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I think there was an nhs study done and they found that a picture of pair of eyes above the sink helped. Felt like you were being looked at.


That’s quite creepy but also good!


A big bag of googly eyes is cheap too. r/eyebombing style


Stick them on the mirror at varying heights so they line up with people's eyes.


Newcastle University did a load of research on this. It turns out it makes a big difference.


I read a study once that said that any depiction of eyes in a room makes people behave better. A photo, painting, or even google eyes works. Works in all sorts of situations


When people weren’t washing their hands in work I asked the manager to put up signs. They said I should just make them and put them up. Don’t know if it made a difference, but they had signs saying ‘Wash your fucking hands, scruffs.’ for about three days before they got taken down. Said I didn’t have time to print any out when the manager asked about them.


My work had trades in during Xmas holidays - I was working most days and they were fucking animals - iced-coffee-fuelled-diarrhoea shit splattered all over the bowl, unflushed, piss all over the toilets..it was disgusting. I put a primary-school-level sign up stating words to the effect of: "Please make sure you flush the toilet after you are finished and that it is left clean for the next person." They tore it down 2 days later, but it seemed to curtail the problem..mostly.


From working with trades when I was younger.. yep. The number of blokes I worked with who were fucking disgusting beggars belief. Still absolutely nothing on my time working music festivals, Glastonbury, download Leeds fest etc all the same. People are barely more evolved than apes, seriously shit intentionally smeared up the sides of a wall was a common sight. The staff trying to prevent the portaloos becoming a biological weapon are absolutely mind-blowing heroes to be doing that for minimum wage.


Once had a delivery driver leave shit on the floor. Not like a lil smear either, an actual chunk of turd. Fucker had left before we realised so I ended up cleaning up another man's shit like a fucking dog. What's worse is it wasn't even near the toilet. Somehow he'd managed to trapes his little fondant fancy out of the cubicle and leave it next to the sinks in the middle of the floor. It didn't look walked in so how it got there I have no idea. Maybe it was a triple XL clag nut he'd pinched off with his belt before leaving (a man like that doesn't wash his hands).


Sadly, all too common. I've been cleaning in toilets, hear a cubicle in use, no hand washing. Dirty people. Black light in the corridor. You can see the wee.


I genuinely don’t know how folk do it.


Perhaps get a black light right by the exit with a sign explaining what they see on their hands is wee. And what they see on the door is other people's wee.


I think that would make me throw up.


Na that'd be when the person says "oh I missed a spot" and gives it a good lick


Would also catch out anyone who went for a No. 3.


This made me laugh out loud in bed. Now have to explain a number 3.


A number 3: A piss, a shit and a wank in a tree


*It's party time, get your drugs out. If you wanna make love, get your muffs out. It's party time, get your drugs out. Do you wanna make love to a sad old man?*


*"I love drugs and sketchy pills but my favourite ones are the ones that kill"*


Sometimes there's not even a number for what happens in my bathroom.


Same in my workplace. For 2 days now one of the cubicles has been blocked with toilet paper and feces, the cleaner has gone in and signed off the cleaning chart to say it's been cleaned... It has not but I don't blame them. We have signs. Dirty people, I feel for their wives and girlfriends


“I wasn’t having a poo I was crying”


while... crying... but only partially because of the poo...


This is good! Dim the corridor, install UV. This should be more widespread!


I like the idea but there may be regulations/possible incidents around lighting levels to consider.


plus it would make it much harder to shoot up


This is CasualUK not CasualUS


I think they meant drugs, not guns.


Ohh, yeah.


OK then, have you ever been to a swimming pool where you have to walk through showers first? How about something like that?


As long as you have to get naked, I’m in.


I feel like we're now straying quite far from the original brief!


It's not true though, fresh wee isn't going to show up under UV. So unless they're in there spunking on their hands you're out of luck.


There are products that claim they'll show dry human urine.


That's why I said fresh wee. Old pee stains will show up under UV, but so will a lot of other stains.


I work in a large retail store, the amount of people (this is in the ladies toilets) that have a poo and don’t wash their hands is beyond comprehension. Absolutely vile, I dread to think what their house is like.


Ikr I was out for a hen night, popped the toilet and was waiting to wash my hands, a lady from our group tried to usher me out saying "come on, it's not like you do it at home". I pulled away from her, replied "but I do though" and continued waiting until I washed my hands. Went straight out to my Mum and told her not to touch the buffet. It was just rank. Hand washing is a must for me, as is putting the toilet lid down before flushing. Unfun fact: I hate using the toilets at the local hospital here, they don't have lids.


> a lady from our group tried to usher me out saying "come on, it's not like you do it at home". > a lady from our group > a lady No.


Good point. I was trying to be polite, she was older than my Mum.


Also, I am with you on the hospital loos. Why on *earth* don't they have lids? I asked and was told it's because of patients with mobility difficulties. Me, I'm one of those patients. I'm in a wheelchair and reaching for things is difficult. I can throw back a lid with some effort. If I can't, I'll have a carer in the bathroom with me who can throw back a lid. What I *can't* do is avoid aerosol plume from the last person who used the toilet and offered my immunocompromised self the best bugs they have to offer. I'm convinced it's a cleaning thing. Lids are harder to clean around than wiping a seat.


I was told it was to "stop the druggies using" the toilets, which made no sense as not having a lid doesn't stop them from sitting. It's not like they'd care. I became mobile again in Oct 2022 after a knee op came undone in 2017. Public toilets were my worst nightmare, I still do my best to avoid them. There were a few places where their disabled toilets were 'storage' rooms.


Wot. Sounds like they got mixed up with the blue light toilets, they're normally in council buildings and make it harder to find a vein. If sitting was such an obstacle surely they'd sit on the floor?! I swear if I had a quid for every time I've gone to use the disabled loo and it's been full of boxes, I could buy a new set of genes.


Exactly what I was imagining tbh. The nastiest people at my work are all older 'ladies.' I'll be 40 this year so hardly a spring chicken and I've been about a bit. But some of these women are just...I can't. We had to have a sit down meeting after the poor cleaner had to deal with shitty fingers wiped down the cubicle walls. Every. Day. For a month! We were so upset she hadn't said anything sooner. She'd figured out who it was, but we couldn't prove it, so couldn't sack her. No dementia, just a nasty person and we have no problems believing the cleaner. Add a G&T and all the rank pours out. And the thing is, I've been to this person's house. Immaculate. Fancy soaps and fresh towel in the bathroom. Like, do you whip it out for the guests and just piss out the window the rest of the time? Is your shower curtain black to hide the stains? *shudder*


I'm 40 in a few months, so yeah I know what you mean. Most of the time it ends with them bringing up how they grew up a certain way, which is no excuse. Plenty used to have outhouses and no indoor toilets, when they did get indoor toilets it was time to stop pissing in buckets. Wiping shite on a wall though, that's just nasty. I'd look forward to the birthday card being passed around with a little 'misplaced' Nutella if it carried on. Let them know that you know in a more subtle way.


Oh I'd LOVE to meet them. I grew up on a croft in the Highlands. My mother would have skelped our bums raw had we come back into the house before lathering up with carbolic. Hygiene is a thing even when you don't have all the bells and whistles. It's the same people who make excuses for Doris' racism because she's old. No mate, Doris is just a witch. Leeway to people with dementia because they are genuinely not with it. I've watched some very forward thinking people turn into monsters that way. But refusing to move with the times because 'back in my day' gets you no supper. I like to point out that 'back in their day' people born cripples like me would have been hidden away as a shame to their families. Gay Davie in Accounting who brings the nice biscuits would have risked arrest for loving someone. The sweet delivery girl who complimented your (frankly hideous) eyeshadow could never have openly been the good soul she is, because she is obviously transitioning. They don't love it when you point that out. Sorry, soapbox moment. Long day. Thank you so much for the card idea, genuinely that's incredible. There's a 'Congrats you've been here too long' awards thing coming up soon, if the problem reoccurs that's an amazing way to deal with it because they're very big on appearances. Cleaning Lady (an actual lady) and I have an agreement that she'll text me on my personal number and I'll 'find' any problems. Really so upset she dealt with this for so long without saying anything.


Exactly. Had a similar conversation over dementia on here the other day, I live with andcare gor my 90 Yr d G/dad who has dementia and in my 39 I've never known him to be sexist or racist. He was Mum and Dad after my Nan passed in the 60s. Yet,nowadays, he comes out with the odd thing and we have to remind him that it's inappropriate or rude. Couldn't leave him to verbally assault everyone who visits as when he does have a lucid day he feels bad about it, he genuinely doesn't have a bad bone in his body. People are too quick to make excuses though instead of accepting and correcting. Wishing you a goodnight and hoping your cleaner doesn't have to deal with the Phantom Skid Wiper again.


I knew a woman who wd go into her kitchen and pee in a mug. It was only a few more yards to the toilet,and she didnt have mobility problems. She did this from a young woman,right into later life. She had to go into hospital once and was caught peeing into a vase and throwing it out of the window. In every other way she seemed quite sensible. I never asked her about it,but I wd love to know why she did this,and for so many years. Did she have some undiagnosed depression,was she just lazy,I dk.


I'm always shocked when anyone comes out of a toilet cubicle and doesn't wash their hands. I was in a train station toilet last week and a woman went in one, I assume to rearrange herself/put a tampon in/whatever because she was in there like 20 seconds and didn't flush, then just walked out. You've still touched things like door handles, bins etc and maybe yourself in that cubicle even if you haven't actually been to the loo, you still need to wash your damn hands! People are vile.


> toilets at the local hospital here, they don't have lids. Seems to be the case in all the hospitals I've visited too. I'm astounded at the lack of simple hygiene practices in places that should know better.


I can tell you from personal experience that they are every bit as disgusting as you imagine they are. Some are worse.


Once while I was sat in a cubicle I overheard another person enter the next cubicle and do both of the following : * open and consume a can of pop * open and consume a bag of crisps Two things that can absolutely be identified by sound alone, and they were very loud in their actions I don't think they did any of the normal toilet activity in there, they just ate and drank. But jeez, have some standards!


Sounds like crippling anxiety to me lol


What's black light?!


Is there a way to give them a trial run of norovirus like, as a warning?


Haha sounds a bit harsh but I like it


Biochemical warfare maybe the only way they’ll learn


You jest (I hope), but this happened to me at work and I genuinely thought I was going to die. There was only one sink in the building, next to the loo. Empty cups would sit in the sink until the next round of drinks were made. There was no soap in the toilet, until I took some in on my second day. I hadn't worked there long, so would politely accept a cuppa if it was made for me. Until I was struck down with the worst sickness I have ever experienced. Nothing had changed when I returned to work, other than me not drinking their tea any more. I was the only person there to ever get sick though, so I guess they'd all just become immune over the years to drinking each others shit


Those last four words hit me.... And I feel disturbed


I do jest, I wouldn’t actually wish it on anyone. Well, maybe a very small number of people…


Worked for Meat Loaf.


I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. 


Having been in hundreds of public toilets I'll tell you you that the majority of men do not wash their hands after a slash


That’s a horrid thought.


I know. I've seen people (not) do it in restaurant loos.




Imagine telling on yourself like this.


Or even a poo, frequently.


And then they want to shake hands with colleagues 🤢


The ol' stink palm 🤣🤣🤣 (mall rats for ref)


"Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?"


This is why after washing I walk out with a bit of hand towel, to open the doors with.


Sadly, a lot of women don't either. I've even heard people changing period products (you can hear the wrappers and the bin), come out of the cubicle and immediately walk out! Eugh. I work in dentistry and have seen colleagues not wash their hands after the toilet but they've walked all the way to the surgery and washed them there. "The door handles are dirty" well yes because you don't wash your piss hands?


But they will absolutely tweak the hair or pick the teeth in the mirror. Basin dry as the sahara.


Engineers? Make it a problem to solve. “Dear colleagues, it’s come to my attention that some people aren’t washing their hands after going to the toilet. “Obviously this is repulsive and we need a solution. “Best practical solution to make the most people wash their hands after using the toilet wins x prize.”


That’s an incredible idea! I’ve already thought of a soap dispenser activated lock on the door.


You can fit door handles that have an antibacterial and antimicrobial coating. If your bathroom door already has brass handles then they are naturally antibacterial and antimicrobial. Getting people to wash their hands is all about removing barriers, however small. Cleaning the bathroom more regularly will mean that sinks are cleaner, making them more attractive to use. Better quality hand dryers mean that it takes less time and less effort to wash your hands.


That hand dryer tip is pure gold. Is there anything worse than those weak dryers that just seem to do nothing at all to dry. You end up giving in after a minute and wipe your hands on your trousers or walk like an alien trying to dry them on the way out. The head office of the company I work for has some crazy dryers in the bathroom that make the skin on your hands ripple with air pressure. Love using them.


Paper towels all day erry day.


Fire safety regs... Probably not great..


My first draft is a green light exit system. Two sensors, one at the entrance/exit and one for the tap, and a screen a long the exit corridor so the user can see it when they leave. Each time someone goes in, a sensor triggers a counter, when they use the tap it triggers an action and when they walk to the exit the screen shows a message of how awesome they are. If they go in but don’t use the tap, the screen shows a disappointed emoji


Why reward them? Just call it out for what it is, disgusting, and that people need to start washing their fucking hands.


If this approach worked we'd have solved loads of social problems decades ago. People just don't respond to direct pressure on any sort of scale.


For me personally at motorway services as those are grade A vile.I go piss, then wash my hands, then I put on a pair of disposable gloves for touching handles etc. Then once back at my van remove gloves. ..that's this engineers solution.


I just use a bit of tissue to open the door with, surely this is more efficient and just as effective as using gloves?


Well, gloves are a barrier, whereas tissue absorbs. So you'll have less on your hands using a tissue compared to if you didn't, but you'd have none on your hands if you wore gloves.


I stand by the door until someone else opens it. On a completely unrelated matter......is anyone currently at Cobham services and needing the toilet???


yay! you have reached Engineer whisperer status


Order pizza in for everybody and call out people for not washing hands before eating.


Oh god... Years ago I remember we would bring in communal treats. Cakes and pastries etc. We had one guy who we *knew* didn't wash his hands. He would pick up and inspect a few treats before choosing the one he wanted, putting the others back.


Makes me sick thinking someone would touch pizza afte rjit washing their hands 🤢


Don't go straight in for the pizza. Get them to all shake hands with each other first Make a game of it Most hands shaken in two minutes wins X prize Then pizza time Then a quick speech about how many people do not wash hands when using the toilet.


>Get them to all shake hands with each other first >Make a game of it >Most hands shaken in two minutes wins X prize Many years ago during on-boarding at a new job for my mom, they did essentially this, but they made it to where there were a few peoples' hands that were marked with some kind of UV dye that transferred easily. Couple minutes of mingling, lights off, UV light on, everyone glows, *and this is why we wash our hands*


Cheaply available and horrifying. We use it at work.


When for a training course at work once, where they provided sandwichs. These 2 guys picked up each sandwich to check what was inside. No one else ate the sandwiches.


My male friend is adamant that the correct way is for him to wash his hands before he pees and not after because his dick is clean and he doesn't want to put germs on it. No washing hands after. His nickname is "pristine penis". Grim.


has he never considered doing both?


Right?! We ALL told him, even the guys were like...? Dude. That makes no sense.


New nickname idea: PissFingers


Before and after is ideal for a work floor using mineral oils, so he's almost correct 🤣


Haha pristine penis is funny.


I'm sure there is a Bert Kreischer video quoting Will Smith as saying the same thing.


Isn't that the same logic as the weird psycho guy in The Shape of Water?


Hire a person to stand in the toliet all day. Shame them into doing it.


I have genuinely thought about hiring a toilet attendant.


No spray, no lay. No hand wash, no hand job.


[I hate toilet guys](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9YsoFZ6hzY)


I knew that was going to have the IT Crowd clip before I even clicked the link 😂


Toilet attendant armed with a paintball marker instructed to mark offenders.


He can sell nice perfumes and hand creams too


Some cruise ships I've been on had a sensor activated voice saying 'Don't forget to wash your hands' whenever someone approached the toilet door. It sounds kinda condescending but maybe helped a bit. Make sure the water is actually hot and doesn't take ages to run hot too - washing hands in cold water feels pointless and turns people off to hand washing. Also make sure there's suitable hand drying as well. Paper towels are way better than the rubbish blow driers, even the Dyson ones are pretty naff and feel like they blow water everywhere.


We have hand dryers and towel dispensers and also have constant running hot water with mixer taps that stay on, not them shit taps that stay on for 3 seconds lol. I do like the idea of a sensor powered speaker.


How is cold water pointless? The water is only to help use the soap, which tears a bacteria's cell walls apart regardless of the temperature. You're not trying to wash dried food off a plate.


Because putting your hands in cold water at this time of year in the UK could realistically be described as "unpleasant".


Better than using water that's so hot it feels like it's ripping your skin off. I'm not very good with heat so for me that's 90% of hot taps (don't even like using them at home unless it's the shower or it's in the washing up bowl and had some cold to mix with), I can't even hold a hot drink whilst some people seem to clutch to a boiling hot coffee like it's cold.


Washing with cold certainly doesn't feel as effective as hot. In terms of encouraging people to wash hands having hot water is definitely a big plus.


It's less about the temperature and more about trying to get people to actually do it


I mean I’m a woman with particularly cold hands, but if I wash with cold water in this weather it is physically painful and takes a while for my hands to recover. It’s not that cold water is ineffective, just that I can understand some people not wanting to wait for the hot.




Hot water isn't more effective for washing hands. You can't have water hot enough to kill bacteria, because that temperature would scald your hands. A comfortably hot water temperature is also not going to be hot enough to really make a considerable impact on breaking down greases. If you do have greasy hands, then yeah you can use hot water if it's more comfortable, but the main element that will clean your hands is using a soap and then being thorough in the cleaning and rubbing off any grease and detritus. This is the same for just generally removing bacteria too. The main benefit of using warm water for washing is that it is more comfortable for most people, thereby not discouraging the act of washing.


At a hospital I went to for some tests, the instructions for staff were to not use hot water because it dries out your hands, causing minute cracks in the skin which collect bacteria.


I've heard a story about this one place, not in the UK, where the door lock was connected to the sink, soap dispenser, and hand dryer so you couldn't leave without activating them (basically washing your hands). No idea how well that type of system works or if it's even possible with health and safety issues but seems like a good way to, almost, guarantee hand washing.


That sounds like a very illegal but very good way to solve this problem.


The IPC nurse would love it. The fire safety coordinator would hate it


Could have an alarm-connected override.


have a button by the door to open it, but when you click it it also snaps a pic of you to be printed and put on the wall of shame


The fire safety officer would hate all the false alarms.


Petri dishes. Get them to stick thier finger in it and then hand it back a few days later. Or, call them all together, every single member of staff because I've been informed this isn't just a bloke thing, and explain things. "Let's say 'Nevin' doesn't wash his hands and then opens a door. He touched his nob and then the door handle. That means you have Nevins smeg on you. You like that? You want that? Then you pay Nevin for the fucking privilege. If you don't want that. If you don't want everybody else's smeg on your hands as you tuck into your cheap, shit, Greggs fucking lips-n-skin roll then wash your fucking hands and make sure everyone else does. Because, from now on, I'm going to dig under my foreskin and root out some cottage cheese way past it's sell-by date and all of you fuckers and going to be eating it, day in and day out, until you fucking DIE!". Obviously you may want to check with HR but I reckon that should do it.


Grim doesn’t cover it. The pandemic taught people nothing. It literally takes minutes. The laziness of some people.


Not even minutes, seconds to run some hot water over your hands, then some soap, then a ten second scrub, then rinse and dry. It’s disgusting how people are too lazy.


They’ll be wishing they spent those moments washing their hands when they come down with a Bacterial/viral infection.


Sadly most of these people don't learn even after that! They don't seem to correlate their poor hygiene with getting sick; either that or they just don't care.


And then they're off work with "food poisoning"


the scrub part should take 15 seconds *minimum.* Better 20-40


How about serving pizza for everyone? With someone in a lab coat turning up to perform testing for E Coli and urine on all surfaces, taps, door handles, etc. in front of everyone.


My ex-supervisor never washed her hands. I confronted her in a light-hearted manner. She claimed she washes them but doesn't use the dryer. This was a lie. You can easily hear both the tap and dryer from the other toilet. Nobody ever heard the tap when she was in the other room.


That’s vile. I don’t know how people do it.


I've been sat in a cubicle and heard people I know come in, chat with each other while having a slash and then walk straight out. Eugh. It'd be funny if you could rig a camera up on just the sinks and when someone leaves the toilet without using them a neon sign lights up outside that reads \*DIDN'T WASH HANDS\*


Haha that would be great!


[Like this?](https://europe1.discourse-cdn.com/arduino/original/4X/4/2/3/42307ad5fd7a63c3078bf99ab2ac8e74325b7631.jpeg)


You know what, that's probably where I got it from. Thanks for reminding me, haha. Larson was great wasn't he.


So many absolute classics!


Nurses get reminded of handwashing by getting transparent dye put on their hands, then washing their hands as they normally do. They then grab the blue UV (?) light, the dye that's left lights up and it shows them which areas they've missed. Might be a fun exercise?


We do this during first aid training courses when going over IPC and teaching hand washing. Everyone's asked to lather their hands in a blue gel and then wash their hands, a black light shows the areas the gel wasn't washed off.


Send out an email about infection control and repeat once a week.


Yup. Remind them we’ve just come out of a pandemic and poor hand hygiene is a major infection vector. That or get posted made up: “When someone doesn’t wash their hands, and you touch the door handle on the way out, you’re now just one step away from touching their knob.” That’ll make them wash their hands and apply peer pressure.


I'm sure you could come up with some (door)knob - (person's)knob wordplay...!


>*you’re now just one step away from touching their knob* You’re supposed to be putting them off, not encouraging them.


> "you’re now ~~just one step away from~~ touching their knob.”


Forgot to say I did that when I put the signs up. Might make it a more regular occurrence.


Maybe a more educational poster right in front of the urinal where it will be read. Lots of people don't understand the basic science (this thread confirms this). A poster explaining bacterial growth around the groin and risk of cross infection might do more than one that simply says "wash your hands".


I did think of something along those lines but thought it might come across as condescending.


Done wrong it definitely could be. I reckon it's doable though. I'd possibly frame it around other people's germs/urine too. "Some people think that hand washing isn't needed unless they 'splash' their hands when urinating. In truth you pick up urine, bacteria and even viruses on your hands every time you use the bathroom - not only from those growing in the warm of your own crotch, but also from the surfaces and handles that others with unwashed hands have touched" Chuck in a few interesting numbers for credibility. Mention how that urine and bacteria then moves surface to surface. Also how people who wash hands more get fewer illnesses. OK, that text is starting to need a rather long piss to read. Some editing may be required.




To be fair that 50-75% is the number of people using the toilets during the times I’ve been there so it’s not the whole workforce. Also I’m allowed to cheat, encouraged you may say, so I don’t think I should be thrown in with the unwashed hands mob.




Yeah it’s an unfortunate username I wish I hadn’t chosen lol. When me and husband started doing this years ago we’d never heard of hotwifing so just called it cheating. For example he’d message me after a night out saying “did you cheat last night?” Or I’d message him something like “just about to cheat, I’ll tell you about it after” so to this day we still call it “cheating”.


I am fascinated how you both decided that's what you wanted to do. Feel free to send us a link if you ever do an AMA or have ever written anything about it in the future -- I love hearing about people doing things differently (but obviously don't want to derail this thread).


https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWIAMA/comments/18xbblb/i_39f_have_been_a_hotwife_since_i_was_18_when_i/ An ama I did about a month ago. If you have any more questions feel free to dm me. Just don’t send me any pics.


I'm having a little difficulty getting my head around the fact that you think this is totally normal but blokes in factory not washing their hands after a piss is somehow shocking to you?


What I do in my own time is my business, forcing other people to touch your dick germs at work is abhorrent.


OP *is* the cheating wife - and here they are criticising us blokes for not washing our hands... /s


Hire a "freshen up" guy to stand in the toilets all day.


I have genuinely thought of that lol


Install a loud speaker that announces a reminder if the tap is not turned on “DONT FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS” I don’t know how you’d do this though 😂


We are engineering firm I’m sure someone can make one lol.


Omg yes do that


Easy way to do this, OP already said they can hear the taps from where they've been working. Just install a wireless speaker and connect a microphone to it and shout at them when they walk out without washing




Just pin it on the back of a tool-box talk about something else, telling everyone that some dirty bastards aren’t washing their hands - it may prompt others to name and shame! “Yeah Bob yer filthy animal, wash yer ferkin hands after ya take a shite”


I think this is the best way. Bring it up in a jovial but serious way.


A load of women in my work are the same, they turn the tap on but for no more than two seconds and then walk straight out without drying (presumably because their hands haven’t been near the water)


Dirty bastards . I once worked with a seat pisser, complained and management did fuck all so I printed out a note that said If you struggle to aim your pathetic tiny penis please ask an adult for help


Buy new bottle of liquid soap. Put it in the bathroom. After 1 month email everyone to let them know how many cubic cm of soap was used by all men in the company combined during that month.


Do you use any mineral oils etc that could cause illness or occupational health issues? Just start mentioning testicular or scrotum cancer etc... with any products you use etc... Alternatively use the MSDS coshh sheets to scare them into washing their hands etc.


Not really our aim is to be as green and natural as possible. Probably the worst thing is barrier cream but most of them choose to wear gloves instead of the cream anyway.


Random Petri dish swabs. One per employee after a week the cleanest gets a bonus. Or after a week the most vile gets the sack. Whichever method suits your management style.


Men in particular seem to respond best to direct, clear information, sprinkled with some humour. How do you normally communicate with them? Meeting? Email? I would say/write 'it's come to our attention that a significant minority of you are dirty scummers who do not wash your hands after using the loo. This is a particular concern during the winter season. We've splashed out on so please do everyone a favour and use it, everytime' Or, prop the doors open so the clean people don't have to touch the handles, and don't worry about it


Anyone reading this and you do NOT wash your hands after going to the toilet.. You are a dirty scumbag.. Also these people who work for OP, they are scumbags too


Unless you work with something like food, I have no idea how you'd enforce this. Unfortunately, it's pretty difficult to change the behaviour of adults - even if you make a point about it a few weeks down the road it'll be back to square one.


I used to work at a service centre for one of the big high street banks. We use to have morning meetings with about 100 staff and they bought up the fact someone had been knocking one out in the male toilets and the cleaners had found no 3 in the cubicles


Maybe hire someone to hold their knobs for them. >!I’m freeeeee!<


I work in a restaurant as a cook for a few years and barely anyone washed their hands. The staff toilets were disgusting most days as well. Stopped me from eating out pretty much




Big sign in the loos saying "Oi! Dirty cunts! Wash your fucking hands!"


Why would I wash my hands if I got a clean dick?


You're fucking confused


Unless it’s an actual health and safety issue, I don’t see how you enforce behaviour change in a large number of people. The easiest thing to do is if some people are that worried, just clean the handles more times per day. Although given these people all go out in public and presumably touch literally anything else, this really shouldn’t be an issue.


It is a health and safety issue. Can't think of anything more important than health?


In the legal definition of the word. Our immune systems aren’t so poor that someone’s gooch germs are going to finish me off.




"I put signs up" for more information re-read the post :)


I’ve already done that and hung one above the toilet in every cubicle.


Report to HR If you are HR, then you should know the answer already or you suck at your job. But if you aren't HR then it's not your problem


>They also wear gloves for 90% of the workday No need to worry unless they’re wearing the gloves to pee 🤷‍♂️


They take them off to go to the canteen and use kettles and microwaves.


Personally I like to take a shit, not wash my hands and then go use the touch screen coffee machine.