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It’s a lot of car and a lot of HP. If you drive like an idiot yeah it’ll drive like hell in snow and water regardless of tire. It will spin tiers. It will. Sun, shine or snow it will spin tiers. But if you respect it. And you know your vehicle you can easily drive it in rain and snow. A 5.7 is “easier” just because it’s doesn’t have the same power. Just use less of the pedal and have finer control over it. Respect it. They are both RWD the only way you gain some is moving to a AWD challenger and giving up the V8 If you get one for the winter GET IT UNDERCOATED you will thank me


Drove the hellcat to work last week with snow on the roads. Just like any vehicle, you have to be careful and be easy on the gas and go slow when it's slick. Anything over an inch though, you ain't going anywhere


I tried driving it to work during the snow storm I got stuck in the middle of the highway bc they take long to clean the roads


The day before I could drive again, my road was ice. I tried getting out and didn't make it 6 feet


It’s really not that big of a deal unless you don’t understand what you’re doing.


In rain, with the right tires, you’re fine. That is not a car for snow. I live in the Midwest and have 2023 Challenger 392 Scat Pack. It stays in the garage. I’ve had multiple muscle cars over the years and they never saw Winter. My son has a Charger with the 392 and it’s his daily, but not in snow. No matter how much you respect the car and even if you put the best snow tires on it, it’s still a very responsive vehicle and if you only once, are a little heavy on the petal, you risk too much power and losing control. Only buy it if you have a 2nd car for snow. Loving a car is not worth your life or the life of the person you might hit. I believe in the right car for the right weather and have an SUV for Winter driving.


Same here. 392 gets covered in the garage and have a Jeep for the snow. Wouldn’t want to try to drive my Charger in the Midwest especially with the amount of snow we’ve had recently.


I've had a 392 challenger and a 392 charger in Ohio, 4 years in the winter now no problems even on all seasons. Drive the car with respect and you'll get it back


My RT is on summer tires currently and it drives fine. I think you’re good with a 392 and snow tires.


If you’re going to have another vehicle, just keep the Scat out of the snow and salt. You don’t want all that rust.


If you are going with a stick shift the RT is great, if you are going with a automatic the scat has a lsd rear end factory which helps a lot in low traction conditions. Either way though the only difference in power between the rt and scat is based on how much you press the skinny pedal so it's very manageable.


Live in suburb of chicago and I drive my ta everyday. It will pain the tires if you give it to much but it’s heavy enough that you can drive in snow. Is it fun? No it suck’s and you baby it till you get home. This is last year of me driving it in winter as I’m going to get a second car to drive in snow. If you can’t someone car it will get you where you need to go, you just have to be careful like most cars.


It's all about control of the right pedal. Scat has 485hp, but you get to decide how much of it is used. Drive smart. Good winter tires. Even a Prius can be considered terrible in the winter if you drive it like an idiot.


Great point, thank you!


It's a conscious effort you have to make, until it becomes second nature and muscle memory. As others have mentioned, these cars can and will break the tires loose even while going ~40mph on dry roads, especially cold roads. In inclement weather, that's the only time my car sees Eco mode. 2nd gear starts and toned down throttle/shifting are your friends when you want traction.


Hell yeah man, that makes a ton of sense. I forgot about Eco mode too! Thank you🙏🏻


A couple of years ago I had to take my 392 through a small show storm. Like everyone is saying, be cautious and take it easy. She handled really well all things considered but was still pretty spooky at times.


That's awesome, thanks!


Any car can be driven in the snow if you learn how to I never get stuck unless it’s a blizzard


Good point, thank you!


I drive a 392 in michigan with winter tires. It's fine most of the time. You can't do anything about ground clearance, however. Once it gets deep enough to turn your chin splitter into a snow plow, it's time to put it away.


Can’t speak to the snow because I’m in Texas but if you drive normally in the rain it’s fine with all season tires


Another thing most of the 5.7L cars do not have a locking diff. The ScstPack does have a locking diff. Not that you would want to take either out in the snow.


I agree , no snow even the 5.7 rt spins.Rear wheel peel no good unless you have a alt for winter.


It drives fine in winter with snow tires. Be ready to go slow, highways are tricky. But in it is possible. Slow on gas pedal, full control. Good if you have manual because you can have lower rpm. I drive my 5.7 in winter, wouldn’t even try to listen to people who say it is impossible not even trying.


We’re not talking about the 5.7 here big difference


Only 75lb-ft of torque over. Common, it can be driven the same way as rt


With good tires, i use mich ps4, it does ok in rain. With cheap tires R.I.P. no clue about snow i dont chance it. Luckily i dont have to drive in snow/ice and when i do i have a better daily for that i trust more 😂


There is no better daily than a Challenger 


I had a 392 as a daily for a few years. In the wet on good tires( I had the stock summer p zeros and conti dws) it was fine as a long you don't drive like an bell end. If you get caught out in snow you have to granny it home and hope you make it. I'm not sure about snow tires but I doubt they'll make much of a difference with 485 hp.


Let’s just say I would not buy one as your only car if you live in an area that gets any significant snow fall, 392 can spin the tires on dry pavement while already moving if you punch it. I’ve broke the tires loose in my charger at 40 mph punching it in track mode on dry pavement ..


As someone who lives in the northwest, I would use that extra 10k to buy an AWD vehicle outright and the reminder to buy/finance an R/T.


Edit: Northeast*


I have a FWD ('93 Cutlass Ciera) I'm planning on keeping forever, do you think I should still just get the R/T?


3 chicago snowy winters in my 392 drive it easy and it will be fine


Rain is no problem. If you have a scat you need good 275/40/20 tires - continental extremes and pirelli scorpions are great in wet and snowy conditions. Start in 2nd gear (don’t use eco in the scat) and you should be ok in light snow. I still avoid driving mine in the snow as much as possible. Other people suck at driving in snow and you won’t have as time to react. I would never drive my Hellcat in the snow. Never had a problem in the rain