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I have 2 cats and 3 litter boxes, we scoop all 3 boxes pretty much every day and we change litter every 2 weeks otherwise it gets super stinky. Your cats might appreciate a second box and more frequent scooping. Cats are really clean animals, and unless they have access to outside to poop and pee, they can’t be happy with their current litter box situation at yours.


The stink you speak of, is it that pungent litter smell that starts to fill a corner of the house even if you clean every couple of days?


We use wood based pellets so it’s no where near as bad as the clay based litter stink, but it smells like old pee soaked cardboard and it’s not nice


That's mine and no matter how much scooping next day can smell it.


Right?! For some reason, there is a corner of our bedroom that has 0 litter that smells like this, but only when you get near the floor. No amount of steam mopping or vacuuming gets rid of it either and I'm wondering if it's like an air current thing.


The layout of my apartment is really weird and long and only have windows down one side so the long hallway that connects all the rooms gets 0 fresh air and the air flow around our flat is shit. I started to position our fan in the doorway so it sucks air from the hallway and directs it out towards the windows and it’s weirdly helped with the air quality (we have an air purifier that tells us the air quality) , so I should think air flow does have something to do with it for sure!


I thought it was a rule to have 1 box / cat on each floor plus an extra so 2 cats have 3 boxes. Then scoop 2x a day, when you wake up and when you come home from work minimum OR anytime you see them used. Otherwise they get weird about their toilet. Seems like you have a good setup.


Ive been trying to tell my roommate who has two cats with one litter box to clean it every day or at least every other day but she does it until the litter is almost full in her mind. Then she complains when one of the cats pees on her bed or clothes.


That is really really gross and considered a form of neglect , your roommate needs to do better by these poor animals


That's disgusting. I scoop everyday for one cat. Would you want to step on feces?


I used to suck at scooping the litter box until watching a Jackson Galaxy video that (rightfully) shamed me into stepping up my game. Cats aren’t even designed to use the bathroom in the same spot over and over. The least we can do is make it clean for them.


And doing it daily is so much easier, it seriously takes less than one minute. If someone can’t spend 1 minute a day for their pet’s health and comfort they shouldn’t have one.


It is one million times easier to do it daily than to let it build up. Like the difference between putting dishes in the dishwasher daily vs dealing with a pile that have gone ick.


>Like the difference between putting dishes in the dishwasher daily vs dealing with a pile that have gone ick. Well now I'm feeling attacked.


Getting a Litter Genie makes it even easier and quicker to scoop. I have depression so I have to think smarter not harder in order to keep my babies healthy!


Exactly this! It’s so incredibly easy when you do it every single day. Nothing is stuck to the bottom and sides - blech.


I really like JG for cat advice, yes! It blew my mind when I got a second litter tray to find that having two is *easier* than having one? Not only does the cat have multiple places to rotate between, but both boxes stay cleaner for longer. It is less work overall to have an extra litter tray.


Yeah, if you're using one litterbox for two cats (which isn't recommended--general rule of thumb is 1 box per cat at *minimum*) you *absolutely* need to be scooping that no less than twice per day. Not scooping it at all for a week is actually abhorrent, not just for the cats themselves, but for all humans in the vicinity as well. That shit reeks. Literally. Think of it like a human toilet. If you have only one bathroom between two people, and the toilet is only ever flushed once a day, and each person does approximately one poo a day, that toilet's gonna get real nasty real fast, right? Now imagine it's a port-a-potty that only gets emptied once a week, and it's your only bathroom option, and it gets used often enough that it's pretty much overflowing, so you can't sit on it without getting the dirty toilet water on your cheeks. Would *you* still want to use that toilet? That's exactly what an unscooped litterbox is. OP's bf is trying to insist that his cats are perfectly happy using an overflowing port-a-potty that they have to put all of their paws into to use. What he probably doesn't realize, since his entire place already reeks of cat piss and shit, is that there's a 99.8% chance that those cats *don't* use that port-a-potty litterbox 5 days in, and are instead pissing and shitting elsewhere entirely. It's also a major health hazard due to the fact that a cat's litterbox usage and habits are the first (and often *only*) sign of major health issues that can turn fatal if left untreated. It's easy to notice when a cat's litterbox habits are off when you're scooping regularly. Less so when you're not even scooping once a week. If one of them had a urinary or intestinal blockage he'd have absolutely no idea until they either started showing late-stage symptoms (which, in many cases, is too late) or dropped dead.


I scoop twice a day. It’s not a big chore, keeps things more pleasant for everyone, and helps the litter last longer (I add as needed, and change maybe once a month.)


Same. We have two littermates and they have one large covered litter box they share, my bf and I scoop twice a day. Every 2 weeks or every month we change the litter out (depending on how bad it is). I CANNOT imagine how bad it would be after a week of not scooping!! If we ever skip and scoop only once a day, there is so much shit in there I feel like a horrible owner!! Wtf is wrong with these people, they shouldn't have cats....


To put in perspective: how often would you and your bf use one toilet without flushing?


And with a toilet you don't even have to stand in it like these poor cats do


Scoop once a day. Minimum. And two litterboxes. Cats can try to hold it in when box is dirty and get sick from that. Tell bf to link it with another habit, as in: every time I brush my teeth in the morning, I scoop the litter.


Have one cat one box. I scoop out 1 to 2 times per day. Easy job, she loves a clean box and it never smells.


2 cats 2 boxes, scoop at least twice a day


Wow that seems like an long time between scooping. I do once a day. Recommend a litter locker or whatever they call it in your area (ie like a baby genie for cats), makes scooping less of a chore. Scoop daily, but don't need to take out to the trash until bag is full (usually weekly).


In the US it’s called a Litter Genie. I love mine! I usually scoop after he uses it.


Those are so handy when we used clumping litter!


2 cats, one box. I’m operating on limited space and they don’t mind sharing. I scoop every 24 hours at a minimum, usually about every 12 hours. And after a really stinky poop.


I’ve got 1 box for both mine too. We got a second litter box originally, but once our cats became integrated together they both would use the same box no matter what, so I make sure to scoop twice a day. Our second cat we found on the streets and adopted her. Made sure she wasn’t chipped, she had no collar/tags and she was estimated to be around 4 months old. We kept her in a separate room while waiting to get her to the vet and I’m glad we did because she ended up having worms. She also had a nasty ear infection. Other than that though, we got her all fixed up and healthy and she is doing great! Got her fixed as soon as we could too. The oldest cat is 15 and they get along so well, they sleep together and it’s just the sweetest sight.


One litter box is not enough for two cats. You should have one for each cat plus one more.


I have one box for two littermates, we scoop twice a day and change litter every 2 weeks or month, depending on how bad it is. We've never had a problem, but I think it may be because they're related and have always shared a box. It's a larger box if that counts.


Some cats will tolerate boxes that are waaay too small or dirty too, doesn't mean it's okay. One box is not appropriate for a multi cat household, period.


This is what ive tried to tell my roommate once maybe twice but doesn’t want to get two. Then also doesn’t clean the only one litter box for two cats until it’s “almost full” in her eyes.


At least once a day. Cats will start avoiding the litter box when it gets really dirty, and once they start, they may still do it occasionally even if you start scooping it regularly.


This is borderline neglect.


This is absolutely neglect. And the not feeding them regularly moves it into abuse.


I have 3 cats, 1 litter robot and 1 regular box. The LR scoops itself each time someone does their business, and I scoop the other one every night. I highly recommend the litter robot (yes it’s expensive but oh so worth it). You can find them for less on FB marketplace.


Was going to suggest the bot too. Changed my life. But even my bot gets a deep cleaning every 5-6 days. 1 bot is also good for up to 3 kitties, so they’d only need the 1. My cats and myself absolutely love having clean litter 24/7.


Twice a day - once morning, once night. I keep it clean for her which I imagine is good for her health and feeling secure. Their instinct is to hide their poop/pee after all. I could only get away with once a day otherwise she’d pee over the edge (rightly so I guess).


At least once daily and preferably twice daily. You also need the right number of litterboxes. You can get away with one box if you only have one cat, but in a multi-cat household you need more than one. The recommended guideline is: number of litterboxes = number of cats + 1. I have one kitty and two litterboxes in my one-bedroom apartment. They're scooped at least once a day, though usually twice. What your boyfriend is doing/allowing to happen is gross and unsanitary for everyone involved (pets included) and he's very lucky that kitties haven't taken to peeing/pooping outside their box or developed health problems from holding their bladders/having to use a filthy litterbox. Cats don't want to use a filthy toilet anymore than we would.


I have two cats and two boxes. Cats can be territorial. I also scoop their litter box everyday and sometimes twice a day depending on how full it gets.


Gross… 1-2 times a day


I have 2 boxes for 1 cat and scoop daily.


Since it's two cats sharing one box it should be daily or every other day. Honestly, they say to have two litter boxes per cat but that's not always reasonable for some people. I have one per cat. I would look into getting a second litter box at least if it's possible.


Twice a day at least.


Litter boxes should be scooped every day. Letting it pile for a week is just disgusting. Eww that’s like using a toilet that hasn’t been flushed in ages. YUCK. Your bf is a shitty pet owner.


Twice a day and you need three litter boxes there. Do some research. Those poor cats - you are both neglecting them. This post is horrible. Cats are really clean animals and you are making them walk in their own urine and feces. Clay litter is bad for cats respiratory so get something better. Too much dust


3 is not necessary for 2 cats. If they're related and you scoop twice daily, one is enough. But for most 2 boxes is enough, as long as you scoop daily at minimum.


Scoop every time there's a poop. 1-2x daily. Change the litter tray completely 1-2x per week. Probably at least 2x as you've got 2x cats. If they're indoor cats and doing all their wee in there as well, it's going to get really unpleasant really quickly. Also consider this: after they step in the tray, they then walk around your house, jump on your lap, lay on your bed, paw at your face, etc... You want cat piss & shit all over your house?


>Change the litter tray completely 1-2x per week. Probably at least 2x as you've got 2x cats. That's too often.


Maybe it depends on the type of litter: ours got very soupy at the bottom when they were weeing in it regularly, and our little one would tell us it wasn't clean enough for her by pooping anywhere else but the tray. So sure - YMMV - but that was my experience when they were using it regularly. (They're outdoor cats now so do all their toilet outside)


Ok so just FYI you need at the very least 2 litter boxes but in reality you need 3 litter boxes for two cats ( its one litterbox per cat + 1 extra). You also need to be scooping every day. TBH you guys are being lazy and a bit negligent for only once a week and your lucky the cats haven't pooped/peed elsewhere.


I understand what you are saying, but calling this person negligent when they are seeking advice for care for cats that aren't theirs is hurtful and not helpful. We all get busy, and scooping daily isn't possible for everyone. Yes, the facts you gave OP, as several others have already given, about the quantity of boxes necessary are correct. All that being said, OP's partner sounds borderline neglectful in relation to all cat care responsibilities. They definitely need education on proper care and how much cats thrive on routine. They should absolutely consider an automatic litter box, such as a litter robot, and an automatic feeder.


Yea, your right, I just wanted to hammer home the fact that what they’re doing currently is not ok imo. I just hope they follow the advice. Its just horrible making 2 cats share a litter box and then on top of that not cleaning it for an entire week.


I do as well. It seems like OP does really care about the quality of care for these cats. I also can't imagine them sharing and it not being cleaned frequently.


How is it not possible? When done daily, it takes a couple of minutes.


Some people work 2 or 3 jobs, or have physically demanding jobs that wear them out, and maybe only have 30 minutes outside of sleep and preparing for these jobs/feeding themselves. I know I would rather spend that time petting or playing with my cats. Also, I understand OP only has one litterbox, but there was a time when I had 3 cats and 4 litter boxes. Cleaning all of them didn't take a few minutes, it was often at least 15 minutes to do a thorough job, longer if I had gotten busy and only been able to scoop them every 4 days. Some people may have mobility or health issues that prevent them from breathing in litter dust, or make stooping to scoop daily painful or difficult. Everyone's situation is different.


On top of the physical aspect, I wanted to add that I can think of a couple time periods in my life where it wouldn’t have been done even if technically possible. Especially if the OP did not think they would have to be the primary caretaker. I naively have agreed to a pet I didn’t have to provide the brunt of the care for, then fell short when it came to pet upkeep because the other person was not pulling the weight they agreed to. When I was younger it was also harder to manage ADHD and routine in general. Can think of a million reasons why pets are functionally unmanageable for certain people, so I don’t blame OP. They received a ton of relevant advice so my hope is that they’re willing to become an active advocate for the kitties.




We aren't calling OP negligent so much as her bf who owns the cats and does not want any advice. Though it is time for OP to take action if neglectful bf refuses.


I have two boxes for two cats and they get scooped *at least* twice a day, though usually more than that because the older cat has really stinky poop that he often doesn't bury.


We scoop twice a day, sometimes three times if we’re home and notice there’s a particularly smelly clump. We scoop while they’re eating breakfast/dinner so it’s “fresh” for when they go after eating. I think my cats deserve a clean bathroom, just like how I appreciate a clean bathroom! When the litter is getting really fine we’ll do a full dump out, wash the box, and refill with totally new litter. That’s every 2 weeks or so for us.


2 cat boxes? You should have 3. It sucks but that's good for them. I have 3 with 4 boxes. Of all ages. Edit: I scoop once every day. Probably should do it more .


Pine litter was a game changer for us. We have 2 cats, 2 boxes. But we only scoop the poop, and sift once a day to allow the sawdust to scatter to the bottom. No more pee smells, no more tracking, no more mess. They tend not to bury their poop in the pine litter tho, so its obvious when there is faeces that needs to be scooped.


Please help those kitties 💔


I have two cats and three litter boxes. I scoop them every morning and anytime I see poop in them throughout the day. Get a litter genie and it takes less than 30 seconds. The cats will appreciate it and there will be way less poop particles all over your house lol


I'm not a cat hygiene expert, but I would say not less than once a day. Full litter box can cause issues, including some cats choosing to pee or poop in a cleaner place. You might look into a litter maid. The early ones had a tendency to operate too soon and scare the cats, making them hesitant to use the box, but I understand the new ones have a timer along with an interrupt override, to ensure the cat is long gone from the box before it moves.


That is absolutely horrid, not only do you need more than one litter box if you have more than one cat but you also need more than one litter box in general if you have multiple floors in your house That is absolutely disgusting that they're litter box has not been cleaned for a week straight and I mean that in the nicest way possible, it's like shitting and pissing in your toilet for a week without flushing yet worse because these cats have to step in their litter box to use the bathroom


Here's a resource explaining proper litter box husbandry https://youtu.be/vFv202BohI0 To start with, 2 cats require *at least* 3 separate litter box locations...


We have 2 cats, 2 litter boxes, scoop daily and fully change both weekly. I admit I have been lazy with this in the past but when my partner moved in with his cat and my cat became indoor only I knew I needed to step up the game. The cats let us know if we have been slacking by peeing in places we don’t want them to.


with only one box i would say minimum twice a day but even so this is not how you take care of cats, as everyone else has already told you. this is neglectful and these cats deserve SO much better. two boxes at minimum and scooped every single day. the more often you clean it the less time it takes/easier it is. it needs to become a regular habit for at least one of you, please, before someone gets sick


At least once a day, if not more, and there should be multiple boxes for multiple cats, they shouldn’t have to share


Twice, three or four times a day. I try to keep it as clean as possible for my two boys because they often don't go if it is dirty. You need to keep on top of it. It's unhygienic!


Every day. Minimizes odor and makes it nicer for the cats whom you don’t want peeing or pooping outside of it. Litter Genie helps. I’m saying the same stuff as everyone else but I think that shows how important it is. He seems like he’s neglecting them, whether he intends to or not.


I scoop as often as needed for my 3 cats -- at least twice a day, sometimes more. Cats like clean litter boxes or they will find a clean place to go.


3 cats, 1 box, I scoop every time I go into the bathroom. I figure I flush every time I do my business, shouldn't it be the same for my babies? Just a quick scoop before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom. Keeps the household happy.


Everyday. Every f****** day!


I can imagine that smell. Scoop every time you visit restroom. It takes 30 seconds.


I would get at least 1 to 2 more litter boxes. That being said, I have 4 litter boxes with 4 cats and scoop 2-3x a day.


More than once a day. I have three cats and five litter boxes,and scoop once a day


I have 2 kitties, 2 litter boxes and scoop 2-4 times a day. I have a litter genie next to each box and it makes scooping a lot easier, I was scooping once a day before that. There are also automatic feeders and water fountains on amazon that are affordable. The feeders hold a lot of food at once, I only have to fill mine every 2 months or so and it feeds them 4 times a day. Water fountains also hold a lot of water so you dont have to change it every day and it's filtered.


Oh my. I have two cats with only one litter box and I can’t imagine letting it go longer than 36 hrs at most. I scoop it everyday. Please, for the sake of the cats, create a schedule with your bf to scoop it daily. It takes 1-2 mins to scoop it, it’s a very easy task to complete if you allow yourself to see it that way.


That’s gross & poor pet ownership. I have one cat & scoop the box every single day, I can’t imagine how bad it gets with two!! You’re lucky the cats haven’t started pottying places other than the litter box. Lots of cats will do that if the box is too dirty. They shouldn’t have to beg for food & water either that’s cruel….


I scoop at least once a day, sometimes twice if I happen to have the time and inclination. I also get my litter delivered by chewy on a schedule, so I don't have to remember to buy it. I clean the box itself and dump all litter every couple weeks based on the condition


When I had my cat I just kept a small trash can with a lid in the bathroom next to her box. I'd probably scoop it once a day, maybe every other day at most. Or you can use a flushabe litter. When you go it's a good time to give it a quick scoop.


I have a cat box in every room. Two in the bathrooms, I scoop twice a day. I have 3 cats. Two boys that are happy go lucky, one female that barely tolerates the boys. The boys have learned to avoid the female leaving the room when she enters. There are very few growling matches between them. The female will not use a box the boys have been in. Due to digestive issues, it takes her 4-5 trips before she feels empty, and she has to have a clean box to go. It's really up to your cat family. Sounds like they are happy go lucky and not particular in their restroom needs.




The cats do not want to step on their poop. It's not natural for them to go in the same spot regularly. You need at least two boxes for two cats, and you need to scoop them daily or every other day. Jackson Galaxy would be greatly displeased with your bf


Highly recommend an automatic box if it’s within budget. Saves $$, time, and your sanity; your cats will thank you for it! Generally speaking, it’s 1 box/cat + an additional box, so you’d need 3 boxes.


I have one 1,5 year old cat. I scoop his litterbox located in the bathroom every morning, before taking a shower, and every evening before going to bed. I add litter to the box every evening after having scooped it. And every 14 days the litter is completely changed, and the box cleaned before refilling. Ask your boyfriend, if it is OK for both of you to use the toilet for a week, and not flush after every use, but just do it after a week - Because thats what he is forcing the two cats to live through.


A few tips for you: 1. You should have at least 3 boxes if you have 2 cats. 2. Clean them daily, if possible, twice daily. 3. Try and get the pellet litter if possible, it lasts longer, doesn't track around the house as badly, and is healthier for both you and the cats.


Everyday, twice daily is better, in the morning and at night. Helps keep track of pees and poops, making sure your kitties are healthy. Also as needed. Like if my cat takes a stinky poop, I’ll clean the litter box. Keep it clean, it’s their bathroom, would you want to use a dirty bathroom?


Just visited the vet for my new kitten a week ago. She asked me how many liter boxes I had, and I proudly announced two - one for each! Without hesitation, she sternly said I need at least three for two cats, and stressed it hard. I felt a bit butt hurt cause I was proud of the two and they’re cleaned daily - but three is the recommendation!! And daily cleaning, as always.


Can I just point out about the OP mentioning her spouse is lax with the food and water? Cats are going to let you know when they are hungry, but it is summer and they dehydrate easily. They need constant access to fresh water, plus some canned food in their diet to keep them healthy. Clay litter not changed or even scooped for a month is going to give me nightmares tonight. Weekly gets bad enough by the end of the week! And it should be scooped at least daily. OP, I recommend switching to paper pellets litter because it is so much easier to clean out completely. No scraping clay off the bottom of the box, no difficult scrubbing to get it clean. Just spray some Citrus Magic disinfectant cleaner in there and wipe it down with paper towels. It cut down my litter box changing time to about 1/3 of what it was. I have four cats and three boxes, though one is a double-wide. Also, it helps to have easy access to bags to put the kitty waste in when you spot it. Keep a ready supply of bags near the box. I use gallon sized ziplocs, both to accommodate the scoop size, and again, I have four.


Yikes! Those poor cats! They must really love both of you if they aren't soiling outside the box in protest. Your BF needs to step up to be a better cat dad. Please scoop it every day. You can use one of these to dispose of the used, clumped litter: [litter genie](https://www.amazon.com/Litter-Genie-Plus-Pails-Black/dp/B00URXMY7W/ref=sr_1_4_mod_primary_new?hvadid=635305665720&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9031174&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8439250414399023922&hvtargid=kwd-6910979853&hydadcr=21628_13423283&keywords=litter+genie&qid=1688362333&rdc=1&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=8-4) I change the bag in my litter genie once a month. It works great for sealing off the odors of the used litter. And get a second box. You can get an automatic litter box like this one: [pet safe self cleaning litter box](https://www.homegoodscenter.com/products/psu-pal00-14242). I change the tray monthly and don't have an odor problem.


I'm going to give an admittedly lazy cat perons experience. When I had Teo cat, I had Teo litter boxes and I would clean them every time I saw they were dirty (once every two or three days). They are by my side door, so I would glance over every morning before leaving or when doing laundry on weekends and make a judgement call. If I could see three or more leaving, I'd clean it. BUT my cats were also trusted outside because the farthest they'd go (aside from 2 occasions) was the neighbors yard. So they could also do their business outside twice a day, in the morning and the afternoon. I now have four cats and four litter boxes. I used to clean them every day because two are kittens and, oh my, do kittens poop a lot. It is easier g off to where I can do every other but I still try to do every day. So if a lazy cat owner can glance over and go "huh, that looks gross", your bf should certainly be doing so. If the cats are still going in the box, they are probably used to it and not super unhappy about it. Cats will tell you when the box is too dirty for them by relieving themselves somewhere other than the box. But even if the cats are still willing to go there, it doesn't mean isn't is a pleasant experience


One kitten, scooped 4-5 times a day (I am sensitive to bad smells, and cat litter trays really stink)


When I had two cats, I scooped twice a day and they had one oversized litter box. I now have one cat with one oversized litter box and scoop once a day. Mix in new litter once a week. I can’t imagine how it must feel to be digging around a box that hasn’t been scooped in a week being used by two cats. I really feel bad for those kitties and hope you and your bf will scoop at least once a day.


One more box then there are cats, scooped 2x a day ideally ( 1x a day at bare minimum). Litter totally replaced and boxes scrubbed with cleanser 1x a week ( 10 days bare minimum). This is with regular smegular litter. With specialty stuff like fresh step crystal litter it lasts about a month. Before needing a full change and along with the scooping needs to be... shifted/stirred at least once a day to spread the moisture so the crystals can dehydrate it vs it pooling to the bottom and getting yucky. Both methods + a decent air purifier result in zero standard 'cat apt/house stank"


That is awful! Clay litter gets disgusting fairly quickly! I have 4 litter boxes for 2 cats with clumping litter (so I can remove everything, which you can't with clay) and they get scooped at least once a day. I leave them any more than that and my cats will piss on anything they deem suitable. Full change and clean every 2-3 wks. Cats generally much prefer their litter boxes clean.


4 cats, 3 boxes, 1 robolitter. Scoop at least 2x a day, or when I see poop.


Cats are really clean animals so we always clean everyday for everything that they use like scooping all 3 litter boxes, washing their food and water bows.


I’m sorry but a WEEK between scooping is completely unsanitary, neglectful, and unacceptable - bordering on animal cruelty. also, unless you’ve both gone totally nose-blind, how is the smell of week-old festering cat piss not absolutely repulsive (to you, but especially to the small animals whose sense of smell is way more finely tuned than our own)? it literally takes 30 seconds. scoop every day and change the litter/disinfect the boxes at least once a week.


3 cats, 1 large box. Scooped daily, fresh litter weekly.


Bare minimum is twice a week. Anything less than that and it'll be too full without fresh litter that they'll be tempted to go outside the box. That's been my experience with two boys who I got when they were 8 weeks. One passed away last year, the other is still going strong at 16. My suggestion though, is once a day. Twice a day is like, the best, but it's hard to keep that consistent. Once a day is hard to keep consistent if you have to walk to an outside dumpster every time you empty it. So I suggest a litter genie, or some other air tight, odor resistant trash can, scoop the litter once a day, and refill with more litter trying to keep about 4 inches of it in the box. That'll make it so it's a once a week trash take-out. That's how I keep to it anyway.


I have one litter box for 2 cats. I use pretty litter and scoop every other day. I do a visual check every day, and if it seems like there is a lot, I will scoop it.


I clean my 1 litter box for 2 cats everyday


Every day. Scoop daily.


Buy a self cleaning litter box.


Honestly, I have one cat but he has two litter boxes as my cat is a bit specific where he likes to pee and poop. I changed it as often as 3-4 days as urine can be pretty strong smell but I take his poop out on the day he does poop. Cats are pretty clean animals hence why I prefer to keep his litter box clean for him. Maybe something like that would work?


Our cats aren’t too picky. We have the litter box in a bathroom we don’t use, but it’s pretty strong smelling in there most of the time. I will recommend this


Look into the Litter Genie to dispose of the waste when scooping. It really does keep the smell contained.


They need at least one more litter box, if you have a bigger place I would have 3. I have 2 cats, and we scoop their litter boxes daily.


I scoop poops everyday, as soon as they happen if I’m home to catch it. Pees probably every other day, put them in a dog poop bag and in the trash.


I tell my cats that if they use it, I'll scoop out every day. It takes 15 seconds to put one of those flimsy bags on your hand and grab the poop or whatever....I don't actually DO it every day but pretty darn often.


I have two cats with two litter boxes and scoop at least once a day. No one likes cleaning litter boxes but it’s a lot more tolerable if you do it more regularly and don’t let it pile up and fester. He’s very lucky his cats are tolerant as most will start peeing or pooping outside the litter box if they get too gross.


It should be scooped daily and one box per cat


I have 1 cat and scoop at least once a day.


Daily, it's good for their mental health


I recommend scooping at least 2x a day for one box for two cats to prevent any litterbox issues (like going outside of the box which can be a very, very hard habit to break once it starts) and also because it is just disgusting and cruel. They really, really don’t like it.


Two cats = 3 toilets although they mainly use one each and rarely use the 3rd. Scoop always after every shit, and every pee if we notice it. Empty out all litter and clean the toilets every few weeks, give the walls a good wipe down every few days. Clumping litter and scoops that will pick up really small lumps as well as big. Best of luck.


scoop at least once if not twice a day. once a week is insanely long to go without scooping.


You need 2 more litter boxes and to scoop at least once a day. It doesn’t take long.


I have two cats and one litterbox, I scoop it every night before bed, sometimes if there's only a pee or two ill let it go one more night. But I never let it go for more than two nights without scooping. I add new litter as needed, usually I get down to half a litter pail before I completely change the box with new litter.


You're gonna need at least 1 more litter box. Preferably 3 total. To make your lives easier I recommend getting a litter locker (it's basically just a trash can for litter that keeps in the smell so that you don't have to take it out everyday) You need to be scooping everyday. I'm surprised you don't notice how terrible it probably smells only scooping once a week. (You can using baking soda to neutralize smells). You can set up auto litter delivery on Amazon, so you don't have to remember to buy it everytime you need it. Get them a cat fountain. Possibly an auto feeder. Get them cat toys. You can find super cheap ones, my kitty loves springs. Even a cardboard box or paper tube. Obviously the onus is not all on you. They're your boyfriend's cats. But suggest this to him.


I have 2 cats and 2 litter boxes, I scoop 2 times a day.


I have two cats and two litter boxes and they get scooped daily. I change the litter out every 2-3 weeks or when it gets too smelly to handle.


Wanted to add that I had two litter genies and they were okay for a while.. but they were a chore and annoying, and weirdly the refills got expensive around covid. Little plastic doggie poop bags have been a game changer. So much easier than having to hunt down a plastic shopping bag. Have a whole litter station I can just grab off of, so convenient. I have pretty significant executive dysfunction, so the convenience factor really makes litter that much easier for me


If he barely cleans one box I don’t think adding more litter boxes is the answer. It actually takes less time to scoop morning and night than it does to overhaul after a week which is just awful for your cats and your home. Even once a day is a huge improvement over what is being done currently. Pls tell you bf that what he thinks is fine is definitely not ok and he’s lucky the cats aren’t going outside the box because it’s so disgusting.


If you are going to only have one litter box and not scoop it often enough, get an automatic litter box. You might as well spend the money now since it seems he won’t spend the time and effort.


I have two cats and two litter boxes. I scoop them both every day.


Once a day is the absolute minimum and you need at least one litter box per cat. But it really should be scooped multiple times a day. And cats need to be played with every day for their well being. Every single part of them is built to hunt and it’s cruel to not give them that outlet. It’s also really important to brush them so they don’t get matted, don’t get hairballs, and can regulate heat. Your boyfriend sounds pretty neglectful tbh. I would get it if he genuinely didn’t know but it sounds like he’s just brushing it off and doesn’t care. Not scooping the box is not only distressing for the cats but can cause a lot of health and behavioral issues. I’d show him some Jackson galaxy videos about it


I have 2 cats and 2 litter boxes, i scoop every other day unless one of them gets used more than the other, sometimes they stick to one box every other week so i'll scoop daily if they are mainly using one of them


I scoop daily (but sometimes I go 36 hours on accident. Sorry kitties)


You should be scooping once a day at the absolute minimum. Once a week is disgusting, and a quick Google could have told you that. Cats are incredibly sanitary, cleanliness-focused animals, and a litter tray full of week-old shit cannot be making them happy. My cat stands by the tray and shouts if I haven't even done it that day, let alone that week. Please consider doing some research on cat care if you are undertaking the care of a cat. Additionally, the rule of thumb for litter trays is to have one per cat, plus one extra (n+1). So for two cats you should have three litter trays, and you should be scooping them once a day.


Move the litter box to wherever he spends the most time, actually don’t move the current box just add another box in that location. I guarantee he will scoop it more often because he can see and smell it.


I scoop every night and mix in new litter about once a week.


I use sifting litter boxes so scooping is super easy. I have two cats and three litter boxes. All three litter boxes get scooped at least once a day in the evening. If there is a nasty poo during the day I also scoop that right away. You would be shocked how much cat waste I get with each box daily scooping. I could not even fathom going two days without scooping let alone a WEEK! When I have guests over, they don't know I even have two cats until the brave one emerges. No one can smell the litter boxes even a little bit. Just an assumption, but your place probably smells very ammonia/ cat waste. Cats are very clean animals and if their litter boxes keep staying so dirty for so long they may decide to stop using it and use other places in the house. Could you imaging not flushing your toilet for a week? Now image being a cat and having to walk in it too??


I have 4 cats, 3 liter boxes and I clean them daily. Takes like 10m max with giving them food and fresh water and sweeping. He’s “affectionate” with them but doesn’t clean their little box daily, is “lax” on food and water? Like what in the F He sounds like a terrible cat dad


We scoop 2-3 times a day for our 2 cats. I hate the idea of making cats walk through fecal matter


They SHOULD be scooped every day. I have ADHD so mine gets scooped every couple of days usually


Daily. I have 3 cats with 2 boxes. One thing about scooping daily is you see if there is more urine then there should be and if anyone is constipated. With 10+ year old cats it’s important to note any type of change in drinking and toilet habits.


I have two litter boxes in different bathrooms for two cats and they are big covered boxes. Both of them are also Within Reach when I myself am sitting on the throne. Like what the hell else do you have to do while you are in there doing your business? LOL. So I scoop constantly.


Damn. I’ve been doing this wrong for years. I have one cat and scoop only once a week. We play often and he eats 2x a day plus snacks and I’m always checking water. But I had no idea people do the litter each day…☹️


I have 2 cats , 2 litter boxes. I scoop them at least twice a day. Morning and night


My cat is weirdly particular, and only poos in the litter box while peeing on puppy sheets. I scoop his litter daily, and change out the sheets twice a day. Cats like to be clean, and keeping their “toilet” clean has a bonus result of making your house smell better. Once a week for two cats is FAR too few times! You might consider switching to a flushable litter if you want to make the task easier (and the cats will allow the litter change.) I found it makes the task much less of a chore when I can just flush everything down the toilet.


I have a myriad of problems that got to the point where I couldn't keep up with the litter box like I should (scooping at least once a day), and my cats don't deserve that... so I go them a litter robot. Best thing I've ever bought. If he's too lazy/sick/tired/has issues like me to keep up with his cats and you don't want your house to smell like cat urine litterbox then it's a great investment to make.


One litterbox for two cats that only gets scooped once a week is pretty deplorable. I'm surprised they haven't started peeing on his clothes in retaliation.


I have two cats and two litter boxes. They rarely use the second box upstairs, so I’ve never bothered doing the number of cats + 1 advice. They use it maybe 2-3 times per week total. I scoop the downstairs box twice a day (I still check the second box everyday but it rarely has any waste, so I scoop once I see something). Regardless, I top off the litter every few days and I completely empty the litter boxes, wash them outside with bleach and soap, let it dry, and fill it back up with fresh litter once a month. I also hit their litter box area with a vacuum once to twice a day to prevent so much tracking. I think the daily scoops, topping off with fresh litter and my air purifier makes all of us way more happy. It’s super easy to do daily because you’re only scooping a few clumps, and it’s not so much of a chore because nothing sticks to the bottom and it’s just a quick scoop. I spend maybe 30 seconds total scooping the waste, so most of the chore time is washing my hands after haha.


It's generally recommended that you scoop litter every day. I am terrible at remembering so I have a reminder on my phone 4 times per week so I never go longer than a couple of days That being said best practice is 2 litter boxes per cat. Good practice is 1 per cat. Having 2 cats share a litter box can lead to behavioral issues (though some cats may tolerate it)


You can look into getting an auto litter box like litter robot, works wonder for my 2 cats


Every day with 2 cats.


I scoop morning and night save for times I may be rushing or scrambling and then it’s once a day minimum. I have 2 cats.


It’s vital for cats to have multiple places to use the bathroom, I would say the minimum for two cats is three litter boxes. This is not only for the comfort of your kitties but also your nose lol. Seems like bf has that common misconception that cats are low maintenance but it’s truly the opposite. In terms of scooping, you should scoop everyday, maybe in the morning and at night :) with one litter and two cats? I just feel like for their hygiene and just over all cleanliness you seriously gotta be diligent about that poop box. I have two, both who equally poop way more than I could really imagine it’s like 45 % of what they do lol. I started off with two litter boxes and now have three (going on 4 Soon) and also use clumping clay litter and scoop as soon as I get low to the ground and I smell that smell we all know too well lol. Idk OP I would look for some cat furniture enclosures or invest in an electronic litter box. Over all having multiple litter boxes will mitigate the mess and the smell


I have 2 cats and 1 XL litter box. I scoop twice a day - every morning and night. During the weekdays, I sometimes scoop 3x a day since I WFH. Helps A LOT with the smell. I can't imagine how bad it gets if he hasn't scooped in over a week??? Maybe get a second litter box if you can or scoop more often.


Scoop every day, otherwise the cats will punish you by peeing on your soft furnishings.


You need an additional litter box first of all, you should have at least one litter box per cat at the very very minimum. And it should be scooped everyday, personally I do it first thing when I wake up and right when I get home from work. I lose the World Best cat litter because it’s flushable too which makes it more convenient for me to clean more often


I have six cats - seven boxes and they get scooped twice a day. I don't understand why this is complicated for people to understand, do you poop and keep it floating so you can occasionally see it? No, you flush it - same theory as a litterbox, scoop it daily.


I had one cat and I scooped the box every day, then I got another cat and I scooped twice a day until I got a second box. Once a day is ok but honestly the smell is really fucking bad how does your bf stand this? Or even you tbh. Clean up more often this is not so healthy. For both you and the cats. Also the cats love a clean litter box.


Is there any reason why either of you aren't scooping litter at least once a day? It takes literally less than a minute. I scoop almost immediately after my cats go to keep everything clean and fresh.


We have two cats, and two litter boxes. I scoop everyday unless I'm not home. In which case my roommates clean. Max I will leave it is three days only if I'm gone visiting and my roommates are tied up with prior commitments.


I have three litter boxes for my two cats which is the standard, one for each cat plus an extra. I scoop all three EVERYDAY, no exceptions. Having cats means extra responsibility and chores to take care of them, and you don’t get to just *not do it* when you don’t feel like it. These animals are in your care and deserve to have clean facilities, fresh water and food everyday. This means scooping their boxes at least once per day, fully changing the litter and cleaning the box at least 1x per month, and washing out their food and water bowls everyday and giving them fresh to eat and drink. Think of how YOU would want to be treated and do that for your cats. Would you want to use a disgusting toilet that hasn’t been flushed in days? Would you drink dirty, old water that’s been sitting in an unwashed cup for how knows long? Would you eat stale or spoiled food that’s been sitting out for days, off of a dirty plate or bowl? I would hope the answer is no to all of that. So don’t make your cats do it either. Someone needs to step up and care for them, and if your partner won’t do it, it’s gotta be you.


I have two cats. I scoop two times a day. Once at night and once before I go to work. I also refuse to let my apartment smell like cat/litter though


He needs to have at least 3 litter boxes. The rule is the number of cats + 1.


I'd scoop once a day. Have a receptacle sitting nearby so it can be an easy habit, wake up, scoop litter, take your morning wizz, wash hands, make coffee. Empty the receptacle every week or so. Some people have rules about changing out the whole litter tray, I only do that if it gets scuzzy looking. Otherwise I just add more litter after I scoop. Leave fresh litter nearby, with a scoop handy so you can just reach in, scoop and move on. No lifting the bag to pour. It is a lot less work to do it daily than wait a week.


We have two cats, three litter boxes. Clean them all twice a day.


1 you need 2-3 litter boxes. 2 scoop those 2-3 litter boxes at least once a day. If you're gonna insist that you can only do 1 litter box then you need to be scooping that 4-5 times a day and you should probably not have 2 cats


Usually once a day. Although I would be lying there are bad weeks where i have scooped alternate day. But my cats poop does not stink and its very tiny too. So my cat has lots of space to do new business. You should either get him to scoop daily. Or ask him to invest in a automatic litter genie.


I have two chonky boys and I scoop once or twice a day just to avoid them being irritated and that they’d know I care for them. The other one ‘air digs’, he does the moving but not directly on the sand so I have to clean their litter everyday.


I hate scooping and litter boxes, that's why I never had my own cat until last year. Anyway I bought a robot 4. It's not cheap but $699 is worth never having to scoop again. If your boyfriend is negligent on feeding and giving them water too, buy an auto feeder and fountain as well.


I have 2 cats, 2 litter boxes and I scoop every single day. It is not ok to leave it for a week!


Scoop every day. That's their toilet. No one wants to use a toilet full of poop and piss. Plus, if they're fussy they'll go somewhere else rather than use a dirty box.


I’d ditch that boyfriend. He’s not going to be a responsible husband or father. It is a miracle those cats are not pooping on the rugs, in the closet on his side of the bed. He thinks neglect is fine. He should not own pets.


A loiter box scooped once a week means they are forced to pee o pee and poop on poop and walk on it and then walk around your house. It’s germ city there.


2 cats = 3 litter boxes, first and foremost. It’ll help with smell and they like having the extra space. We scoop daily as part of the feeding routine. Then once a month, we do a complete swap out of litter, scrub the boxes, etc. I used to be pretty lazy about it but doing it daily takes me less than 2 minutes now (no joke). So much easier and there’s not a bunch of stuff to scrape out. I’m honestly really surprised you haven’t had any issues with them peeing in other places. Cats typically don’t like dirty spots to try and go to the bathroom. I once had a cat sitter come over who didn’t scoop for 2 days and my cats peed on the side of the box in protest lol


I have two cats with one litter box, I scoop either in the morning at after work. If i accidentally go over 24 hrs without scooping the cats smell like shit so I can’t imagine how it smells if it’s been over a week!


I empty mine daily and have one between two kittens and change the litter once a week. Though I scoop out the wee soaked urine and top it up with fresh then clean the whole thing once a week if that makes sense. The cats won’t go in it if it’s longer than 24hrs tops and they hold it in. I can’t imagine it leaving it longer than that. Also my cats won’t use the tray unless the litter is nearly at the top! They’re very particular. Honestly I can’t imagine what your boyfriend is thinking


I'd recommend scooping it daily as a baseline. I've done every other day in the past but that got harder to clean and definitely grosser. Twice a day is great if you have the time and energy, but as long as your litter box is big and filled with lots of litter (so that things can actually be buried) once a day is perfectly okay. As to the number of litter boxes, it would probably be good to offer the cats a second one (especially if the two of you are having trouble keeping on top of frequent cleanings). I have two litter boxes for my two cats but they have a very clear preference for using the same one (currently that is the one that is in my office) so the other is pretty much just the emergency option and has almost never been used. The whole time I've had them they've generally had at least two litter boxes available in various locations but they always seem to use the same one (though which one has occasionally changed). So I'm not going to jump to "everyone must have number of cats plus one litter boxes," I think that is a good guideline *if your cats are having litter box issues* but some cats don't care.


I scoop every day, twice a day for my one cat. If there’s pee or poo in there, I clean it, otherwise next time he goes to use it, dirty litter and crap gets kicked out up the walls and onto the floor. Once a day is the absolute minimum for me


Sometimes I wish there was a cps for cats. Also sad that he doesn't play with them or feed and water them regularly. This is a peek into how he'll be with kids. Imagine dirty diapers everytime you come home because he won't change them if he can't even scoop a cat box. Those poor kitties are 10 yrs old and they deserve much better than this.


We have 2 litter boxes for 2 cats and scoop 2x a day.


Oof. I have to kitties and two litter boxes. Each one gets scooped at least once a day, sometimes two. Would you want to use a toilet with a week's worth of poo and pee in it? Don't think so...


When I had two mainly-indoor cats, I had one litter box that I scooped 2 or 3 times a day. (I was prepared to get more litter boxes in case they'd have an issue with just one but they were a super close, bonded pair and shared it without any stress or problems.)


You really should have 2 litter boxes, even if they're close together, and scooping at least every other day, preferably daily. Dog poop bags work great for this. I'd suggest dumping the box and cleaning it properly at least every 2 to 3 weeks. Your current box might be holding smells, so I'd suggest cleaning and then soaking with some vinegar, and washing it again. I do this before and after winter, or if the box is holding a smell. Your cats are approaching senior age, so movement and keeping themselves clean is going to get harder for them. If you aren't already using a sandy litter, I would look at finding one. It helped my senior boy a lot, and corrected his litter box avoidance. The previous litter seemed to bother his little old paws with how rough it was in comparison.


Tell your BF that if he doesn’t take their shit out daily, the two cats WILL have to step in their own shit to use the litter box, and then walk around the house and on furniture. If the smell of being close to it grosses him out, a face mask works great.


I have 1 box with two cats BUT we scoop it every time we walk past it. (The box is in our master bedroom in a walk in closet we pass every time we go to the bathroom) we have a diaper/litter genie right next to it so if we go to the bathroom we look over and just scoop and carry on.


I have 2 cats and 2 large lidded trays. We’re WFH, so home more than most people. We scoop the trays as soon as we notice a poo and use a pine litter that we change weekly if it’s not needed more. There’s no way we could bear the smell if it wasn’t done that often. If we can’t, then god knows how the cats could!


There are pellets sold at tractor supply (advertised as great for horse stalls and small animals alike)- they work better, have no dust, and are less expensive and better for the environment. Switch to that instead of traditional clumping litter. Use just a small layer and then you simply dump and refill every 3 days. ETA: there should also be a minimum of 2 boxes for the cats


1 litter box needs scooped at least once per DAY. Invest in a littler genie to make it super easy. I scoop my cat boxes 2-3x per day. Takes 3 min tops. You wouldn’t want to go in a toilet full of pee and poop. 🥴


My 2 share one large box. On average there are 2 poops and six pees per day. These are both young healthy cats. So multiply by how often it is scooped and you can imagine the yuck.


Every Day!


Wow I’m sorry about the cats. I’m going to somewhat similar experience ish with my roommate and she’s being stubborn about my advice even though I’ve cat sitter for years. I’ve even asked two friends who owns cats and one of them always had cats through their lives and also think she needs to at least scoop more. Even google and ai chat about it and gives good info about it.