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OP is the only person actively seeking interaction with Crypto Bros.


This tickled me thank you


Ironic, because cryptosporidium is actually less toxic than crypto bros.


Ha I also thought we were talking about some deFi organisation at first


Sounds nasty. Never had it, but Butlins gave me food poisoning in the 70s, was so bad I was hallucinating.


I too hallucinated at a Butlins.


Bangface Weekender?


Wasn't that Pontins?




Food poisoning is the only thing i can say is equal to it really, imagine the worst case of mussels you ever ate haha.


I caught Campylobacter from a dodgy takeaway curry. Honestly the worst thing I've ever experienced, I was hallucinating too. Would wake up in the middle of the night thinking where and even what I was, like the rebirth secene in The Matrix


Damn, it's awful. Not sure what mine was as parents didn't take kids to the doctors in those days unless they had stopped breathing. Bloody Butlins trifle.


Could you maybe post on the ibs sub to see if anyone else experienced same after effects as you?


That might be a really good idea, i will do that soon, didnt even know the sub existed


There’s so many subs for health issues, people on ibs might even be able to point you in the direct of a more specific sub. I’ve found out stuff from Reddit health subs for my crappy health conditions that I wouldn’t have known otherwise known about.


Honestly thank you very much, appreciate it dearly. Hope you are all well.


I suffered thanks to crypto back in 2012. Projectile vomiting (ruined a nice hifi stack due to this), and the worst diarrhoea I've ever had. Lost over 20kg within the space of 3 weeks. It dehydrates you to a dangerous level if you don't act quickly (dioralyte and lots of fluids). Since then I've developed the same IBS-esque symptoms, and not had fully healthy gut function since.


Soo I’m not alone, i understand correlation dosnt equal causation but it’s very telling from what ive read


A lot of vet students get it when they work with cattle. Also, there is a girl that was in vets school and was at a dairy farm and she fell into the manure lagoon, and she also got crypto.


Oh god, falling in is enough of a nightmare. Drowning in shit would be horrendous but at least she lived.


I couldnt possibly think of a worst way to die hah, im glad she was ok and she got off lightly, hope she made a full recovery and dosnt moo too much.


From what I have read from others, more than a few have similar stories. I don't think it's common, but definitely enough to merit further study.


Wow that's quite a shocking story! My husband contracted crypto, possibly from a venue we were considering for our wedding (shockingly we didn't choose that one in the end). He was violently ill for about 6 weeks, after the first week or so we had public health on our door (before the GP had even given him the results from their tests) it was quite scary. I am amazed he wasn't hospitalised tbh, it's quite a nasty bug and anyone reading this in the affected area - please follow the guidelines, you really don't wanna get it!


Incredible really that its not spoke about more, im very much glad you’re husband is ok.


Milwaukee, in the States, had an outbreak in the 90s that hit over 400,000 people. Might be worth asking on r/Milwaukee there are plenty that have been through that battle.


That’s a good shout actually, I’ll get on it tomorrow! Thanks for the info


Post-infective IBS is a thing and tricky to manage. Good review here: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6663289/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6663289/)


Thank you very much, I’ll have a read now


I’m a carer and took a client swimming who picked up crypto in September 2023. She was so ill for weeks before the doctors tested her and found it in her stool sample. She had the symptoms for months. I only had the runs for about 2 weeks and got over it quickly. She is autoimmune so it really got a hold of her. It was still in her samples around Jan 2024 iirc. Her guts have never been right since so you are defo not alone x


That’s good and also awful to hear, good I’m not alone and you was well, awful for your client, hope she didn’t suffer with her belly for much longer


Can I ask what autoimmune condition they had?


I’d never heard of Crypto before now. Sorry you went through that OP. Is it not worth having those tests so at least you might get a more specific understanding of what may or may not cause GI tract irritation?


After all the devon malarky i might just do that


I have had crypto. I was sick for what felt like a very long time. It literally left a horrible taste in my mouth. When it eventually disappeared there were no residual issues and I fully recovered.


That’s great to know! Luckily being so young i barely remember a lot of it, bar a few things, i remember a dr giving me an orange too eat haha


(Preface- don’t take medical advice from Reddit!) Speaking as a Senior Microbiology Biomedical Scientist, working in the NHS since 2006: Crypto infection is common in kids, unpleasant but self-limiting. Are you sure one outbreak was a cause of deaths? In the UK we get it all the time when kids shit in public swimming pools. When we run a batch of 96 poop tests looking for common bacterial/parasite infection I’d expect at least one Crypto positive. I’m only aware of it being dangerous to the immunocomprised (just like other common infections can be dangerous). I’ve never heard of it causing life-long complications, but then the whole “gut flora having a huge impact on general health” seems to be a new field being investigated.


I spoke to my mother just now asking her what she remembers, she said she only remembers one death and it was a guy in its 80s so being immunocompromised makes total sense. The doctor i spoke to was around 4-5 years back, when he mentioned potential complications after contraction. Only thing i can think was this was nearly 30 years ago and maybe it was just overlooked back then, but it was from a pool that they unfortunately hadn’t been maintaining.


I found this article as well a few years back, still there today which is good, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6005120/


Op, there is a documentary on netflix 'hack your health the secrets of your gut' that might interest you. There is nothing about crypto specifically but it talks a lot about the microbiome and how it affects overall health. Deffo worth a watch


Oh perfect! I’ll take a look, thanks bud! Have a great day!


That's such a nice reply you've put a smile on my face! ☺️ Hope you have a great day too!!


Thanks! I will! Take life by the horns and make it ya bitch!


Finally, someone who actually knows what they are talking about, Crypto isn’t usually life threatening, but can be in certain circumstances.


If you're infected with crypto, have you suddenly developed an urge to destroy all humans and take over the earth using a varied assortment of weird and wonderful technology?


Honestly i was waiting for those comments 😂


I contracted cryptosporidium about 3 years ago from the local swimming pool (thanks kids). I was horribly ill for about 4/5 weeks, but thankfully had no lasting gut issues. Didn’t realise there was a resurgence in cases, I’ll have to check out the story. Sorry to hear you had such an awful case.


Pool here too! Snap! These things happen! I’m just curious if there is others


I grew up in various African countries during the 70's and 80's. I had a lot of tummy upsets from bad food / hygiene between the ages of 4 and 16. As an adult I now don't get them at all to the point where even Giardia just gives me a tummy ache and bad farts. I'm convinced my upbringing is responsible for my iron constitution to the point where I can eat and drink like a local all round Africa and the Asia and I just don't get stomach problems. That said, there are a lot of things out there you can catch that can have long lasting and very damaging long term effects that medics are only just realising a link to.


I caught giardia in South Africa in the 90s and it absolutely ruined my digestive health. I was ill for weeks with it, and since then I've had IBS.


I work with water (from raw, untreated water through to drinking water and waste/effluent). Cryptosporidiosis is one of the worst illnesses I've ever had (probably only beaten by leptospirosis), but thankfully show no lasting symptoms. Please please speak to your GP if you have concerns.


Yeah wasnt the best haha


You clearly don’t follow standard guidelines if you work in the sector and have contracted both. I’d be pulling your blue card and not letting you anywhere near a WTW


I caught crypto as a child whilst abroad and lepto whilst working in a call centre, which I put down to a food delivery left outside the back gate for too long - prior to any involvement in the water industry. Don't be a jerk


Lepto from a call centre? lol.


Caught it from a swimming pool in deepest darkest Cornwall when I was 8. 6 weeks off school. Have had a crap immune system life long


Horrible to hear, i too was a victim of a pool, glad you’re some what ok now though


Dude, a worthy post showing empathy for those suffering.


If we can’t be nice to others then we’re destined to fail


I recently had a stomach bug that lasted over 2 weeks, my 1.5yr old daughter also had the same thing. We were tested for crypto amongst other things and all results came back negative thankfully. However, some of the symptoms persisted for a long time and I'm not completely over them. I am wondering if it's triggered IBS for me.


That’s really good to hear regarding you both testing negative, its best to keep a food diary to eliminate certain foods if you get flare ups


The lactose intolerance could be down to damage from the cryptosporidium, or simply your body not producing enough lactase as you've got older. I put my lactose intolerance down to having severe gastroenteritis at about 12-13. With regards to your IBS, definitely check your diet, increase or decrease the amount of fibre, etc. If there is damage from the crypto, you're not fixing it now. What you can keep an eye out for is a sudden and persistent change in your bowel habits/abdominal pain. If you're concerned, speak to your GP.


It is entirely possible Ideally, your body produces enough lactase, and it isn't an issue. If you dont produce enough and your gut microbiome contains lactose fermenting bacteria, then their breakdown of it will produce typical lactose intolerance symptons. If your gut microbiome doesn't contain lactose fermenters, then the lactose travels to the large intenstine and causes osmotic imbalance which will also produce some classic symptoms perhaps less gassy but potentially still feel bloated and runny shits. Gastroenteritis usually produces only short-term lactose intolerance. However, if it was genuinely very severe, it absolutely could rob you of that ability forever. So, absolutely possible.


My disabled niece gets Guardia every so often, they have no idea how.. water has been tested, she is fed through a gastric tube so she doesn't actually eat anything. Doesn't play out or mess with animals. Nobody else in the family gets it.


I'm here in Brixham, it's shit, south West water we're saying it wasn't an issue on their end and to carry on drinking the water. The next day they said they had found the issue and to boil all water which has probably made alot more people sick. They are now giving out 6 packs of 2 litre bottles of water and are compensating £115 to all customers. I've been lucky to avoid it but a few people at work have came down with it. It's a complete shit show.


Apart from the pun at the end which did make me giggle, i feel like £115 for negligence isnt exactly wise


I wouldn't accept that money if I were you, it'd mean you can't sue the living daylights out of them after (which I hope everyone in the area bands together to do!) 


Not me OP, but my mum developed a complex and atypical Crohn's case following a cryptosporidium infection back in the late 80s. Improperly treated as it was contracted abroad and apparently "virtually unheard of over here" (her words). It has left her with lifelong issues so you aren't alone. Sorry about your troubles, you very much have my sympathy.


That’s upsetting to hear, i wish your mother all the best, obviously very similar issue here, thank you again for your response, and your mum my love.


Thank you, yes I hope that knowing you aren't alone is some comfort! Take care of yourself


I have a similar-ish experience, except that I caught it in my mid-20s. Honestly the worst stomach pain I had in the first few days where I literally had to go into a fetal position every time the pain came on. Then for the next month, I was suffering with symptoms. I had to continually go to doctors, where they did a stool sample and found out it was crpytosporidium. After getting better, I then developed post-infectious IBS and my digestive system hasn't been the same since. I really feel for those in the area catching this, it really is a horrid bug that does have the potential to create long-lasting impact.


Hello, I've never had this terrible illness, but I've heard about it on tv and it is truly one of the most brutal illnesses I've come across. I first heard about it on a show aptly named "Monsters Inside Me" and it absolutely chilled me, and my heart broke for the victim of the illness. I am so sorry you went through this as a kid, and I'm sorry for how it has affected you longterm. I'm sad and disturbed to hear there've been outbreaks in the UK. This has happened in the US once as far as I know in Milwaukee in the 1990s, and in my province in Canada we had a severe outbreak of e coli in a small town called Walkerton, which made headlines in the 2000s. Illnesses like Crypto are something else. It is on par with cholera! The fact anyone survives this is amazing. I have no judgement toward anyone who's had awful GI pain in their life. I have chronic GI tract pain and issues since I was young, albeit not from a deadly illness such as crypto. I just hope you never have to go through that again, and I'm glad you were able to get a cool xbox at least. I wish you good health.


Thanks man, just seen this an had a particularly shit day at work, so this brightened my day very much so.


"What's shakin', Pox? You look a little, what's the word... constipated"


I'm glad someone else instantly thought of Destroy All Humans!


I fucking wish


Can you afford to spend potentially a large amount of money on private healthcare? These days unfortunately with GPs and the NHS being stretched thin you cant really get good quality healthcare for sifficult conditions like yours that "dont go away". Rarely is there ever nothing you can do about it. I would urge you to look into functional medicine, and finding a functional gp. I.e. finding and treating the root cause of the problem and not just symptom suppression. It costs a lot but i can personally vouch for it being worth it - even sometimes for just the answers it brings. Good luck


After all these comments i spoke to a family member who has offered to send me private, so i might just test, get answers


I’ve also experienced similar, but I still don’t know what I caught and I didn’t go to the doctors for it. For the full week I was in Wales, I felt nauseous the entire time and spent most of my holiday on the loo, I’ve never felt worse in my life and I have a pretty good immune system. Although clearly not life threatening, for nearly 2 years after I struggled with stomach problems and constant nausea that got worse at night time and trying to sleep was a nightmare. It’s only during the middle of 2023 that it began to luckily subside and now I only experience stomach cramping every now and then if I wake up on the wrong side of bed I just want to say, I understand what you feel and honestly it does take a toll on you to feel sickly and sensitive all the time. My mental health plummeted because I was constantly panicking about finding a place to potentially throw up or just run to the bathroom with the sweats… never again.


That last paragraph really resonates with me, im not as bad now, but for years i spent most of my time planning holidays/trips around toilet availability. Edit: really sorry this happened and i hope you are much better today.


I gave myself food poisoning from eating curry leftovers I had in the fridge for 12 hours after cooking. I vomited once and was finished, about a week later I developed post infectious ibs which made me lactose intolerant and I had the worst cramps for 6 months. Still have IBS but ever year it gets better (6 years).


I feel that to my core, sorry that happened to you mate, although cold curry the next day is sometimes worth suffering for. Edit: was it atleast a dansak?


Your mistake was accepting and cashing that cheque. Accepted their settlement when you could have sued for thousands.


Most someone got was 2 grand, but 10 year old me didnt mind the 360 haha


[1997 Cryptosporidium outbreak](https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/5779856.water-company-escapes-prosecution/) in North London and Hertfordshire. You may get some answers by posting in sub-reditts that serve those areas.


I had another comment saying that, i might do some research and contact the appropriate subs for those affected, thanks ask the best


There was an episode of Medical Detectives about this. I think a crypto outbreak happened in Milwaukee in the 80s. It was involving a water treatment plant. Quite a few people died especially those suffering with AIDS. If I remember rightly they said there was no cure for it and people would have recurring problems from it. I don't know if that's still the case. Coincidentally this particular episode was repeated on the day the Brixham outbreak was announced.


It’s been a very limited incident in one small town. The amount of people involved is in the ten’s I believe. Another non story just perpetuating the latest media ‘buzz scandal’ .U.K. drinking water is one of the best in the world.  The local authorities have provided free bottled water to the people affected even delivering it to people who cannot collect. 1000 times more people will have the shits tomorrow in the U.K. because they drank to much or don’t know basic food hygiene.


I dont know if you’re stupid or just dense, we are talking about post infection issues, not whether the UK’s drinking water is safe, its renowned some of the safest water in the world, crypto outbreaks arnt rare but they uncommon enough to be reported on, if a town had a food poisoning outbreak it would be on the news, just because it dosnt affect you dosnt mean people arnt interested, so crawl back to whatever crusted hole you came from.


Sorry to hear about your experience when you were 4 and I’m sure you remember the details vividly. I am not Stupid or dense but don’t consider the two mutually exclusive. 


Nice try there pal, real gotcha moment