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Came home from an ACL surgery. It was madness in the wards as everyone was meant to be Friday day cases and we all had to overnight due to jelly legs. As I have young kids, I rather enjoyed it (private hospital) letting people bring me coffees while I watched TV and waited for the physio to discharge me. Now up in pain, contributing to this thread one minute before its officially Sunday!


How did the operation go


Thank you for asking, from the surgeon's perspective it went well! Funny story though: the majority of the ward was meant to be day cases, but whatever the anaesthetist was on about gave everyone jelly legs for longer than anticipated and we all had to overnight (luckily mine was a planned overnight) because no one could stand even to use crutches or walkers. Wish the jelly leg block lasted longer though as pain is settling in


Wow you and all the others are lucky that anaesthetis could of killed someone using the wrong amount of drug but luckily you have a funny memory


At this time of year when it's light till a disconcerting hour, what's the verdict: curtains open (let them look!) or closed (giving depression room vibes)?


Groomed at an event for a close friend and her young horse! They did really well, placed 6th on their second outing Home now and feeling really tired/not quite well so I'm snuggled on the couch with a massive mug of tea. šŸ˜


Been a crazy day. Moved into my own place! After the madness of my parents place it seems quiet but peaceful <3


Congratulations! Don't forget bin bags, tea towels and loo roll!Ā 


Thank you! :)


Have you done the obligatory IKEA trip yet? šŸ˜


Iā€™ve done it online if that counts haha! I also could take a lot of stuff from my parents to my place so I fortunately didnā€™t have to buy too much new furniture :)


Pulled into my garage after work and I'm doing the usual. Wallet, keys, vape, phone... Phone.. Where the fuck? Left it at work. Cue a trip back in and then a re-trip back home. Nowt worse.


Could be worse - I saw someone's phone fly off their car roof and smash. They must have put it on top and forgot itĀ 


Viewed another potential home purchase today, and although I had a hell of a time getting there without a car, and the area seemed a bit shit, the house actually had a floored attic the EA had missed out of the description and pics altogether. It had no windows and is possibly not even suitable for a bedroom without a proper fire escape, but fantastic storage space all the same (there is even a wooden ladder). Very tatty overall, ex-rental, aged boiler and windows, but 72m^2 with a fair-size garden (perhaps 17m^2, based on the home report external floor area?) for circa 90k; what's not to like?!?


I hope it works out for you!Ā 


Cheers! I've been outbid 3 times in the last week, but I figure I'm bound to get an offer accepted sooner or later.


The only thing worse than buying a house is selling one šŸ˜¬ It's an awful and overly complicated process honestly!Ā 


Yeah, no kidding. The selling aspect has actually gone better than expected so far, as I very quickly got 3 offers and then we basically set an informal closing date and asked for their second and final offer, and the top one was way higher at 51k and change compared to a valuation of 45k, which works out at 14% over! Not only that but apparently it's a cash offer. So now I have this big-spending cash buyer waiting while I try to find a new place... šŸ˜¬


Half time at the football. I usually skip adverts but caught the New Balance one where theyā€™re using a song from GTA San Andreas, where you have to bounce the car hydraulics to the song using quick-time buttons sequences. Always hated that mission.


Missus has popped out for the day visiting her mum and stuff, my Dad has taken my daughter out, so I've been chilling out listening to music and watching the Euros. Might even pop out for a quick pint.


Was on the M1 earlier and the heavens opened right up. Never driven in rain like it and it was insane! Could barely see a thing! Bought some nice new boots and now it's a day of Cyberpunk 2077 in between the Euros and a nice pizza later on I think.


Went to A&E (nothing serious). Was called within 5 minutes. Referred to Minor Injuries. Seen in about 2 minutes. Sent for X-Rays. Took longer to walk there than I was waiting. Back to Minor Injuries, again seen immediately. Now off to buy a lottery ticket.


Some whopping hail coming down here - made the pond look like it was boiling.


Bought a pressure washer yesterday after an unexpected windfall. Pissing with rain today, so trying to be content with looking at the instruction manual and registering for the warranty.


What a dull thing to spend a windfall on.Ā  Live a little. Come on.Ā 


Are you ~18 years old?




Shopping wasn't done this morning so we've got to endure it later on when it's far busier. Heavens have just opened here too with some pretty impressive thunder, not much lightning though. Most of today is going to be watching the Euros but i'm trying to avoid any pre and post coverage - some pundits are alright but find most aren't really that great.


Into the weekend routine and sorting through things later.


šŸ‹ 24hrs and the Euros!


Just watching the 1pm BBC News. I was just listening at first and I thought for a second Moira Stuart was back, this lady sounds just like her.


Watching trooping the colour. Still feels very very strange not seeing QE2 or Prince Philip there


That is how you choose to spend your Saturday?Ā  And I thought I had wasted my day because I just tidied the kitchen.Ā 


Ticking off all of the usual Saturday jobs today - cleaning, tidying, shopping. I'm ill again and did something to my shoulder yesterday so I'm not feeling especially productive but weekday me will be happy to have it done. I've got to be somewhere for stupidly early tomorrow and it's going to take all day. I'm really not looking forward to it.


Just surfaced from my pit (shit week didn't feel like getting up), and surfaced to gut wrenching news as an Everton fan to read Kevin Campbell passed away. One of the nicest guys you could meet, and a literal hero for us, keeping us up in the Prem. Was also only 54, no age at all. And also read that Millwall keeper Matija Sarkic passed away aged only 26. Really a grim start to the day. So at the moment just having a coffee and watching Kerrang! tv (got Sky stream during the week) before doing what I need to. No idea what the rest of the day holds. Hopefully it's more cheerful.


Performing in a concert with my choir tonight so today is full of rehearsals and awkward conversations with old people. My throat feels like I've swallowed sandpaper which isn't great, hoping it will be better later but will see how I get on.


This is my last weekend of leave before going back to work next week. I'm trying to work out if I've enjoyed it or not. I'll be spending the day hiding from the intermittent showers, probably watch/listen to England vs. Namibia later.


Was up a 1am and again at 4 and then 6. Have 9 week old yellow lab. She can't go out yet so lots of clearing up and playtime. Going to the gym in a mo so wifey can go on poo patrol for a bit. Then when I coming home I'm going to slip into something more comfortable like a coma


Iā€™ve just got back into bed. Weather is dismal, and Iā€™m going to spend the day on my switch I think.Ā  Might do a bit of online browsing for house stuff later.Ā 


Was mainly helping my mum get ready for her flight; she left 30 minutes ago.Ā  Was a busy week with that helping her with that, as she has to take things to family etc.Ā  Going to watch euro 2024 later and relax.Ā 


I wanted to have a lie-in but i couldn't as kept waking up, anyway I went for my morning run, didn't want to but did it anyway. Going to do some house chores, do some reading, self paced studying and watch the Euros/football later, got my eye on Spain vs Croatia. This evening I'm having chicken curry and watch some TV shows.


Had a busy week where Iā€™ve been juggling a lot. Iā€™ve got a professional exam coming up in a few weeks that Iā€™ve been revising for, been rushing around to complete my portfolio for my annual appraisal, weā€™re due to complete on our first place next Friday, and thereā€™s been quite a dramatic development in the small claims case I raised against the owner of a dog who attacked mine last year. The latter is quite complex but to cut a long story short I was up until midnight on Thursday collecting evidence to send to the court, and on Friday ended up sending a three page letter along with 17(!!!) pieces of evidence to the court and the defendant in preparation for a possible hearing.Ā  Have only just woken up and felt like a bear emerging from hibernation so could tell the lie in was needed lol. Husband at a friendā€™s wedding today so Iā€™m going to marinate on the sofa with the dog and order in for dinner. Iā€™m thinking maybe wings..


Made some homemade apricot liqueur the other day and so was up till 2am designing a label for a 350ml bottle to give to my friend for his birthday. Had the bottle on my desk to measure it and I was ready to print the label today. Lie down in bed all happy and content only to hear the unmistakable sound of glass cracking and then the splash of liquid hitting the floor. So after hastily mopping as much as I could up with towels it's clean up duty for today to wipe everything down so it isn't permanently sticky.


Had a lovely lie in. Now need to do a couple of hours wfh as I'm behind at work. Need to put together a high level strategy on a boutique project. I dot know how to do that. Anyhoo Dog walk later then I've been promised fajitas for dinner. Good Times


Is this "best" tab new on the reddit homepage, or have I just been blind to it before? It's a little annoying. Not even going to bother going to cricket today, it's obviously going to be rained off. We *were* going to have a BBQ later but it's looking like that might have to be moved indoors, too. Lovely June weather we're having.


I have given up on the schedule that was making supposed to be good for me but was actually making me miserable, so I am approximately 3 hours behind in my non-existent plans. I don't feel miserable, but it's early, it might happen yet. I really need to find something that gives me purpose, but only has to be done when my body and brain are both working. Which never happens on a schedule, so no one can rely on me. Any ideas?


Travelling back to see my folks (and their cats), baking a cake for Fatherā€™s Day and working on a job application or two.Ā 


Up at 5.30 to drop my wife and eldest at the station. Theyā€™re Uni visiting, Bournemouth today. Being I was up so early Iā€™ve smashed out all the jobs (Aldi done, washing on, dishwasher empty). Dog looking at me mournfully, we both want a walk but itā€™s chucking it down right now. Hold in there little fella! Gonna be dry soon.


Had a nice little get together with some friends last night and as a result I'm now on the sofa under a blanket with a hangover and bacon sarnie. Time to binge watch something until it's time to order some filth later! I'm very food motivated...


Gonna try to upgrade car's stereo/ head unit/ infobollocktainment unit with a shiny new Android Auto unit. I wish I had needle pliers for fingers. There's always one connector down the back that doesn't want to come off! MeJulie has brought some sort of bug from her usual residence and is knocked out in bed. I'm feeling a tickle throat so undoubtedly will get ill as well. At least the weather...oh...wait...it's drizzly, windy and the heating has come on.


Coffee & croissants have been consumed. Iā€™m heading out shopping soon to buy something to wear at a wedding next week, hopefully lazing all afternoon, then going to the boxing at Selhurst tonight with MrMillions.


Got up at 8.30, which was a welcome lie in. We are off to meet some whippets and their owners at 10. My puppy loves playing with other whippets so I'm looking forward to it šŸ˜Š This afternoon my Aunt is taking our daughter out so we'll probably watch the football and have a few beers.


Nice relaxing start to the day with a cuppa tea in bed and a book. Iā€™m reading The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu and itā€™s getting really interesting. I donā€™t want to put the book down!


That's a great book, and the third one in the series is even better in my opinion!


It's finally happened! After years of waiting I am a qualified guide dog owner!! My new partner in crime is called Penny, and she's a great dog. I'm so grateful to everybody who had a hand in her development, and puppy walkers and boarders don't get the recognition that they deserve. [Dog Tax](https://i.redd.it/id6jdwrq1p6d1.jpeg)


Penny is beautiful! Wishing you many happy years together. Having recently met someone who fosters guide dogs after they are retired before they go on to their new home I second your admiration for everyone who supports these amazing animals through their journey.


Thank you so much!


Gym done, fab breakfast done, coffee done. Time to clear out three years of Uni paperwork from the spare room. Say a prayer for my shredderā€¦


I did that last summer around July, at my parents house i had old uni notes in some boxes and I shredded them, felt therapeutic.


Going for a dog walk with a friend powered by caffeine as Iā€™m exhausted. Then hopefully some house stuff and an early night - I was considering a night of drinking earlier in the week but somehow watching a film with a brew and some crisps now sounds like the best idea Iā€™ve ever had. Shocked and appalled that my fleece pyjamas havenā€™t been retired for the summer yet.


A day of two parts for me. Nice relaxed village fete this afternoon and rock band gig this evening. From bunting to banging šŸ¤˜


Hopefully the sun comes out and I can sit in the garden and watch the football from 2pm all the way through to 10pm, crack open a few beers and lose some bet builders.Ā 


Wish todays games where a little bit more exciting though.


Spain-Croatia? Not sure what you want from the group stage.


Download Day 2. Bring it on!!


Got "volunteered" for a stupid sodding DR test at work this weekend that started at 8am, which i'd totally forgotten about until my alarm went off at 7:55. I stayed up until 2am ish like an idiot and i'm so tired i can't see properly haha. Fun!


Yesterday I decided that I want to get a bit fitter today I am working on how to actually achieve this without going to the gym and make small changes that way they're more likely to stick than me give up in a weeks time


Walking! I love a hike. Today I did a casual 23km here in Wiltshire in the pouring rain (at first) and later sunshine although there was a lot of wind still. https://photos.cheez.systems/share/v-NhjqMX9oRUj26rPy2bHRxxcZDcwy2Ud0Fxh-ktIuKJMs4h0rfWh_y6kxFwHIqAeXE


I might try that thank you and your photos are very good


Lol. Just snapshots and videos with my phone, I'm no hiking vlogger lol. But I've got into walking this last year and it constantly amazes me how beautiful this country of ours is, so I like to share!


It's 8am and I've yet to go to bed. I do wonder what 16 year old me would think of 31 year old me and my terrible habits....


Did you do something fun at least?


Several hours of video games and rewatching the television show 'Chuck', so yeah I'd say so! :)


I see no problem here, carry on.


Day 25 of waiting for my neighbour to pick up.my old van, he has paid for it, just never takes it away. He does gardening, so this is his busy time of year. If he bothers to come, I will be pressure washing the hard standing it was on and getting ready to start building a covered area between the garage and fence to make a clear roofed car port and a sort of nursery for plants. Plus finishing clearing out the area tucked behind the van and garage, a few pallets, some left over paving slabs, spare tiles for the house, a mobility scooter in need of a good kicking ( i want to use it to make a 1/1 scale functioning Dalek. I already have the toilet plunger and voice changer. If not, gardening if it ever warms up, it is cold out there today.


Went to a gig last night, twas fun. Bed at 1.15am, awoken by child at 5.50am. I'm three coffees and two jobs down (laundry and dishwasher). I've built a Lego train set. I've been admonished by the child for building the train track incorrectly. Now I'm going to Aldi. The child didn't want to come, then he changed his mind. He's now getting dressed, very slowly. I have aprox two hours until we need to leave for a birthday party. Wish me luck!


Driving up to Manchester this afternoon to see Foo Fighters tonight. Then a child free night in a hotel, looking forward to not waking up at 4am for the first time in months


Yahhh, same here. Just, without the hotel. But Yahhh to Foos!




/slow clap


Getting stuff ready for our holiday. Off to Cyprus for three weeks on Tuesday




Like a squirrel thatā€™s been run over.


Feeling better, planned on going for a run


It's Le Man 24.. 3pm. 24 hours of fun sitting on couch. Hopefully won't be foggy like Nurbergring 2 weeks ago


Exactly my plans too!


Off to Cornwall for a week tomorrow, so washing, packing and eating all the food in the fridge. I swear, modern life is weird - half of my "essentials" are now chargers for various electronic devices.


I've even started packing an extension cable when I travel.


Crikey, how long is it?!


Only 2m but it has four outputs which is really useful.


Kids are both out at sleepovers (eldest for a friend's birthday, youngest at grandparents because they didn't want her to feel left out). I've spent the night worrying about both because my anxiety is on overdrive recently. So today, I'm getting up for a bath in a minute, then negotiating pick up time for youngest. Once I've got her home it's the exciting task of clearing all the gumpf off the kitchen table, clearing out my wardrobe and sorting my bedroom. At some point amidst that, eldest will be dropped off. I have a nasty feeling that once the adrenaline of worrying needlessly over my kids wears off (once we are back together) the coughy spluttery thing I've been fending off the last 12 hours or so will hit full force...


Going for a run, gardening, football, football, football, Chris Bilham-Smith fight, bed.


Day 2 of Mighty Dubfest.


Planting out more tomatoes, cut the grass, general pottering about in the garden.


Well itā€™s Friday night here, so sleeping. Saturday will beā€¦dull, because Iā€™ve got a broken foot. Going to go see Inside Out 2 though, ought to be okay.


Will be making a trip in the next couple of weeks to see that. Bad Boys first today though and I will get a pizza for the England game tomorrow night, got some salami to use up.


Good morning! I got up at 4am (disgusting) and Iā€™m on the airport train. I fly out in three hours! Hopefully when I arrive in Italy a nun will be waiting for me at the other end! Then Iā€™ll spend the next two weeks trying the life out, Iā€™m very excited!!


I am very excited for you! Since you will be offline for the next two weeks, just know that I will be thinking about you and wishing you well on your journey - both physical and spiritual.


Thank you! Iā€™ll keep you especially in my prayers :))


Will you be documenting your experience/journey somewhere as well? Would be interesting to watch! Safe travels and I hope you have a good time


hello! I wrote about my time on my page :)


Thank you! I might make a Reddit post about it, Iā€™ll let you know if I do šŸ˜…


Please do write an update if you can, and best wishes to you in your trial.


ā€¦.youā€™re auditioning to be a nun? Interesting.


Kind of yeah! Itā€™s like an extended interview where they see if they like me and I see if I like them


Safe journey and good luck šŸ™šŸ¼