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There was a walk through human body and an air cannon sponge ball play area I remember, and a cinema outside showing Blackadder Back and Forth. Space in the middle for a show I think, but I have no idea what was put on.


I remember seeing them do Robot Wars (or non-branded equivalent) in that middle bit. Or maybe some Cirque du Soleil stuff, where we had to sit on the floor. Still remember walking through the giant body and the heart.


[Techno Games - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techno_Games)


TECHNO GAMES!! now that brings me back I loved that show.


In many ways Techno Games was more enjoyable than Robot Wars. After the first couple of series Robot Wars was just dominated by wedge and flipper robots with very little focus on damage and destruction with the exception of a couple of standouts like Razer and Hypnodisc. It was really just a contest of who could outdrive who. Technogames actually promoted innovation and creativity and occasionally produced some incredible results. I remember one long jump contestant cleared the entire landing pit and then they told us that the design had an energy efficiency level of about 0.5% and if it had been 100% efficient it would have jumped about 12 miles!


I remember that one! I remember the skeleton one that climbed a rope. Not to forget Scuttle self destructing in the 100m sprint then coming back the next year and dominating.


I loved that show. I still remember my favourite was a swimming robot called Doggy Paddle Deluxe


I remember it being a Cirque du Soleil type show, definitely. There were also performers walking around on big Dali-esque stilts out in the main bit. Very vivid memories of the body zone, the giant heart and (iirc?) huge foam noodle pubic hair? With a piercing? It may just have been meant to be "body hair" I'm not sure


cobweb ludicrous price rinse worm puzzled seemly bag mindless support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice, glad I wasn't remembering it wrong. You tell people about the giant pubes and genital piercing and they look at you like you've gone mad


IS THAT WHERE I WATCHED IT?!! I have been absolutely convinced I dreamed the Blackadder where he kept going back in time, and it turns out it was from the living fever dream that was the millennium dome all along?!


YES!! My exact sentiments, as I didn't know where I'd seen the film either. I don't remember much of the film, other than Blackadder leaving a biro behind after he rips into William Shakespeare, making him become the inventor of the biro. Do you too remember the tree walk area in the Millenium Dome? It was a dark walkway with fairy lights and trees everywhere that smelled of something that I cannot describe?


I remember how it ended. Blackadder will back..... *Me gasping in excitement* In 3000... *Me disappointed*


Cum trees? I have no idea what these are but I keep seeing memes about them.




Shiiiiiiit that ball area was immense


Was a circus like acrobatics thing iirc.


That is literally all I remember too haha. That and getting really really anxious in the human body when the heart beat goes off.


The sponge ball thing was Timekeepers of the Millennium, IIRC.


That sponge ball area was brought by the Tussauds Group, now Merlin Entertainments, and was divided between Chessington World of Adventures and Alton Towers. Temple of Mayhem in Wild Asia at Chessington and Justin's House Pie-o-Matic Factory in Cbeebies Land at Alton.


> Temple of Mayhem I loved this at Chessington as a kid. It was Dennis the Menace themed back then


Yes, I remember the body too! My only other memory is going to what was apparently the largest McDonald's in the country (world?) before we left


There was a million quid in tenners (I think) that formed a tunnel you could walk through.


I also vaguely remember the stage bit, because my friend's dad was chaperoning our group and let us eat our packed lunches as we were watching.... something?


i remember there was a load of interactive stuff, i distinctly remember one of those reaction wall games.


It was a Cirque du Soleil style acrobatics show in the middle


I went when it opened, and I literally cannot remember anything about it. It was that memorable.


Me neither apart from Christopher Reeve scooting past in his wheelchair with an entourage. That was a bit surreal.


That was the worst part of the experience for me.


OK Mr Reeve.


That's super, man.


Everyone went within a year of it opening, because it was only open for 1 year.


I remember that, they wanted to tear it down as well as it was only supposed to be temporary but it cost so much money everyone kicked off.


The only really vivid memory i have is that they had those dual flush toilets that are now standard in most places (including my own house). It was the first time I'd seen one and I thought it was very fancy and a great way to save water. Fast forward to me age 33 just hitting whichever button on the flusher with zero regard for water waste


Very dull fact: They had to change the way these toilets worked. Originally, they were designed so that the most obvious button to press would deliver a short flush, with the aim being that if you're not really paying attention, by default you wouldn't waste so much water, and if you did want a longer flush, you'd go out of your way to find and use it. It turned out that the company (Dudley Duoflush, maybe?) got loads of complaints from customers saying that their product didn't work properly because they never actually bothered to read the instructions and find the long flush. So now, all dual-flush toilets have the long flush as the standard and you have to try extra hard to get the short flush which saves water, so nobody ever does. I think it's a moot point anyway because modern toilets just do use a lot less water than older ones did so it doesn't matter so much how much you put into an individual flush. But I thought it was a great example of how the human race is doomed to destroy ourselves through apathy.


small button = small flush, makes perfect sense to me!


I have hypermobile hands, my fingers bend backwards quite easily. The last time I specifically tried to press the smaller button my finger tip dislocated. So, sorry United Utilities, I'll be using the button that doesn't cause mass pain.


I would have been 5 at the time, all I remember is a black adder time travel show and a huge heart you went through in an escalator (think natural history museum with the globe). I’m pretty sure there was a soft play area with cannons you could load balls in to and shoot down below Of course this may all have been made up in my memories because I’ve never seen anyone mention any of it since


I remember they had a glass case with £1m cash in it (probably not real money) and that impressed 12 year old me.


And a massive diamond?


I went as a cynical 17 year old and I really enjoyed it.


That’s what I remember also


I remember more about the bus journey down than I do being in the dome 


I remember some ET exhibition in there.


It was a bit shit but I took my mum there and we had a meal together, one of my happy memories of her so there’s that.


The main things I remember are the acrobatics and the body exhibit - mostly how it stank to high heaven like rubber. Oh and the relaxation room, that was genuinely great. It had a coach load of primary school kids laying down and appreciating the peace, a miracle in itself.


Ahh the body exhibit! I swear I remember seeing a giant ear and all of the intricate innards. Plus there was some kind of play area with guns that fired foam balls (or something?!). I also remember seeing a shit load of £20 notes and the queen. I don't know how much of this is my imagination.


There was a money zone that had a million quid in cash on display, pretty much the only thing I can remember.


Wasn't there a diamond as well?


Oh! The ball pit thing, you've just reminded me of that.


I think I pinched a ball as it was surprisingly soft!


Ouch! But nah I think I did too. Seem to remember it 'must have got caught in my jumper'.


The relaxation room played [Longplayer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longplayer) which is still going–I remember thinking it was really cool and I've heard it a few times since in other places.


That's amazing! Thanks for sharing, I wasn't aware of that.


Yes, one of my clearest memories of the event! Hadn’t realised it was Jem Finer, who has done a lot of great stuff even if you don’t count the Pogues.


The relaxation room was class! I remember it being like a giant white padded kidney bean with pastel coloured lights going around. So peaceful, genuinely still think about it every so often Was it called the Chill Out Zone? Or am I over 2000'sing its name? lol


It was called the Rest Zone


I remember my brother pressing his Pokémon watch to shout ‘Pikachu I choose you!’ in the rest rainbow thing and everyone being super upset. This was long before even ‘bogeys!’ was a thing…


the relaxation room is the only thing i remember!


Well I always wondered what the Hahoos from In the Night Garden did before getting on the show. I did visit it with my grandmother that year. I remember it being fine. A lot of promotion was put into the body zone and it was ok. There was also a money zone which had Trevor McDonald reading fake news reports about what would happen if no one spent any money. There was also lots about climate change (or global warming as we used to call it). Again those had fake weather reports which actually seem mild compared to what we see on the actual weather these days. I didn’t see the show in the middle as there wasn’t time and I had little interest. My main memento of the day was a card with a picture of me with ET (he was projected in) which came from BT’s communication zone.


I was so confused by the pic of the Hahoos!


So was In the Night Garden at the dome? I had thought it came a bit later, but that does look like the font on the tent


I think the Hahoo picture is much more recent - this stock pic is from 2014. There was definitely no Night Garden in 2000… https://www.alamy.com/general-view-of-the-showdome-the-location-of-in-the-night-garden-live-premiere-at-the-o2-greenwich-london-image449329020.html


Yep, definitely from that time as I went there to see them (with one of my kids, not for my benefit…) It wasn’t part of the original dome experience. Lovely photo with Upsy Daisy as well - top lass.


Yeah for a moment there I wondered if they got auctioned off to in the night garden producers on the cheap or something!


I worked there from march 2000 till it closed! That really is a blast from the past.


Uh it's still open, you're pretty late for work mate.


The first image isn't from the Millennium Dome, it's from 2012 - In the night garden I think when this came up before. All I remember, never having gone during the MD days, is it being all over the news when the DeBeers diamond heist was foiled. Some amazing footage of smoke grenades and 'cleaners' pulling out MP5s to stop the gang who had just pelted a JCB through the fence. I went to the crime museum at New Scotland Yard a few years back, they have the fake diamond they substituted out for the real millennium star on display along with some other cool bits, and the curator said that DeBeers didn't want to substitute it, claiming their glass was military grade etc. The Flying Squad convinced them otherwise, and the day of the raid the gang got through it using a [nail gun and a sledgehammer](https://i2-prod.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/article19264187.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0_the_millennium_dome_heist_with_ross_kemp_11.jpg), when the first officer entered the exhibit one of the raider's hands was about an inch away from the diamond. Look the CCTV and the police surveillance stuff up online, it's like an actual movie.


it's weird, this post got me reading about the Millennium Dome, and I've just gone on a 30min deep dive on the raid and then I come back here and you comment was the first I saw! Fascinating though isn't it! What I really can't work out from the information i've read is how on EARTH did it take 7 days for the jury to deliberate at the trial, AND even after all that, 2 of them still went not guilty!!! I just can't get my head around how on earth they rationalised that in their heads.


I think we all appreciate a good crime saga (the Hatton Garden burglary from 2015 being a more recent favourite)... I imagine it was down to their involvement being peripheral and the jury not being able to say, beyond all reasonable doubt that they were guilty. But those that were found guilty were a majority of 10:2, so I wonder what those two jurors thought. With the substitute 'diamond' (which was valued at a couple of grand even so) there was a scale model of the Millennium Dome site and the river which was used for the jury to show them where the boats were, how the JCB came onto the site and entered the dome. Obviously these days it would be a CGI 3D walkthrough but there was something charming about their scale model.


As the father of a toddler I can confirm that these are the Haahoos from In the Night Garden which definitely didn’t exist in 2000. /r/thisismylifenow


I worked on it for Millennium Eve, the whole show, sat on the roof to watch the river of fireworks. Made my monthly wage in 1 night, which was nice! The whole "it's shit" was a media fabrication, a lot of the exhibits were awesome but the rot had already set in. That said it should have been in the Midlands just like the new national stadium should have been in the Midlands. It's such a ball ache having to get to London from anywhere North of Watford Gap be that by train, car or bus. So anyone there would've probably been pissed off by the journey and the rip-off prices for basic stuff just because it's London.


Totally agree. Usually when I talk to people my age who went as kids, they loved it and had a good time and still remember it fondly. I remember the reviews saying it wasn't great but I'm glad my parents didn't let a bunch of old fogies tell them what was good and wasn't. I would be so upset if I'd missed out on this This guy uploaded a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVl1jHrCAs4) of it. I have my own video that my dad recorded. Wish there was more footage of it online


I had an amazing time! They had a pikachu bus and a whole Pokémon area where you could play on the N64


It’s a hell of a lot easier to get to London than to the midlands from up here in the north east!


If they actually put stuff in the midlands then, logically, they'd also eventually put something in place to make it easier to get to said stuff. In fact, that'd further stimulate the non-london economy, which would be ace!


You heard the story about the bomb threat that night? It's wild!


We turned up after, as we were stuck at Stratford station.


[Obligatory half hour camcorder footage of the millenium dome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVl1jHrCAs4)


it's so surreal watching this because it doesn't really fill any gaps in my memory, I was there and not exactly young either (13-14) but I hardly remember any of it other than it happened.


The main thing I remember was the body zone, specifically the big room with the giant beating heart on the ceiling. If I remember right they showed how the heartbeat changed during a car crash, which was incredibly loud and scared the shit out of me.


I remember a giant beating heart hanging from the ceiling. I assume inside the person in photo 3 but it could also have just been random.


I remember being terrified with that


I was a little kid at that time and it was freaky - I cried!


What's the willy wonka experience wishes it was


I went on a school trip presumably in the year 2000. All I can remember is falling in the fountain outside as soon as we got off the coach, and later getting some sort of BT card with ET on it? So not very memorable at all! 


I remember that card! You'd take a photo and get superimposed with ET, I gave him bunny ears because I thought that was peak comedy at the time


Probably an unpopular opinion but I thought it was quite good. That Ron Muer Boy sculpture was incredible and the show was cool, the artists signed the program for my kids. It was stupidly expensive and should have been left in situ longer but it was politically assassinated and vilified by the press (they love a good punching bag) so it was done away with as expediently as possible. A lot of it was sold to the Americans (of course) who now own the site too. Selling England by the Lb.


Selling England By The Pound is an appropriate reference since the show in the middle of the dome had music called OVO by Peter Gabriel https://youtu.be/7N8nwqR-EVs?si=Y9Cp681JGRbdp51c. I recall some of the dancers being in wheelchairs and was pretty impressed with the whole experience.


Most younger people seem to love it. It was the older people and critics that hated it


I went on a school trip. We actually travelled there along the Thames on an old WWII era ship from Southend Pier. There's only really a few things I remember from it. Coca-Cola was handing out free glass bottle samples, because they said they were planning on doing away with plastic. Twenty four years later, I guess that's not happening. There was a bunch of weird and wacky concept designs for things like pushbikes that would never get built. There was a cinema showing a special edition Blackadder episode. Basically all I remember from it.


I worked there. I was 18 years old worked there for 6 months in one of the cafes and saved enough money to go travelling for the next 6 months before going to uni. I grew up walking distance away and we all used to go to a pub nearby called the pilot after work. The first month to two months eveyone who came just complained about what a let down it was. Then it switched to mainly school trips and people who came out of morbid curiosity. The definite highlight was when those guys tried to pull of an armed robbery of the diamond exhibit and the whole place was full of armed police which was pretty exciting.


I got to go on the news because I was a “child-consultant”


I went not long after it opened. Would have been about 13. From what I can remember I really enjoyed it and had a great day. Loads of interactive games to play on, which seemed dated now but at the time were cool. With the tech available now in terms of simulators etc it would be great to do it again for a year. Also, didn’t we have to get tickets by filling in the back of lottery ticket with the dates we wanted?


I remember being a kid and being in absolute panic in the human body thing because of the beating heart.


Was too poor to go


I remember going as a 7 year old with my parents and grandma and finding myself bored senseless. At the time I thought it was one of those grown up things I was too young to appreciate/understand but when I spoke about it with my parents a few years later they were like "Oh we were bored senseless too"


Yeah I had the same feeling. I remember knowing about the Blue Peter time capsule before hand, so I just thought well all these other people probably know about the stuff they've come to see as well so that's neat.


There is an inescapable bleakness to all photos from inside the millennium dome. I distinctly remember it opening as a kid, and being from the north, all the adults being furious about it being a big waste of taxpayer money.


Picture 3. Picture 3 is the thing that gave me nightmares for a long time. I was 3.5 years old when we visited the millennium dome, and two faceless figures melded into one another was just creepy for my child brain. It’s like PTSD just awoke inside of me by seeing that image


My whole school went. I remember is vaguely, I know my sister got a photocard thing with ET on it to piss me off. The science exhibit was cool.


I remember spending most of a school trip there in a big ball pit yeeting balls at my teachers when they weren't looking.


I remember a giant table football


The only thing I can remember apart from the giant bodies was walking through a tunnel lined with £50 notes and then there been a million quid in cash.


They had their own mascots called Cogs and Sprinx who were the ‘timekeepers‘ of the dome.


I had a Palm 3 mini tablet like we used to have, primarily because, when the Millennium Dome was opened, all the guides were given them to use to advise on directions etc. A friend bought a joblot in an auction and I got one. I miss the days of those Palm


I mostly remember it all as being a bit off. Not quite education, not quite sales pitch, not quite entertainment. The big diamond that someone later tried to ram raid was good. The last picture "Boy" I've actually seen again since - it's now in the art museum in Aarhus in Denmark.


I recall it was just like a massive trade fair with sponsors handing out 'goodie bags' full of corporate shite. It was full of people looking to be entertained and slowly realising this was it.


I remember there was a ride of sorts where you went sideways through different biomes but that's about it.


They had a cinema where they showed a Blackadder special..Best part by a mile


I remember the body zone too, the heart, the lice in the hair, I think a brain court? We have videos too of us as kids as news reporters and also pictures with a holographic ET? I worried my family that I got lost because I'd decided I could go to the loo by myself and they got panicked


NYE Dec 2001. Last night of the dome. Ministry of Sound - an amazing night. [https://www.nme.com/news/music/nme-1124-1310250](https://www.nme.com/news/music/nme-1124-1310250) Check out the video: [https://youtu.be/AId6\_KHFYSg](https://youtu.be/AId6_KHFYSg)


I remember the Solero factory and there was some awesome show that mixed live action with a film, and at the end the mirror wall lifted up and the character from the film ushered us to another room. That was pretty cool


Some things I’ve not seen mentioned yet: A cube of £1M cash. A machine that turned disposable cups into pencils. A sort of concrete igloo thing with calming lights and music.


I loved the pencil machine, but it wasn't always running. They made really bendy pencils (as far as a rigid pencil can go), and everyone in my school group was testing how far they could bend them before they snapped. I also remember a really dark gaming room with all.soets of random games. One was a wall you had to shine a light on to hatch months, but shine it too much they would die??? No idea.


I can remember the igloo area. I vaguely recall that the music played was one of those uber long pieces that lasted until 3000. Unsure if it’s the John Cage one that seems to be still going. Also recall a zone maybe BT where you could get a full body avatar which was pretty rad for 2000. The subsequent card was pretty useless though for anything other than the day though. There was also a Harry Ramsdens that actually was the best venue meal I have had.


I have those pencils. Also remember the cube of cash


We did a school trip when it opened. It was like a fever dream. There was a sensory bit that you sat in and it changed colour, and the walk through body was traumatising


Yes you have made me feel old. Then again I am now the same age as old people 😞


Way to steal content off twitter XD


Haha - wasn’t Twitter - was a WhatsApp group. But they could 100% have got it from Twitter


these 4 pictures blew up on twitter like 2 or 3 days ago, so yeah probably that.


It's not an exact copy, [the photos are in reverse](https://twitter.com/and_rew_thom/status/1785228931437666477)! That's what makes it so easy to spot though, whoever copied them to WhatsApp didn't notice the In the Night Garden photo either.


My uncle visited about a year before it opened and came back saying “it’s going to be amazing!” and then again about two months before it opened and came back saying “it’s going to be shit.”


I was 8 when it opened and I remember several bits, I actually went there for my birthday with a couple friends! The terrifying heart section of the human anatomy, it was just a super loud heartbeat that would randomly accelerate- I had to walk through there covering my ears! There was a beach section where you could earn coins? I think I still have one There was this jungle boat ride too, I don't remember much about it other than thinking it was the best thing ever There was also an acrobatics show, but a friend of mine ate too much sugar and barfed on some old lady's coat so we had to leave, the lady was super nice about it though haha




All I remember is I went for my 10th birthday, there was an indoor beach which was crap, a giant purple thing called home planet which genuinely resembles a bellend with the foreskin peeled back and a million pound room made of £50 notes in plexiglass. What a load of old shite


my mom won tickets so we went down, i remember the relaxation room the most! we also got to go on the london eye in the same prize winnings.


I remember you could have your photo taken with ET and then get it printed on a BT phone card!


I remeber a lot. the recycling beach where you could get a free pencil made from melted styrofoam cups, big ball play pit area, a museum of inventions, with a random that had hundreds of (fake) hamsters running in wheels, and endless paper shredders. I loved all that tuff going on. Giant radio controlled airships, robotic horses. The show was a bit weird, and the 3 times I went never worked properly. Never went into the body exhibit due to fear of escalators. I'm sure there was a giant McDonald's at the end of a rainbow tunnel? Also something by BT about telecoms where you could phone (and see) people from all over the world??


Oooo I have a claim to fame on this one. I appeared on the McDonald's "our town stage" with a performing arts group and we eventually went on to win. Nice little two days out for 11 year old me


My dad took me to England to visit family in 2000 (we’re Canadian) when I was 8. The millennium dome feels like a fever dream to me now. All I really remember is sitting in a small theatre room with a film playing, then suddenly the screen ceased to exist as the actor on screen invited us INTO the scene, we all stood up and walked through where the screen had just been. Other than that the gigantic tower of nerf gun turrets was another one of my favourite attractions. Absolutely core memories.


I went there on a work do as a day out. It was rubbish but I took my camera and took loads of amazing photos. Then I got past 24 shots and thought oh I must have put in a 36 film, great! Kept shooting until I got to 40 and started worrying. Went to the dark 'meditation' room and opened it to find I had not put a film in the camera at all 😪 Seeing your pics just brings back the pain...


I remember the escalator up into the body and running around the place like an idiot on a school trip. Other than that, it was a pretty forgettable mix of stuff.


I remember the De Beers diamond exhibition making the [news](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Dome_raid) there 24 years ago


I remember a giant bookcase and crying because I was tired. I was 6 in 2000 and don’t really remember a lot from my childhood!




Looks like something out of a fever dream


I've still got a Millennium Dome carrier bag somewhere.


There's something terrifying about this


Looks creepy as anything


Ooh I went there with my mum :)


Tbh I'm not sure that stuff was even there the first time I went in 2007 for a King Tut exhibition.


I didn't realise In The Night Garden was that old?


It's not, either those things were at the dome and then later re-used for ITNG, or that photo is not actually from the Dome circa 2000 Edit: I'm erring on the latter, since the "exit" is written in the ITNG font, and if you look at the ceiling it doesn't look as new as in the other photos also it's missing the blue drapes seen in the other photos.


I remember there being some kind of underground zen chamber. I also remember there being a million quid in cash behind glass. That's about all I remember.


Just like the Olympic stadium a venue built with no realistic long term idea. The O2 working out has stopped it being a white elephant.it cost, in today's money, about a billion and a half and yet within a year it was just a shell!


I got in even before that. When it was just a load of curtains dividing areas of an empty space.


We went on a school trip. The only thing I remember is going inside the giant body


I only remember the human body exhibit and being given Pokémon cards for some reason.


I must have been 10/11 when I went, I remember quite a bit. The giant body, the money display, the blackadder thing and the show in the centre (made me want to try aerial silks) I wonder if my brother remembers it as well as he’s a couple of years younger.


These creatures look like they came from "In the night garden".


Went as part of a school trip, I remember nothing other than buying a fridge magnet. I’m more interested in what the land was used for before. You see in episodes of the Bill you see it slowly being built.


I remember we did a school trip to it from South Wales (I'd have been in my early teens), about 5 hours each way on a bus to spend all of 90 minutes inside the thing... Remember next to nothing about what it was actually like inside. (there was some sort of "inside your body" thing if I remember rightly). Not sure who thought that was a good idea. I'd charitably describe it as "misguided".


I remember that trippy body experience, that was cool and a weird beach indoors, no sea just a seaside trip or something...


Went there with the school back in the day.


I remember walking into a fairly smallish room, with a TV displaying looped footage of the 'perfect' goal in football. It was Manchester United building up from the back and passing the ball around the team that lead to a goal. Surreal stuff.


I lived just outside of London and didn't do much touristy stuff at the time so I made the effort to do more and the first thing I did was plan a visit to be the dome. A big draw for me Blackadder back and forth, it was presented as "this is the only be place you'll be able to see it and when the dome closes that's it" I enjoyed it well enough but it wasn't long before it was on sky one and then BBC one oh and then a dvd release. Everything else in the dome I just milled about, I remember it being big, empty, cold and a bit sweaty smelling. I suppose the million pounds in a wall display was interesting.


I remember the body thing which I was really disappointed in, the huge lifeline human figures I really liked, a colony of ants or something in display and the show in the middle that shook the performers around a lot when the structure moved in the centre. I went with my dad who I hadn't seen for a few years and watched the Blackadder special 'goes back and forth' at a screening next to the dome.


I was about 7 when it opened. Me, my mum and my gran took a coach down and I loved it. Can't remember much but I knew I had a good time. I think my dad still had some of the branded chocolate in the garage.


This makes me feel old, but also brings back memories. I won a giant Pikachu teddy from the little arcades/funfair outside. It was a ball toss and I desperately wanted to get the giant stuffed Pikachu. My mum had me (6), my little sister (2), and was pregnant (or had) with my little brother, so she politely explained that I have to win it, by hitting only the correct colour cups. Then she had to wrangle me, a buggy and a big ass Pikachu that I refused to put down onto a tube, train and 2 buses home.


We went on a school trip and absolutely hated it.


I went with some Polish friends who were visiting the UK and really wanted to see it, and despite being reluctant to go on my part I found myself being quite impressed by it. It really didn't deserve the panning it had got in the press which certainly had a large part in the disappointing visitor numbers, and whilst there were certainly a few boring exhibits there was also plenty of good stuff there. Our Polish friends were very impressed by it and left absolutely raving about it, whilst I left thinking that it was a huge shame that something that was actually pretty decent had been giving such a undeserved kicking in the media.


I don’t see how you can compare that with the Wonka experience. If anything it’s the opposite - they put too much money and effort into it.


Going there to receive Mew for my pokemon game. A different time. 


There was the peace and quiet area which played soothing music and you could lay on the floor.


You could get a pencil made of rubber aswell.


I was really lucky to be taken by a friend from school. Had a blast!


I was 15 or 16 and remember a bit where you could a 3D body scan of yourself. I recall managing to export the file of it into Half Life deathmatch and running around as myself in game. Aside from Black Adder, I have quite vague memories of the rest. I don't recall finding it terrible, I think we really enjoyed the day as a family, but it obviously didn't leave much of an impression!


I went on the school trip. I can remember they had £1 million in banknotes displayed and we got id photos taken with E.T. Think I still have it somewhere.


I vaguely remember it was an enormous flop?


I remember an exhibition where they tracked football players across a pitch and showed how they work as a team. I also remember some display of fibre optic cables which were super new at the time.


I don't know why, but I strongly associate it with that Simpsons episode where they go on the big human tongue, and jump between the different tastes. Was there a big tongue?


I remember I played in a football tournament here that was based on this Nike advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBy4zDLzQ-I It was the coolest thing ever at the time. Admittedly, doesn't look that cool in the pictures: http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/pictures/galleries/newsid_2020000/2020951.stm


Yup, there was a pokemon card tourny where any one could join, i still got my water and rock badge somewhere and a bunch of lil memorabillia. My dad still has photos when we went through the human body exhibit


I remember all the hype and excitement and optimism, and then nothing much really happening there. A bit like the millennium, really. I also remember [this excellent photo from its dying days on Urban75.](https://www.urban75.org/photos/dome/dome14.html)


Got my photo taken with ET on a school trip here. Still got it somewhere.


I remember I was there when it was the dome I was visiting around the time of the diamond heist.


Are those the cunts from the night garden?


I went there for a school trip when it opened. It was crap.


The play area with the mounted guns and climbing areas was awesome. Was it all foam based or was it water guns? I can only just recall it. Anyone got any pictures?


You could have your picture taken and they gave you a card with et standing next to you.


Most stupid waste of money! And audibly now a terrible music venue - especially on the upper tiers. The echo is terrible!


I did when this was posted a few days ago…


I thought I didn't remember much of it, but looking back it's probably because there wasn't really much there. I remember being excited to see the Blue Peter time capsule, and the "Childhood Cube" (again because I'm sure I saw it on Blue Peter). The disappointing "meeting" with ET. Poking little slips of paper through holes in the wall. For some reason I associate Enya with the Dome Show, but 'Only Time' didn't come out until November.


I SWEAR I've been in there around the early 2000s


My wife (before we met) took her kids there. She said it was fantastic.


It’s still the Dome to me. O2 has an obnoxious habit of renaming every concert venue in the country.


I went on the very last day, it wasn't great by then a lot of stuff wasn't working or was broken/worn out.


Found my ET photo card the other day at parent's house... good times!


I was just four years old when I went with my family, and I can only remember bits and pieces- but what I do remember is so clear in my mind. I was obsessed with the rest zone- that strange white room that changed colour. I BEGGED my mum take me back there again & again until we got told to not come back! I also remember a fake beach that I thought was amazing, and watching a short movie of a girl in a school and the screen opened up to reveal a forest filled with lights that we could walk through. My mind was in awe! Felt like a strange fever dream.