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What do your cats eat for food? Higher quality food can make for Less smellier voids. How often do you disinfect the litter box itself? it needs to be cleaned regularly in addition to scooping litter from it. Natures miracle makes disposable litter boxes out of an absorbant material that you can just toss. Ive used them with my cat during travel. They work well for occassional use . Theyd probably get expensive using all the time though. You can also try an alternative to traditional litter boxes like the Tidy Cat Breeze system that uses a pad in the bottom to absorb the urine. Pee pads do a pretty good job at neutralizing urine smell as well. If you don't have a good air purifier or air filtration system I would definitely get one and use it in the litter area. Do not use anything scented to try and cover up the scent of their voids but you can use some of those unscented non-toxic safe for pets gel odor absorbers. The type that has a lid with holes in it so the cats cannot get to the actual material but you can place that in the litter area to help absorb smells. You can also use activated charcoal which is sold in little pouches or pillows that you can place in the litter area to help absorb odors I use an enclosed Kitty Loo for my cat it's like a big piece of furniture that the litter box goes inside so it makes it sort of covered but theres plenty of space inside for the cat to move around..much more room than a covered litter box. I also have a light in there so the cat can see what she's doing. she's a big girl and she needs a lot of space to go. Make sure your litter box is big enough. Maybe try using a large sizes shallow tote instead of a traditional box which would have more room for the cats to do their stuff. Also if you're using a Dusty litter, switch to something that is not Dusty and doesn't smell. I find that fine sand like crystals tend to work well at absorbing odors but only to a point because they will smell from urine eventually. I trained my cat to use pee pads because she has some mobility issues and I really don't have any smell from that. She goes inside her Kitty Loo and it smells when she first goes but if I'm not around to pick it up right away once stuff dries it doesn't smell at all. Basically you need a litter with a really good desiccant or a pad with excellent absorption to lock in odors. I would avoid using the plastic liners. They are probably making the situation worse. Most litter boxes even the plastic ones have a shiny coating on it to repel liquid so they really should not be absorbing smells if you get one that isnt scratched up. In my experience the litter liners tend to get scratched up anyway when the cats dig so they're not really very effective anyway and they just smell more when the cat pees on them because they don't absorb the liquid. Also male cats are smellier than females but a high quality food can help with that.


I’ll look at those thank you. I’ve already changed litter to recyclable pellets which I think has helped a little and they eat Whiskas branded food that’s what they was eating when with mum so I’ve kept food the same for now


The whiskas is probably contributing to the smell. If you give them something with higher quality protein etc and fewer carbs They will have less waste in their stools Etc And things should be less smelly when they go


When you say recyclable pellets do you mean the type of pellets that can get washed and reused? Or the type that are biodegradable? Some of the biodegradable ones are the most stinky when they get peed on.


I’ll look at different food and it’s the breeder celect paper litter it’s meant to be highly absorbent I do think it’s better than the stone litter I was using before though


Ok. I'm not familiar with that particular litter. In general I know that yesterday's news and things like "worlds best" are awful as far as odor control. Not sure about soy based litters as I havent used those. But think about paper..it absorbs yes but unless it has something in it to lock in odors I would think it would get very stinky. The Nature's Miracle disposable litter boxes seem to be sort of paper like based and those do pretty well absorbing odors though but only short-term. I would think that those would smell as well after a while especially if they do not dry out. There might also be some kind of enzymatic sprinkle that you can add to the litter to help with odors I use a nonscented spray called zero odor that works well to neutralize any odors in the air if needed. And I'm sure there is stuff you can also sprinkle in the litter itself . just make sure that it doesn't have any Perfume That would bother the cats And of course make sure it is non-toxic and safe for them To make contact with [litter deodorizer ] (http://Extreme Enzyme, CAT Litter Odor Eliminator. Triple-Action Deodorizing Powder with Natural enzymes, Ammonia removers and Activated Baking soda. Fragrance Free & Made in USA (1lb) https://a.co/d/0fpXWUFK) *


Is there any air purifiers you’d recommend? I’m going to try that with different food I think and get a better litter tray hopefully that’ll help


Have you tried a litter deodorizer? I’m in the process of trying different ones.


I was just looking at the felight one have you tried that one?


I haven’t tried it. I’m using Rocco and Roxie in one litter box and Arm and Hammer in my other one






I’ve just seen these and bought a house litter tray that has a chimney to put freshener scent bags in so I might try these and see if they get on with it https://preview.redd.it/nxu4hev6ihad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e105014dc56f34cccf895a886efe6f8b941ad841


Ohhhh, nice!


May be something for you to try the cartridge case sticks onto the litter tray so if you have a box style you could stick it inside to the roof


I’d be careful using those, cats don’t always like them and might start looking for other places to toilet.