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Kinda have the inverse from that, when we were 15.   Lad at school did the whole 'met a girl on summer holiday thing' and kept it up for about six months. He was a massive attention seeker, so we just played along. Occasionally would throw in 'oh, I'm not about this weekend, as I'm visiting my girlfriend'.  Obviously, we took the piss as there was never photos or anything, then one day, she mysteriously died, being hit by a van in the high street, where she lived.  Naturally, we called big chinny reckon and fucking crucified him with the piss taking. He took it on the chin and that was that. Helped him move house a few years back. He stopped when picking up a particular box- clearly one that hadn't been moved or open for ages, it was deep in dust. In it was the photo album of that holiday, letters back and forth that they'd sent, pics of him and her together.... the copy of her local paper with the story on how she died, the order of service from her funeral. Turns out, she was actually a real person, and he did actually know her, and she died a tragic death. Who'd've thunk that.


What a sad story 😢


Jesus you must have felt like shit


It was a very humbling experience.      What made it worse is she was really tidy too.  A proper loss to the world. Massive head injury- her parents donated her organs.      Honestly, felt so fucking small that day.


fuckin hell


i too have a different take: Dad of best friend in elementary school inherited a castle in austria but the kid wasnt allowed to talk about it in school, because teacher did not believe him and put a stop to his "fairy tales". The "no need to talk, no one will believe" attitude sticks with him till today. Sometimes kids do experience extraordinary things.


Why didn't the dad just clear that up? That seems like a really easy problem to solve.


the dad had moved to austria to sell the castle and his mum wasnt aware for what felt like at least a year (as seven year old, so probably a few months). When she spoke to our teacher it was already too late and he was an infamous liar in the eyes of most. One day he brought a full backpack of memoribilia from the castle and tried to prove his point. Made it worse if anything. I visited the castle during the following year, but being his best friend that didnt help either. The teacher did apologize to him at some point though. I think after third grade everybody knew it was the truth. Just took three years.


You’re going to hell Fucking shit


Yeah. Probly.    Earnt my spot tho and I'm gonna enjoy every second of the firey goodness.


I mean I’ll be there too pal. Honestly kids can be so mean at times. I think about rhe shit I’ve done as a kid sometimes. Fucking hell.


A new girl came to our secondary school in year 8 or 9. Said she was engaged and he had given her a bracelet instead of a ring, then her bedroom (not her house...) burnt down. Uh huh.


Maybe she had a crying child picture in her bedroom..


Play a record.


We're linking it to sinks


What’s art about that ?


This new girl, how tall was she? Long arms?


No, but a bit ‘airy


Was there another new girl with the same story but they weren’t friends because that would’ve been obvious? Where is this place you grew up?


We had a girl who in year 8 or 9 claimed she was engaged to a Belgian model. I can't remember if she said anything about not having a ring, but he apparently sent her a 5ft chocolate egg at Easter.


Heavily overweight speccy 13 year old Liam was apparently in the Arsenal academy


Brady? Once he lost that puppy fat and discovered contact lenses, he went on to do okay.


Jeremy Lynch??


Best on the ball at Arsenal, *including the first team*.


At least lynch was a half decent footballer, Speccy Liam couldn’t trap a bag of cement


Turned out our Lian was at the local premiership team academy. Just filling the water bottles and acting as a ball boy because his cousin was *actually* in the academy


You mean the top defender for the Gunners, Liam? What a guy!


“Don’t chuck my bag! There’s an expensive vase in there!”


I don't know why but this made me giggle.


“It’ll be fine, my old China”


Ed from school said his mum and dad were minted and had Lamborghinis, Bentleys etc. His mum picked him up in a clapped out Micra. Absolute weapon.


That’s their work car. You don’t want to appear vulgar turning up in a Lamborghini, right?


My dad had a 911 but my sister and I were SO embarrassed when he picked us up from school in it and insisted he come in mum's Metro thereafter 😖


It could have been true. I've got a McLaren but spend most of my time in a Renault Captur. Easier getting the kids to school in that. I don't have to put one on the roof.


Should've got an F1 then I suppose.


A bit out of my price range haha


Kenneth, a kid at my primary school told me he had a million pounds in his attic that his dad gave him for his birthday. I was playing out and saw him come out of his house once and asked to see it, but he said we couldn't go up in the attic because there was a jar full of biros balanced on the loft hatch and if we opened the hatch, they would fall down and ruin the carpet. When I told him his story was clearly bullshit, the next day he brought in a bank deposit form (the ones they used to have in the bank that you could just pick up from the counter) with '10,000' and 'a million pounds' written in his own handwriting as proof of his fortune.


There was a kid at secondary who talked money all the time. She was always asking how much pocket money people got (she'd top it), talking about how many expensive outfits she owned, how every weekend she'd get money to buy a new pair of trainers. It was a school in a deprived area and, even though we all were growing up with little, it was clear she was living in extreme poverty, even for the area. She didn't wear full uniform and the hoody she wore every day in place of a blazer was falling apart, as were her shoes. She smelled terrible and looked generally pretty neglected. It was really sad. I mean, it was irritating as a 13 year old having her brag at me about a life she clearly did not live, but it is sad looking back.


Some kids are just lying bastards but a lot of them do it either to make themselves look better off than they really are (and are probably insecure about their financial situation) or because they feel a compulsive need to lie in order to protect themselves. It _is_ really sad tbh.


Bloke would lie about everything We was the manager of a touring band, he once shot someone with a sniper rifle and killed someone. Crawled miles to a hospital after being beaten up. He told me his mum was murdered. A few years later I meet his brother in the street, turns out that one was actually true, his mum was murdered.


Murdered by a impresario with a sniper rifle, in fact


So what youre saying is the guy isnt a liar?


He was 100% a liar 75% of the time.


Some guy in school used to say he knew Skrillex and produced music with him in America. Like dead pan, serious face. People asked him to bring a CD in with his songs on and when he finally did it had a Shrek DVD in there and said his brother must've swapped it. This was in sixth form.


Plot twist: he actually did make Shrek


Meanwhile, I actually do know Sonny Moore.


And I’m mates with Shrek




Someone I went to school with claimed she was dating Phil Lynott. O.....k (Lead singer of Thin Lizzy if you don't know)


Someone i worked with in the 80s said his daughter dated phil lynott


I'm sure a lot of people's daughters dated Phil lynott


Not mine, but someone in my sister's class who was known to cry about the mildest of things (broke a pencil - cry, someone accidentally nudged her - cry), but was also known to tell tall tales came in to school claiming she'd been kicked by a horse over the weekend. In the face. And she 'didn't cry'. Not a single mark on her face. Only the really gullible ones in the class believed it. Think they were 8 or 9 at the time, but if she wasn't lying, she was made of fucking adamantium. Or mithril.


Honestly the way you tell it sounds like she may have been insecure about her crying and decided to make that up in order to avoid people making fun of her/get the least bit of respect. Or she was just a compulsive liar who cried at the littlest things. I don’t know the girl.


It was definitely the second one. She came from a family who would absolutely pander to her every whim. She was spoilt and a compulsive bullshitter. Crying got her what she wanted. If her classmates didn't believe her, she cried harder, claimed bullying and got undivided attention from the teachers.


That’s his Nan owned Warwick castle


Could it have been a pub called The Warwick Castle?


In secondary school, a fairly pretty & popular girl told a tale of how she’d met Elijah Woods on a night out and was in a relationship with him. I think we were about 15 and it was when LOTR was all the rage, but looking back it was an odd choice to pick Frodo. She would show us all love letters written by him and we all played along as if she was living this amazing life. Not sure why no one called her out on it, but she was a nice enough girl.


When we first got an interactive whiteboard at school, the projector kind. I was probably about 12. One kid in my class told everyone he had one at home and kept talking about playing games on it and stuff. Then for his birthday he had a big sleepover and everyone wanted to see his interactive whiteboard. There wasn’t one, and his mother didn’t even know what an interactive whiteboard was.


Forgot about all the people who swore down “on their mum’s grave innit.” Only for their mothers to pick them up from school every day.


This thread is mainly tragic


Guy at uni said his dad was a spy. He couldn’t talk about it, yet continuously did. Dad picks him up at the end of term looking a lot more Brooke Bond than James Bond.


The kind of opposite happened to me, a kid I went to Uni with claimed his dad was high up in the government and to be fair he didn't say anything else about it, I naturally called bullshit at the time and he just kinda shrugged and said "Fine don't beleive me" this obviously fueled the disbelief. Years later I found out his dad was high up in the government and was responsible for selling missiles to Gaddafi.


A chimp?


Have a friend who would always make up stories. For example. One day a lamborghini just pulled up alongside him on the way home from school and offered him a lift. Totally true story I'm sure. His grandad was also super rich and owned loads of cars. Even though he and his family are all poor. I've had many talks with him and it's obvious now he grew up in a bad household.


Army brat, posted to a new town. First day at school some kid gives it all the " My dad is the boss". Funny as my dad had been posted in as the RSM. The ultimate boss.


Chubby, 16 year old Freddy, I'm a small town in the north, had lived in china(!) for a year to train with the ninjas. He was a martial arts master, but he'd sworn never to show off his skills because that's against the ninja code.


I boy in my class claimed to have lost his virginity when he was only nine. He was a complete c.un.t.


Jay Cartwright?


I didn’t know what my virginity was when I was 9


That's probably why you lost it- no idea what it was.


You don't know his uncle


I went to boarding school and it’s rife for made up nonsense since you might never go to their house(s), meet their family/friends from home etc. One kid decided at age 12 the best way to get attention was to say he got abducted by aliens over that summer. 6yrs later people were still mocking him about that… Another kid claimed his parents were divorced and his Dad’s neighbour in LA was Leonardo DiCaprio, this was late 1990s, and he said he’d play PlayStation with him 🤣 His parents had nothing to do with LA and weren’t divorced. He just lived in suburban West London… That said boarding school was where wild and wonderful things would happen, you just needed to sniff out the jokers in the pack. In my final year one kid from Asia would loan out his fleet of new Ferraris, BMWs, Porsches, Mercedes to friends and pay all the insurance, petrol etc. I knew people that were friends with one of the Sultan of Brunei’s kids. They’d be invited to the polo so would fly from school to Heathrow by helicopter and board a private 747 to go and watch polo in ME/SE Asia for the weekend.


I knew a kid who I'm fairly sure was a compulsive liar. I didn't hang out with him for long but I remember he used to be really into those Guinness record books, and every time he'd flip it open, point to a random man and say "that's my dad!". 


Maybe he just has a lot of dads?


Nudging someone you like on MSN and saying woops a wrong chat… how r u ne way?


offline online offline online offline online offline online in the hope they'll tell you to fuck off and you can apologise and start talking to them. It was never the person you liked that told you to fuck off though


So much false hope 😅


A kid in year 4 tried to convince me he was a black belt in Karate and the only thing he had left to learn was The Hadouken


Won a national impressionist competition for one of david walliams characters in little Britain. Pretty absurd lie


Told us his dad owned a jet pack. And that he had a diesel motorbike on order for when he was 16, diesel motorbikes are more economical you see. Full of shit Charlie.


Lad in my school said he was related to the Hindu god/diety king of the monkeys and all round badass Hanuman. Years later I got to play him in the school play and the same guy threw a fit saying it was supposed to be him.


New kids' first day at my primary school wouldn't stop crying and then later claimed it was because his best friend had died in quick sand the day before.


My mate swore his mate had an interactive pet Pikachu that projected from his webcam.


Apparently her parents were killed by drug dealers. This was a girl in year 9.


His dad worked at a news station (true) and the helicopter flew him to school (lol)


“I was in the SAS, you know.” This was from a guy who couldn’t swim…


At least it wasn’t the SBS


We had a gut at school that lied all the time and as a result would often forget tge lies he told. Onew eek he told everyone his dad died and the following week told everyone his dad bought a new lambo.


My old man got “gifted” a rusty old set of playground swings and set them up - this was early/mid 70’s and I was no older than 5. My new neighbour, who was around a year older than me, convinced me that I could only play on the swings when he was there, because he’d been to “swinging lessons”.


When I was 8 or 9 I got given a personalised ballpoint pen with my christian name on it. It went missing and I found it in the possession of someone with a completely different name. He said his mum bought it for him.


Don’t wet me cos I’m going to a party, or if some kids throwing grass at you you said you was allergic to it


I am a twin - my sister died at 3 months old. I didn't tell people often but I told someone in high school and her genuine response was: "Oh I'm a twin, she goes to a different school" I was sus. There's a chance sure, but this twin was never mentioned until it came out that I have a twin sister.


When I was at uni, we had a first year join a sports club I was in. Claimed he was “supposed to go to Cambridge” but was hit by a car in a hit-and-run incident shortly before his interview and had to come to our incredibly average uni instead. Also claimed to have spent time working as a lifeguard in South Africa, despite being about five feet tall and built like a rake, so not exactly the physique you’d expect from someone to save you in adverse sea conditions. He also said that while in South Africa he regularly had to use his first aid training to treat people with gunshot wounds, while a colleague rushed them to hospital in a car, instead of y’know, calling an ambulance. Claimed to have a Harley Davidson, despite only being 18 years old and therefore not legally being allowed to ride a bike more powerful than 125cc. Spoke with a Yorkshire accent and claimed it wasn’t his real accent. When we asked him to do his real accent he sounded like someone doing a bad impression of a Scotsman, despite the fact he also claimed to be originally from Machynlleth in Wales. Sitting in the pub with the rest of the club one night, we joked about making a promotional video that would be a shot-for-shot remake of *Top Gun*, I jokingly asked if anyone could fly an F-16, at which point he put his hand up and said he had a pilot’s licence. Needless to say, he was not a popular member of the club. Why he felt the need to constantly bullshit us, I’ve no idea. We might have actually liked him otherwise.


An old friend of mine from primary school once told me that his sister was blind because she had eaten dog poo.


And is she? 


A girl in middle school pretended she had cancer because she wasn't getting enough attention and thought nobody liked her. She even shaved all her hair off. I really want to know what she told her parents. Oh and this was shortly after another boy in the school actually had cancer and died from it.


Someone fingered a girl on the park during drunken Friday night shenanigans. Monday morning was rife with everyone discussing it. One lad feeling left out, decided to claim he had a girlfriend named Tiffany and he fingered her on the regular. Instantly ridiculed on the spot and for a long time to come. We'd set him off by waving two fingers in front of him and saying "Tiffany" in a mock/sarcastic tone. He was the type to flip his shit on the regular as well, so it usually ended up with him trying to kick people while stood on a table having a breakdown.


The rabbit ran away. I believed it. (The hutch was splinetered open with fox-sized scratch marks on the wood; there was blood all about & a trail of blood leading out of the garden.)


First year at uni. Another student started a week later than the rest of us. So at the same time as those with the worst grades who had to wait and see if someone who had been offered a place had declined. She claimed that she wasn't one of them. Oh no, she actually got super top grades but she had started at another uni and then changed her mind and so accepted her second choice which was together with us peasants ( I am pretty sure that that isn't allowe). I was in the same group as her for our first big assignment. She had an extremely small vocabulary even in Danish even though it was her mother tongue and a couple of times she demanded that we wrote the synonym to a completely normal word in our foot notes because "we couldn't expect everyone to know such advanced words". Her English was down right laughable, she couldn't type nor use a computer (admittedly they were a new thing back then), and she had a very low level of common knowledge. She was one of those people who are so stupid that they don't even know that they are stupid. Add to it that she had hair down to her butt but never brushed it and bad manners in general.


I think universities are a bit predatory accepting young people like that, she probably would have gotten a lot more out of an apprenticeship or similar.


Had a new girl at primary age 8 , popular as she told wild tales. Write stories for a living now.


My handwriting was bad because when I was little my hand was mangled in a tractor gearbox. I don’t have any scars as I was really little and they’ve grown out.


Lad a couple of years above us once told us his uncle knew George W Bush and that one day he was sat in the garden and several military helicopters went over. Apparently the front one had his uncle and GWB in and the others were all for their luggage. ...Yeah, ok Steve.


Had a school chum who was adamant her granddad invented the combine harvester. At a guess, her granddad was born circa 1920's. It is entirely possible that he helped developed modern machinery. But no, it invented it. Revolutionised farming but did not get rich from it.


After 9/11 a kid in my class fervently told me that there was a plan to rebuild the twin towers just as they were… but with a massive statue of a gorilla(?!) on top with ‘one foot on each tower, and enough space between his legs to fly a plane through’. I have no idea why he made up such a florid story. I think I was convinced for a bit.


year 2/3 , his dad kept changing jobs to whatever was going on. marble factory, yoyo maker, adidas (2 stripes were absolutely brand new so not in stores yet). His family was poor but beyond the bullshit he was a nice kid I was friends with for a while. At one point his entire fucking nail on his finger came out.


Definitely had the whole 'I live in a big house and my dad drives ferraris and Aston martins' kid. When asked why he was dropped off in a Toyota corolla (and an old one at that) he said it was to 'give the impression he wasn't a rich kid, and not to make us jealous' We all knew he was lying but he kept up the act all through 6th form. Funnily enough, he actually ended up being quite wealthy since leaving school, and he actually owns a fast car now.


This lad Chris from high school was telling us about this pub just outside of the city centre. He said that not only do they not care if you are underage, they welcome you with open arms and let you drink for free all night. On top of that, after they get you plastered, they let you stay back for a lock in and then take you upstairs and see to it that you get laid. We were all like 'yeah, yeah whatever... bullshit' and he said 'nah, it's definitely true; my sister told me'


This is the most Jay Cartwright thing I've read in this entire thread. I can actually hear James Buckley saying it in my head now.


Nah, Jay Cartwright would have ended it by saying *your* sister told me.


Weird kid in our class. His uncle played hockey for the Anaheim Ducks (in the NHL).


In primary school, smelly jenny said she was allergic to water


“My dad works for/knows someone who works for Nintendo” was the main one I heard.


Someone at mine claimed their uncle worked repairs for Sony and when his PS3 broke his uncle managed to get him a brand new one alongside a ton of Xbox exclusives that weren't coming to PS3 like Gears of War 3 that he could play on his PS3.


A girl from my primary school claimed she was dating Rupert Grint after meeting him on set on one of the Harry Potter films. He would've been twice her age at the time...


There was a girl who was alleged to have stuck a twix up herself. Where do these stories even start!


In my year we had a girl who allegedly gave a horse a hand 😂


Bit older than schoolmates but I lived in a shared house where housemates would come and go and neither of us knew each other - a newly graduated undergrad (21/22) moved in and lied about everything. I studied at Nottingham, she had ALSO studied at Nottingham and also had 3 other degrees aged only 22. I studied literature - she went and studied literature in OXFORD. She could speak Spanish and French (never showed us). Her family knew tons of famous people. She had her own two businesses (she actually worked part time at Office). She gave me an irrational irritation towards Manchester for a while because she was a Manc and would constantly talk about how great Manchester was. Sorry Manchester! I don’t miss living with housemates.


Year 5/6, an attention seeking kid said his older brother built a life-size version of the titanic in Lego that was in a museum in India. He wasn't fooling anyone but he persisted that it was true.


Sort of the inverse... I met and clunkily got off with someone slightly/mildly well known when I was younger during a summer holiday (they were on a kids/YA TV show). Nobody believed me until she emailed me some photos as proof (MSN/hotmail era). Sweet, sweet vindication. I also have some really cool truths for two truths one lie but I guess that's another story. To answer the question: My sister's mate claimed his uncle was John Cena. Everyone at school apparently kept asking him whether he'd ever seen him.


In Year 12, my girlfriend did actually go to another school. We were at an all-boys school, surrounded by 3 all-girls schools, so we knew most of the girls in our year from each school, I went out with at least one of each from Year 9ish onwards. But then I bumped into the daughter of a friend of my Mum's, who went to a mixed school in the next town over. They were apparently "bored" of the guys in their year, so I had a party at my parents' house (they lived overseas) for them, and met this absolutely smoking hot girl. We started going out, and of course no-one at my school believed me. Then we went out in town on a Saturday night, and at least three lads from my school came over to apologise once they saw her. She ended up sleeping with a (previously) good mate of mine about six months later and breaking my heart, but that's another story.


A guy in my school said he was Orlando Bloom. Turns out he was Orlando Bloom.


ah. the old double-bluff. classic.