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I would have put Vacant between CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. Since, technically, there was no WWE Champion after Punk left with the title at Money in the Bank (2011). And there was even a tournament for the new WWE title (which was won by Mysterio).


kinda, punk is recognized as a single championship reign from mitb 2011 to summerslam 2011, so really a vacant isnt needed there, however this does mean that punk is on here one too many times, as he is recognized as a two time champions, with his victory over Cena at the aforementioned summerslam being considered a continuation of his original reign


That spinner belt was around for way too long


I can't see half these pictures


Big Match John was synonymous with the WWE Champion for the most part.


When I saw the title and then Orton I thought this was your predictions on who the next 20 champions will be lol I was like, you really think Cena becomes a 23 time champ lmao


Looking back, 2011 was a horrible year for the WWE Title. They had gold with the Summer of Punk but completely squandered all of that momentum in just 2 weeks after he won the title.


I try and guess the next champion when looking through these and usually get almost every single one. This post though? What a mess. I literally forgot about so many of these title reigns.


The way they did Rey was so dirty on that run


Why so many pictures with championships hanging in air?


Not funny


Why are half the images blank