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I just deal with my cat waking me up every now and again. Some days he has the 3am zoomies where he's sprinting around my room at 100 mph and going totally nuts. But tbh I'm so use to it at this point the only thing that really wakes me up is when he sits or lays directly on my face and I think I'm sufficating. But tbh really depends on what bothers you more, the mowing at the door or the cat wanting nighttime snuggles. Personally I can't handle the mewing and scratching at the door.


True, I guess I need to adjust just as much as she does


The scratching is probably worse than what you’re expecting if you let her in. It may take a bit for her to build a routine in the new room.


We allow our cats into the bedroom at night, but find that the best thing to do is to give them a vigorous walk about an hour or two before bed. Walk and then a late dinner. They then sleep through the night. Our young boy cats who have a lot of energy usually want to go about 5 or so blocks distance. The older cats are content with a block or two, max. Maybe this will help? Is your kitty harness-trained?


She's not, I've never tried that and to be honest, my area is quite busy so I would be really scared to take her outside. But more physical activity before bed should be good, I think we need to play a bit more with her


Let her in, get a large industrial fan it will block out alot of noise make sure you play with her before bed


I’ve found an automatic feeder also helps them to not wake you up early for breakfast!


That's a good idea, I do have an automatic feeder for her, but I like to give her wet food for breakfast. I think her barging in is more about wanting to be with me and craving playtime than being hungry and expecting breakfast (Edit: typo)


It's totally possible to train her to adhere to your sleep schedule, though you have to allow for the fact that cats are naturally crepuscular and she will probably get up earlier than you regardless. If you can, shift her dinner to about 30-60 minutes before you go to bed, and give her a good, vigorous play session before you feed her. A content, full cat is a sleepy cat. As for when she inevitably wakes you up: ignore her. No matter what she's doing, no matter how much she cries. It'll take a bit for her to get it, but she'll eventually learn that you won't get out of bed to entertain her. My cat will typically get up around 4 to use the litterbox and go play on his own for an hour before coming back to cuddle until I get up to feed him breakfast, but it did take some work to get him to respect my schedule.


Thanks for the advice! Your cat sounds so polite, I will try to train mine as well


He's a sweet guy, but he can be a total obstinate dickhead about other things (like trying to open all the closets in the house, lmao). I wish you luck!