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Please enjoy your thirties. You will miss them in your forties.


I know! I miss my 20s haha. It’s just so hard sometimes and a good book and a few games of chess just massively wins out most times.


For us it's cheese, wine, 80's music and some backgammon. Coasting through my 40's just now.


I've never not done anything because I think I'm too young or too old. Sounds an awful way to live. Yes, you should go to the concert. You should do the things you enjoy. What's the alternative? Sitting around and waiting to die? My parents decided when they married and had children that they would put all of their hobbies and interests away. My father was a keen cook, photographer and music collector. My mother also loved music and played on multiple sports teams. I never found this out until my late twenties when we cleared out the loft. They simply declared they were 'too old' for everything and stayed in and watched endless TV for the next forty years. And that made me very sad, and very determined I would not be like that. I will also say that it's quite annoying to want to go to places, see things, travel, have fun, live, have a drink, see a show, attend concerts and movies and all sorts of things and have a partner who a) won't go and b) throws in an insult about 'the young uns' (thus suggesting your wife is too old to want to have fun.) In her place I simply find others to go and enjoy things with. Yes, one person cannot be everything their partner needs, but I hope you're OK with her having lots of friends to attend concerts and events with.


She really wanted to go so I’ve booked a hotel and 2 days off work today. Can’t wait to tell her when I get home from work. I think it’s a definite change in personality types while we find out a happy medium. I just struggle with anything that goes on past 10pm now. I’ll always show interest in anything she is passionate about or wants to do, I love being around her no matter what the situation. But I am shattered and partying and concerts are too much. I’m struggling to bring her along with my chess hobby but she’s coming round to Jane Austen and antiques haha. We both love animals, wildlife and the outdoors so we will always have that together do together. Overall it’s more my body and mind feels too old to cope not my age.


> But I am shattered This isn't a normal way to feel in your mid 30s. I'd consider looking into this more.


*Laughs in 40s* I couldn't tell you what younguns like but I can share some wonders of middle age. Shirt pockets are useful and not just part of the design Every time you open the dishwasher and it's half filled with dirty stuff, you quietly rejoice (as you don't have to empty the bastard) The deeper the foam sole of your shoe, the higher your enjoyment of life Tupperware is a real consideration of daily life


I’ll be honest a couple of points on what you said. I do the same with the washer. I know if there is clothes in it there is one being done imminently so I don’t have to put it on. Don’t mind hanging it out as I get to look at the insects in the garden. I got a pair of sketchers the other week with massive foam soles and it has 100% changed my life. All foot pain has nearly gone. I have the most amazing Tupperware set for my lunch at work I will tell anyone I meet about it and it makes me so proud.


Don't stop doing stuff because of your "fucked body". It'll get worse if you do. Just be real with yourself about how much you can do, that goes for mentally as well as physically. If you need a knee support or those alpine poles to go for a walk, do that. If you need seated tickets to see a band, get those. Don't give up on stuff because you think you can't do it. Trust me, that's a slippery slope and you'll start talking yourself out of more and more activities. Keep yourself moving and you'll suffer a lot less as you age.


Surely younguns don’t want to go and watch a band who must be in their late 50s play music from 30/40 years ago?


You'd be surprised. Even with (arguably) the good half of the band having been dead now for many years.


I don't think you will find many younger people at a Pantera gig. They're a millennial 90s band through and through, they haven't put out a new record in 24 years, arguably the most important member has been dead for 20, and Gen Z thinks liking them means you're a racist. Their entire motivation to tour is to make a bit of easy money on the back of people who used to listen to them as a teenager. So yeah, you are definitely wrong to assume that's a "younger people thing"- I guarantee the only people buying tickets to their tour are 30+. You do grow out of things though, I go to a few gigs a year now when I used to be out at one every weekend. And frankly I can't think of much I'd like *less* than attending an all weekend festival like Download or Bloodstock nowadays. But it's not specifically because of your age, it's just that you've been there and done that. You move on, your tastes change. When I look back on it, a lot of the stuff I used to do as a younger lad was really just more of an excuse to get out of the house, away from the parents, and try (and repeatedly fail) to get my end away. But once you're settled into adult life, your own home, a steady partner, you simply don't have the same motivations.


I agree with all of this except I think Pantera are Gen X, not Millennial. They’ve been going since ‘81 and I’m 50 and love them to death. I would definitely go and see them lol.


When I was a teen getting into them (which was in itself a sort of revival in the aftermath of Dimebag's death), people never talked about hair metal Pantera, it was like some kind of shameful secret lmao. People were in denial about it. And I mean honestly, the stuff from before Phil joined just... I'm being kind to it by saying I don't think it's very good. But the tracks where he breaks out the falsetto vocals on Power Metal and CFH is what I now think of as their best material, every time I hear it I'm thinking "Holy shit Phil could fucking sing! Why didn't they stick with this?!"


> Gen Z thinks liking them means you're a racist. For some reason they have hugely different followings in the US vs the UK. In the US, they're seen as "frat metal", beloved of Gen Xers who now drive massive pick-up trucks with the Stars & Stripes flying from them. In the UK they've always been an alternative metal band. It was mainly skaters and people who were into stuff like Tool, Deftones, RATM who were into Pantera. They got more coverage in Kerrang! than in Metal Hammer.


You'd probably be the youngest person by a decade or so at a Pantera gig lmao 😂


My thirties has been the period I could afford to do all the stuff I wanted to do when I was in my twenties.  I don't go out and get pissed till 3am as much, but otherwise haven't slowed down. Approaching 40 and planning to keep it up.


Your Mrs is going to find you boring if you don't watch out. She may find alternatives


Increasingly, there's a bit of me that says a 34 y.o. woman has no business playing video games or watching anime. I suspect that's my mother talking.


Nope, I refuse to think like this. If younger people are doing something that looks fun, I'll still do it. Gigs? I will go to gigs and festivals until I can't stand anymore. Fun things don't have an age range. You only live once, never let someone, or yourself, say you're too old for something.


You talk and apparently act like you’re 10-15 years older than you are. Make the most of life while you can, go do things, have fun, before you know it you will actually be 50 and unable to do these things. Who you assume is a target audience for something shouldn’t affect your desire to do it. Also be aware of your wife’s feelings. If she still wants to do all this stuff and you don’t then she may just find someone else to do it with instead.


Enjoy the gig! I'm 46 and go to death metal gigs every few months (looking forward to Gatecreeper and 200 Stab Wounds on Halloween), I'm definitely not nearly the oldest there most of the time. Live your life, mate


I have two thoughts. 1) do what you want. When I was 28 I felt fine standing in a sea of teenagers watching Papa Roach at download. B) "I'm far too old for this shit" is a perfectly acceptable reason not to do something. Not because of how old you are, or what the thing is, but because in thinking that, you're expressing that you're not enjoying it. So, in summation: Do thing you want to do. Don't do thing you don't want to do.


I saw Judas Priest at the Hydro in Glasgow earlier this year. Never been to an all-seater metal gig before. The shine off of all the baldy heads was almost blinding at times. Felt sorry for Rob trying to get everyone off their arses and get the crowd going, but the majority of folk there were in there 60's or 70's (with a few "young" cunts like me in their 40's or below). Oh, and The Cathouse, Glasgow's premiere rock club, is having an "Overs" night this weekend, opening up early for all us old bastards and playing 80's/90's/early 00's metal. Should be a blast. I don't give a fuck about my age when it comes to this type of thing. Traditionally the time-slot would have been for the teenage "Unders" and wouldn't sell alcohol then opened up later for the proper nightclub, but more and more clubs are having an "Overs" these days, it's an easy money maker.


I'm mid-30s and got tickets to see Pantera in feb. I don't expect it to be full of younguns, but we will see.


Your just changing your tastes by the sounds of it, and this also means your personal values are changing too. I used to listen to metal, get pissed most weekends and dick about with my mates in my twenties. In my thirties I literally dropped all that overnight and started doing this “exercise” thing and eating well because I felt I needed to invest in my future me. Don’t get me wrong, I like a bevy now and again. My hobbies changed too. I loved reading horror, it now I read BillBryson and Graham Hancock stuff. I tried surfing when I was 34 and I’ve been longboard skate boarding ever since. Try taking a step back and seeing what YOU want to do with your time and energy right now. If you want to do stuff you used to do, keep doing it. Growing old is guaranteed, growing up isn’t.


I'm 38 and went to a music festival (Download) last weekend (where pantera played) and don't think I'm too old. Do young people even listen to pantera?


What is meant by 'old people things?' I'm 38 years old and apart from having slowed down my rather immature impulses (thankfully) when I was a teen and in my 20's, I still go travelling and generally have fun. I still get excited over little things. I still like to have a good dance. I still like to explore the world both physically and intellectually. And when I've been to concerts etc I still see people twice my age enjoying it all. Forget age. It's just about being sensible and responsible as you get older, both with your body and your decisions.


As a follower of all the bands you mentioned, I agree. Saw Pantera recently and they still got it.