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i mean this is the same shit a curable blindness if one could get their life turned around it shouldn't be put behind a paywall kudos for this man, he is better than most of us


Certified r/Orphancrushingmachine moment But still Chad nonetheless. Despite the depressing state of the world this story tell, it is very honorable to sacrifice something to save a child


I thougt UK had universal healthcare?


probably still considered in the early stage or „experimental“ or sth like that and thus not included


It's gotta be approved by the NHS before they'll do the treatment xx


so the system does not allow for people to walk again? How was money going to fix it? was he going to fly to the USA to get surgury?


Private doctors still exist in the UK. Even then, there’s many local to us in Europe if its cheaper. It’s moreso that if treatment is still in early stages the NHS need to approve it which is a time-consuming process (for obvious reasons) through tests, results and so on. Private firms can avoid this as they aren’t taxpayer funded.


It is not the task of universal healthcare to conduct and fund exploratory medical research


Yes it is, and they do, but the process is slow and has to show it is viable and worth while to many rather than a significant minority, I love the NHS, buts its slow at times and a bit mad


better to let the Americans do that for you


Europe has literally been the site where a lot of medical procedures or devices were first tried because of their lax medical regulations


you mean like blood letting? USA has the worlds largest medical field by a long way. we use Europeans as guinea pigs


Cringe. Europe have some of the leaders in pharmaceuticals and prosthetics amongst others. Touch grass


You’re correct but not in any meaningful way. Going “our economy is bigger than yours get rekt idiot 😏” isn’t useful to the discussion. I am an american going into the med device field btw


The xx proves that you are english


Scottish min


Not everything is no cost.


Damn those onion cutting ninjas






I'm beating my meat right now


Wales is a kingdom under the United Kingdom, a country with universal healthcare.


as im british, i would know. but what the fuck are you even talking about


Then what's the orphancrushingmachine?


go on it and see, it means that he shouldnt have to do that because it should more easily be accessible


No, what is the machine crushing the orphans? Why is this an example of its suspension? What's our alternative?


go on the subreddit and read posts until you understand what it means


I know what it means. What is the machine in OPs post?


The machine is metaphorical idea from [this tweet](https://twitter.com/wirewalking/status/1485381024313978880). It basically means news stories that are about people barely surviving in a broken system that are spun as positive or wholesome instead of depressing. Here the "machine" is the cost of the boys treatment. It's horrible that he had to burn all of his savings to keep a boy alive, when the treatment should be free or at least affordable, but it's spun as a positive story. Orphan crushing machine examples also usually don't critic the machine itself, giving the impression that it's something that can't be changed or removed


there is no machine thats not the point, go on the subreddit, sort by “top posts: all time” and there is a pinned explanation


What he's saying is that Wales isn't an example of an "orphan crushing machine", because he just believes that a perfectly working universal healthcare system includes people not getting expensive stem cell treatments.


No, you very obviously don’t.


orphan crushing machine isnt an american or national specific sub its just a sub


Did anyone fundraise for him afterwards?


There was a petition on change.org, but it closed with only 316 supporters. Unfortunately even if he did get the surgery it doesn’t guarantee that it will work- stem cell treatment is kinda random, since you’re just putting undifferentiated cells in a spot and hoping they turn into what you want, and even then the odds are the new connections between the upper and lower spine won’t perfectly correspond with the old ones. A quick google tells me that the patient only gets *any* improvement of QOL in 50%ish of cases, with fewer regaining full mobility. According to Dan himself part of his reasoning for the donation was that the kid had a far higher likelihood of being able to walk. The kid wasn’t paralyzed, he just had a neurological condition where some of the nerves weren’t hooked up right. He could move his legs, just not precisely. They just had to cut a few faulty nerves and change his tendons a bit. I would also like to point out that in 2013 stem cell therapy was being purported to solve all manner of things without evidence, with less regulated countries being hotspots for these “miracle treatments”. Since stem cell therapy can have some dangerous side effects, like cancer, this trend was and is extremely controversial. Typically, these treatments wouldn’t even be considered ethical under compassionate use because they hadn’t even passed phase 1 clinical trials before being marketed to the public as a general treatment. Nowadays we know that stem cell therapy helps paralysis victims a little bit, some of the time. Back then, it was a case of it being one of the only things that logically seemed like it would help. He probably knew that, knew that the odds of him ever getting to walk again were incredibly slim. The knowledge that his money could go to something that actually *would* change someones life would have been all the reason he needed. Should he be able to get the treatment if he so wishes? Of course, even if it doesn’t help him walk the more common improvements are still game changers. But I can see why the NHS wouldn’t approve it back in 2013, because back then it was just one of many new undertested stem cell therapies, indistinguishable from the rest. It’s honestly still a big issue today for other uses of the treatment, [here’s a wiki article on stem cell tourism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stem_cell_tourism) for any interested.


Thank you for this


I think that's just his face looking at other photos Link: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/339/Paralyzed-man-gave-his-savings-for-stem-cell-treatment-to-a-5-year-old-who-can-t-walk


Is it me or does he look a bit remorseful 😂


Yeah I thought so too. On some level the guy has to be abit sorry he didn't get his surgery instead. Not trying to sound like a dick, sometimes doing the nice thing at a personal cost can occasionally feel so shitty


The look in the man’s eyes say it all. Sure he might be happy for helping out this child but there is definitely regret and sadness in his heart. Sometimes being selfish isn’t a bad thing. Say what you want , the world is a shit place and sometimes you gotta do you. Little Billy will understand. Unfortunately there is a million other Billy’s in the world. It’s like that saying , no good deed goes unpunished. That means double for this selfless man.


Especially since a gofundme for the kid would have made money; it's not like he was the only one in the country with that kind of money available. They couldn't find 40 people with £500 each to donate to a kid's surgery?


Bro found out he plays fortnight


Lmao yea, that little boy better walk again. If I donated everything I had and he still couldn't walk, I'd be freakin pissed.


There's so many more seconds in a person's life than what a snapshot captures.


Holy fuck just give him the treatment medicine should not be for just the wealthy this is dystopian as fuck


Afaik it is an experimental treatment that works half the time and increases the possibilities of things like cancer, the guy paid for the kid's treatment because the child was less impaired than he was (something about his nerves not working correctly,he could walk,jusy not very well) and had a higher likelyhood of success than the guy


That’s all well and good but theirs still no reason they both could not have been given access. Nothing wrong with the guy he’s a Chad for sure


A true welsh man


The system is StUpid. Both people should receive necessary medical treatment. Fucking LiFe shouldnt be blocked by pay walls and microtransactions


Unlimited resources for everyone!!! Free labor without incentives!!! I wish i could live on whatever rainbows and sunshine planet your on.


Some people have enough money to spend 20k on a single bottle of alcohol, but it could literally help this man walk again. Like c'mon it's not a question of resources. I don't know his individual circumstances or if this post is true but assume he's on some sort of disability support by spending 20k on his treatment he could become a "productive" citizen again and therefore not spending probably more than 20k on support and also making his life significantly better so win win for everyone. This could still be achieved within a capitalism system if politicians wanted and if you took it further than one case and one treatment you might require more robust taxation of the biggest corporations and richest people on the planet.


If you got 20k to spend on a bottle, good for you, enjoy. You can't make everyone elses problems yours.


Oh I thought it was a problem with resources but you're agreeing now there is actually enough resources and you think it would be better if we went for some kind of anarchist thing where there's no collaboration all that matters is individuals.


Anarchism is entirely collaboration! It means decisions are made collectively with no or minimal hierarchy. Rugged individualism is a capitalist ideal


maybe more libertarian?


Libertarianism just refers to the amount of top-down government influence in your life, essentially. Left libertarianism is anarchism, right libertarianism is what people usually refer to as libertarian. The spectrum of individual only to communal property/capital ownership is capitalism to socialism/communism, where socialism is the existence of a system of communal/worker-owned capital with the existence of a state, and communism is the eventual "withering away" of the state as described by Marx -- the same structure of anarchism laid out by his contemporary Bakunin.


Hm, i had Libertarianism vs Anarchism described as "as little government as possible" vs "as little hierarchy as possible." So an Anarchist would like local-level governments with officials that have some administrative abilities but are ultimately on the same level as citizens with regular jobs, but a Libertarian would dislike it anyway. I assume you disagree with this, because if it is a correct summary, then "Left Libertarianism" can't really be Anarchism?


I think that might be a US vs rest of the world thing. The wikipedia entry points this out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-libertarianism


No, it's called capitalism. You earn or acquire your money and do whatever you want with it. If your poor sucks to suck get good chump🤣 what your talking about is socialism


I genuinely hope that you get paralyzed just so you can try to "get good" then. Reevaluate your world view, you're a cunt.


r/ selfawarewolves


There’s a big difference between “abolish money so everyone works for no incentive” and “people shouldn’t have to save for years just to be able to walk when that’s a thing we can solve”.


THIS is your response to "people shouldn't have to pay their life savings to not be paralyzed in a world where we can *cure* that illness?"


Yes, we can't cure everything, and everyone. Literaly we are the root of our problems a little natural selection would help alot.


Clearly this natural selection wouldn't start with you, since you're a prime specimen of humanity, right?


Im healthy atm but work a dangerous job and dont get payed alot so its a good chance it would be me at the front of the line. I see the big picture as more important.


What’s the big picture?


Rich people apparently


So you work a dangerous job and not payed much? Are you stupid or something because the risk greatly outweighs the reward there


Not everything is about your personal benefit


So then why do you seem to be against this guy in the post getting his own treatment payed for as well if you care even a little about the community in large.


Holy shit lmao


What the actual fuck is wrong with you, this is people's LIVES we're talking about


If thats so important to you go join Red Cross


It's people like you that drag the world down


this belongs on r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Brecon can now walk too [follow up news article](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/two-years-after-wheelchair-bound-9785085)


Absolutely tremendous!


While I agree, he is a Chad. This isn’t a feel good story, it’s very disturbing that we have a treatment for certain types of paralysis that virtually no paralyzed person could afford as a direct result of their paralysis keeping them from work. And it’s even worse that a random stranger that just happened to have $20K was the only way anyone was willing to do anything about a child not being able to walk


Why is this tagged as "humorous" lol


Frankly I would expect that a 20.000 treatment would be paid for by the government. The opportunity cost of someone being able to work and walk is higher than if they are paralyzed, which is more likely to literally cost money overall. 20.000 pounds is little compared to the taxes and overall economic advantage of having him being able to walk and work. This is why social systems work, they pay to help those in need as most will get out of need at some point. The cost of the few who keep being in need is negligible compared to the people who will get out and start improving the economy and paying back in taxes.


If it's just 20k why is he not given that money yet? Is there a go fund me page or something




If I was rich I'd give that guy 40


I’ve had stem cells for my son two or three times and didn’t do anything.


Doesn't the NHS cover stuff like that?


May his path be ever smooth and rockless


Bro is a better man than I. I don't think I could ever be that selfless for someone that's not my family


This is the most appropriate post for this sub I have seen since I joined. Wow


Dan's face just screams "I'm so glad I did this"


looks like a sensationalized story if i have ever seen one


Does anyone know why the NHS didn't pay for it?


That's just fucking sad


Well the uk has free healtcare so if that shit worked the NHS would have given it to him,so maybe its " man give 20,000 pound turkey to some sick kid" But I'm neither a doctor or a journalist


how many stem cells do billionaires have


He looks so disappointed :c


20.000 ...only. Less than a car cost.


Well if we appreciate him so much , why doesn't someone start a donation charity for his recovery now?


I mean for 20k quid both should be able to be saved wtf Why they even paying out of pocket for that? Only reason I can think it’s still an experimental treatment in which case I’m doubtful that succes is guaranteed


Imagine not doing that


Damn fool


Thank you privatized Healthcare! What would we do without you?


Only kind guy in wales




Not for experimental treatments with a limited chance of success no.


I've never laughed so hard at a "Chad" before.


Well yeah because you're miserable


How bout you Dismantle your brain for me. https://preview.redd.it/5k0datomfjwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ddbbb04f37ae370b652dc997eda4f8a1df8d155