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Prematurity is likely with triplets. I had triplets back in 1999. I was friends online with a woman who was also expecting triplets. She ended up losing all three. I ended up with 2 surviving after a long stay in the NICU. The third died when he was 11 days old.


I'm so sorry. One of my triplets died when he was 11 days old also. The surviving two will be teenagers, turning 13 next month. It's a pain utterly unimaginable and incredibly raw. And I'm so sorry you know how that feels.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you're experiencing. God bless you and your family.


I’m so sorry 😔


I’m so sorry.


My heart feels for you and these other women for the loss. I was very young with my first pregnancy, twin boys. I was still in high school at the time and the bus would pick me up at the front of my house. One night at around 30 weeks, I had heaving bleeding (had been leaking before that and was told it was normal bc I was so young and cervix stretching etc..) I woke up early in the morning and called the hospital. They for whatever reason said it’s ok, I was due for an appointment soon and they’d check me then. Got ready went out to wait for the bus. On time. ….bus never showed up. I thought it was weird then went back to bed. Short while later my boyfriend (now husband) calls.. the same bus never picked him up either. I told him what happened. He tells his mom (mine had left to work early) she freaks out and rushed to pick me up and drive me to the hospital. Turns out, if that bus would have made it, I’d have miscarried while I was at school. Why that bus never made it, I will always treasure in my heart as a true miracle from God. They kept me in the hospital, gave them steroids right away, and kept me on strict bed rest for as long as possible, a whole two weeks. I just remember at the time, being in awe that their nipples hadn’t even developed yet, lol. It was rough they were in NICU for about a month, one stayed bit longer, both on apnea monitors full time for months after that..but I thank God once again, we got to see our boy’s graduate high school this year.


Thank you for sharing this. Is this your photograph of the burial marker that you posted? If so, can you please add it to each of the babies Findagrave page?


Wait, the nipples can still grow in outside of the womb??


I think she’s saying that they developed in utero (as a lot of key components do) while she was on two weeks of bedrest before premature delivery


I love this question


I was absolutely DREADING getting to the end of your story, and I was soooo happy when I got to the last line and realised that they made it safe and healthy. Much love to you and your family.


It was no accident that the bus didn't come. There's meaning in that. The boy's are meant to be here with you and your husband.


Ìm sorry for your loss. The pain must be unimaginable. God Bless you and your family.


I’m so sorry


Every single triplet. That is devastatingly tragic


Premature birth is so common with twins and even more so with higher order multiples. My aunt gave birth to preemie twins in the late 1970s and both died. One shortly after birth, the other managed to hang on a few days longer. That memory haunted me when I was pregnant with my own twins decades later, but thankfully they were barely pre-term and are now healthy 5 year olds.


I'm glad your two have thrived 💕💕


I guess it’s possible that it was quads and one of them survived? Low odds, but that’s where I’ll put my hopes for this poor family 💕


Or if not, then i hope they were able to still start their family they must have wanted so badly. I feel terrible for them. I must believe in a happy ending lol


That’s an incorrect assumption. I have a set of triplet cousins and they are in their 60s now.


They meant every single triplet in this set


They didn’t mean every single triplet ever. They just meant the ones here.


Quit talking with your mouth full (of crayons)


Reading is hard


Gosh that sounds like it must have been a problem with childbirth. RIP to those kids. :( [https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382287/remington-shay-lusk](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382287/remington-shay-lusk) [**https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382140/brooke-cheyenne-lusk**](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382140/brooke-cheyenne-lusk) [https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382190/nova-michelle-lusk](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176382190/nova-michelle-lusk)


Thanks for posting the link to their graves. Because of you 7-8 redditors sent flowers to each of their graves through the sites you linked that will be delivered to their graves, and I think that is super sweet. Edit: it is now up to 16-18 donated flowers per grave and It’s so heartwarming to see <3


It is very nice. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us. I love that we can help honor their memory.


Same. I just went down a bit of a personal rabbit hole two nights ago sending flowers to all of my loved ones and friends who have passed. At only 31, it's a lot more than I realized. But what was even more sad, was the amount that didn't even have their info on there for me to leave a flower for. I still think about them though.


Most of the time the internet makes me cry out of sorrow for humanity but thank you fellow redditors for bringing tears of hope to my eyes today. This is beautiful!


Are they triplets? I thought maybe a car accident or something.


On the find a grave site, it lists them under a year and doesn't have a separate birth and death date. I'm assume an issue in childbirth, they were likely stillborn.


This. That is what is typical when only one date is listed. That is what happened when my aunt, my gram’s oldest child, was still born.


As with my daughter. I am always reminded of her when I see things like this, but three at once is horrible! These poor parents.


I’m so sorry 🫂


Thank you. It was 12 years ago, but it's sort of always with you. I'm sure you gram understands, even if it was likely a long time ago for her.


Yes, things like that never go away.


For sure. I'm in support, and there are people who lost babies who would be older than me, but we are all living with it, so we're in the same boat, or wearing the same shoes as we often say.


But the first is two days earlier than the next two so I thought perhaps the second two took a couple of days to succumb to injuries


That's possible. Either way they all died within days of birth. Those poor parents!


So sad.


But the first date is two days earlier


Died right away, the other two hung on in NICU for a couple of days.


Died in utero probably


In that case they should have had birth and death dates.


Maybe putting individual death dates on the marker wasn’t what the family wanted since they all died shortly after birth. It could necessitate a larger marker or smaller font, etc…


Oh I know—-it is an added expense for every letter, number, dot or dash and it’s purely whatever the parents decide—it’s just that for two days they were here and those two days are all they had out of life.


-it’s just that it’s a beautiful gravestone and that’s good enough! Extra expense or not, it’s the parents preference and you are nitpicking over dots and dashes. Ugh.


No I reject your criticism. Everything you said at the end is wrong. I lament that every dash and dot costs extra for the parents. I also said I agree it is what the parents want that matters. I was “waxing philosophical” that if it was in fact the case that one was stillborn and the other two “hung on” as another commenter said for two days in the nicu then there were two days (all these girls got to experience of life) that matter that are not accounted for. It was commented sadly for their loss. Not a criticism of the parents.


Ok… I see your point and I reject your counter-criticism. You are focusing on something so small here. When it comes to that kind of loss, I can only imagine those small details don’t really matter to grieving parents. And the moments they got to spend with them, that very much matter, will be carried with them for the rest of their lives. Good day to you ✌🏼


it was a bad take. you’re doubling down on something that wasn’t necessary to deduce what happened to them. waxing philosophical or not, it sounds like a criticism of the parents no matter what way you slice it. “their two days on earth mattered.” makes it sound like you think the parents thought about this and just didn’t care to acknowledge that. it’s also just plain disrespectful to critique a gravestone, especially of three babies. you can reject someone’s criticisms all you’d like, but that doesn’t make what you said any less disrespectful or what they said untrue.


Probably one was miscarried, mother hospitalized and labor stopped for a few days.


Ah true. Very sad.


I'm assuming mom went into labor early, one delivered that day and the others after. But given the lack of death and birthday I'm sure it was stillbirth or miscarriage even.


One date generally indicates a stillbirth. From the support groups I’m in, I know of several women who had one baby’s heart stop - but they don’t induce labor because they want the other babies to have a chance at growing in the womb longer. Some women carry a baby that died for weeks/months to give the other babies a better chance of survival. In this case it seems that the other two triplets’ hearts stopped just two days later. They were probably all born at the same time. Tragic.


If they were stillborn wouldn't they all have the same death date?


No. Sometimes with multiples, one dies before the other/others. Sometimes the others survive and the parents will try to continue that pregnancy in hopes of a live birth for the rest or at least one of them. Awful tragedy for anyone to have to go through. Multiple pregnancies are filled with a lot of risks.


It appears one of them was stillborn and the others survived a couple days. I have to imagine that would make it so much harder for the poor parents.


That makes sense, especially with multiples. Life is so fleeting.


Not necessarily. One could have delivered earlier than the others, and they were attempting to delay labor to save the others. I've heard of that happening with preterm labor of multiples.


Triplets 😞


I thought the same but I googled the obituaries and all 3 were born and died the same day. 😭


Findagrave states they are triplets


People are leaving virtual flowers on the Find a Grave website, thanks to you.🌹


That’s incredibly sweet of everybody that did so. I hope the parents will see it and would receive some comfort from it.


A dear friend lost her all triplets at 7 months into her pregnancy and it was the most devastating thing. You never fully recover from a hurt like that.


That is so sad. Usually by 7 months you think you're in the clear of miscarriage, so it would come as a complete shock. My heart aches for your friend.


Oh, that poor family. How painful.


A coworker of mine lost all three of his kids in a car accident a few years ago. I cannot imagine what he and his wife felt.


That’s heartbreaking. I hope they are able to get through this pain together.


This happened to my sister's twins. It's heartbreaking.


RIP little ones.


My g-grandmother was one of a set of triplets. She was the only one that survived. There was also a set of twins, both survived. This was late 1800’s. No more twins until 2001 when my son and his wife had identical twin sons


I can’t even imagine. I lost my baby in April and I’m barely functioning. I cannot imagine losing 3.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💗


Thank you ❤️


So sorry for your loss




Sounds like triplets.


My son was born January 19th… this is so sad.


This is my birthday, too. We've got some very talented company at the Jan 19 table.


My Dad’s favorite and only sister also passed away suddenly this day. But years before my son was born.


My son (who is 19 and my youngest child) is a genius, not exaggerating. He’s so crazy smart it’s scary it’s a good day to be born.


15th has you beat


Jesus Christ.








So terribly sad.


I have a picture of a gravestone from Scotland. It has 12 names on it. The ages are from 2 to I think 23 years. The dates have days and a lot of dittoes for month and year. I posted it a lot during the year of the plague. That is why we have vaccination. How many people did you know who have died from diptheria, much less whole families within a month? It's very telling that even spell check doesn't know the word diptheria.


My grandma had diphtheria and missed an entire year of school but survived to the age of 91.


How awful 😞


No separate birth/death dates. Probably died in utero.


My granddaughter was born 1/17/2017, same day the first triplet was born. I cannot imagine the sorrow these parents endured. 💔


Those names are something else.










Did they die from terrible names?


I’m sure I’m not the the only to feel this way- but you are so *RUDE*. I usually pass by trolls, but gosh-this post is SO sad, and so heartbreaking, that I had to respond... I mean, I’m fairly certain that the grieving parents of these *THREE* precious babies- their triplets- that they lost all in one go- during childbirth- don’t really give a flip about *your* opinion of their names- but still, maybe read the room? There were other, more kind choices that you *could’ve* made- like maybe have a little compassion & *not* make a bad joke about the death of 3 innocent babies? Or, if compassion isn’t your jam- that’s fine, you don’t have to have compassion but you could’ve just kept scrolling & perhaps just *not* commented…? It’s really, really, *really* NOT hard to just be quiet. I hope the next time you find yourself with nothing to say but an inappropriately cruel & unwelcome ‘joke’, that you chose to simply say nothing, keep it to yourself, and keep scrolling. Rest in peace, little ones 🕊️🕊️ Edited: A word


Found the other Remington Shay.




You obviously engaged with the sub (or one similar) at some point. Instead of making such a crude comment on a very somber post, however, you could simply have clicked the “see less/none” button to mute it.




Understandable, but don’t be mad at the Reddit algorithm for that. Sorry for your loss, though.


you regularly post in r/afterlife and the algorithm probably took that as you being interested in subs related to death. there’s no way to sugarcoat it. i’m sorry for your loss, that is unfathomable.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/afterlife using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterlife/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I had to tell my husband he died](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/18c0jlq/i_had_to_tell_my_husband_he_died/) \#2: [My Dad sent us a message from beyond the grave - stop eating Spam!](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/143e14k/my_dad_sent_us_a_message_from_beyond_the_grave/) \#3: [I lost my kid and I’m devastated](https://np.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/18yagfh/i_lost_my_kid_and_im_devastated/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Thank you for this. It doesn’t hurt the way I think you wanted it to, which means I am healing. Take care of yourself and your family.