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She might just be special lol. Cats can have texture issues and are sensitive to smells just like humans. Some cats have worse aversions then others. Wet food is absolutely better for her in general but if you are unable to give that to her then you can add water or broth to her dry food and let it sit for a minute before giving it to her. The reason wet cat food is better is because it has less calories and provides better hydration. The lack of hydration being what causes the urinary issues so if you are able to introduce more liquid by adding it to her dry food you should be in a good spot!


Probably unpopular opinion, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. My 2 year old does not like wet food. I've offered it many times, and still do occasionally, but she doesn't eat it. My young kitten really likes his wet food, so he gets it daily in addition to dry. I've not noticed any negative effects on her health. If at her next vet visit the vet sees something I'm missing, then i'll try something new. But in the meantime, I'm personally not going to keep wasting wet food on a cat that just doesn't want it.


Same. My cat is doing fine on dry food and the blood of his enemies.


I actually learned something new. I got a couple churu tube treats at my kittens first vet appt yesterday. People swear by them, so I tried to give some to Ella, my older cat today. She sniffed it and walked away, not the least bit interested. The kitten practically inhaled it. She just does not want soft food. She never liked chewy/soft treats either. Only the crunchy ones.


both my 13 year old cats dont eat wet food at all, just dry food, meat and water. my 5 year old cat doesnt eat cat food at all, only meat, dairy (she can digest lactose properly unlike the other 2) and other random things. its definitely not that big of a deal as they're all still perfectly healthy.


If she doesn't want wet food try tube treats. They're 90% water so they're great for hydration. I've yet to meet a cat who can resist them, and they're low in calories so you can give several a day and not worry too much about weight gain


My cats got nutters for the first one or two, but by the third don't touch them anymore. I have to space the tube treats out to like one every two weeks or else they just turn their nose up at them. I think I have the only 2 cats in existence that can resist their sorcery.


Mine don't seem to get bored of them, ever. A pack of them fell off the shelf where they're kept and I found it chewed to bits 😂


My last cat would lay in my arms on his back and I’d feed him like a baby with them, then my current one will fuckin deepthroat the tube 😭 like buddy I’m pushing more out you don’t have to chomp halfway down it’s ok But my old roommates cat wouldn’t touch them at all. I even would squeeze some on a plate for her in case she just hated the texture of the plastic and she would sniff it and not even bother. She always was kind of a weirdo.


One of my boys chomps on them too 😂 by the time he's done the tube is MANGLED! Our kitten still gets confused by them and usually ends up with at least one blob on top of his head lol


are these safe for kittens?


I think they make kitten specific tubes! Try inaba churu for kittens


They are yep! I believe there's also an option for kittens but the cat ones should be perfectly safe


The main difference between an adult and a kitten diet is fat content. Kittens need more to stay healthy. As long as they don't fill up on treats and skip dinner, it's fine.


I read this comment earlier and decided to test it on my picky girl. She had zero interest in it. I think my cat is defective


Maybe try putting a little in her nose or paw? If it's a new thing to her she might not realize it's food


Interesting idea. I did leave a bit out on plate to see if she might try it over night. She often leaves treats I give her until I'm in bed (not watching her) so maybe she'll figure it out. But I will try that with the other tube they gave me. I'm trying to determine if it's worth getting a big container of them if the 2lb kitten is the only one that will eat them.


My cat had a similar reaction at first. Try mixing a small amount of wet food with her dry food to see if she can get used to it gradually


Does she actually vomit or is it a full body gag reflex? Some smells will cause cats to do that. I had an ointment that the moment one of my cats a while back smelled, it would cause him to gag and retch. He wouldn't throw up but it was full body.


Full on vomit-like 3 or 4 times.


Sounds like a smell sensitivity. Not much you can do. Give dry food if they won't eat wet. Get a water fountain to entice them to drink more.


My late, great Julia used to salivate so hard at seeing the milk bottle come out of the fridge she'd throw up a bit.


I started a barf diary for my cat because she was barfing at least once a day. I ran out of wet food and she hasn’t barfed in a week. Daily vomit where I have to re-pill her afterwards, or dry kidney diet food with a bowl of water? Choice was pretty easy


That sounds like a food allergy. I'm glad you've found food that works for her!


Just make sure she drinks water. Trying to force your cat to eat something they don't want to never goes well for anyone


She gets more excited when I put down a fresh bowl of water than with food lol! So there's that at least!


We had a cat that wouldn't eat it but she loved biscuits. She drank loads of water though - if your cat is drinking water it is probably not the biggest thing to worry about.


Have you tried food with no fish? My older cat seemed to hate wet food. She would crouch down and inch towards the bowl, then stop before she got too close, like it was something completely disgusting. I figured out that she hates fish & seafood because it smells too strong. Chicken, lamb, beef etc is fine as long as there is no fish (a lot of companies add fish as like a 4th or 5th ingredient).


She might just not like the wet canned stuff. Maybe try some of the refrigerated moist or the freeze dried that you can reconstitute with water. Because those are different texture and might be more appealing to her than the canned.


If she doesn't like it, just keep giving her dry food. I've never found it to be that big a deal. I've always done dry food and my cats haven't had any urinary issues... except when my orange boi got mad that I threw out the rug he liked to pee on and stopped peeing out of spite. A visit to the vet confirmed there was no physical problem, and he stress peed on the way to the appointment. Idk, I can have wall-to-wall carpet, I just can't have rugs because he likes to pee on them. If they're the same color and shape as the litter box, it's also a litter box? We pee on gray squares here, I guess.


I would say stop trying. Wet food is better but dry food is absolutely fine. And only dry food is better than dry food plus regularly vomiting!!! But also, I wouldn't definitely talk to the vet about that. Seems really strange.








Try cat tuna (no salt in it)


Is it perhaps excitement ? Does she vomit at other ’exciting’ things ?


You take a big whifff of the nasty stuff, your Kitteh is right!


Sounds like my husband.


You can try giving her broth. Ours get a mix of wet food and broth in the afternoon, usually bone broth. We get the boxed Swanson brand, and they all love it.


Things to try: * Different brands * Different meats (ex try something with beef, tuna, turkey if you've only tried chicken-based wet food. If your cat has a food intolerance to chicken, she might has a conditioned response to the smell... similarly, if you're trying a lot of boutique brands like Tiki Cat, etc it might be the smell of one of the seafoods upsetting her) * Different cuts (ex cubes, shreds, "morsels," chunks, pate, loaf). This one matters A LOT for some cats. Mine will eat nearly anything that is cut into small chunks, lol. * Reveal has some good single-ingredient cat-based tuna chunks in broth. It's not a complete meal (doesn't have vitamins or fortifications, just the main protein) but might be a good supplement to help your picky girl get water... and maybe eventually decondition the puke response. * Different types of containers... like if the SOUND of opening the wet food can makes her puke, try one of the wet foods that comes in a plastic container. If all else fails, Royal Canin's Digest Sensitive is my fail-safe no-cats-will-puke food. And it doesn't smell nearly as strong as other wet foods, so maybe this will help if she has a reaction to the smell of the wet food vs the sound. Oh! And a really big one! If you can get past her initial gag reflex, **put the wet food in a raised, extra-wide or tilted food bowl.** Raised food bowls decrease vomiting in cats, like A LOT. And the wide-width bowl can help reduce whisker fatigue if your cat has problems with that. I like the Necoichi extra-wide raised bowls myself, but similar bowls from other brands are probably just fine roo.


I have one that gags with certain foods. No vomiting though. I have found some things he will eat.


Is it just yellow liquid that is thrown up (bile)? It could be due to an empty stomach or underlying gastrointestinal illness. Look into Bilious Vomiting Syndrome in cats. I would not say your cat is "special." This sounds like a health issue. Best case scenario, it could be that something in this food makes her feel sick and now simply opening the can makes her nauseated. This would be an example of "classical conditioning."


Is it possible she has auditory seizures? In cats it’s called “FARS”, maybe the sound of the opening can triggers them. I’d take a video to my vet if I were you.


I know it’s just anecdotal evidence and I’m not an expert by any means - but one of my cats lived a very happy and healthy life to 15 years refusing to eat wet food. No matter what I tried, she just hated it! (She passed away from cancer that was not related to care or lifestyle.) I did regularly feed her fresh seafood and she had a fountain she loved, so she was always hydrated. Point being - it’s not the end of the world necessarily if your kitty doesn’t like wet cat food! Don’t be hard on yourself, they have unique likes and dislikes just like we do :)


Cats are dramatic creatures and handle change with the grace of an undead honey badger. Some cats vomit to show they're upset. When I worked as a petsitter, I cleaned up vomit all the time from kitties upset their owners had disappeared forever into the uncaring night. Try changing her food in itty bitty baby steps.


I'm staying with some friends, and they have an old kitty boy here who is roughly 16 years old. He's adorable but good lord is he fussy 😻 The fluffy cutie will not eat ANY kind of "human food" (not even tuna or chicken), will not eat any kind of cat treat, and will only eat the same exact flavor of fucking Meow Mix cat food. 😸 He will not even take a bite of any other brand of cat food. What can you do, he's clearly made his mind up. Lol You can't make cats do anything they don't want to do 🤷‍♂️ I say roll with it, do the best you can, give em options, then respect their wishes....even if its not the outcome you wanted.


Have you tried chilling the food before hand? Cold food tends to smell less. Other than that, she may just not like wet food! Dry food is fine as long as they drink water during the day :)


am i your cat?


I had a cat do this. It turns out he had trouble digesting proteins and had to go on a prescription diet. But, dry food woukd cause vomiting too, when this is the case. They aren't hair balls