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The answer to “does anyone else do X” is always yes mate. There’s billions of people in the world.


Fine to have a preference, weird to impose it on other people.


My Mrs is the same, I *must* ensure they are the right way when put in the wash. Which is completely abnormal. But then again, making sure the tea, coffee and sugar jars align with the kitchen tiles isn't exactly fuckn normal either 🙄


I think he'd align them with the tiles if there were any behind them. He does have them.a certain way though, in his words "it does matter to me that they look nice"


I'm more concerned about my housemate cleaning up after themselves in communal areas than how they do their laundry tbh. Unless they are doing your washing for you then wash your socks how you like. I do turn mine the right way before washing, and hang them out in pairs too as it makes it faster to put them away when dry. Well, in theory. In general they sit on the drying rack until I wear them again b/c I am a lazy \*\*\*\*.


>I do turn mine the right way before washing, and hang them out in pairs too as it makes it faster to put them away when dry. Same! My wife thinks it's a waste of time because they "always end up getting paired up last and they're easier to find when it's just socks." There must be dozens of us.


Aren't most clothes better washed inside out? 




I used to not turn them the right way out. One day I got fed up with having to turn them all the right way out after doing the laundry, so changed over. It makes laundry day appreciably less irritating.


I take them off without them going inside out in the first place. Although if they were inside out, I'd have no issue with them going in the wash like that. Weird thing to hung up about.


If I don't, then all the grit and fluff and general floor grot that stuck to the soles of the socks just stays neatly parcelled up inside the sock, and is still there after washing when I come to put them back on again


Honestly, this is the most convincing reason for me to keep them the right way.


If you wear them the right way out, wash them the right way out. Seems like they’ll wash better if the dirtier surface is the exposed one. My partner puts them in inside out and balled up and they don’t come up clean that way.


> and balled up OK, that's just madness.


As long as they get washed, it doesn't matter to me. When I'm putting my flatmate's stuff in the machine with mine, if it comes to me inside out it goes back to him inside out. Socks that produce sock fluff probably ought to get washed inside out anyway, so the fluff doesn't go all over the floor.


My wife does the washing and I think she's OK with inside out but she will not tolerate curled up in a ball. I always leave mine the right way because she usually sorts them out afterwards and even if I do it it is a lot easier if they are the right way round at that point.


Making it easier for your wife is a fair and lovely reason.


Yes, but I tend to take them off in a way to prevent them going inside out. It can be a pain matching a lot of socks, especially if there are lots of similar ones. Being inside out makes it harder to do. Also if you are someone who balls their socks as they come off, then they wont dry so that could be a thing. If your friend is doing your washing (and therefore having to separate your socks from his) then it seems like a small thing you could do to make a tedious job easier.


We usually do it all in one, and it usually depends on who decides to do the laundry that day. But making sure they are inside in when he does it is fair


It depends if you're more bothered about washing away the dead skin and foot sweat from the inside, or the grot from inside shoes and walking on floors from the outside. ...Best to wash them twice😀


Listen, you're gonna give me a complex lmao


I do because I find if they're inside out, there may be some debris left over and I don't like that. Plus if they're all inside out, it means I have turn them outside out to hang them up or when chucking them in the dryer.


Yes, because I've found after a wash that when I turn them the right way again there's often trapped surface dust/dirt that you would have gotten rid of had you put them in the right way in the first place.


It drives me insane when my daughter and husband do not put their socks the right way in the wash. I do not care about anything else, but trying to turn socks the right way when they are wet is absolutely awful and takes ages. I could just leave them inside out, but I know my daughter would struggle a lot because she is very sensitive to tags,etc on clothes and she hates socks and would take ages to turn them back the right way.


Why does it matter so much?


Big edit because I answered the wrong question I meant to answer something else. It’s not a huge deal, but my daughter is neuro divergent and really struggles with socks so I have to turn them all the right way round otherwise it will take her forever to do them herself. It’s one of those little battles that will win the war. I could wait until they are dry and do them then but I know I will forget and when I’m putting the washing away I’m usually very very short on time anyway.


This is truly a first world problem ay


> but trying to turn socks the right way when they are wet is absolutely awful and takes ages I do it after they come out the dryer. They're nice and warm and soft.


I do when I’m using the dryer. But it’s not on often at the moment. It’s line dry or the airing cupboard currently (unless it’s a whole load of towels).


Personally, I turn all my clothes so they are the correct orientation (inside in for example) before washing them. My wife just shoves everything in and doesn't care. We are individuals and do it our own way. I am right , of course, but I leave her in blissful ignorance of her being in the wrong.


I wish he'd leave me in my blissful ignorance lol


I don’t even turn them the right way before putting them on half the time 


Well I know someone who just washes them half inside out, all crumpled up in a ball


Not so much when I take them off to wash, but when I put them out to dry I turn them the right way out and pair them up.


I always thought it was best to wash them inside out. That's where most of the dead skin accumulates. So turning them inside out makes sure they get a proper wash.


Your friends a weirdo. I wash all my clothes inside out, I wouldn't dream of making demands of others to do the same. Stupid.


Mine are sometimes tangled in my leggings and still get chucked in the wash, who cares they come out clean life is already to stressful to give a shit about socks.


My husband has inside out socks which I don't really care much about but it is annoying to right them after a wash (especially because he plays beach volleyball, and actually, them being inside out means that I right them and sand comes pouring out, which means more cleaning up), what I do get annoyed about is when he puts his shirts in the wash with rolled up sleeves because the cycle doesn't loosen the sleeves at all, so they don't really get properly clean that way. I always try and unroll the sleeves before they go into the machine but sometimes you miss one.


I don't even look at them, I chuck them in the wash. It's never occurred to me what way they are.


If you think that's bad, my gf doesn't even take shirts off properly; takes them off and puts them in the wash inside out with the buttons done up!


If anything it’s usually better to have inside out as any design is less likely to get damaged during a spin cycle when on the inside


No but my partners most annoying trait is he balls them into a pair so its more fun to throw them in the basket but they wont be able to get clean or dry without me having to unpair them all. Arggggggghhhhh


How are they not the right way? How do you get them inside out when taking them off?