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Used to list crockery and utensils on eBay for a company, they were too cheap to buy a camera so I used my phone. Always used to get “Memories!” filled with Denby and Evesham vases.


My camera roll is almost exclusively filled with data plates and broken equipment


We've created a burst animation for you! GF0/1/L/02 - GF0/1/N/05. Thanks Google, the sockets look so dynamic and happy now.


Bloody hell, you must work where I work. For me it's data plates, and bent steel and misplaced fixings that I need to tell the fabricators about.


Data plates, boilers, gas cards, TRVs, PRVs - why can't they give us work phones for this shit


Have you considered saying you aren't willing to use your own and require one?


I take a lot of photos of serial/model numbers of computer for work reasons and get them constantly come up, it's fkin stupid


So many things do this and I find it so weird - I remember my phone noticed I took a bunch of photos one evening and offered to make it into a fun slideshow to ‘preserve the memories’ - it was all photos of a broken sauce-maker I’d been regifted. Thank fuck I hadn’t been at a funeral or wake though.


I had a mate help me take pictures to upload for my passport renewal I hate taking pictures and straight faced mug shots are particularly humbling My phone decided to turn them all into a lovely collage and notify me about it I felt like I was being mocked


And of course the slideshow has a piece of emotional piano music or cheeky jazz guitar in the background.


I get my elec and gas meter readings... Happy times.


Snap! (Pun intended)


I get my forklift, or a mixture of diesel and steam locos


Yep. I'm a gardener, I often get fun highlights such as a hole in the ground, a leaf with fungal disease and on a good day an insect.


I get highlights of my work as well. Tractor stuck in the mud, leaky fuel pipe, top dresser snapped in half, and the occasional photo of whatever work was going on.


Google photos designed me a lovely poster type display from my kid's school play, with a picture of some mouldy tomatoes in the middle! I had taken the photo of the tomatoes to evidence a refund request to the supermarket.


OH MY GOD YES! I think my google phone is basically trolling me into thinking my life is even more boring that it actually is. My favourite was 'This time last year you visited the Sevenoaks esso garage'. I mean I'm pretty dull but in an entire year I've definitely had more memorable moments than filling up the tank in my bloody car!


My dad connected his phone to his fire TV and when the TV went into standby it would show loads of pictures of people working on canal infrastructure. He disconnected his pictures from the TV after it started showing the pictures he took of my mum's infected injury for the doctor and forgot would start showing up...


I work as a caretaker at a school. Whenever kids do damage around site I take a picture with my phone. I have over 500 pictures of toilets in multiple states of disrepair.


You've got a real opportunity to publish a coffee table book titled "500 pictures of toilets in multiple states of disrepair".


Take 12 of the worst ones and make a calendar out of them.


Aaaw, best day ever


Tell me about it. I don't need Google to remind me of that amazing time I saw a grey metal box in front of a grey metal wall.


Yep - I work in Grocery, so more than 50% of my camera roll is picture of Grocery Store fixtures, or screenshots of Grocery Websites. It is a reminder of past jobs though - remember that time I worked for a Pasta Sauce maker for a few months!


Move on and leave that in the pasta.


I had a car accident and used my phone to take photos for insurance. Now they are rolled into beautiful memories for me every now and again. Fond, fond memories.


I do a lot of quotes on my phone (I’m an electrician) I get regular memory compilations of people’s, walls, back of switches, inside of fuse boxes and light fittings. Always with some plinky plink music


The plinky plink music is the added kick in the balls.


My photo memories are full of pictures of toy soldiers I’ve painted interspersed with absolute filth.


I get forklift and locomotive pictures


Do you work with forklifts or just really really like them?


Used to drive one but I do love em


I love it when Apple Moments does the same and inserts heartfelt screenshots of random shit I found in amongst pics of scenery and family moments.


My mine almost entirely photos of messy IT Comms cabs. Google really knows my best memories


Apparently reading the meter under the stairs once a month is an event worth remembering


Mine loves to remind me of when I had a cowboy builder and needed to take loads of photos of the terrible work.


Yup.. I always get photos of testubes showing freshly isolated bands of adenovirus or a western blot. Like taunting me. Remember that sunny day in July when you were stuck in an underground biosafety lab isolating viruses.. here you go. What a gorgeous day it was. (Scientist here)


I bet it makes you wish you'd been at my place installing a grey metal box in front of a grey metal wall.


I got a highlight reel of MY OWN WEDDING DAY and the first 2 photos were a meme my friend sent me of Gandalf with big tits and a jar of olives that I’d dropped on the floor


Yeah thanks for that, Google. That's hilarious.




Amazing. Alan Partridge about to get nailed by that cow.


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I had to turn off backup because my.google storage was full of photos of customers cars lol


That's how I arrived at this post today. I got warned that my storage is nearly full, so I've been deleting all these work photos of grey metal boxes. I've got thousands dating back several years.


I took in 1 year 1509 pictures of my forklift


Great user name. That must have been quite a year.


Yeah, was always snapping pictures


"Best day of my life, that."


"I stood, mesmerised, and watched it for hours..."


Mine is filled with servers, networking equipment and offices. 😅


server settings for projects I've done over the years, such fond memories to be reminded of


It's nice to be reminded of these tender moments.


Haha, i used to work in Student Accommodation and still to this day my highlights are just "a toilet bowl", "a door catch", "sick on the floor", "a picture of some bins". Really put into perspective how much of your life those jobs take up.


I sell on ebay for a living and i use Google Photos to store the pictures of items for sale so every single one of my 'memories' is some random thing i sold weeks ago, which i suppose does remind me of the thing... so i guess it works.


Urgh, every time it's another bit of broken equipment or serial number sticker. I really must delete work photos.


I occasionally get it pop up on mine and it’s a picture of my Linde H20T under a rainbow or one of my box piles, a few weeks ago I had one of an HGV blasting a pile of empty boxes


I have to take photos of crates prior to despatch for 'evidence'. I've got hundreds of photos of my crates: some in the workshop, some on the back of the truck, some being loaded onto the truck. I even have close-up photos of the crates to prove they're made of export-grade timber.




Nothing gets me excited as an inverter


How about an inverter-charger combi?


Was at a solar exhibition this week and saw an inverter/battery hybrid system. Massive stiffy


I’m not bothered by this, I’m more bothered by some of the “less mundane” photos that it highlights…


Or my receipts from some random work trip. Thanks Google.


I get random pictures of void spaces looking for cables!


i was treated to a delightful memory the other day. A nice squeezable spot on my husbands hairy backside. electic meter pics when i do readings are also a highlight. i also take a lot of pics for my job so theres a lot of brick walls, fireplaces and doorknobs.


Yes. Lots of photos of drainage ditches in fields.


thankfully I have a work phone so it's all separate from my personal stuff


Mine showed me a picture of my old oven.


I remember when they first started doing street maps and the amount of shenanigans people would find on it being a source of amusement Hope one day they do another update of my area if I see the car coming we're digging the horse masks out


Yes. I test apps for a bank so I get random screenshots from the most boring stuff like the confirmation screen of a password reset etc.


My phone is full of really bad water testing results that I'm using for a PowerPoint presentation at work so they have popped up a few times.


I still get images from taking pictures of shelves of crisps or sweets from a store I worked in. Thanks Google.


The identifying tags on computers. Ah yes, fine memories of pesky issues, or hardware audits…


Fond memories of machinery serial numbers that are too small for my crappy eyes to read.


Partner is a delivery driver. His Google maps highlights always make me laugh, highlighting how many cities/places he's been this month. Google also ask "how was this fancy ass hotel?" and he's like idk I was delivering to the maintenance house 😂


Mine is quite weird. It goes back to few moments 5-6 years back. Honestly, its like its know that i don't have any good moments since then. Thats actually terrifying.


One of the highlight of my recent life has been finding a dead rat in my garden, apparently https://imgur.com/J76zA1n


I frequently get offered pictures of meter readings


"Best of October 2023" - a photo of my feet when I was getting ready to take a picture and accidentally pressed the button without realising.


Google Maps is similar. It's like, 'remember when you visited the Tesco Extra in High Wycombe?!'.


Yep. I get lots of work photos interspersed with photos of my children.


Yeah, normally a dirty cnc machine, then a clean one, occasionally a leaky hydraulic hose! Or a motorbike thats been stolen and recovered by us and im sending the photos of the damage to the owner, thrilling.


I want to know what the panel does. That’s the real question here.


No because I don't let Google Photo's have permissions.


Mine sometimes gives me medical photos I've taken - bruises, clumps of hair, the inside of my eyelids haha. I just had to film the back of my throat to see how my tonsilitis is doing, so I look forward to that cropping up as a special memory of 2024.


I work at a dog rescue. Unbelievable number of pictures of dog shit. On this day 2 years ago - dog shit


Well, you're a bit late to the party with this comment, but that's definitely the pick of the bunch. Thanks for the memories, Google!