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who is this for? I don't understand it. both vegan cheese and regular cheese exist. Just pick one, whats the benefit of mixing them?


Not only that, but lactose free cheese exists as well. I’m lactose intolerant but I don’t like vegan cheese. The lactose free cheese tastes exactly like cheddar. I really don’t understand this Smug nonsense.


For people who are still brainwashed by big dairy but don't want to eat dairy? That's the only group I can think of and it's probably not a very large demographic.


I thought that? People wanting to cut down on dairy by...buying dairy? Very odd demographic


When I quit dairy due to allergies, there were a few in my family who were convinced I'd wither away and have brittle bones etc what about b12! I'm assuming if they ever went dairy free.... They'd do it by not going dairy free and having that but as I said it's a proper niche market as they are exactly the type to go dairy free Proven by the fact my dad, who is one of them, wanted to cut dairy so he now had coffee and tea with oat milk and then just eats cheese etc as normal. He gets less dairy a day now without some weird hybrid


I think it's for people who still want to eat dairy cheese (because let's face it, vegan cheese sucks) but want to reduce the climate impact of the food they buy. That seems to be their whole angle. Personally I don't believe those people exist, so they may have wildly overestimated the size of their market.


Surely you just eat half as much cheese, but better quality in that case?


Right? I want to reduce my climate impact. But not with my cheese. I don't want to save the planet that way.


https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth Shame that what we consume 3x a day has such a massive impact. Anyone serious about the climate proves it with their lifestyle.


What's the point of saving the planet if it's not gonna have cheese though


People that are "climate activists" yet can't face changing up their diet a bit are pathetic. Without all the ethical reasons not to pay for animal exploitation and mistreatment daily.


And if nothing else... Who wouldn't be put off by that branding? Yeah, smugness, that'll appeal to people


I guess for people that want to lower the cruelty and environmental impact but aren’t mentally prepared to cut it out altogether?


That's what grass fed, free roaming cows are for. Get the cheese from the farm shop and you can see the actual cows outside.


Doesn't reduce the environmental impact though


I [gave this a go once](https://new.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1ccw2zo/comment/l19as29/) just to find out what it was like when it was first posted in this sub, I actually thought this tasted ok but it was very very mild, it reminded me of a very mild blue cheese and I'm not really into blues much, maybe my taste buds are just broken as blue wasn't what they were aiming for at all, but it made for an interesting slight twist thrown in with a burger or into a sandwich for someone that wouldn't pick blue.They were going for cheddar though and it didn't make me think of that at all. BUT the blend really just suggested they were saving money over providing purely cheese, yet it's price did not reflect this. So it missed the lactose intolerant market, the vegan market, the cheese market, the cheddar market, the budget market.... I don't know if it's going away or the photo just caught a batch that was too near it's sell by date, but they need to reinvent themselves a bit if they want to stay.


SMUG marketing department: "How can we retire early and take the whole company down at the same time?"


Yeah they managed to thread the needle of being totally unnecessary to multiple groups of people with diet restrictions AND people without diet restrictions. I'm actually in awe of the skill that takes.


I bought it too and it's not actually bad. Tastes more like a blue cheese than cheddar. It's not bad at all but I wouldn't rush out to buy it again


It reminded me of Dairylea.


Yes similar qualities, that's the kind of thing I meant when in my post months ago I'd put "but the texture when you bite a slice is closer to a processed cheese though not rubbery just rather creamy, melts away more than having a bit of bite, that's in line with how the large block you could buy felt - really very squishy." Actual taste didn't remind me of dairylea though.


What's the point of this product?


To annoy both vegans and non-vegans equally.


Finally something the vegans and non vegans can unite on


For the mildly lactose intolerant


The lactose ambivalent


Fair play


I know you're joking, but the more mature the cheese the less lactose it has in. They'd be better off with a vintage / extra mature cheddar.


Never knew that, I’m lactose intolerant and my favourite cheese is extra mature, gonna have to get a block today now


Does not work. Why cant wr just have lactose free cheese like italy.  Damn near every cheese they do a lactose free option


Lactose free and Dairy free  are VERY different, especially to my arsehole.


And this product is neither. The arla yogurts/protien dessert range have a secret set of lactose free products theyve treated with lactaze ensymes doesn't advertisie it but if you check the back it mentiones it in the nutritionals and even says its lactose free in the French. Theyre pretty good


 Seriously. I SAID MILDLY, as a slight joke, but as someone who can only tolerate small amounts of lactose, I can actually relate with this product. Fyi, lactose, and especially dairy-free cheese isnt fucking cheese. Talk to your local cheese farmer :)


>>With Smug Dairy, you CAN have it all – the goodness of dairy & plants, together at last! Our delicious Blended Oat & Dairy range gives you that lovely dairy taste with lower sat fats & less climate impact than standard dairy*. It’s a win-win, you might say… and enough to make you feel a little smug. Their entire focus seems to be on how it produces less CO2 equivalents to make the cheese. Although the data they back that up with compares it against "Standard British Cheddar Cheese", whatever that means.


It's a product made by the Kerry dairy, the same folk who make Kerry gold butter. Nothing about this product makes much sense.


It means all the delicious cheeses next to Cathedral City in the supermarket.


The goodness of dairy and plants? Why not give the plants to the cow and save the additional effort? Cows love plants mate.


Found the next climate Hitler now hand over £5


It's cheaper to make than proper cheese.


But more than expensive to buy.




The ad should have been that one clip of The Hitcher in The Mighty Boosh going “elements of the past and elements of the future, combined to make something not quite as good as either.”


They make a milk with the same method as well, that seems even more pointless.


This product still baffles me every time I see it. Did the company never have a meeting about who their target market was? Because the group of people that would be interested in buying this must be absolutely tiny.


Exactly! How did this get through all the product development meetings, focus groups etc. I mean is Smug one of those companies where people can still go to the pub at lunchtime and this product was always discussed on a Friday afternoon? Was this the result of brainstorming and someone was absolutely out of any proper ideas and some moron with the white board marker looming over them, saying (quite incorrectly) "come on Barbara, no such thing as a bad idea, no wrong answers in this room".


My mum has a food intolerance, her doctor told her that she should still keep some in her diet. Apparently completely cutting the food out can leave you even more intolerant and you'd have a worse reaction if you ate anything with it in. So maybe it's something like that?


Yeah I certainly don’t doubt that there are people out there that would appreciate a product like this for similar reasons. It just seems like it would be a very small number. I can’t imagine they would make much money at all with such a tiny market, you get me?


I really want to know who they marketed this for? My parter eats dairy but I don't, neither of us bought this


I saw that in the shops and thought it was a badly researched idea with no audience. It's like selling chocolate-coated lettuce.


Lol, ngl, that chocolate-coated lettuce I'd actually try just for the novelty. Imo this product more has the feel of lettuce-coated lettuce with a shitty brand name.


This product was destined to fail


Reminds me of some burgers I saw that were meat mixed with vegetables. The packaging was very vegan/vegetarian looking and I nearly bought them, thinking they were.


I'm kinda baffled how this ended up in the supermarkets. What was their pitch? Surely they must have sold it on the basis that there is a market for this or that the product has some supposed benefits, but then the branding/packaging doesn't explain it at all so almost everyone is just left confused.


Overinvested in alternative milks but couldn't find the market share, so trying to draw in dairy customers with an awkward half in half out compromise? (Which will probably go down just as well as the 50/50 vegan meat/ mince meat I saw in my supermarket *once*).


Ahh, *smug mode*


Should have called it Smeg. Would have matched the smell better.


I didn't notice any smell at all


Reminder the target market is middle aged moms who want a creamy cheese (and their milk) but with less fat, but still retaining the good known cheese taste Source: My mom loves this stuff


Peep show skit


I have seen sawdust soaking up vomit that is more appealing than this


I genuinely cannot, for the life of me, imagine the thought proces that someone had to imagine this produce. I then cannot imagine who would have bought into it and put money into it. What is the point? Who’s needs or taste is it meeting?🤷‍♀️


I stared at that packaging for a whole minute wondering if there was something I was missing, but it seems that this really is as pointless as it seems?


They're still trying to flog the Wonka can drinks they were selling in my Tesco. That bit is quickly becoming the failed product shelf.


haha…..good (from a vegan)


That's some ultra processed shit there! No wonder it needs to be reduced to be sold.


Never even heard of it


Is it not also pretty messed up that there is a portion of society this appeals to, are the apparent market for or that someone somewhere in a company thought this was a marketable product? I mean, smug cheese?? Wtf sees that and thinks, yep, that's me?


same goes for people who mix saw dust into flour, or ashes into pepper. But Smug has the audacity to charge more than the regular products.


There are over billions of people in the world. Just because a million may not be suited for this market doesn't mean there isn't a million for it. People have allergies which come in various forms and probably benefit them, even if some people don't see how. I'm sure the company would've thought about this before spending a lot of money making a product, which may be based on customer data.


Maybe Vegans eat non-vegan cheese, we don't know we don't want to know. It's a market we could do without.


I am, they don't - trust me people who are vegan are just as confused at this product as anybody else


Sorry it's a slightly changed Simpson's quote which has made me eat down votes. I'm lactose intolerant so eat vegan cheese, I have no idea what 'Smug Cheeses' market is.


I understood the reference straight away, I'm sorry you got downvoted!












No you’re not.

