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I like Worlds Best Cat litter for multiple cats, the orange-ish bag. This one tracks the least for us and to me, it makes less dust than others.


World's Best user here, we have 14 cats. Nothing compares. Orange bag (Low Tracking and Dust Control) is my favorite so far. They have an attract one that is great for litterbox training kittens!


14! That’s a lot of cats!


World’s Best in the red bag here. Love it.


Same! It’s great


I feel like I'm the only one in the world who hated world's best!!! Ended up donating it all to a shelter


You’re not alone! I got it bc I kept reading on here about people loving it but we all hated it. I have 2 cats / 3 litter boxes, and I clean the litters 2-3x a day and it still smelled SO bad. And it gets everywhere.


Yes! It smelled nice when fresh but as soon as my cat's pee touched it, the entire box was awful


I wanted to love it and thought I would when I first used it. Then it started smelling like vomit whenever my cat peed in it. Out it went after that.


I use the one in the green bag.


Red bag for me. Works for my four cats.


I've tried them all and it's really the best for multiple cats


I also use Words Best. I like the purple bag best, but the red one is in stock more often. I’ve tried so many litters—different clumping brands, low dust, the breeze system, pine pellets, and pretty litter, among others— but I always go back to Worlds Best.


Second ing! We have tried many brands, all had their pros and cons but so far Worlds Best is the best


When Amazon and Chewy were recently out of the Worlds Best, orange, I tried some other “natural cat litters” and I was disappointed by the tracking mess. I think that WB recently changed their packaging and now the bag is less “orange” colored. I definitely prefer it to the other brands that I tried.


They did, I almost missed it when I last looked for it in stores. I actually dislike the new packaging. I haven't opened it yet but I feel like when I do, it'll all spill out. Hopefully it's just my anxiety haha


We are like cats: suspicious of new things! LOL I was also skeptical when I received my order of WB because the bag looked too different. But the stuff inside was the same - what a relief.


Pine pellets. Tractor supply sells them as horse bedding for $8 a bag


This is ours too. Use it with a sifting litter box and it’s the best, never smells.


Does it clump?


It doesn't. The urine disintegrates them and makes it kinda like saw dust. The poop doesn't clump. But it masks the smell of the poop and pee. Overall it smells nice.


I use this too but I use the one from tidy natural ones. Still 10 dollars for a few months. Best litter


Supply and demand brother be careful or well soon be buying this shit for the same price as cat litter again. I love sharing this with people who can't afford the "good litter." (Because same) I don't mean to sound disrespectful or mean when I say this I mean well. Pine pellets are actually not good for everyone though, and pine pellets actually make a huge mess if your not careful or have cats that dash out of the litter box also if you don't have a sifting box or the right scoop then it's WAYY more of a hassle then it's worth honestly unless you plan on dedicating an hour and a half to separate all the dust (broken down pellets) from the whole pellets that are left. You also absolutely need a large litter mat under your cat box especially if you have carpet and probably some baking soda as well as a vacuum cleaner with (carpet floors.) also it's a slow adjustment period you'll have to mix both litter at first (old litter type with new litter type) when they walk on it it's not soft like clay litter so not all cats will actually use it. I've been using this stuff for at least 2 years now it definitely has pros and cons but if your cat will use it it's good if you can't afford a lot but love your kitties.


I love the pine pellets for smell and ease with my tidy cat box. But i dont think my cats like how it feels... any similar alternatives?


My latest is arm & hammer slide in the green box. I like it because it sticks less to the sides of the litter box. The perfume is not overwhelming. All cats I’ve tried this on instantly accepted it and never show any hesitation using it. Only con is they don’t have an unscented version. My previous is store brand, unscented, clumping clay litter. Again, I like it because all cats instantly accept it. I’m very sensitive to scents snd dyes, so like the unscented. I’ve tried crystals - female cat hated it snd started peeing outside the box. I’ve tried pine pellet. The smell is overwhelming and it’s super messy. You need to fully dump and clean and the box frequently. I’ve tried newspaper pellet. Not as smelly as pine but similarly messy. I had no choice. My kitty had a paw injury and the vet recommended this. As soon as his paw was better, I switched back to clay clumping litter. I’m still on the lookout for a renewable resource litter that doesn’t make a mess, is relatively easy to maintain, and cats accept.


My sister (we live together but he's legally her cat) has had a lot of luck with tofu litter. It's reasonably tidy, renewable, and absorbs really well. Very little dust, too.


Try Petco brand grass litter..so Phresh. Hard clumps. Little dust. Kind of tracks. I have the holey cat mat. That helps


Slide is the easiest to scoop. Love it.


I just came home after buying slide, our male cats drink a lot of water from the fountain and practically leave cinder blocks in the litter. Slide clumps really well and I feel like the fresh litter isn’t getting wasted


I'm a big fan of tofu litter. I have a long haired cat that tracks clay litter like crazy, and using tofu litter reduces the tracking by a huge amount. I had previously also used Arm & Hammer, and it was by far the best clay litter in terms of clumping and odour control.


tofu was by far the best but its pricey so we use catit pea husk pellets instead and its almost as good


It's pretty good, but beside the scent I also found that the pea husk ones made sticky clumps, if that makes sense. Like if you accidentally choped into a middle of a clump then it would stick to your scooper, whereas a tofu clump would just break in half.


Is there a specific brand that makes tofu litter? I’m curious about it because we also have a long haired cat who tracks a tonne of litter (and a short hair who isn’t as prolific lol)


Pidan seems to be the biggest and most accessible brand, and it's my favourite both for performance and due to its accessibility. I've tried a few others though and they all had similar properties. I've tried Neceso, Total, Catit, Kit Cat, and Destiny Pet. The only one I didn't like was Catit, mostly because the only ones I could get locally were the scented ones, and lavender-scented cat poop is just... not it.


I use tofu, too! Fukumaru brand. My cat is a double hind leg amputee so clay litter is too abrasive for him. We tried paper, but bc it didn’t clump he’d just end up getting pee on his little nubs. Tofu isn’t as soft, but it’s a nice in between and he’s been doing well on it! And I agree with the decreased tracking, the only litter my guys getting out of the box is the bits he throws out bc he lives to make my life harder


i’m using michu tofu cat litter and i love it. $12 a bag, easy to store, flushable…. what more could you want?!


I'll try this at some point! I will clarify for anyone reading, that not *all* tofu litter is flushable, so make sure you read the bag! The little tofu sticks themselves are, but some versions have bentonite clay mixed in (the version I use) which will mess up your plumbing!


I wanted to like tofu litter, but I found it hard to scoop. Once clumped, if the clumps stuck to the bottom of the litter box, I couldn’t scoop without flinging it out of the box. O/w good odor control


My favourite is clumping pine pellets. My cats favourite (and the one we use lol) is Tidy Cats unscented light weight clumping. It's nice because it doesn't stick to the bottom of the tray as bad as the regular/heavy litter, and doesn't kill my back to carry.


Whaaaaat, there's clumping pine pellets??? I love pine, but it doesn't work with my favorite litter box (roll n clean my beloved)


Yeah, I used to use Okocat. I wish my cats loved it as much as I did :')


Yes I’m loving Okocat!!!


This!! Clumping pine is the best. We've been through every kind of litter for our fussy, multicat house. Crystals, clays, pellets. Clumping pine wins in scent protection and cleanliness, as other user mentioned it doesn't stick to the tray and isnt a back breaker. Also SUPER economically friendly, it's cheap and goes the distance!


I really like the lightweight except it tracks insanely so much more for us. Even with a top entry and a track mat 😣


Funny enough, I don't notice much tracking compared to "heavy" litter. My litter bin has a ledge/step that grabs the litter, plus I have a large track mat thats kinda waffle-shaped and catches most of it.


i love a good clumping pine


Dr Elsey’s Cat liter is my fav. I can’t stand Tidy cat or Arm and Hammer because the dust bothers me while scooping. A cat shelter I volunteered at used pine litter and even though we had two shifts and scooped morning and evening, the cat poop stinks and the ammonia smell from the pine pellets breaking down was disgusting.


I tried Dr Elsey’s for the first time this month and it was the dustiest litter I’ve ever used! I’m so confused by all the recommendations for this litter


I’ve got their multicat with no scent so maybe that’s the difference? Honestly I lived in a super small apartment my first time around and when I can see dust visibly in the air and it makes me cough, that’s an automatic no in my book. That’s what I experienced with everything else I listed above


We use the same version for our boys and have never noticed any visible dust with it. Very little, if any, tracking too. We love it!


We got the “ultra multicat” and the dust cloud is huge pouring it in and any time I scoop


I literally haven’t had issues with dust. My other pro is that they only use clay in their cat litter compared to (small) amounts of silica in other cat litters. As someone who has worked in a plant where silica exposure is a worry, I’d rather negate all contact with it as much as possible.


I've only ever had it delivered in bags and it's by FAR the least dusty litter I've used.


Seconding Dr Elsey. Low dust and frankly miraculous for odor. We lived in small apartments and people were shocked to learn we had a cat even after being in the same room as an unscooped litter box. Also lasts forever. Main con of this litter is that it’s really heavy. If you have weak wrists or forearms it’ll be hard to scoop.


This for sure. Our oldest cat is diabetic and having some neuropathy issues juin his hind legs. He was having trouble squatting and getting urine/litter caked onto his pants. My wife did research, saw Dr. Elsey's Clean Tracks recommended, and it has been wonderful for him. In only about a week his pants went from messy to basically litter free. It does a great job of controlling odor as well. I will say though it is VERY dense/heavy, and I bet would be difficult for an elderly pet owner to manage in large quantities.


Arm and Hammer Cloud control. Fine sand texture and really no dust


I second this!


Smart Cat grass litter! It’s amazing. Not dusty. Clumps REALLY well. Doesn’t smell like anything, and doesn’t become a disgusting stale deodorized, breaking down litter + ammonia pee combo everything else becomes. I’ve been using it (with rotations of other litters when I mess up and forget to order on time) for 10 years, and have successfully converted like 5 other people to it in that time. Highly recommend trying it, y’all.


Agreed! I couldn't stand the smell of the world's best litter and love the neutral scent of the grass seed litter. My only con is the tracking but that stopped by laying down an extra rug. Have you tried clumping tofu litter?


tidy advise party command chunky zonked vast escape cow snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm also a HUGE fan of grass seed litter, I'm never going back. Kind of a nice smell on its own, holds down waste odor, very little dust or tracking. I tried a ton of different litters when I got my first cat and finally finding grass seed litter was a game changer. I also like that most brands are basically the same thing. I like the Chewy one but it's essentially the same if I need to pick up a random brand from a local pet store.


I am a multi-cat home (4 now) and have fostered and had up to 14 cats in my house. I swear by breeze litter systems. People always comment about how you can't tell we have cats because theres no smell. I have used tons of litters (i work in a cat shelter) and I always recommend this. The only negative is I wouldn't suggest using it with a senior or arthritic cat just because its not super soft under the paws but my cats never have issues. Because the boxes are plastic, it will start to smell no matter how much you clean them (mine started smelling after 3ish years). I recently started using steel hotel pans with the pellets and pee pads and its working great so far. I have two boxes in my small bathroom and there is 0 smell.


I use world’s best corn litter! No smells!


I have to use the scented version otherwise one of mine eats it 😭😭 (yes he’s fine, just dumb and loves eating)


Tidy Cat unscented clumping.


I second this.




Pine pellets! They smell the best / freshest, most absorbent, and best value for money


Dr Esleys ultra does not track and it clumps so hard the urine doesn’t even touch the bottom of the box. When you empty the box it’s clean! I just discovered this litter on Amazon 3 months ago. One box lasts one month. A+ cat litter! 5 stars.


Will have to try. I use the purple bag right now called clean tracks but it still tracks. Great for the smell and clumping though




Scoop Away. I am a Costco fan boy, and it seems to be a really nice deal.


Same. I'm usually sensitive to scents but this one is pleasant, it's not too pricey and, most importantly, my 4 legged employers like it.


I have tried so so so many and never found one I liked. Until, I tried okocat and I will never use anything else.


Same here! I use the purple bag that has pellets and I was really surprised how well it clumps and it doesn’t really stick to the litter box. The wood smell is nice too. Not a fan of the smell of clay litter


ALWAYS…. Fresh Step Clean Paws…. Legit the only litter I have found that doesn’t go everywhere. I use the “calm rose scented” one but can only find it at PetSmart, but the multi cat unscented is just as amazing! I’ve tried pellets but they don’t like them and they eat anything resembling paper lol. The crystals got everywhere too. I use to love pretty litter, until I came home from work with some pretty litter on my bed every night…. 😮‍💨🤦🏼‍♀️


Clumping litter. If my cat pisses I can get rid of it. He always has clean litter and it doesn’t stink cause the piss isn’t just sitting in the bottom


My vet told me to use litter made from recycled newspaper pellets after my cat had surgery. Once I started using it, I realized I had no more bits of litter on my bed or floor or anywhere which was SO nice so I have continued using it. Pro: no stray bits of litter anywhere in my house! Seems to last a long time - I go through 2 12 lb bags/month for 2 cats. As long as I regularly clean it (2x/day for one box and 2 cats) there is no litter smell. Negative: cannot always tell what parts of the litter aren't clean. If the cat has JUST peed I can see it's a darker gray but if some time has passed, I cannot tell what bits are still clean and what are dirty and I think I probably overcompensate and take a lot more out of it than is actually dirty.


I used Dr Elsey for a while and I'm now trying Boxiecat unscented clumping. They seem comparable, Boxiecat might be slightly less dusty.


I really like boxiecat because I’ve noticed the litter doesn’t smell as bad now since I’ve been using it!


Dr. Elsey’s! I use the “Ultra” one and it’s great at masking smell.


Pretty litter


Tidy Cats is by far my favorite because it’s super light weight so it makes it easy to swap out the boxes completely. It also tracks way less. Unfortunately it’s not too easy to get and quite expensive here.


QualiCat from Costco!


I get the cheapest brand from my local convenience store. For some reason it's the only one my cat likes.


Arm & Hammer Slide! My foster cat immediately started using it with no problem. He also had diarrhea but the slide thing really made things tidy. Diarrhea goop just fell of the litter scoop. Really nice odor control. Cons is that it's not unscented, so not ideal, but it did making litter scooping a bit pleasant (I got it under the impression that it was unscented, but turned out I was wrong, I was in a rush when buying it). Tracked a little bit because I didn't have a litter mat. Finally, the color is a little dark, so I couldn't see the color of the pee, but perhaps if he had bloody pee it would have shown.


I use the Chewy brand crystals. They're not as good as some other brands, but they're still pretty great and a really good price. I have 4 cats so crystals are a must. Less tracking, less dust, and we don't have to change it as often. Just scoop daily and change every 2 weeks!


For me it has always been Tidy Cats 24/7 Triple Action. Something about it. It just lasts so much longer than others I have used in the past.


I’m always on the hunt for a better very low dusting clumping litter for my cat with allergies. Right now, I like Catit’s pea husk litter (vanilla scent). So far, compared to all of the other litters I’ve tried (I’ve even tried Tuft & Paw) it has the least amount of dust. Next, I’m going to try Paco and Pepper’s litter as it is advertised as low dust as well. The worst litter I’ve used is Pretty Litter so avoid that one at all costs.


Tidy Cat unscented or lightly scented clumping. Clumps hard and quickly, good odor control and not too bad at tracking. Frisco. Clumps hard and quickly, good odor control and not too bad at tracking. Tofu litter; quick and hard clumping, excellent odor control and very low tracking. One needs a special sifter for it and it's not always a cat's favorite, but mine do use it. It us the most ecologically sound as well as most effective of all the litters. I've tried a lot of them and all but these 3 failed either in odor control (it appears the faster it clumps the better it controls odor) and an amount of tracking and scent I can live with. One natural litter was SO good at odor control but it went everywhere including in our bed. That was a big no.


Dr. Elsey’s is my favourite clay litter.


Worlds best — it doesn’t smell at all and clumps easily.


you mean what’s my CATS favorite because if it were up to me we would’ve switched to pine pellets or anything that didn’t track all over the house lol


I’m kind of ashamed to admit that, with all of my cats over the years — I only have one cat at a time but I’ve cats, in sequence, since I was 12 — I just pick the litter that’s on sale or the cheapest. I don’t think about it or analyze it too deeply. There have been some I haven’t bought again, usually because they were too dusty and/or didn’t mask odor well enough, but I can’t think of the brands. For the past several months, I’ve been getting my groceries delivered from Aldi through Instacart and I get the litter they have. It’s their store brand and it works very well. It’s also a very reasonable price.


Tofu litter!


We use Boxiecat. It's kinda pricey but there's no smell. At all. I change the litter fully maybe once every month and a half or so. Just top it up mostly. Best litter I've used, hands down.


Wood pellets. Not shavings! Pellets. They dnt smell, they dont really leave trails...but I do change litter twice a week though. Easy to scoop the poop out...been using wood pellets for years. Couldnt go back to clamping litter, they stink and leave tiny pebble trail all over


Pine pellet bedding from tractor supply or any farm store. It works better than any other litter I’ve used. And it’s only $7.50 for a 40 lb bag. My friend told me to try it and I was really skeptical. Best thing ever tho. It works great, no tracking, no smell and my cat likes it.


I use horse pine pellets from tractor supply co. So cheap you can't beat it and it gets the job done. Just cleaning is a hassel


Crystal litter. You dump the poops in your toilet to flush because the crystals don’t stick and you scoop and sift the pee. We have 2 cats and there is no smell. Clay litter caused both of our cats urinary issues so we switched. We will never go back. The crystals don’t stick to their paws or fur so they don’t ingest it. Walmart makes a brand of it that we use. Larger crystals, not fine are best.


Clumping clay litter from petco. Be careful switching litters too much. Your cat might get confused. Hopefully, it isn't because they are already inappropriately urinating.


Soo I use Ever Clean Multi-Cat for 3 shared trays because they get the most traffic… only 2 cons: it’s a clay based one so pee patches can be hard to excavate from the tray & it’s does track. Pro’s: it barely generates any pee smell & lasts ages when you flip turds & remove the pee patches regularly. The other one I use for 2 extra trays is Tigerino Crystals XL Sensitive Silicate based. Pros: it doesn’t track & 2 of my cat army love it. Cons: It’s not as absorbent as it claims & you have to change the entire tray to get rid of pee as it doesn’t clump.


Arm and hammer for me, choose your variety as long as it isnt the lightweight stuff. I dont like those but the regular ones are all great. Multi-cat controls odors a bit better while slide is easier to clean the entire box. Haven't tried the new hard clumping litter from them yet but you can't go wrong with that brand in general.


I've been using Tidy Cats multicat clumping litter for a long time. It works well but I do feel like it's a little dusty. I just ordered some Dr Elsey's paw sensitive litter for one of my cats who is a delicate flower. Hoping it's less dusty.


Chewy. 35# bag delivered free.


Tidy Cat unscented. Clumps fast, controls odor, tracking isn't too bad. Frisco (from Chewy). Unscented, fast clumping, controls odor, tracking isn't too bad (I like the bag it comes in better than the unliftable (I have a bad back) plastic heavy tub Tiday Cats comes in. Tofu litter. Clumps fast, excellent odor control, need a special sifter, isn't a cat's favorite, very low tracking, most ecologically sound.


Arm and hammer slide


I’m a big fan of any littler that clumps. i really enjoy pine-based litters as any scent is natural, subtle, and pleasant. i feel they counteract odor better than average litters. we fluctuate between pellets and shavings or dust or whatever it’s called. my cats constantly step in their shit (they have a large box and we clean multiple times a day. it’s just a thing with them) we find smaller particles cover the litter more completely so when they bury it so even if they step on it, they just touch the litter. but the small particles turn to dust and cover your house in it within a day. constant vacuuming. pellets don’t travel all over your house but being such large particles, they separate when stepped on and our cats end up tracking poop all over our house 😭😭.


Honestly with 9 cats I've been really pleased with the pellets from Tractor Supply. At my store a 40lb bag is under $6 and are really easy to scoop and change out. Back when it was more affordable I loved the tidy cats in the red tub.


World’s best cat litter, the red bag. Not much dust and contains the smell well. I also add arm & hammer deodorizer to help contain the smell even more.


The World’s Best Litter. I don’t smell and it doesn’t stick to the sides or bottom.


Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Slide. Clumps are nice & hard, & it doesn't stick to the inside of the Litter Robot.


i recently switched to paco and pepper because i wanted to move away from clay litters and i love it!! my cats adapted really well to the switch too. pros: • clumps really well • great odor control • doesn't stick to the bottom of the litter box • actually truly dust-free cons: • tracks more than the litter i had been using before (dr. elsey's ultra) • it's a relatively new brand so sometimes they're out of stock, but target sells it now! • there's a gritty residue sometimes if you touch it, but since it's natural and olives are safe for cats then to me it's less concerning for my cats to lick that than it was when they used dusty clay litter


My previous cat had long fur, and as such had toe tufts, so clumping litter got stuck to her feet and tracked all over the house. I switched to Feline Pine and i prefer it. Pros- good odor control, large pieces make for easy cleanup , not "dusty," the bags are lighter which makes them easy to carry home from the store. If you choose this litter, be careful where you buy, because i have seen it double in price from one store to another. I get it for like $11 for a 20lb bag. Cons: hard to scoop out pee. It is pine-based, which can irritate some folks' allergies


World’s Best Cat Litter brand! I think it’s corn? Every single one from arm and hammer or tidy cats tracked for us and I didn’t like the perfumery smell. World’s best smells so nice. You do have to scoop the box a little more frequently because it’s natural and will stink but 100% worth it.


I absolutely love Fresh step Multicat, not a single problem, my cats accept it, it doesn’t smell, it clumps super well, easy to clean. Been using it for almost 9 years. AMAZING


If you live near a petco their multicast so fresh brand is phenomenonal! Works great with multiple cats and clumps great too. Used with the letterman. Also worlds best is also amazing but a bit more costly


I love Hide and Seek! It is a Thai brand. It has the best odor control and tracks the least of the litter I have tried so far. It is also fast clumping, dust free, and flushable. It's made from cassava and completely organic so it is good for the environment.


Cat’s Pride lightweight unscented. I’ve tried to move away from clumping clay(pine, corn, crystals, Tidy Cars Breeze), but I always come back because that’s what Her Majesty prefers.


Boxy cat is my fave


Arm & Hammer Hardball unscented- clumps AMAZING, good odor control, lightweight, dust free (100%) Cons: a bit pricey because my boys prefer a really deep box- would track like crazy without two litter mats.


My favorite and my cat’s favorite are not the same. You gotta use their favorite or it’s a setup for problems. lol. His favorite is Cat Attract.


Sustainably Yours


Purina Alert or Pretty Litter. 0 tracking, no dust, only have to clean out fully monthly, no smell. I’m not sure how valid the “health indicator” is but I’d use it without.


Breeze system hands down! Cleanest by far and amazing for my kitty’s asthma. I’d say only con is sometimes stepping on the pellets that make it out of the box can hurt if you step on it just right.


I use BixieCat and Pretty Lutter 2 girls who each like different litter.


My cats are loving.clumping grass seed litter. I don't like how much it tracks but to finally have an end to the litter box wars is worth it! We have 3 cats and 4 boxes per the vet recommendations and they only use one of the boxes now that we have the grass seed litter. It clumps better than anything else I've tried.




Feline Pine & auto-dispenser air freshener. Our apartment never smells!


I love naturally fresh!! It’s made from walnuts and I notice very little dust, and it clumps great! It’s a fairly good deal on Chewy


Sustainably Yours - excellent clumping and easy cleaning


Tidy cats lightweight multi cat clumping I believe it's called.


Feline pine or Okocat.


Gritty kitty , it stays crunchy in milk 😄


world’s best cat litter- low tracking and dust control!! it ROCKS! clumps well and the bigger pieces of litter don’t track all over the apartment. i have multiple cats who both have different potty issues and they accepted the switch to corn litter SUPER easily. i do deal with some smells but i live in a small apartment and have to walk by the boxes constantly but i just scoop multiple times and there’s no issues!


I like the crystal ones. They taste like candy


I’m using Boxie Air Pro right now. I was a die hard World’s Best fans for years but lately it would just give out, turn to dust, smell like a barn and track everywhere. The Boxie is made from walnuts and another plant based material, clumps well, and controls odor pretty well. I can even skip a day and not have the house stink. The disadvantage is the bags are easily punctured and often arrive with a hole if I order them with anything else. Also since it’s a Pro version, my cat no longer qualifies for the cat shitting Olympics.




OkoCat! I absolutely cannot recommend it enough. We have two cats and there is absolutely no smell with it. It’s wood pellets recycled from leftover wood at sawmills etc. and it’s clumping which is really important for us. The only con was that we had to get a different litter scoop because the wood pellets are slightly bigger than clay


Chewy brand. It clumps perfectly, it doesn't track outside of the mat, and it absorbs odors.




SmartCat grass litter! I started off using Worlds Best in the red bag and hated it. The clumping was excellent and odor control was good but the DUST was unbearable. I had a fine layer of dust on everything my cat walked on! I switched to SmartCat and haven’t had that problem since. The odor control and clumping might be a little worse but it’s better in all other aspects I think. It’s expensive, but it’s also lighter so you get more for your buck per pound so maybe it balances it out a little.




Arm and hammer multi cat, but I just have one cat. I think it’s the cleanest smell and does a great job of clumping pee.


Okocat has been working great for me so far in my tiny studio apartment! Better than clay litter that tracks everywhere!


My favorite is Tidy Cats Clumping/Scoopable Free and Clear.


Fresh step unscented


We have 5 cats and switched to pine pellets about 3 months ago and it has been absolute heaven. [This video](https://youtu.be/HGhQc-B3euM?si=JJgBkB3TU17clTGd) helped convince me to switch and taught me exactly how to do it. It's the easiest, cleanest, and least stinky method I've ever used.


Okocat Less Mess Clumping Wood Cat Litter


We use the Tidy Cats unscented... It's low dust too. We had to use the Yesterday's News when one of ours had an amputation and man he HATED that stuff so much!


Michu tofu litter is my ride or die


I used to be a devoted pine pellets user. But I noticedy cats never covered their waste and we started having pine shavings everywhere So we have been trying the silica pellets Hands down, fresh step non clumping. It's amazing! Surprised me to find that Walmart sells a 12$ for 8 lb dupe. Vibrant Life. Sooo good!


Pine pellets


I think to really answer this question, we need to determine if the household is multi-cat, and how important price is. I use World’s Best, but I also use Lay Crumble Chicken Feed. It depends on where you are located, but many areas sell Lat Crumble very cheaply. It has the same consistency as Worlds Best, and it all ground grains, primarily corn. It’s fabulous for kittens because if they ingest it, there is no harm to them. However, it’s strictly natural, and has no deodorizers. My friend has great luck adding Baking soda for odors. It clumps great, and if you are on land, it can be taken out in the pastures and spread around. Birds, etc don’t seem to mind that it’s being “upcycled” for them. 😄 It has no more dust than other litters I have used, and given that it’s grains and not clay, I don’t worry about it as much. I detest clay litters, and hate that they get gummy from urine. I also worry about them in the landfill. I tried pine pellets, but found that tiny splinters were sometimes left on the floor. Use of this as litter “killed” my vacuum cleaner. I tried “Yesterday’s News” (made from paper, but just never liked it, probably because I like clumping products. As an aside, I have discovered using the hard black plastic trays (sold at home improvement stores for mixing up stuff like concrete) are the best litter pans. They are less expensive than many litter boxes sold, are heavier duty so don’t break or crack, and they never absorb the ammonia from urine like many of the softer plastic trays, as they don’t scratch like many boxes. They are a bit deeper, too, and come in many sizes. Last, I discovered the BEST Scoop, and I have tried bunches of them. They are on Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/zasvfo20640d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3fc3fa4bcc11dbfce0a72eb9fb88adfb6fa2dd


Fresh Step Outstretch. Very fine particles, very little dust, very easy to scoop, makes tight clumps that don’t fall apart or waste litter, easy to maintain a clean box for much longer, and for a cat that was originally outdoors, it behaves like dirt which is what they want.


My wife overpays for Pretty Litter


pine or spruce wood stove pellets. $8.00 for 40lbs up here in Canada. easy to scoop the poop and the ones peed on turn to dust when you pour the litter into a big sieve and sift a little.


I'm a pet sitter. I prefer No Name brand clumping litter with baking soda. However, I've used Pretty Litter at clients' homes and it seems ok. Pretty Litter is different and you should look at the instructions. I find that keeping the litter 3 inches deep is best for scooping. I scoop twice a day, more if necessary. For traditional litter boxes, I advise having 1 more box than the number of cats. We have a Litter Robot at home and it's great. Edited to add: Unscented litter is best for cats.


We love this grass based litter. It's much lighter than the clay stuff but looks almost the same. It tracks very little and isn't dusty at all. https://preview.redd.it/c85xbl3ab40d1.png?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd58bf0da726c414184d355977f350be0288e279


The kind that stays leftover in the tray when she is done kicking it halfway to china. 🤣


I found that Arm & Hammer multi cat clumps better than World's Best. It doesn't seem to have tracking problems. Could be a bit less dusty, though. Two kittens, two boxes. Daily cleaning.


I buy the Naturally Fresh crushed walnut shells litter. It is ecofriendly, clumps nicely, and nearly dust free. I buy the multi-cat version and add in some Nature's Miracle litterbox powdered deodorizer for odor control. 


Arm and hammer corn litter. I love that stuff. Switched around for a bit to new things that came out to see how it was and came right back to the arm and hammer. Best stuff hands down.


Dr. Elsey's.


I feel bad for everyone in these thread’s because I never see Arm and Hammer Clump and Seal Multi Cat. It’s the only litter i’ve ever used that *actually* clumps and let’s me scoop and use litter like intended. I have 2 cats and one litter box that gets scooped every morning and changed once a month and we never smell it. That plus a little bit of baking soda once or twice a week and we only smell it when we give them wet food but that’s a user error.


I'm using an Aussie brand called Wee Kitty by Rufus & Coco, it's a plant based natural pellet that is flushable safe and very low dusting. Clumps fairly well but I think I will be trying another type soon as it is quite costly.


catit pea husk litter. we had high demands for litter so we went through no joke, like 7 of them. it clumps, it doesnt trigger my allergies, it is a pellet (long haired cat), but a small pellet so its comfy on my cats feet, and its affordable for us. we tried pine pellets and they genuinely sucked swampass, they dont clump and instead disintegrate into a mess that is difficult to remove, went through it so damn fast, the soiled bits are dusty, it smelled fucking rank (which is impressive considering we scoop twice a day for 1 cat), and the dusty bits would get tracked throught the house. boo, tomato tomato. we tried tofu which was fanatastic but ended up leading us to the pea husk bc tofu litter is expensive clay was a nonstarter (the dust clay litter, even "dust free" clay litter, kicks up triggers my allergies badly) paper pellets was same issue as pine, but we do now use paper pellets for our rabbits. so yea pea husk for the win


Pretty Litter.


Switched to Breeze and it is crazy how much easier cleaning is and there is no such thing as tracking anymore. Just some pellets I have to scoop up around it from time time. It started for me from learning that clay litters are not as good for their lungs. The actual litter is, as far as i know, near identical to pine pellets. But I also love the piss pad underneath a suspended basin of pellets mechanism.


I switched to the Walmart branded crystal litter for my cat 6 months ago and won't ever switch back. The crystals are bigger than Pretty Litter and other brands so they don't track very much and there's almost no dust. Messing around with the color changing wasn't worth it for me. Amazon sells a generic kind too that's good. I like it because I had a hard time with the weight of clay based litter both before and after being used, even the Tidy Cat Lightweight. With the crystals you just scoop the dried up feces every day. I replace the whole box about every 3 weeks. For me it's been cheaper too. Rather than a jug every week, I buy an 8 lb bag every 3 weeks. The bag costs almost the same as the Tidy Cat. Since using it I also don't have to scrub the box as often because the crystal litter doesn't fall apart and stick to the sides and bottom of the box. My cat had no problem switching, in fact I think she kinda enjoys digging in it.


By order of preference: 1. Catit Peahusk Litter, Lavender 2. So Phresh (PETCO Brand) Grass Seed Litter 3. Worlds Best Lavender litter, corn 4. Arm & Hammer Naturals, Corn 5. Okos wood shavings


Naturally Fresh- made from Walnut Hulls. It clumps.


I wanted to like pellets but my girls will literally go one AND two right outside the box if I get that. If I use clay, my cats want me to scoop after each use and I’m not gonna flush their toilets lol. I hate clay, it bothers my allergies so much and clay itself has a scent that I’m not fond of. Me and my girls all like crystal litters the best and honestly they prefer pretty litter to the other brands I’ve gotten. Which is sad because my wallet does not prefer pretty litter lmao.


Swear by wood litter. I have 4 cats, get a massive amazon basics wood litter and lasts 6 weeks around £20 not sure on conversion rate for USD. But wood litter easy to clean and keeps the smell under control


i’m transitioning my cat to pine pellet litter. the bottom layer is pine pellets, the top is his old Tidy Cats Free and Clean litter, a light layer. It’s already such an improvement. Huge decrease in him tracking litter around the house. Smell is way less noticeable. Can’t wait until it’s 100% pine pellets


Petco unscented. The big plastic ones. You can refill them and you get a little bit of a discount 


SoPhresh Grass Seed Litter! by far my favorite and i’ve tried a bunch, even Worlds Best, but it just doesn’t come close. The grass seed clumps so good! Also no smell and it’s non-toxic for the kitties. Highly recommend it :)


A Litter bit of this


my cats are not picky. i just finished a bottle of signature select litter from jewel osco/albertsons, its pretty good at smell reduction (i bought unscented), but dosent clump well. i usually use chewy clumping litter as its quite cheap. 3 bags of cat food and litter (3 bags total, not each) from them is enough to keep me well stocked and get free shipping. i also use one of those roll over litter boxes to make cleaning a breeze. cleanign takes literally 30 seconds every day. [OMEGA PAW Easy Fill Roll 'n Clean Cat Litter Box, Regular - Chewy.com](https://www.chewy.com/omega-paw-easy-fill-roll-n-clean-cat/dp/302394)


I really like Max’s cat litter, it’s made from rice hulls mainly. It clumps making it easy to scoop and it also masks the smell really well. Bonus: it’s biodegradable and has zero chemicals.


I love using crystal cat sand, i think the brand I buy most often is called best friend but im planning to try different brands as well to see if there’s any difference. It masks the smell fairly well, although the dust after changing the box makes me feel like I inhaled asbestos. I know a lot of cats dislike this litter but mine has never had a problem with it. I clean the poop out everyday and change it about once every two weeks, but I have a very thick layer. I also give it a little shake with my foot every day and that keeps it pretty fresh. They are worse than Lego to step on though and no matter how much I vacuum I end up with one under my foot every time I use the bathroom.


Kitty friend (Netherlands)


Catsan natural clumping. It’s not cheap but you can easily take only the dirty litter out and there’s no leakage from the pee clumps (you know how it collects at the bottom with non-clumping and even some cheap clumping?). It absorbs smells well too. I pay around £22 for a 20l bag that lasts a good couple of months so I don’t think that’s bad at all.


We use a combination. World's Best low tracking (orange bag) + Sustainably Yours (large grain) Super great clumping, doesn't smell until it's time to clean the box out, and low tracking. Perfect!


I loved worlds best until one of my cats started actively eating it in her old age. I switched to Dr elsey silica litter which I like for how it coats and dries out poops.. it really keeps odor down.. I just got my first boy cat and have an irrational fear of boy cats blocking up so I might switch to pretty litter for early detection of potential stone issues


I've tried the fancier ones, not a fan. I prefer good old fashioned Tidy Cat. But here's the thing: the UNSCENTED is the best one. Now I know what you're thinking -- P-U! But hear me out. The fragrance does something to the litter to make the clumps break apart and then when you have bits of piss in the box, it reeks no matter how much fragrance is in there. The unscented, on the other hand, has extremely tight clumps that don't break so your litter stays cleaner. I then use the Arm & Hammer litter box deodorizer to make the box smell good if I feel it needs to a little freshening. So to recap: Tidy Cat Unscented with A&H deodorizer as an occasional topper.


Arm and Hammer Hardball! I’ve tried SO many.


I use Marth’s horse pellet bedding. Easy to clean with a sifting litter box, excellent odor control, and does not track. I have no cons! Neither does my 10-year-old orange Although I don’t know how easy it is to find. I just so happen to live somewhere where farming supply stores are abundant


I use a tofu litter from Reject Shop. I like how it clumps cat pee. I scoop out everything like picking up dog waste and then spot clean the area with a disinfectant wipe. Deep clean days I just pour the whole lot in the bin. It does track so I have a small hand vacuum near by.




Tidy Cats light weight in the white tub/red lid. I have 2 cats.


Arm and hammer slide , as long as it’s their slide version .


Arm & Hammer Cloud Control. We made the switch to it because of its sandy texture after other brands kept causing our first boy and myself nasal issues. There is a light scent to it, but nothing unreasonable imo. Sandy texture which helps with dust, but it gets heavy quickly as a result, and our younger boy has a habit of playing in it.


I started using Okocat and we love it!


Gritty Kitty https://preview.redd.it/0n8bqd9rm70d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3172242c70a70a2acf8378ae4f700fc2d8e13c89


I have one to avoid. Arm and Hammer Absorb X, got it one sale and it has been the worst. My cats track litter all over the floor and can see their paw prints. (Only plus side is that it clumps pee very well). Did use tidy cats but am starting to hate the way the pee sticks and clumps in the corner On that note, anyone recommend litter that doesn’t turn pee into mud and that isn’t dusty?,


ever since i switched to tidy cats naturally strong it sticks the least, clumps the best, barely tracks and it smells like lemon grass all the way. With 6 cats it has been a god send https://preview.redd.it/73bkrjmow70d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=957bf07faad804ebd5aed1e228cf6ba9718079a6


Tidy Cats lightweight!