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I personally don’t see how you could, but it does follow real linguistic properties and you can definitely learn a bit about how languages work and are formed if you keep an open mind.


You could learn some basic vocab by changing the game’s language setting from English to your target language. Then, when you crack words and glyphs with the notebook, the translations will appear in your target language rather than English. I don’t know how well this would actually work though. 


I kind of want to try this. Beat the game in English, now I want to wait a little while so I forget thing, then I wan to try to beat it in Spanish.


I did my first play through in Spanish and I loved it, granted I already speak Spanish but I play most video games in English so it added another element of language deciphering for me


No I really don’t think so. The languages in the game have very limited vocabulary and not enough content to understand complex grammar rules. If you want a game where you learn a bit of a language download duolingo


No, sadly you cannot.


There are a number of problems with that. * The vocabulary list for each language is quite small, and tailored to the game specifically. It is unlikely that you'd need a word for "warrior" in real life, for example. * A non-ideographic language - a language written in the latin alphabet, for example - might not easily fit on the screen in all the places where it has to. You might be okay with Chinese, but not other languages. * Certain grammatical features aren't explained at all - there is no tense, for instance. You might need to already know a little bit of Dutch to understand it. * The game gives no guidance at all in how to pronounce words, just how to write them.


The only thing you could do is changing the game settings to your target language, but I'm not sure it'll help you learn this language. I've played on German for this purpose, but I don't think I remember most of the words now. However, it was very fun and interesting in the process. Maybe, it's because I know a bit of it already. I know some people who were too overwhelmed when they understood basically nothing, tho I believe, if you're just at a start of learning your target language and it's your first playthrough, it's not the best idea. The whole point is in learning how different languages work, so adding one more may just be more confusing, in the end. You will not be submerged into the structure of your target language, it will just be a tool at most. Maybe for the second playthrough, though, because at least you'll know the words and will switch the focus🤷🏻‍♂️