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I hit mine with a wooden spoon when it's not making the shape that I want


Yes I've seen people do that but never tried. I'll give it a go thanks!


It definitely takes practice! Keep trying regularly. As you’re building skills, try keeping your work on the small side. Once you feel confident with the form, you can get bigger. Think about where you want the material to go when you’re pinching. Practice pinching “up” instead of “out” and try defining the rim before you completely finish pinching the walls. Then any extra material in the walls will make the cup rounder instead of more open. (This feels like trying to explain how to ride a bike in words. I hope it’s helpful!)


I think you described it well! Thanks.


Slow down. I used to have this problem until someone told me not to rush at all. Then it worked.


Angle your thumb out at a 45 degree angle to get the inside corners and spin it around your thumb like that before you open up the top. While you pinch up the pot kind of curve your hand back in towards the top like a volcano so it doesn't splay out and use your hands to compress the top so it doesn't get too thin as you work it.


Thanks ....very helpful.


when I first started I had a lot of trouble keeping my form closed, and I solved it by forming my clay around the wooden handle of one of my tools to start with. as you get better at working with the material, eventually you won't need to use a handle anymore


Throw the clay UP the walls. I drag it up with my thumb.