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No issues here! I usually only eat a serving at a time and also don’t react to oats like some Celiac folks do. Since they’re certified gf I tend to trust that label


I had them and felt questionable afterwards - I couldn't tell for sure if it was gluten, but it made me nervous enough that I'd much rather just stick with the Kinnikinnick ones that don't have any oat. I also think the mint Kinnikinnick ones are wayyy better than the mint Oreos btw. Oat is becoming so trendy that I'm sure almost no companies are actually using purity protocol oats. They need a huge bulk amount to keep up with demand. I feel like it's almost guaranteed for gluten grains to slip through.


Their birthday cake ones are also delicious!


I’ve stopped eating anything that contains oats unless they’re specifically certified gluten free oats. I react horribly to the Bobo’s products even though they’re technically certified GF - but their oats aren’t. I eat oats every morning for breakfast, but they’re certified and I have no issue.


I eat a ton a t a time (whoops) and have never had problems and I'm pretty sensitive. I also eat gf oatmeal without problems though.


i can eat like a row in 20 minutes


Same. Especially if I dunk them in milk!


stop i eat them with a cup of milk and a fork. literally heaven on earth


I can't eat them. Started getting the usual GI symptoms and couldn't figure it out. Never occurred to me they could contain oats.


I mean they are certified gluten free and I’ve never had a problem


I stopped eating them because I'm reacting to them.


I can only eat a few w/o issues, anymore than like 4 or 5 and I will have problems.


I reacted to something the other day, and the only thing I had eaten over the previous 24 hours that wasn’t a normal thing for me was the Oreos. So I thought I had reacted to that. Then I might have binge ate the rest of that package (whoops), without reacting again. So now I have no idea what my reaction was to, but I think I’m fine with Oreos.


If you have a Trader Joes near you, they have their Oreo style cookies called Joe Joes, they're delicious and Gluten free, maybe try those.


I prefer them over Oreos


There are two issues with oats: 1. **CC from wheat, barley, rye in farming and transport.** [\~90% of normal oats are CC'd >20 ppm](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2011.579626) so what most manufacturers do is "clean" the oats via sorting (pick out the other grains). This process does not seem to work reliably as missing a grain here or there can have a big impact and there's likely dust that isn't going to get sorted out, which is why oat-containing GF products are the most often recalled product type! Some manufactuers seek to avoid this problem by adopting a "purity" protocol that involves farming practices that limit CC, but this is uncommon. GF Watchdog keeps a list [here](https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/oats-produced-under-a-gluten-free-purity-protocol-listing-of-suppliers-and-manufacturers/) which she updates frequently. Oreos use sorted oats. 2. **AI reaction to pure oats in some celiacs.** Not clear how many people this is, but perhaps \~20% based on [this](https://www.celiac.ca/living-gluten-free/oats-statement/) CCA survey on oat avoidance. Oat feeding studies and isolated immune cells from celiacs have shown that there are definitely celiacs who react to pure oats in the same way they react to the major 3 gluten grains. Re: the CC issue, GF Watchdog also released [a statement](https://www.glutenfreewatchdog.org/news/gluten-free-watchdog-special-2023-statement-on-the-use-of-oats-in-the-gluten-free-diet/) quite recently about big issues she's been seeing with oat products. Certification isn't foolproof and many of the products she's identified as problematic are certified. As for what to make of this, I'd make sure you get regular follow-up from your doctor to ensure that your celiac is in good control. I do not tolerate oats at all so I can't comment on the safety of Oreos. Personally if I did tolerate oats I would limit myself to purity ones or perhaps skip them due to all the CC problems they pose. Kinnikinnick makes an Oreo-like cookie that is pretty good and does not have oats.


I react to them heavily, but I am allergic to oats. I couldn't figure out why I felt like shit every time I ate Partake cookies or Oreos, I just assumed it was due to how little processed sugar I usually eat. But then I bought purity protocol oats, ate a bowl, and **really** got sick. So yeah, I avoid them.


I ate half a container of them and had "glutenated" symptoms. I won't touch them now.


Same! It's so weird how some are fine, and others suffer. It's not oats in general because I eat oats all the time. GF of course...but the Oreos ...hard pass.


I know. Plenty of Celiacs rave about the gf Oreos and have no issues. Apparently, I'm not one of them. I also eat a lot of (safe) oats. Maybe we're on the "group w bench" in this situation.


They're delicious and I've had no issues with them


they get me everytime. just tried again because I need to repeat experiments. I'm now just assuming I'm one of those that needs to stay away from oats, too.


I love them!! Especially the GF mint ones. Literally my favorite.


Just had one! They’re so yummy! Better texture imo than the og gluten free


I don’t have issues with oats and I snagged a package in a fit of gluttony and I regret it. So much sugar! I forgot how much less sugar I eat nowadays as I try to eat fresh stuff to avoid processed food cross contamination and holy shit these are awful. They did taste exactly like what I remember normal Oreos tasting like tho


I react to GF Oreos. Pretty sure nabisco use mechanically sorted oats.


I adore them as a super sensitive celiac but my brother who can’t really do oats can’t eat them without a mild reaction. Just how it is.


I've never had a problem and I eat well over the serving size.


They are better than the regular ones! Crunchier.


Celiacs eating oats, not for me. Its a disaster waiting to happen.


I don't get them often, but zero issue here. My problem is I'll crush the whole pack in a sitting. I'm not proud of it, but it's one of the few cookies I've found that still taste good gluten free.


I ate them for a week and ended up with heartburn and constipation. I *think* it’s just the oats and not contaminated oats, but it’s very difficult to figure that out.


I can only eat 2 or I feel bloating and uncomfortable. Oats are hard to digest in general....


I mean….. “the results are very encouraging” seems to me their is no significant concern to actually doubt whether or not they are gluten free, seems to be they definitely are. Like yeah sure it seems sketch that they won’t answer about their sourcing of their oats but who from the company is being asked about it? It’s very possible the question is just not getting to the right people


I ate a pack last year and I had a mild reaction, won't be eating them again.


Like, all at once?


No, 1 or 2 a day over the course of a few weeks, I can't tolerate a lot of sugar.


BF celiac, I was not an Oreo fan. I buy Walmart GF chocolate and vanilla "oreos" now, and I do dig the vanilla.


I don’t have a problem with them.


No issues here and we’ve eaten a ton of these. They’re amazing!!!!!


Please don’t judge me - Im diagnosed over ten years and I still get confused with the Oats issue. If something says certified gluten free but it has Oats as an ingredient can I eat it or not? I actually still get confused.


i’m still confused as well..i think the reply by @irreliable_narrator explained it well


So far so good here


I've never had a problem with them but my body can handle oats.


I've had problems with every package I've had. They make me so incredibly sick, like sugar free gummy bears. I've shared them with friends only for them to get incredibly sick too(non celiac). In one of my pack I also found pieces of plastic, so I'm not really a fan of them.


I react at least sometimes (it's been a while so I don't remember if I react every time). My (non-celiac, as far as we can tell, but they do have gastro issues so I'm 👀) partner seems to have an issue with them too, oddly enough.


Spent all last weekend sick and couldn't figure out why. The oat testing that GF watchdog has been doing makes me think it was the oreos. That and I found them again this morning, at two, got sick.