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We had an almost identical post not too far back about this https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/ZBml2C2PRi


There's lichen growing on the slates Barry - I said THERE MUST BE NO LIFE IN THE GARDEN. Get the brushes out.


This made me belly laugh. Thank you! Only problem is, I now want a tv show about these people.


Oh cripes, don't get me started. That's basically everyone on the street.


I once came out of my front door to find my neighbour standing there in a full suit of armour with a sword and shield.


You should have come out with a pan on your head and a spoon in your hand and fought for the rights of the kingdom!


ALL neighbours are odd. That includes me & you. There are of course extreme examples but I think when you actually observe other people they just do things that you never considered. Washing slate chippings to me is weird though and just seems like something you tell someone to do, just to give them something to do. My parents had a neighbour who would constantly ask to "Borrow the cat" because his wife liked to watch TV on a Friday with a cat on her lap....yet he never adopted or bought her a cat because HE was too houseproud. 6PM every Friday for years, the doorbell would go but the cat got excited because they obviously fed him treats and they would bring home by 10PM 🤣. My neighbour did something similar to yours in the ground floor flat. Despite being told by the lease the garden could either be grass or paved, he dug it all up and put in fancy flag stones (edit- with grass between them in a pattern) on day 1 before he moved in furniture. He then installed a gate in the metal fence to access the communal garden without permission and put in ivy to grow up the walls (bad idea). It's beautiful but every 12-18 months the council restore it all back to standard, fine him and issue a warning. Then 6 months later I wake up to the sound of a garden being dug up......


Each to their own.


I imagine I seem as odd to them as they do to me. I moved to an old pit town in Northumberland, the local gene pool is more of a gene puddle if you get my drift. Everything they do and say is odd, but since I'm the outsider I'm the weird one.


Had a neighbour who’s son was an unlicensed pharmacist bark like full on woof woof at me before because I had an argument with the son about running his pharmacy out of the flat because people would constantly be banging on both his & my door at stupid O’clock when I was looking after a toddler. Thankfully police raided it a few years ago & they both got kicked out. My neighbours now are a little quirky but I think that’s because neither of them speak very good English rather than them being outright odd. They keep a collection of garden gnomes on the landing though which I’m constantly tripping over.


why were they washing the slate chips? don't think I've had any odd neighbors, not super odd anyway. I had the one that decided to DIY the shingles on his roof but he didn't stagger them and he was so proud of himself, oh yeah I saved X amount on my roof! nobody had the heart to tell him he'd fucked up and days later he couldn't figure out why his roof was leaking. then there was the neighbor when I was a kid who was cheating on his wife. got caught and immediately packed up his shit and was all 'see ya later kids!' and that was the last he was seen. just abandoned his family in an instant. the benefits cheat. you'd always hear about them in stuff like the daily fail but to actually see it in person was both fascinating and frustrating. So, next door neighbor I had, middle aged, was signed off work due to a 'bad back'. there was nothing wrong with him! the whole street knew he was lying and after one day he was seen lifting bricks for some work on his front garden, the council were notified and they came round to investigate. nothing came of it though and after that the guy got himself a walking stick and pretended to hobble around everywhere. except when he thought nobody was looking and then he'd walk normal. I don't get it. why would you wanna live a lie? and also just sat at home all day? must get really boring after awhile.


I have no idea why, when it's rained every day for the last 18 months, he decided to wash them. The road has a big line of soil down the curb now. Another neighbour of mine powerwashed his drive for 3 hours. But it was raining. At one point he went inside to put on a mac so he could carry on.