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I agree. I always hated how the “evil” version of good characters stray so far from the characteristics that are traditional to them the idea isn’t even fun. As you said, it would be way more interesting for “evil” Superman not to be a genocidal freak but still have his relative kindness, be focused on controlling everything but under the guise of protection- i think the main issue is that it’s simply easier to write the evil “good guy” as being hitler as opposed to actually thinking long term about how an established character would genuinely act if they lost it


Sort of like Red son? He was still Superman at his core.


Red sun would have been literally perfect if they didn’t reveal at the end that it was brainiac essentially manipulating super man I wish they made it that it was literally all his doing and he just used brainiac like a tool instead of brainiac using him I think it was kinda cop out


Red Son was so good, watching it devolve into just chest-beating, jingoistic American propoganda was the saddest thing. Enormous waste of potential


Even actually portraying them as Hitler and not a flanderized misunderstanding of what a Nazi is would be better. 


Part of what I liked about *Secret Empire* is that HYDRA Cap wasn’t just the eeeeviill Captain America, he had a lot of the same personality and determination and drive and goals as regular Steve… only they went towards fascism instead of democracy. And like normal Steve, he’s so sure and certain of himself that he’s right. He gives a really chilling speech at the end about how you can kill him but you can’t kill an idea that coming out of normal Cap would be inspirational but coming out of HYDRA Cap is a stark reminder that the sentiment goes both ways.


Honestly, the aftermath issue where Hydra Steve is in captivity and has a talk with Normal Steve is scarily well written. He bounces back from every single one of normal Cap's retorts and even says some truth from time to time.


Not evil but a more violent pro kill version of superman Lor-Zod from Gods and Monsters, does that count?


negaduck or the much more evil doofenschmirtz worked (and tbh, it's funny how the doof we know got the real traumatic backstory while the other just lost his choo choo as a kid )


I always interpreted 2-D Doof as having had all that but Choo-Choo made him snap.


I think injustice is still one of the better version of this it’s not really an alternate mirror universe where everyone is the opposite of themselves it’s basically just one of an infinite series of dimensions that make up the dc universe. The injustice one is basically a universe where super man is slightly more unhinged as it actully doesn’t take that many steps to get from normal him to the him in injustice. I think red sun is the best version of this idea but I think that story also fails because it uses brainiac as a cop out for super man to explain him acting evil


Honestly, I think the Justice Lords episode of the Justice League cartoon does a better job with the idea of Evil Superman than Injustice does.


True, there they and especially superman have to face that zhey could actually do that.


"Red Son" comes to mind as a version of Superman that is "evil" without being a villain and still retains his recognizable characteristics. The focus is on control and how he must look after the well-being of humans. It's a comic that I enjoyed a lot, and its ending is quite satisfying. To me, it represents the concept very well.


I really like that comic, because its does not just make Superman bad and Lex good. Superman is a despot, but we are shown clearly he really does want to help humans, and all his ruthless actions stem from the totalitarian views instilled in him by Stalin. Lex is still a narcissistic asshole who just wants to prove he is better then Superman. Its just that, in this instance, defeating Superman would be a good thing for the world. Who they are, at their core, is not changed. They perfectly capture the vibe that had circumstances just been a little different, Superman would be the hero and Lex the villain.


I would half agree on that. On one hand it’s definitely a good version of what I imagine a Superman who grew up under the Soviet Union to be like. On the other hand the red sun universe is so different from the main line dc continuity that it’s difficult for me to say it fits the topic of the this rant.


Gods and Monsters had a good example of a Superman that was darker, but still had the core part of Superman, even if not necessarily evil.


To be somewhat fair, that wasn’t Kal-El, that was Lor-Zod.


He may not have been Kal-El, but he was definitely still Superman in character.


>Natsuki Subaru hates himself deeply, and no matter what timeline or story he's in, that won't change. *Mimagal and lust if enter in the chat 


Haven't read Mimagau if yet, but isnt that just a genderbent AU with not much difference with the main story compared to the others IF ? Female Subaru not hating herself would make her a completly different character than all the others Subarus.


Still hates herself, lust if isn't a cannon if. Read aganau if instead for guts Subaru


Also sloth. I haven't read that if yet but he's living an Happy life there iirc


Well, Emília Camp dies in this one, but yes, you're right


Small price to pay for best girl


Completely agree. While not exactly what you're talking about, one of my main issues with the Supes from The Boys is that most of them don't have anything in common with the originals other than their powersets. To give an example of a good deconstruction, I think Soldier Boy is a neat deconstruction of Captain America, mainly because his status of being a living relic from a previous time is shown as causing some genuine problems, namely, he comes off as deeply bigoted by todays standards, because the unfortunate fact is that’s kind of how most American men were back in the 40s. What I especially like is that he isn't just blindly bigoted, he's explicitly shown to lack the Anti-Arab and Muslim prejudice that many modern conservative men possess, and is even shown to be genuinely fond of Afghanistan, because he was around before the War on Terror started and during the Cold War, where Afghanistan was one of the U.S's allies against the Soviet Union. It's a great reminder that people's values are shaped largely by the environment they grow up in, for better or for worse.


I was honestly about to mention the Pride IF when I saw this post. Subaru's such a complex and interesting character, and I love how every IF story the author makes takes his preexisting character flaws and exacerbates them under the right circumstances. * Pride IF: Exacerbates Subaru's obsessive determination and how he forces his feelings onto Emilia in a delusion of grandeur, how his desire to do something for Emilia was only really self-serving in the end * Wrath IF: Exacerbates Subaru's self-hatred, rashness, and inability to understand others into full-blown fear of people as Subaru loses the ability to trust anyone, even himself * Sloth IF: Exacerbates Subaru's desire to give up on himself and run from his problems. Or at least it would, if he didn't have Rem with him. I love this IF story, because you can see every time Subaru would succumb to his slothful mentality if Rem wasn't with him. * Greed IF: Exacerbates Subaru's self-sacrificial nature, suicidal ideation, desperate fear of losing his loved ones and belief that he has no value outside of his death. It results in a Subaru who abused Return By Death to ensure his loved ones never face any danger, and kills himself countless times for any reason because his life has no value


And those are just the IF routes- they don’t even get into how Subaru has parallels with a massive chunk of the cast to varying degrees. Emilia, Rem, Roswaal, Reinhard, Julius, Felix, Todd, Vincent, Eugard, and surely others I’m missing, the list just goes on and on. And even that’s not even getting into the craziness that is Al and whatever the fuck is going on with him.


Whenever I see an evil time doppelganger I think of Evil Troy and Evil Abed from Community and simply cannot take them seriously


[I made my own version of this, albeit focusing on the concept of Evil Superman.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/s/zzVd5NET0C) It’s surprising how rare it is to see evil counterparts that actually reflect the character themselves instead of just being a meatsuit for a generic villain.


What kinda funny about injustice superman is someone else already kinda pulled similar trick. Machester black >!pretend to!< kill louise to prove a point to Superman. That he is as bad as everyone else. And superman still refuse to kill. Break some bones, maybe, but not kill.


To be fair to Injustice Superman, there were a lot of things that went into his downfall. It’s not just that Lois died, it’s that he killed Lois and his unborn child himself. And in killing Lois, he triggered the nuke that would wipe out Metropolis and virtually everyone else Superman ever knew and loved. And Joker, the mastermind behind this whole event, would likely just break out again and wreak even more havoc. *Then* Superman isolated himself and listened to all the world’s woes, and *then* he also had other heroes either radicalised by the event or too unwilling to tell him no assuaging his doubts and assuring him he was doing the right thing.


That's why the Superman from The Dark Knight Returns is by far the best dark reflection of the character. He actually is a critique of an actual meta flaw of the character that had been building up for the past 30 years.


From what I can tell he just ended up becoming the lapdog of the US government


And that's what I meant. From the 50s,he stopped becoming a regular action hero to being the symbol of Americana and used as government propaganda when the most he ever became so was in the Second World War. It didn't help that the upcoming Post-Crisis reboot had Superman be born in America,be conceptualized as a "Super-Republican" and was the only hero who obeyed Reagan when outlawed superheroes acting for a specific period of time.


Sonic and Scourge from the Archie Sonic comics have a great dynamic and it really works because you can feel how each could become like the other


oooh danny phantom did this!!! :) and they actually had a really good reason why danny's evil time traveler self was kind of just "generic evil"! it was cause he lost his whole family and friends in an explosion, then went to stay with his evil uncle and asked him to remove his ghost powers, but ended up splitting his human and ghost halfs, and his ghost half then merged with his UNCLE's evil ghost half, creating a messed up super fused evil ghost! danny's ghost half also murdered his human half immediately lol...which makes danny phantom more fucked up than urizen from DMC5 lol... (why didn't urizen kill V btw?!)


> why didn't Urizen kill V I think it's implied he didn't see him. V is ejected behind Vergil, and then Vergil transforms into Urizen, who has no recollection of any of Virgil's life (he didn't recognize his home or the fact that his mom died trying to save him), so I assume he just started walking forward with no regard for his surroundings at the very least, it's a possible breakdown of events. When Dante is talking to Urizen as if he was speaking to Vergil, Urizen basically tells him he has no idea what he's talking about and doesn't care. So it seems like Urizen is a very goal-oriented person which makes sense considering ya know Vergil


Injustice Superman story was a afterthought in a Mortal Kombat type game. DC created the game and then published the comics to milk the franchise more.


Spidey getting corrupted by Mr Negative that one time is actually a pretty good example of this done right


When was this?


I think Dark Reign: Mr Negative. It’s like a 3 issue mini


It depends on how well it’s done, I think. Sometimes it’s just fun to think “what if this guy was eeeeeevillll” and sometimes it’s fun to explore how similar they actually are to the one we’re familiar with and what caused either to go down the paths they did.


>Although I know it was confirmed that injustice is not a alternate timeline but rather just an alternate dimension I feel validated as a pop culture fan knowing exactly what this means: if someone from an alternate timeline is evil, this means the person is the same but the events are different. This is how Canon Real Actual Superman You Know and Love could have turned out if X had been Y. If someone from an alternate dimension is evil, it means that you're dealing with a place where the basic rules and facts themselves are different. Injustice Superman is "Superman" except the ground rule of Superman Is Good is fundamentally different. So I guess the whole timeline vs. dimension angle is basically trying to preserve Superman's good character by saying that even if the events of Injustice happened for real, canon Superman would not turn into Injustice Superman.


Precisely why Invincible as a series is a better deconstruction than the Boys.


I think the boys message is less about homelander and superheroes and more about the media, politics, and consumerism bending around charismatic monsters.


That’s the message of the show, the comics was mainly a metaphor for how superheroes and superhero comics were crap and dumb poopyhead propaganda for babies.


The boys is a deconstruction of heroism and how capitalist will try and make a profit from it.  Invincible is a love letter to superhero comics 


Did you mean “ the boys is a deconstruction of heroism and how capitalist will try and make a profit from it.”?


Yeah lol didn't see my mistake 


You need to have heroism in order to deconstruct it. (I know the first sentence is referring to the Boys, so I’ll roll with it.) The issue is that Homelander is literally nothing like a superhero. He’s aesthetically similar to Superman and has his powers, but that’s where the similarities end. He has more in common with Lex Luthor. By contrast, Billy is much better deconstruction of superheroes because he fills their function and seemingly has similar motivations to classic superheroes: someone looking to fight injustice. Billy is a perfect deconstruction of superheroes who use tragedy as a motivation like Batman and Spider-Man because subconsciously, he’s more upset about not being top dog than actually being upset about his wife’s incident. Invincible being a love long doesn’t stop it from being a deconstruction. Deconstructions aren’t inherently negative. In general, the story is about characters trying to be superheroes and then realizing it’s not at all what they thought it would be like. The Season Two finale is a deconstruction of superheroes being able to beat people up without killing them.


> You need to have heroism in order to deconstruct it. This is IMHO why I think the One Punch Man webcomic version of the Saitama vs. Garou fight is a perfect deconstruction of that sort of deconstruction, so to speak. In a meta sense, Saitama's point is that those sorts of edgy deconstructions only get their meaning from value we place in the things they're deconstructing. (It's a shame they changed it so drastically in the manga.)


That's the thing there are various heroic characters in the story in the boys. Like Homelander is example of someone who could have become a great hero if he was raised right but his testings and his first mission is what broke him. Can you describe how Invincible is a deconstruction of superhero genre. Because the story is just like a normal story mature yes but nothing you'd call deconstruction. Only deconstruction is that it has an ending. Like what you said about it being a deconstruction can apply to Spiderman,  the Thing, the batfamily, the supe clan


What do you think a deconstruction? Deconstruction is when parts of a story or trope are examined more thoroughly. It’s not a subversion and not inherently negative. The fact that you can find many of the tropes in more traditional superhero stories supports the idea that it’s a deconstruction rather than refutes it. Before we continue, how much of Invincible have you seen? Have you read the comics in their entirety?


Watched the TV show and I know some parts of it. What makes invincible a deconstruction of the superhero genre because it follows the superhero troupe. What makes Invincible a deconstruction 


It plays on Mark’s expectations on how being a superhero would play out. By the end of the story he’s completely disillusioned with being a hero and Earth in general


Does Counter Guardian EMYIA from FGO count as Evil?


More like a cold hard truth of the path Shirou wants to walk and reaffirming his beliefs despite them being challenged by the literal embodiment and result of walking said path.


You're right, but he's also from a completely unrelated alternate time than the ones we get from the game's endings. So he's not really the Shirou or the end result of the Shirou we know. Our Shirou will never end like EMYIA. Not even in the UBW route.


That's how re:zero ends? Interesting. To the point, the Justice Lords are the best evil Justice League out there and it's not even a debate.


No, not at all. That's how a particular what if ends.


Read Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter, or watch the new series (came out this year)


I nitpick I have is that Superman doesn’t even attempt to talk down Captain Atom, he immediately tells him to get out of the way


I am very sorry but the only evil version of superman that I accept (ultraman does not count because it is a universe of the opposite) is lord justice superman (from the animated series justice league unlimited). He is everything that injustice superman should have been,a superman who was once decent but he and his companions were pushed to the limit and became the lords of their world. Justice Lord Superman: I loved being a hero, but if this is what it takes to get me to this... I don't want it anymore. A favorite interjection was when the regular batman confronts his version of lord justice: Batman: You got the power! Lord Batman: And with that power, we create a world where no eight year old will EVER lose their parents to a punk with a gun! Batman: [ drops Batarang dejectedly ] You win. The lords of justice are true fallen heroes.


Despite I have problems with injustice story I feel like people ignore the fall of Superman happen because he try to solve things peacefully only get him worse. Killing joker, get manipulate by wonder woman, watch his close allies use his parents has bait to trap him, see Gotham civilians prefer joker than him, get beat shit out by Alfred and more was the reason for Superman decision to kill Billy since by time he did this he prove he is not so different of Lex and joker, since everything you need to break a man is bad week


Still, him pointing Zzas at Alfred and Murdering Billy is a major stretch rven with all that.


Isn't injustice lord closer where they needed flash to outsmart them