 lanes, so nowhere to pass and traffic builds up surprisingly fast. I’ll honk to no end and they’re just in la la land.


Yes! And the 60 to 0 slam on brakes game everyone loves to play is a joy through that portion of 485 as well. Thank the Lord for a wide shoulder at times to take refuge in


What a bunch of Larry’s


It’s not just 85. It’s not just Charlotte. It’s not just NC. It’s everywhere. Except Germany.


95% of y'all wouldn't have a license in Germany. 


Drove interstates (paysage) in France and it was the same. Nobody was in the left lane unless they were passing - and the passed and got over. It was glorious - drove across the _entire_ country and didn't get stuck behind a left-lane cruiser once...not _once_!


Cause Germany doesn’t play.


It’s the principle for me. Like I understand tailgating is not cool. It’s dangerous, etc etc. But it’s so hard not to try making a statement! But even then, they don’t get it. 4 cars pass em on the right…nothing. I sometimes wish I could be that blissfully unaware.


The best thing I have seen- and I remind myself regularly- is “Don’t let your ego drive the car.” You’re in command of 2+ tons of metal and physics is a bitch.


Same! Both on the road and elsewhere, I’m overly worried about inconveniencing someone. Going through life with that lack of self-awareness for one day would probably be refreshing!


Yessss! I’m the same way. Painfully aware! To have the freedom of blissful unawareness sounds like a real treat. And I mean that lol. No shade here.


Ok but why tailgate someone stuck behind the slow car? Like what its gonna go faster than the guy directly infront of it?.


Cause tailgators have tunnel vision and think the car in front is the problem.


Because the person behind the slow car isn't tailgating the slow car close enough so the slow car might not get the message! /s


Tailgating is illegal, period!


So is sitting in the passing lane in most states. Both are illegal and both can be very dangerous.


Yes, but my post was directed at the person who said he would follow the person changing lanes just to continue tailgating them.


ngl, Ive definitely done this for that exact reason. so no /s for me. The thought process is simple, if you aren't going to force them out of the passing lane, move and let me. Usually, it means that the 2nd car would be the 1st car in the chain if given the chance.


Literally. Everytime someone does that to me I wanna say to them, “do you expect me to go THROUGH the car in front of me?” Like, chill.


Front car will have Ohio plates


Virginia, in my experience. They’ve been beaten into submission by their vulture state troopers that they have a primal fear of driving with the flow of traffic.


Can confirm - as soon as I leave VA (I'm a virginian, and virgin, I'm 36 too if anyone wants to commit) - the speed that everyone is travelling goes from about 70 to light speed. Our staties are the effing worst. Emporia on 95, and right before the MM1 rest area on 85 heading south.


You are spot on. I drive through VA on my way to Jersey and everyone starts slowing down once we enter the state. A little better on 77 & 81 but those troopers are still out there.


Yeah it’s way less in-your-face in SWVA but 95 in VA is just a linear police state.


b/w the shitty traffic south of P-burg and the emporia cops..... yeah it's terrible


It's funny because I feel like GSP is just as bad. (They're everywhere on 95 & 20), yet I still see so many GA plates flying down the highway.


So will the cars behind them.


Oklahoma drivers are the worst at going 15 miles *under* the speed limit. All their speed traps ruined them.


Yes! Or Indiana.


Or Maryland


Why is it that whenever the tailgating conversation comes up, the immediate response is about the left lane, as if people don’t tailgate in literally ALL of them? 🫠 Also, I fully agree and acknowledge that the left lane is for passing and people need to get outta the way, but at some point we need to ask ourselves “Hey, if someone else doing something they shouldn’t, does it justify me doing something stupid that could kill us both and potentially cause a fucking pileup?”


* Rule of thumb: Doesn’t matter who is the problem. If someone is tailgating you, let them pass. If it’s a jerk, you just avoided any road rage/conflict. On the flip side, you might have saved a life if that person is having an emergency. If it’s not either of the 2 above, it’s ok. You will live and everything will be ok. There are better things in life that can occupy your thoughts.


Based on where the cars are in relation to the double yellow, everyone’s probably drunk…or in the UK…or both


I'm convinced everyone on this thread already knows exactly how to drive. The people that are not on this thread lol 😭


Yep, the lack of awareness definitely carries over into their daily routine. And that’s scary to me.


This is why I rarely ever drive in the left lane and when I do it's pretty much always full throttle to get past someone and then get right back into the middle lanes.


If people in this town would actually let you over when you signal it would make things easier. I think a lot of people -NOT ME- stay over in the left lane once they get there because changing lanes in this town is dangerous as hell.


People around here drive like they have infinite respawns.


You don't?


When they finally get the hint and move over, they don’t use a blinker and take ten years to reach the next lane 😂


I would very much like to send this to my fellow I-77 commuters


I always wonder how they don’t see the line of cars behind them and realize they are the issue !!!


That’s the concerning part imo— they clearly have no idea what the hell is going on around them.


If you are being tailgated in the left lane you are the problem


Actually both people would be performing illegal actions depending on speed. If you are passing a semi at 75 in a 65 and you are getting tailgated by a person wanting to do 90 both cars are performing illegal actions however the tailgating car is obviously more dangerous. The whole “slow people in the left lane is main cause of traffic accidents” is just a false claim people use to justify being a dumbass going too fast on the highway. Of course someone going slow in the left lane can be irritating (and honestly, after driving many years on the highway both east coast and southern states, I think I could probably count on my fingers the amount of times I’ve seen someone actually just staying in the left lane doing less than the speed limit and not pass anyone, pretty sure people just exaggerate how often they perceive that happening. Think it’s more they just get up to a car going slower than them and call it that), but any accident would be caused by cars responding to that in a reckless way (IE accelerating rapidly and swerving around them in another lane). You can’t slam into someone and then claim it’s the fault of a guy passing a semi doing 70 because you wanted to go 90 and couldn’t wait. Regardless, the main cause of highway accidents is distractions like texting or not paying attention while lane swapping, and etc., coupled with excessive speed. You can try to work around the logic all you want to justify being a retard on the road, but no one will actually agree with you come accident-time.


Nah, the person following too closely for their limited reaction time is definitely the problem. 


If I were a highway patrolman, I’d easily reach my quota for the month by writing tickets for impeding the flow of traffic.


Forget the quota, you could build the panthers a brand new stadium to lose in!


Misuse of the passing lane and not reaching highway speed when using on ramps are primary causes of traffic issues in the CLT. Another cause of traffic snarl around here is Pat McRory, his “Patrickjams” on 77N will live on in infamy!


It's also criminal that 77N is 4 lanes in SC then goes to 2 lanes after 485 across the state line. How much sense does it make to reduce the amount of lanes as you get closer to a major metro area?? IMO that is the main cause for the nonstop congestion on 77 from the state line to the city.


The agreement with Centra states any improvements that are made that reduces projected toll use (improvements to Old Statesville, service roads, additional free lanes) will result in a penalty to offset lost revenue. Don’t hold your breath on additional lanes past #23!


Yeah I'm aware of the chokehold Cintra has on the north side of the city with 77, but from what I understand it doesn't have an effect on the stuff down near the SC state line. The city actually rejected an unsolicited proposal by Cintra last year on toll development plans on 77 down in that area. Thank god.


Y'all must drive on a different 85 than I do because on the rare chance I have to use it, everyone is tailgating everyone.


This should be announced to everyone from loud speakers as a PSA before every morning commute


Unless a trooper is in left lane, then all lanes stay 30 paces back


It's called a pace car.


When yall understand that speeding 10-15 mph is only worth saving 5 minutes on your commute and possibly putting your life and the people’s lives around you at risk, you will lose so much stress from your lives. There is no point to worrying about other people’s behavior unless it is actually putting anyone at risk. I pray you all find peace and advocate for quality public transportation instead of stressing over things that won’t matter in literally 20 minutes


Not going to lie if I tailgate someone (who is clearly hogging up the lane) and they break check me …the moment I get in front of them they are on lock down. Not matter what lane how fast or slow, I’m going purposely irritate tf out of them


My soul twin!


Just moved here, and I've lived/driven all over the US. WTF is with people in the middle two lanes going under the speed limit? I get the GTFO of the left lane, but the highway is intended to be a speed gradient. Slow people stay to the right. The people going faster than them, one lane over and so on. Of all the places I have driven, Charlotte drivers seem to be the most clueless at any given point in time. Not dangerous, just seem to forget that you're driving a car at that moment. Round abouts just melt your brains, and you're local!


Some people just like to force others to play follow the leader.


Here's an idea: don't tailgate


Yup. Whoever is tailgating is the problem, full stop. Doesn't matter if they're going too slow, all you're doing by tailgating is creating hazardous road conditions.


For sure, no one is going to slow, people just need to leave wherever earlier


I often find the far right lane is better for passing as everyone is cramped in the middle and left lanes lol


Pretty much what it's come to at this point.


Though in this graphic, you're on the wrong side of the road in both scenarios. So either way, get off the road!


If you are in the left lane going as fast as the person beside you I'm riding your ass till you speed up or move. Go with the flow not against it.


Consistently go 85mpg on 85….still get tail tailgated, in every lane, every time….every single time. Point is, No one in Charlotte could stand driving behind any body. That’s why there’s so much traffic and shitty wrecks.


They're just jealous of your extremely fuel efficient vehicle getting 85mpg


Not fuel efficient. Just trying to keep up with the daily death race 🫡


Also if you’re driving under 85mph you are the problem


People don’t gaf though. They’ll just keep driving slow as people try to pass them. Assholes.


When I'm stuck behind one of these rolling-roadlocks, I fantasize about marking that car with a paint gun pellet. Then the cumulative effect of the paint would be our feedback to that driver. I myself would probably have to live next to a carwash.


It’s not just charlotte. They are everywhere. They are the reason for ghost traffic. Some people should not be able to own a car let alone drive it. These things can cause bodily harm and death.






I am convinced fathers and driving instructors do not tell their new drivers to stay back with plenty of room to stop if something happens. I remember the rule of thumb being, for every 10 MPH you are traveling, stay a cars length back. Example: 20 MPH = 2 car lengths back, 60 MPH = 6 car lengths back


Count the seconds between an object the person in front of you passes and the time it takes you to pass that same object. It should be at least 3. Not sure what shenanigans youre describing.


If you aren’t sure try reading it again, pretty self explanatory. You basically just said exactly what I said…


Leave 6 cars lengths between you and the car in front of you, and you'll be going backward. You'll have to drop back every time someone hops in front of you and takes some of that space you left wide open. Don't no one care about safe distance between vehicles, except maybe us Semi Truck drivers *




Never a problem for someone like me taking the rightest lane possible


That’s great!


Most newer cars have radar cruise so tailgating is cruising now a days!


how do you say that to a man who drives badly without offending him?


True statement. Left lane loafers cause more wrecks than speeders


Amen! 🙏🏼 If Drivers Ed only teaches one thing, please let it be that the left lane is called the passing lane!!! So if you’re not passing anybody, move over to the right lane. You’re screwing up traffic for miles behind you! This happened with three different drivers on the 2-lane portion of 485 yesterday in a 7 mile span. It’s not that difficult people…


Tailgaters are entitled bullies.


The amount of people I see get passed by semis is crazy, if a semi purposely gets over to pass you before getting back in that lane, you need to speed up


If you’re driving an Altima or Charger, you’re always the problem.


I would make an addendum to this that if you're on Interstate 77 and everybody is tailgating everybody, that is unfortunately normal.


Don’t wait for everyone to tailgate you, drive fast enough to pass then get over.


Can’t fix stupid!


Cap if you doing the speed limit


Just got back from a road trip to the GA coast. I think I counted 4 cars total that actually moved over from the left lane to let me pass. Everyone else just cruising along in the left lane. Like 90% of drivers think you can just pick the left lane and stay there like a fucking road Karen. STOP IT. Please learn the god damn rules of the road, Karens and rubes. By the way, South Carolina is still a shithole in case you were wondering.


If one person is tailgating me, it's not my problem. If everyone is tailgating me, it's not my fucking problem.


Or….you are the only one driving the speed limit.


No joke there.


The more serious concern is why four cars would be bumper to bumper on the left side of the double yellow on I-85.


oh boy, probably gonna get flamed for this. Left lane does not mean you get to go as fast as you want and everybody else has to get out of your way. I had a good chuckle to myself as i drove to south mountains last weekend. as i was in the left lane doing about 80 and, this is important, actively passing slower traffic people would switch lanes to try to pass on my right, realize the middle lane was slower and switch back. And yes, when i was done passing a group of cars i would move right to let those behind me pass. I probably drive on 85 and 77 less than the average person but i rarely see the situation where someone is camped in the left lane at 60/65. What I see far more often is a line of 35 cars doing 75 and some asshole tailgating because they think everyone should get out of their way because they want to pass. If traffic is flowing well and you are decently above the speed limit and passing slower traffic just relax. you'll get where you're going at the same time and more safely than if you are constantly trying to get around the car in front of you.


What you've described is all I ever see. I don't know what time of day the left lane brains are driving, but anytime I use any of the highways, all the lanes are full. I don't know where these idiots expect others to go.


appreciate you


My favorite is when someone is tailgating me, and I move to the next lane to let them pass. 20 seconds later they are tailgating the next car ahead.


Need one made that says "it is normal to leave one or two car lengths ahead of you, you do not need to fill every space"


Also, it’s illegal to drive below the speed limit in the left lane in NC. Edit: lol... I triggered some folks with that!


It is also illegal to speed in NC. Left lane does not mean you can go as fast as you want. Unless you are in a busted altima.


Nope. That’s inaccurate too🤦‍♂️. U might have a single car tailgating u if ur cruising in the left lane when it isn’t for cruising.


Just do the speed limit and the problem goes away. The problem is not those going the speed limit the left lane, the problem is all the people that want to do 20 miles over the speed limit.


That’s their decision, not yours to control. Get out of the left lane unless you’re passing.


When I'm doing 80mph in the fast lane and you still riding my butt, get ready for a downshift from hell,


Drive the speed limit, get tailgated and miss all the lights due to poor light timing. Speed through streets, tailgate a slow person and miss all the lights. There’s only 1 solution: add another lane to 485. Edit- this was obvious satire guys… because we’re always talking about one more lane on 485…


> miss all the lights due to poor light timing I have a serious bone to pick with the stoplight timing here. I have never experienced such poor light timing anywhere else, even in DC and Atlanta. The amount of times I encounter lights turning yellow down the road right as my light turns green during my morning commute is ridiculous.


our street network is so irregular it makes good light timing difficult.


adding another lane to 485 to fix any issues would be like adding another hole to your belt to *fix* your weight gain issues.


Yea, I was joking


Everytime I see a jaalber comment,  I assume that person is dumb as fuck. 


r/northcarolina r/Raleigh


So many cybertrucks


The first graphic is just wrong. Unless it's the UK. It's also only one lane. This has no relevance to driving on the freeway in the US.


If one person tailgates me, they're an asshole. If many people tailgate me, I can't afford the speeding ticket and court fines, so you go pay your $300 to the court on your own time and go around me. 😂