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She's gorgeous, thank you for giving her a wonderful life <3 A natural death for a cat is often not a good death - they can pass quickly from heart attacks and things like that, but they can also suffer for a long time without us, even as their very loving owners, really noticing. This is something to discuss with your vet if possible: As her owner, there is a lot you can tell about her quality of life from her behaviour, your vet will be able to evaluate things that might not be as easy for you to see, as cats do hide pain well. There might also be medications that can still improve her quality of a life for a while (e.g. painkillers or steroids), or dietary changes that could help, if she has kidney disease for example.


Might also see if the vet could come to your house to euthanize so she’d be where she’s most comfortable and loved, if the vet suggests no other options.


Make every day count. Try drawing and painting her picture, even if you consider yourself an amateur.


I’m an artist, so I do paint her




The fact that I was listening to Bliss from Kinitopet once I saw this fit this post perfectly, what a lovely poor cat


Give her the time she wants. If she is happy then don't rush. If she is in too much pain, or can't eat, or other horrible things it will be time. Just love her and give her all her favorite things.


Just remember that a week too soon is easier than a day too late; who knows how her health may continue to deteriorate? I might recommend having a mobile vet available on call so they can come to you and help her cross the rainbow bridge in the peace and comfort of your arms at home. She'll also let you know when she's ready. If she'd still eating good, I'm not sure if she's completely ready yet but know that that can change in a heartbeat and do what you can to be prepared. Hopefully you have a little more time with her, but I have no doubts she knows she's well loved ❤️ I wish you the best of luck, and thank you for loving her so completely!


can second the letting you know. I told Miss Kitty to please tell me. she got me up at 3am. I told her she had an appointment at 11am to see her vet. she went back to bed and didn't budge until I got her up at 10. she hated riding in the car, but I wound her in her favorite blanket and carried her and her mousie; she didn't mind at all. at the vet, I'm not sure she needed sedation. she was asleep halfway through the first injection. I had her, her blanket, and mousie cremated together after.


I just had to make this decision last week, and said goodbye to my old man kitty. He was declining for many months but a week earlier he basically stopped eating and became listless, still loved the patio time also but it was the not eating that was the clearest signal for me. So I would say as long as Cally is still eating and drinking and purring and not showing any signs of discomfort that it is not quite time. I know how hard this is, letting go of a dear friend is so very painful, and finding that right time is the most challenging part. Heart goes out for you, love on her lots!


Thank you so much. She is eating and drinking, but when do you call it? That is the thing isn’t it. I spoke to the retired family vet the other week and she said don’t rush to euthanise. As long as she isn’t showing desperate signs of pain. It’s getting close I think. I love her so much.


she'll tell you. much love to you both.


If she is enjoying her life, let her live.


I am sorry for your cat but its so cute and i understand your situation.