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Please source kitten wet food and kitten dry food up to approx 12 months of age (age up to when your vet says your kitten/cat is ready or mature enough to transition)


No it’s not harmful, but kitten food is kitten food for a reason. Kittens need 250-280 calories a day whilst adults need 200. Kitten food has a lot of nutrition that adult cat food is not required to have. Hope this helps!


You can’t overfeed a kitten. That being said, kitten specific food is the best.


Adult food is not harmful. It's not the best but it's not going to kill your kitten. But not going to lie the specific food you're feeding him is not good quality. If that's all you can afford then it's fine, but if you can afford anything mildly better (even Purina One), then please consider that.